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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 20, 2024 11:00am-11:30am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to line from bullet julia to sanchez, last ditch effort to avoid the extra addition to the us. the wiki leaks founder takes his appeal case to a u. k. cord is warranted on spying charges in the us. but his supporters claim he won't survive jail, it's expedite. also coming up, the family of alex, in about the par, reportedly told his body will not be released for 2 weeks. as they accuse russian authorities a cover up. that's who i deem important for me. we have a whole alixia now lights in the video message, the body's widow claims the russian president killed her husband. she says she'll
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continue his fight against the kremlin. life is slowly returning to and is rarely said he left deserted in the wake of the october 7th. how much tax the hello i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. after more than a decade, finding authorities in the british courts wiki leaks founder julian hassan. just now facing what could be his last chance to stop is extradition to the united states, a crowd of assad supporters has gathered outside london's high court calling for him to be released. his lawyers will last judges there today to grant a new appeal hearing. if that fails, such as backers worry, he could be put on the plane to the us straight away. or prosecutors want to put him on trial and spying charges. the son,
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his wife says he would not survive be extradited a days before the u. k. cool. it's considered whether to expedite julian, a songs to the us, his wife issue to heartfelt please. his release, his health is in decline mentally and physically. his life is a risk every single day he stays in prison. and if he is extradited, he will die. but it's not just about him being expedited. should julian should never have been put in prison in the 1st place. the 2 day hearing may be a song, his final chance to prevent expeditions to the us where he faces a prison sentence of up to a 175. he is a saw on just been a wanted man since 2010 of these which were blowing for him, which he likes published classified us on the materials supplied by intelligence, analyst delete, consign documents and video footage from the was enough dentist on a new rac summit associated with shocking,
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seemingly implicating us troops impossible war crimes. i believe that if those 2 things will fall under the rules of engagement when the rules of engagement are wrong, deeply wrong. for your card, many applauded as oranges, fearlessness in shedding lights on the murky side of armed conflict. he was showered with the woods and voted readers' choice for time person of even 2010. but so many others, the leaks with nothing short of treason and a song is a dangerous enemy of the states. in november, 20 times swedish authorities issued interest florence for saunders off the 2 women accused him of sexual assault. and right, he lost the legal battle to fight extradition to sweden. bottom file, a song short refuge in london's ecuadorian embassy. the embassy would become his home for the next 7 years. the spots in 2019,
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the ecuadorian embassy had had enough of it's controversial logia police were invited in and the rest of the songs. now he's facing exposition to the us. something he supports us feel is an attack on free speech itself. the space has alarming implications for journalism and trust, freedom around the world, not least of all as he would be. the 1st publisher tried under the us espionage act which lots of public interest defense. we would add some reporters without borders that there should be a political solution, but that it must involve no further time in prison. for julian, in any country should have shown she's appeal be thrown out by the courts. he's mixed and possibly final hope to avoid exposition may rest with the european court human rights to our correspond. that big mass is standing by force of london's high court. she explain what's likely to happen in massages hearing today. and this is quite a crowd to lots of dirtiness onto the court. so pauses the head journalist,
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organizations, human rights organizations, members of parliament. and what they're saying is that during the saw and is a journalist, and that's who should be free, he should not be in prison. this is another step. and the legal processor, toyota sounds already, was sentenced to be ex expedited to the u. k. and the okay, home secretary had already agreed to that and that said that you should actually go and search trial in the us. now she's appealing again to to this that it. and this is basically the quote deciding whether this appeal will be grande's or not. um his support hearing that if it's not crowns or that actually he could go onto a plane and go to the us right away. what sort of arguments were you expecting to be to, to be heard there today? is there anything new being presented or that we would have to
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say and we will be inside the court and will be hearing the arguments we expecting jordan and assign his case to be presented today. and then the side of the us tomorrow. and the, the supporters of julian are, so i'm hoping that the codes will accept the argument that basically you will not phase the facts royal in the us. that's he is a physically and mentally addressed as saying that he's not fit to sense wrong in the us. whose wives your pride and she actually says that he will die in prison. he uh, she was talking to, to the press a few days ago. and she said he had a mini stroke. that's also a psychiatrist who is stated that he's not mentally fit to to go to us and sand stria is asked. the home secretary has that said she, that she would basically be leaves with the usaa saying that you will get the fed trials through the court will be hearing arguments from both sides today and tomorrow. will julian, the son show himself appear in court today?
