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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  February 20, 2024 3:02am-3:31am CET

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free russia, julia novell naya, was in brussels today where they use for and policy chief says vladimir person will be held to account for the valid needs this i'm on youtube is mckinnon in belen, and this is the day the theme a 3 days ago. blood in there, poor jim killed my husband. i'll explain the body. i'll explain, i'll explain the bone. he was one of the most visible members of the opposition who courageously stood up for freedom. we have to send the message is for, for the russian or physician, the russian authorities and president putin personally there full responsibility for his death. also coming up life in the war tool and keep in ukraine, correspondent visits the city on the front line as the will with russia approaches
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its 2nd anniversary. lena. every time a siren goes off my legs shake because it's scary because you don't know what's going to happen. but then what's the question of safety in the country that is being bombed is a very uncomfortable question. in my opinion, there's no place where you can hide me, i'll go with me so that the ones who are the welcome to the show, usually annabel, naya, the widow of russian opposition. leda alexei, nevada, only has accused of letting it puts in of killing her husband and has vowed to continue his work in a video posted on social media platform x. she cooled on support is to resist pollution and fight for a free russia. it's been 3 days since rational authorities announce nevada and these death. so far they've prevented his family and allies from seeing his body is . is it, it's a video eulley and a volume i said she didn't want to make calling out the russian president vladimir
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putin for murdering her husband. why does that in the days since alexis, of all these death, if his wife has made it clear, she won't be intimidated into silence. he'll find me all kinds of needs 3 young as that's like the mid 3 days ago flooding their quotes and killed my husband, alexi, nevada. and they put him, killed the father of my children to foot and took away the dearest thing i had the closest and most beloved. this russian authorities have so far, refused to hand over and of all these body to his family. his mother went to the investigative office near the prison where her son died to get his body and left empty handed, a kremlin spokesperson condemned and of all night of statements. instead, the death was being investigated according to law, and of all naya calls it a cover up for a 2nd poisoning of her husband. after an attempt to kill him with the nerve agent, nova chuck failed in 2021 late in the mean uncovered left question then now
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hiding his body not showing it to his mother or given it to her and pathetically line and waiting for the traces of most which is now be choked to disappear, which call me at moscow. his wall of grief mourners have left bouquets and messages for lexi and of all in the, in the snow. the sight commemorates victims of soviet repression in an environment where it's dangerous to show public refund of all the. it's the closest thing to an official memorial for the opposition leader. and we can speak next with the former prime minister of russia, mikhail, because yon of was the 1st head of president vladimir putin is government from 2000 to 2004. he left the country just off to the russian invasion of ukraine in 2022. welcome to the w, sir. do you agree with you the and about, and i a, that your former boss? the lot of me, a person is responsible for the death of alexei nevada. ne, a substitute there is no doubt about these uh,
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nobody knew what was the rest of the loan for the flu and was kept in in lamps and tortured sorta 3 years. and though he was killed, he was killed by a we don't know exactly the circumstances of others. definitely definitely do the whole lot. so it is important but is equal or responsible for. ready he's this some off suggesting the russian government is the torturing the felonies relatives by holding onto his remains. do you think this is another kind of power play? yeah, that's the case. so that's the case, but i think that's what it is right now. what didn't notice about just the funeral . they don't know how to arrange these, how it will be arranged by support. so, so what i see in the bottom, in by the family and by the political forces in k, as in any case just this from, there'll be an opposition demonstration, and i'll sort of you so very much afraid about that. that's why they don't know
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what to do, they will keep the body, they can do this for the keep that for 4 months for us to do that. so even more. but i think that's what, that's what this is the case just. they're thinking what to do with these if you the, and the volume is correct, but our husband was ordered, killed is the, do you think any trump this could back flat and spark a much more determined opposition? one potentially that really could lead to pushing down full or i don't think so right now the in the rest of the article c o o fear exist and people, i've freights us kids to go on the streets and then to the most very them, you know, just have some support, a somebody saying that why me, when they knew about the key didn't go him just updates on the see some hundreds of them go above the rest of the bands for, for, for folks certain periods of time. that is,
