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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 19, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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the, the, you're watching the news live from the land to 10 killed my husband, alexis, of all these widow cools out the russian president in an emotional video, usually and of all my us vows to carry on the kremlin critics flight and says rational source, he's a hiding his body to cover up his not a in prison. also coming up, israel williams come off and must return hostages held in gaza by the sauce of ramadan and 3 weeks for face of ground defensive in the southern city of roughly the
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man you can just make it in. welcome to the program. usually a novel, my a, the window of russian or physician leader, alexei nevada only has a fuse, let them in person of killing her husband and his bout to continue his work in a video posted on social media platform x, she called on support has to resist person and fight for free russia. it's been 3 days since russian authorities announcement of all these deaths, so far they've prevented his family and allies from seeing his body. and it gets a video eulley and about, and i said she didn't want to make calling out the russian president vladimir putin for murdering her husband. why does that in the days since alexis, of all these death, if his wife has made it clear, she won't be intimidated into silence. he'll find me all kinds of needs 3. now that's like the mid 3 days ago flooding their quotes and killed my husband, alexi,
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nevada, and they put him, killed the father of my children's voice and took away the dearest fina had the closest and most beloved. this russian authorities have so far, refused to hand over and of all these body to his family. his mother went to the investigative office near the prison where her son died to get his body and left empty handed, a kremlin spokesperson condemned. and of all my statements, instead, the death was being investigated according to law, and of all naya calls it a cover up for a 2nd poisoning of her husband. after an attempt to kill him with the nerve agent, no big chuck failed in 2021 late in the mean uncovered list question then now hiding his body not showing it to his mother, given it to her and pathetically line and waiting for the traces of most which in snow be choked to disappear, which is called me at moscow as well. of grief. mourners have left bouquets and messages for lexi novel in the, in the snow. the side come memories,
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victims of soviet repression in an environment where it's dangerous to show public grief or an of only. it's the closest thing to an official memorial for the opposition leader. according to an invalid, he spoke to us and russian investigators said they want to keep his body for at least 2 weeks. we off the bio chemist and talks ecologist altima, michael bloom, who is an expert on the know the control can of agent. how long the substance is traceable in human tissue. a definitely for more than 2 weeks. um, there are the creation products and products of these nerve agents not only know of each other, but nerve agents in general that bind to proteins in the body that you can detect off the weeks if not months. so just a couple of days won't make a big difference here. and i found these widow you during the fall and i a travel to brussels on monday to meet with the policy chief and for and ministers. the top
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. com is the you consider the possible sanctions against russia. in the wake of all my ex husband's death they use for an policy. chief, joseph burrell said it was like told the whatever action is taken, both orders like st of only and continues his work. earl said that in about the rel set, the end of all these widow was invited to the you may say not just a personal, but also for political reasons in order to give a face to the russian or position. or also blamed. just let them influence regimes in developing these treatment in prison. and for his subsequent death, we have to send a message for the russian or physician and to pay our number from the valley. i know that the honda is memory with football is the ministers to rename our human rights sanctions regime with whose name i'll call it the novel only human rights sanctions regime in order for his name to be forever written on the work of
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the union in defending human rights. i of the domains brussels buried chief, alexandra phone nomine was i'm what you, sanctions on i likely to be coming rushes way as well. that is certainly what's the european union is aiming for. we heard from you also for l d. u foreign policy chief, we also heard from a number of foreign ministers, all of them stressing that it is important to hold, to account into account those responsible for alexi, nevada, and the staff. and the also have for l. during his press conference, use a very strong language saying that's novel and he was slowly murdered in the russian jail by proteins machine. so they are planning sanctions against the russian leadership and also about the thirty's. presumably there's a thirty's at the prison where and the volunteer was held in custody. however,
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this process will take that time. and of course, the 1st ones to wait where the, the will be an investigation to you is calling for an in to national investigation and who was sanction then sanctions. then they need to have solid evidence that those on the sanctions least are really responsible for not all of these data. so it will take a while a today, however, the you foreign ministers agreed as we just heard from you as a for l. that they are ready to rename an already existing sanctions regime for human rights abuses. and they wants to do it to on or alexi, nevada, and me, and what message did usually and about, and i as a present. so those nice things in brussels today send i think it was quite
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remarkable that she told the you foreign ministers that russia is not putting and put in is not russia. so she not only cold when the you to get tougher on the kremlin and to impose more sanctions. she also made clear that the european union has to support to increase their support for the position in russia for the civil society in russia. we saw that people who were taking to the streets to honor alex, seen a volunteer that they were detained. we know that a number of opposition, segers, people who work very closely with natal need together are still in custody. so i think that was her message to the u. foreign ministers here in brussels. toby's brussels buried chief alexandra phone, nama and alexander. thank you so much of the european commission president was left on the line has announced that she will run for