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big we expect them to uh, to report via video links. so that's something that his supporters have always also, that you should also be in try in court and that you should represent just more immediately at his side. but we're expecting this not to have them figured. thank you very much. that was dw, is big of miles outside london's high court. well, much and, and this is a special un, uh, is un, former special rubber tour on arbitrary detention. he believes it will be difficult for us so as to get a fair trial if he is extradited to the united states. he is supposed to have published information brought about u. s. a matters which then are subject to
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confidentiality rules in the secrecy rules in the united states. and they are not wanting him back at all. all of this happened the girls and they want him to the us to face tries to that. this is against the fundamental principles of a press. freedom died there that you could punish somebody for what they have done about it. just think about me sitting here. if i go to the information about some job and political issues, so or military issues, which i thought should be published, harry know, not published. it you can use and walk me back. it will vote me to join me. there is to face trial under the espionage legislation. so 1st world war legislation against the espionage which is basically that to, to, to, to come make governance and united states off the do not the states joining the
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test role. well, i mean, it is just after this will get so highly politicized. there's no doubt that any country would have great problems in giving a fair trial on the such probations instruction situation. of course, the united states should never have started this kind of investigation and they should never have given him any courses. if to this it disagree your price, which has ended up in college and, and they should never have done box and they should because neck and have all hobby of extra dices. so just one more question the, the us says the design is leak classified information. as you point out on a huge scale, they say that endangered personnel and compromised national security, these are serious concerns. why should a son not be held accountable for that? there is no bond instance documented that he has the endangered
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people's individuals secure to and well, the country can claim bought. but if you do this in all the country that all the country, the u. k, the german, if a lot mazda would regard this as a political offense, they would not extradite somebody. and to the us in a situation like this is space colored general principles of law. now, when the united nations already has said that this constitutes an opportunity detention of that, it is unlawful also to expedite it due to freedom of expression. well then, and i think that makes the matter very clear. as a matter of going to not look, i'm should make it clear as a matter of o u. k or english law, and filled out my to as a, as a, as a question or us little. that was months under the say,
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former you in special repertoire on arbitrary detention speaking to me a little earlier. let's catch up on a few other stories making headlines around the world. today. the un security council is set to vote on the new resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza. the draft was put forth, filed jerry, a. it is likely to be voted vetoed by the us as to previous resolutions were for not condemning how mazda is october 7th, terrorist attack german defense minister force historians has had a set of plans permission to come back with the rebels and the red sea shows the west's commitment to protect international security and freedom of navigation. stories made the comments while visiting the frigate tessin, which is on route to the area. the worship will sail to the region once the bonus tag approves the mission. later this week, a visiting the front line, ukraine's president below the music lensky has the situation there is very
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difficult due to a shortage of weapons. he erst western allies to step up deliveries and create in troops were forced to withdraw from the strategic eastern town of delano due to a lack of artillery shells and ground stuff. it's german airlines of times that have gone on strike at major airports across germany. the 27 hour long warning strike is the 2nd this month. increasing the pressure on wage talks due to continue on wednesday. over a $100000.00 passengers are estimated to be effected by the industrial action. the family of russian opposition figured i'd like say nobody has reportedly been told his body will not be released for 2 weeks according to a representative for and of all of his relatives. his mother has been informed that his remains are being held for chemical analysis. the wife of the fierce kremlin critic accuses the russian president of killing her husband in meetings with you.