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that is what point in the range of these units have several previous years. just put them in jail, some activity. so you know, so a position many, many overly is just lift dresser and the majority of people just keeping silence. so they've supplied the insights on posterior. this isn't possible to have another, i would say reading the duration of the upfront, the small ones we didn't see a lot of it was, uh, why don't believe this yourself has been deemed a, a foreign agent in russia since last year doesn't develop these death. make you feel for your own life. the uh, best range, the southern coast jumpstart, which is named me. is it for a visual that is absolutely, absolutely a strange thing. just the, i am looking for an agent from agents or the democratic russia just i presented a different book at augusta as many of us of all of us. so that's 200 people who move this also, which is just named this one. imagine we are fighting for a truce,
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we are fighting for democratic russia, and that's why just be just not acceptable for me. simply, just depends on believes that those critics of users name could be either crazy people or for them, asians. that's what's the situation these in terms of security, of course, my dear friends, the board's themself more. it was keels just on the drum number was 9 years ago. now i see a lot of me killed in the, in the prison, just many other of my friends and active use and might calibrate as i am prison. already a radius samson said, oh, some of them just waiting. can they? some of them on the, again, on the touch of this is asians awful. that's why that's why of course, every normal custom says is a freight the about to you security. and then those customers who are saying some things for 2 people. and jessica biggest size that so richard method,
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this evasion in russia, unfortunately them out. but in any case, we believe that sooner or later, i believe just some, this is the issue, was that changing on the i was a stalled pressure and then total boarding as well because people radius stuff, the jury come see the 2 of them is the points and they see how many thousands of people killed them. they buckled sealed, and they see what's are pressed on, what's going inside the dresser. and then i think that that will not last long. i'm if, if i can ask you about your, what was the exiled pulitzer, shouldn't make me come a sort of coffee and the chest champion, a garry kasparov. you're working to build an international, a position athletic, a person, and the ukraine will. but if person can seemingly kill people like navarro the within puna, see what can you realistically achieve as a, as an opposition we rely on no friends in the,
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in the europe. in the western conference. russia is a democratic come to by constitution, but by the attitudes there is no single feature of democracy in kind of the dresser right now. and the would like to see our country as a bottles of the civilized family. that's why we just, yeah. also a asking just officer ideas and the body to go forces in the european countries to 3 dresser as a democratic country. but the point him as a dictator, that's the, the efforts that is, that is this the, what we were looking for, the support of democratic forces to be looking for support of the brand we fighting for a day. so or any jan to the integrity for the independence and we fighting over the next steps we can for, for our freedom voltage. mr. cause you enough. can i ask you a question? i think many people are asking themselves at the moment. why didn't the vote and the go back to russia off to he was poisoned,
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he recovered here in berlin. surely he knew by going back, but he would be arrested and quite possibly killed. um, it's a sensitive point. sensitive question. me. i personally ask that makes a note to come one months, right, because he is, he is coming back to russia. i. busy to him and ask him not to come back this time . i don't know why he came in in january or at that time about the there used was absolutely a side a low low though, of course. and that was he was the result for years being in prison. but so it is they can see him forever. that's a radio was clear after after his arrest he'd think of this risk. he was very, dustin was a very brave goes on keys was, are real z the off of street browsers are you. these are off browsers and the people following team and the fact that i positions just the last
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a very i would say, very important doesn't very brave, but it, you some, and i'll be with me is suffering colors and weeks express outcomes. all this is to, to, to families, of course, and to all his supporters here. mchale castiano a former russian prime minister of let them in person living in exile since the status of the ukraine will. thank you so much for your time and for speaking to us on d. w. thank you very much. process says it has taken full control of the east and that ukrainian town of, of these cut off the ukraine, pulled its troops out on saturday. now this footage from russian state media shows russian soldiers occupying the now ruined for my industrial hub in the building bath region. moscow is claim that ukraine's retreat was so rushed and 40 planned that some ukrainian forces were left behind. you cranes,
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military has acknowledged casualties during the withdrawal. the says, the situation is stable. taking of the sca is most goes biggest when on the bustle field, since the capture of the city of buff moot last may little tree unless frank language told us earlier that the perception that russia is on its way to winning the war on ukraine, on the brink of collapse is overblown. so it's a certainly a defeat, but i would say a couple of things. first of all, but this was the question. certainly on the last 6 months of when ne, ukrainians way to precarious position the other in what's called the silent or capital. but, i mean, there's no bright side particularly to this, but what couple of observations on what feel the russians the say. first of all, there's no question here. good type of gauge, big and circled, captured in to your credit is statement is to withdraw from that savings and see to be conducted quite a effective defense west of it. but there's no equally,