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a 2nd time since she took on the job of heading the most powerful institution in brussels in 2019. she has led the block through black fits the cobit 19 pandemic, and rushes invasion of the train. the german conservative is widely expected to win the backing of most you countries. she launched her bed a short while ago hearing button, stomachs to hard run with what happened. it was back then as to whether i could imagine for coming president of the european commission. i immediately said, yes, intuitively. i said today, 5 years later, i'm making a very conscious and consider a decision, like i would like to it on for the 2nd next to me. so i'm to try to, i'm sites about let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines today. and the european union has approved a naval mission in the red sea to protect commercial fits from attacks by humans whose the militants, the attacks of full, some major shipping companies to avoid the area in favor of longer and costly of routes. 5
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u member states have confirmed that they will take part in the mission. the german city of hon. oh has come memory. said 9 people, none of that and a racist attacked 4 years ago. deputies and terry administer attended the memorial and said it was more important than ever to come back for right extremism. at least 8 people were wounded on monday. when is randy will planes carried out as strikes near the town of g, a and 711 on israel says it was target thing has the width and depth hose in the area. now israel has such a deadline for its loan, planned defensive against the city of rough and south cause a the retired army general bunny guns, a member of the countries will. cabinet says it's really troops will launch the result sold next month is how much doesn't free the remaining hostages by run the done. meanwhile, the us has proposed the un security council resolution backend, a temporary cease for it, and gaza air strikes to cross gaza,
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as israel pursues what it's prime minister is called total victory homes, schools and hospitals destroyed. as the death toll keeps climbing. the money in there all civilians. there are no military personnel or anything. we send a message to the world, the message to the is really government and have mass government and gaza is please stop the war enough war victory. a how to israel's ground defensive has extended to reeds on multiple hospitals, aggravating. you already dire humanitarian situation. a doctor and officer hospital in the city of con, eunice described the moment he realized and is rarely army read. what's happening? was like gales. is it about the other day? and uh, so i realize that it is it vision of i d f as
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a sausage eating some adults adults be that the are actually yeah. the disorder, the best, the best one of those to be to and the use of it adults, israel claims it's targeting of hospitals is legitimate because homeless allegedly operates within um, its military release. this video set to show weapons found inside cars close to the north or hospital. soon the ground siege could be extending all the way to rafa, the spite international concern over israel's plant and be the last city in garza that hasn't seen major ground fighting. any guns, a member of netanyahu's, 3 member were cabinet set is really troops, but launched or sold next month. if by rama done hostages, a multiple of the fighting with continual, you'll have to include rough us area. the muslim holy month is expected to begin
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around the 10th of march, while guns does not have the final award on what lies ahead. he represents an influential is rarely voice defined calls, including from is real strong as back or the us to spear the city. where more than a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering and have nowhere else to go to domains, rebecca versus is injurious. lehman has more about this new deadline set by israel . the pentagon's made these comments. he is a member of the wall cabinet. as you heard in that report, he made these comments, had a conference of american jewish lead is this was an official government, you know, official government announcement and all was an official is ready military announcement, but that's no reason to believe this is an a timeline, but they work into, they have continued, they have maintained that they are going to continue this fine until the end. and
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that includes, of course, that's something the city of russell where they say i must battalions remain and that they need to go in there in order to be able to dismantle them. and said this offensive would be carried out in coordination with egyptian and american officials . so that civilians could be evacuated from the area. that is something that us a presidential by and has said is an absolute necessity. that if the civilians and all of actuated this would be a catastrophe. and we have seen in recent days, reports suggesting that egypt is building some kind of an area from one to a better would that could house or could at least to enclose some tens of thousands palestinians should they indeed come across the board as though they have maintained the whole way through that they do not want to say a mass exodus of palestinians on the territory. and they think that anything in that would mean a permanent displacement,
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which is something that they are vehemently against. but we have been seeing this kind of area enclosure for one of a better word, as i say that is being built up along the border with garza. so whether that is, of course, what guns is talking about, whether this is in coordination with egypt, we don't know this, they know official word on that. but as i said that they is right is, you know, have been very definite and in saying that they are going to continue this war until the end, including rasa. we have had analysts say that in fact, this could be trying to put pressure on her mouse to come to some kind of sci fi deal. but should that not happen? not? we have no reason to believe that guns has words. in fact, what they planned will be one of the un top court has opened a week of hearings on the legal consequences of israel's occupation of palestinian claimed territories. more than 50 countries are expected to give evidence that the international court of justice in the hague. the hearings requested by the un general assembly. i'll separate from the ongoing genocide case brought by south
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africa. they're all currently $140.00 full settlements in the occupied westbank, including east jerusalem, illegal on the international. in addition, there are more than 100 jewish outposts, not sanctioned by the is riley government. and not in the we have time for like 14 the are you ready to get a little more extreme? these places in europe of smashing over venture just gripped the treasure map for martin glove charges. gather some of your thoughts on your max. you choose the come have a vision.


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