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officials eulley a nevada night. i called for a more support to be given to those in russia who oppose vladimir putin. so she arrived in brussels with a clear message tooth and it's not flushed and flushed. i. it's not the truth. and usually in the volume i told the you for an ministers calling for tougher measures against the kremlin, but also for more support for the country. civil society, she did not address the media off towards, but a how to of her visits. she published a video message on social media. yeah. will do. and all right. i will continue. i'll exceed the volume is cost to fight for our country with you. and i call on you to stand beside me to share in not only the grief and the endless pain that envelops us and does not let go. i ask you to share with me the rage, the few read, the anger, the hatred for those who dare to kill our future feel the plus meal will meet national move to shift. the kremlin has denied any involvement in the volume. the
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staff at the piano color on the north of the arctic circle. but for the you, there is no doubt the putting switch team is responsible and that it's imperative to hold the russian leadership and the authorities to account and display these assaults once this team in light of the sanction system, the dash. so i'll explain a volume you will, of course, not only continue to concern us, but we will also include use further sanctions accordingly the every time and a position member use killed in, in russia. europe had the sanction packages. now, i mean it's, it's the very least that we did, we could do and then demand of, you know, the release of his body and a prep, a proper burial. the youth has already imposed heavy sanctions on most co, including, including over the war and ukraine. officials concede it's may be difficult to take further action the you top diploma to you as a full well has also suggested a symbolic gesture to own of all nice memory. i have proposed to the ministers to
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rename our global human rights, the sanctions regime, with whose name and now it will be called in nevada, near regime, on global human rights change. experts such as policy analysts, maria more to suit say the you should do more to back putting opponents. they encourage through them. and those voices in russia who us kids, but who perhaps 25 percent of our freshman population, who would actually identify with what? no only has been doing as a political academic, but have no way of being had union of all know your has votes to continue her husband's work. and she's counting on the ease to support her voice and support for the former kremlin critic and in russia is proving to be hazardous. in the day since the bodily staff, more than 400 people have been arrested in 30 cities for paying their final
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respects to him by laying flowers or candles. many been fined or jailed for several days. moon is continued to place, flowers and pictures of alexi, nevada, on the on make shift memorials in st. petersburg. the full day a sweet sleep removed by all star cheese human most goes the tribute so so continue. people are coming to pay their respects and the bianca square ones, homes to the said k g b and still the headquarters of russia secret police. it's a place full of symbolism as people once again risk arrest for expressing themselves because you put them and it was scary to come here with you because data on a lot of reduce online of police,
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detaining people, a little sadness, a computer with the new york i tried non stop for the 1st 2 days and have plenty of anger that things done out like this, the deductible this killing people like this. and this has happened before, but you will devise this. it isn't really harder. and i thought was just to some, i've seen them probably to come. he was the strongest politician in russia. chileya come someone who knew how to motivate people who want to join in the resist on this federal debug for good. although i couldn't say that i agreed with him on everything there was telling me yeah. and what he used to do was real politics for the 1st one. it was what was really needed to be done in russia. i think with the other 2 years, could i see what, what i see, i think the one i suppose is this new found the continue to process the grief.
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there was still questions surrounding the exact cause of his death. many weston politicians, a curious russian president vladimir putin, a thing behind the vile needs to allegations that the kremlin has cold, unacceptable, nevada, and these mother, ludmilla, nevada maya, was seen visiting a move in rushes for news. but his body is believed to be held. she said she was denied access to her son to this day in a row, students and of all these teams expressed the suspicions about, well, a sore cheese, a cooling, an ongoing autopsy chip. it wants to me, when you receive some interest, go products from me on the investigation, we lost at least 2 peaks. they are going to prolong the inspection as long as it suits them. obviously, at least until after the presidential election,
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even though we were of, with his political opponents imprisoned, disqualified or dead pretend is predicted to win the upcoming elections by alon slide or more of this, i'm joined by the w. russia at all, his cousin teen exit, who joins us from villain, is close to obtain a bond. this body has not been released. his family's been told it won't be released for 2 weeks. why is that delay? well it is a way of inflicting torture on the family of, of uh somebody booted passionately hated. and uh, i think that this is pretty much the only reason the bottom it was on the full, the phone with this control for the last year plus. so uh, they do know what happens is there is no doubt about it. and i think that this is a way of, as i said, inflicting tortured psychological torture on the family. of showing st. control of