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no doubt that strategically this comes at a very bad time. obviously the decisions to be made in the us called aggressive you crate the message passing me crazy. one would come up with a big one is continuing success. this isn't like i say, this is what no save time because unfortunately, but the credit associated to go to reasonably by the count excited as a basic reasonably good order. if you look at it on the map, it's about 20 kilometers from the center of door. rather than at $630.00, and it was the last place from which you craig, for the last decade or so, was able to shallow mendez, dennis, dennis city, which is a huge balance to move the russians. so to that extent it's, it's significant other by the, the argument made by somebody is clearly not the case. i think that this is somehow the key to don't boss. so even though net scope lost, it's not, it's not about it, especially significant strategic places. it's significant, slight savings spotwood in the fact that was being held,
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that it was something of an embarrassment. so i think everyone can send it to move, not to about it. one of the ukrainian president below them is a lensky, has visited troops at the north eastern sex of the front line video, released by the ukranian president's office as such assurance. lensky at a come on center near the city of co pay on the on school was originally captured by russia, then liberated by ukraine. and it's a 2020 to counter offensive. the city like of these has been the focus of increased russian attacks since last or some they to this week, it will be 2 years since russia's full scale invasion of ukraine began. exactly how many civilians have been killed is unknown, but it is for to be in the 10s of thousands. early on in the war and march 2022, russian f for bombed assess a during the siege and the port city of mario bull. ukraine says $300.00 people,
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including many children, were killed. the russia claimed, let's say it's a, was blown up by the ukranian as of regiment, without providing evidence. so that claim the following month old and 60 people were killed in the eastern city of criminal tools. when mister lyles struck a railway station, when it became known that civilians had been killed and injured, rational sar sees again put the blame on ukraine. these 2 incidents with just the beginning. dw smacks on the reports now from hockey. do you remember this? it went viral after a russian attack on a residential area and hard case, the survivors, the steering, and what remained of their home. the russians said they had hit a chemical weapons factory. they said a couple of were paid actors on this stuff here off try to in go and her daughter, marina say that's ridiculous. the tell us they left their apartment minutes before the impact. it's on stuff. on the video with her husband follow the man she didn't
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want to join us for the interview. it's what i'll call the some of that when i said is video. now, of course it's not a plan video. it's about supporting each other. because when we realized everything we had was lying there on file, it's actually a very sad moment. but let's hope we can achieve victory before the russians could make more missiles and destroy our homes and lives. their apartment was on the side of the building that was directly hit. all that's left is the core to 10 of their neighbors died including an 8 year old girl. unless of course the civil apartment is got it here here and here it was the top one and the fest to be hit. many things were thrown out. it's causing the saddle love, every time a siren goes off my legs shake because it's scary because you don't know what's
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going to happen. what's going on with the question of safety in the country that is being boned is a very uncomfortable question. in my opinion, there is no place where you can hide me. i'll go with me. said that the worst, columbus across town. another sight of recent rushing destruction, the hockey's palace hotel managed to keep running through most of the war. it was at hub for foreign journalists. we've often stayed here ourselves. director all hostile ankle takes us inside a missile hit on the day before new year's eve in looking at the damage. it's difficult to believe no one died here, not even the person working out the gym to the total of 12 years. we've been in hockey's and it's been a place for all significant celebrations, children's birthdays, weddings, business meetings. and we go used to the fact that there was always a lot of peaceful people here who considered this place to be
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a landmark for social events and for goods peaceful intentions, soc on that would be the wellness needed 15 guests were staying at the hotel at the time people wanting to celebrate the new year and still many of the new kind of guests. so well, there's a list that would journalists from all over the well i sure most. i think we had become a hub for those people who needed to show you the whole well, what was happening within someone city? for sure. sure. the, the variety of the russians claim the hotel was used as a hall by military personnel, but never provided proof. we never saw soldiers here during our stays. you all know most of what you i can't explain their actions. i think it's absurd, absurd, destroying, civilian buildings, civilian facilities, hospitals. i believe that this is unacceptable. i condemn it.
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shows us a video from the beginning of the war, international journalist here in the lobby and the local pianist waiting to invite this musician to visit us again. he's become a close friend of ours. that will definitely be music here again. and people and life. good will try and sort of the evil the plan is to repair the hotel and reopened as soon as possible. many wars begin and are justified with lies. the right as an attack on ukraine is no difference. marina and stuff you over that chain goes home, never existed according to the russian narrative. it says, none of this is real. i wore it only twice. the women, no better than that, but all that is left. now, our memories,
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the un is wanting of widespread famine in garza with one and 4 people facing salvation. a suit delivery struggle to get through the majority of a trucks cross through rough uh on egypt sported with gaza, that heavy bombardment is hampering assets following us prussia, israel open the form of goods crossing param, fillum, as well as an inspection station. and it's on a both of being blocked by is ready. the protests. the w is rebecca versus reports . now from the port city of i filled this port should be processing much needed food donations for garza. but it's not. these riley government isn't a baffle. we've only run the agency task with distributing the aid and it's blocked its passage. shipping containers of rice flour chick pays and even cooking oil
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enough to fade more than a 1000000 people for about a month. a stock here in the fort city of ash dollars less than 70 kilometers from rough us. and the people who so desperately made it talk about these people and making it even to a to get through the group is riley protest is a rep and it's on a border crossing with egypt trying to fill up the trunk that brought him for his writing inspection the french's rainy rachel tree, too, was among one of the 1st to take action to help form a group coats of 9 and says it support is growing. we started, uh months ago, we were 40 for 50 people, protesting. now we are the on the, on our greatest day, we were 400 and it's been only 5 weeks. they site is riley media room that suggest the majority of the aides that makes it into gaza. is divided by him. us as the reason they move again, we are basically blocking the manager at
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a what i called in humanitarian aid. that goes into guidelines sold into the hands of comma, the convoys enclosed foot, but it also includes fuel. the fuel is what is the very problem i did for as well. we're fighting come us. and on the 2nd hand, we are giving him the fuel to continue to fight us 20 minutes. the turn of the sail? yeah, ration system and the end date is 3. 60 in a statement to d, w owner says there is no evidence of systemic the version of aden garza why i'm off for any of the groups. so i have 9 claims to represent a cross section of his riley society that most people at this protest, 4 distinct clothing of fall, riots and religious activists. those surveys suggest blocking a is a majority opinion with international pressure on the government to allow aid in these protests. they doing what the government cons,
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everybody here's here and these relatives mornings or losses that we've had to enjoy in gaza. and on the 2nd hand, our government is giving international, getting in to international pressure and is giving out the, the, your many turn a, the, to our enemy. these other attempts have proved successful, not in completely preventing a transfer, but certainly hampering it's floating somewhere between one and 200 trucks full of 8 as opposed to come through to get processed by these radio. socrates before heading back up to rafa and crossing into gauze. but we haven't seen any the process today non have come through the protests to say, but then i'm is a small, that's because of them that the crossing has been closed. a good day for the protest is who signed down key pump the civil disobedience for as long as it takes while they protest the situation for civilians in gaza. it's more desperate by the day
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now to australia is remote christmas island, where a unique natural phenomenon has been disrupted the annual read crowd migration every year. millions of crabs cross the island to reach the mason grounds. but for the 1st time on record that johnny is coming 2 months late. experts say it's because of climate change. typical crab migration from days gone by over 100000000 red cross stations, crawling across the roads and forest toward the indian ocean. to meet and lay the rigs. these animals are unique to christmas island, which is mostly a national park, and they enjoy protected status. here. in the past, the roads would have been covered in cloud creatures. but now the streets and beaches are almost empty. the annual truck has gotten no storage light start. experts say climate change is to blame. christmas island received only half as much
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rainfall as usual over the past year. the dry conditions keep the crabs from leaving their burrows and fulfilling their pilgrimage. the whole stock that we had in december, they got going with a couple of millimeters and they the ones that started in march. right. and december, quickly realized that they've made a mistake and 10 pack a wild life experts and residence on christmas island take precautions to coexist with their crabby neighbors. but even a hard shell and sharp claws can protect them against the dangers of global climate change. and that's the show for today from the entire team on the day. thanks so much for spending parts of your day. with the
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future we decided here the india was to take on can they succeed? the we took out was the indian comic who w. they are abducted for lou with promises of vacation,
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ukrainian children, but they find no safety in russia. the rest of vacation, the children are forced to live with new families under moscow's watchful lines, stolen by rushing snow. so in 60 minutes on dw, the, enjoying the views and come to take a look at this, out to the highlights every week. email inbox, subscribe. now this shadows, these pod costs and videos shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools,
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farms and destroy lives. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history? we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the on the table when you're driving a film car, it's like a little vacation from daily life. you feel special? the media is getting my files and then where is the ultimate market growing as fast as in the world's most populous country? will the industry future be determined here?
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it goes looking very attractive as a comma. see just the numbers go.


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