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the situation to the family and to the bodily support doesn't have to be russian public at large. and certainly, as was mentioned in the report that preceded our conversation. uh, the reason that the circle directions, quote unquote elections because it's not an election, it's in the side reclaiming putin as a russian leader up because i think that's off to, that's the uh, the criminal things that this whole wave will likely die down the, the kind of count on that is all i think the last thing that support is that it is a way for putting to show to the world that he's not afraid. he's not afraid for his legitimate the legitimacy story. she doesn't care whether the west won't recognize him off to the so called elections or not. so there are multiple signals, ma'am, just add terry's or this morning, the land, the deputy head of the russian prison administration was decorated by
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a very high order by pushing just 3 days after and why they died. so kind of make your conclusions yourself cause to you, novel, nyah, ah, the deceased activist wife says that she's going to continue the fight of her husband has the opposition movement in russia. just getting the new figure head as well. she's definitely of attractive should definitely attracted attention by what you said she was her statement was emotional, but at the same time, very concise and very pointless. i listen to it would probably say uh whether she will be able to uh you like to the disparate russian or position. that's a question for the future. definitely. she has the comic and she has the, if you are still sort of to, she does the image, she has the recognition to try and do this. but of course,
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with rational position being divided on many issues, including for example, the attitude of to put is warning the prime and what to do with it. it will not be an easy task. so pretends main opponent is gone and russian authorities are keeping a lid on public outpourings of grief and anger. we saw that no report how they're taking away flowers of the people laying in his memory domestically. this seems like a whim for pretend is it to well, the rest of the politics, terry. so you can discuss it in a way whether it's a win or a loss. i think that's for those who supported the body for put in the critics. people who disagree with uh, it is definitely on the one hand to signal box. i suspect for meeting it will be a good one thing to say, well basically it's such a regime that we either have to try and leave it up. we have nothing to lose in
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supposing the new position so me definitely things like that. so i think that's this deliberate show of cruelty is going to show much more many people that put in faith. so i'm not exactly said it is a 100 percent. when i think that this particular situation nonviolent is death and the way it was treated by the sort of the make breed new fighters. not many, but definitely something you cause the teen. thank you very much. as always, that was our russia analyst, cousin team. again, i think now to israel and authorities, they are working hard to help residents back to areas emptied by the trauma of the terror. attacks carried out by him also on october 7th, last year dw special corresponded in ease of visited the city of stem road,
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located near the border with the gaza strip, where one kindergarten has now reopened. as some families returned to the city, the voices of children in the classroom at the sound that had left the city for 4 months. around 90 percent of the world's population fled in the days following the most here attack. even children this young had heard from aust, rockets fall before the latest war. but october 7th was a new kind of tear for the few families that have decided to return. it's an important day. substantiate what uh, what city, what is the teen? we're starting to go back to a daily schedule. it's feedback to sign it today after this catastrophe that we experienced on that side of day and all those months. we spend a waste on here or that you might of shane, i call it exile me quotes in 2 days. and it's called excited when you're away from
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your natural habitats. and the kids, as you can see, are having lots of fun being around the classmates, accounting in their natural habitat. guess i'm. it's are home after all. they gave them a new tv that by turn on, what am i saying? the city is clearing the debris of a battle. this empty lot was the sight of a police station stormed and then occupied by a mazda militants. mural marks the stand often ensued when it's rarely troops destroyed the building with the attackers inside. many of the scars that were left by the attack had been patched over but still 2 thirds of the cities. 30000 residents haven't come back. we stay with the deputy mayor expects that it will take another month at least before even half of the residents return. we are not in college where enabling and it's, it's a big difference but not
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a quote. people come here to is doing what is good for you because it's very personal. someone that is good for him. it will come. someone that is child is very afraid and advert. posttraumatic can be store there. so staying out of the city for a long time, but wherever enabling everyone to come here to eh, eh, start again. the military has assured him, the city is secure and i'm off. hasn't launch rockets in this direction in 2 weeks, but many say they won't feel safe unless a mouse is destroyed. little by little step bolt is recovering from the horror of october 7th and returning to some kind of daily life. the explosions that you hear on a regular basis in the city. keep everybody on edge, but they know that for now, at least it's a sound. if it's a really shells getting garza which is just over a kilometer away there, it's an active work zone and a return to routine is still on thinkable
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use. i mean is if they're reporting, you're watching dw news coming up. next we've got a science magazine for you tomorrow today i'm terry mark and thanks for the the
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