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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 20, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin. let me finally see my son, jo brochures, chrome lugging that puts him alexi. novalis mother appeals directly to russia's president to release his body as the kremlin dismisses allegations that slat him uprooting pills. his fierce fist critic also coming up as israel continues to pound because of the us vito's a un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire. and juliet sanchez, last ditch effort to avoid expedition to the united states. supporters of the wiki leaks founder say that he won't survive jail extend to america,
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his lawyers have picked on a legal challenge at london's high court. the sarah kelly, welcome to the program. authorities in russia have opened a new criminal case against the brother of russian opposition leader alexa, in a volley or leg novalis. same here on file footage with his brother was already on the wanted list for another matter in 2014 or leg novalis was sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison for fraud. in a case the kremlin critics said was trumped up as well. now, police say that they have opened a new case, but have not unveiled details of the charges. it comes after the mother of russian opposition leader alexia. nev only made a direct appeal to vladimir putin for his body to be released. the mice from the
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who is behind me is the prison calling you where my son alex sane of all new died on february 16th for 5 days. i have not been able to see him. they have not released his body to me and have not even told me where it is. yeah, but as i appealed to you, letting me a put 10 because the resolution of this problem depends solely on you this and you on the, let me finally see my son. i demand that alex stays body you released immediately so that i can bury him properly. to white people crying, and i asked the w, russia, analyst, konstantin, a goddess of all these mothers appeal would sway the russian president as well. it is a very powerful statement by him. all that stunting in front of the prison where his stones died. but i'm afraid that's no good to have any kind of effect on the butler putting his press secretary to meet discuss already said that the presidency doesn't deal with things like gods. he said before the people go and uh,
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i know some of the section that the kremlin will continue to inflict the psychological portrait. i'm not afraid to say on the number on the front of the but have seen recently a promise is not releasing the voltage up until 2 weeks late. so probably more, it said designed as a show off. kimberly ation full and the value of his supporters of his family and as a show of strength, both to the russian people and to the west. i'm in control, i do whatever i please. that is what we essentially hear now from the day before. and we've been hearing about these new charges that the russia has opened against a criminal case against the legacy involved his brother. now, how do you interpret that move? well, it is the, the element of this continuous pressure. it shows that the family will not be left alone. luckily, or like nobody, according to the russian media reports,
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he is living outside of rusher. i think it's cyprus, but i think we should verify that i think it's 5 years. um and uh, probably he's not getting to offer to be arrested. but if you look at the way, uh, for example, to cause regime use, try the do use at least the interpol list or as you move all the pursuit across the globe. so this is an additional pressure element, and this is an additional way of saying, well, i'm not going to leave you about. that was konstantin accurate speaking with me earlier while the account of julian novel, nyah, the wife of kremlin critic alexi and a volley is back online now after being briefly suspended on the x social media site, formerly known as twitter. x said that the reason for this suspension was due to an error caused by a system to prevent manipulation and spam novel naya, created the account just a day ago. alexi and a volunteer was found dead in the siberian prison on friday,
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which his wife claims was murder. the kremlin has denied the accusations a ted elsewhere. now the us has vetoed an arab backed resolution in the un security council, demanding a cease fire in the war between israel and from us, which is labeled a terrorist organization in many countries. the us had said that it would veto the resolution and has instead proposed its own and the resolution. it calls for a temporary cease fire linked to the release of hostages. for d l jerry, a sponsored plan representing several arab nations calls for an immediate humanitarian cease fire, as well as the release of all hostages. everything is, i mean, s f as in jerusalem. he explained why there are 2 un resolutions as well as the differences between them. the difference is a lot smaller than you might expect both call for samantha terry and cease fire and the release of all hostages. but it boils down to the timeline for when this should
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happen, the algerian proposal says that it should be immediate, whereas the us alternative, it says that it should have an only after negotiation. so the word they use is as soon as practicable. that's because the us is worried that a resolution calling for an immediate cease fire could sabotage the ongoing talks between israel and tomas to negotiate some kind of hostage release and exchange for communitarian pause and fighting um that has stalled recently as israel essentially pulled out of the talk saying that a mazda is demands were delusional, but the us is still pushing for those. what's interesting to note here is that this is the 1st resolution that may be proposed by the us that uses the word seeds fire . so you can see that the criticism is real from the biting and restriction is increasing. they also, in this proposal, the us proposal explicitly warned against innovate ground assault on rafa, where $1300000.00 thousands are sheltering, saying that it would be
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a security risk. and humanity, or in disaster indeed of use, i mean as us from jerusalem. now it pauses in the fight and can't come soon enough for the thousands of children now facing hunger and malnutrition inside guys at the you. when children's agency unicef has issued a stark new warning about the lack of food, water and health services, pushing the bose and pot, hoping to fill their stomachs and provide for their families. many of these children survive on one meal a day and have access to less than one letter of what are per day, a deal for the chicken rice and many delicious dishes. now we suffice on kind of food. yes, love. this woman is worried about her 2 year old, who now weighs half of what she should after measuring her arm, doctors say she's suffering from acute mountain nutrition and haven't gotten fish
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white for the more i was able to get her medication. now i can't find any of the things i need for her. also i need a head to one agencies, one the 10000 children under 5 years old could be affected by the same condition is not provided with too many terry and assistance as it has the as. busy medium as long term implications. the short implications would be that it gets us to is always the weakness of explosion and preventable tried this, which could with component do it that the unbeatable level of drug tests and guesses, you know, and this is on the short them if, if and nothing has changes rates of infection, anemia, and stomach diseases have risen sharply. a situation that could get worse in the coming days. which you weeks found or julia and a seller's has now
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a p or as an excuse me has not appeared and a u. k. court. and what might be his last chance to stop extradition to the u. s. lawyers for the 52 year old say that he is on? well, his legal team is trying to persuade judges there to grant a new appeal hearing, as long as you is wanted by us, prosecutors who intend to put him on trial and spying charges, his wife fears that he could die if he ends up being extradited outside the high court in london, a heartfelt message from us on his wife to supporters gathered to press for his release. so we don't know what, what, what, what to expect. but you are here because the world is watching the 2 day hearing to become a sondors final battle in the u. k. just the system. but his lawyer say he was to one well to attend the 52 year old has been fighting for more than
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a decade to avoid being sent to the us, where he could face life in prison, if convicted on spying charges. and if the appeal fails, his backers, fee or his life could be at stake. if julian's uh, expedited to the united states, he will die. he will not receive a fair trial. sanchez already spent about a 3rd of his adult life in confinement and exile. many of his supporters believe his being targeted for exposing serious criminal acts by us authorities and the military. regular sanchez's speak is a truth teller. he is not a criminal. he shouldn't have even spent one second in any prison. campaigners pressing for his release war in this case could signal
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a larger threat. it would be the 1st published source right under the that's the amount john was in this way. and that is why it is so dangerous. we've seen that law being used against whistle blower, but never before against a publisher like this. so what is at stake? it's really concerning. while it's not known, when the verdict will come, many already fear the possible effects on the free flow of information worldwide. if all else fails, intervention by the european court of human rights, maybe as sondra is finals, hope the w corresponded barragan's mass is at london's high court where this hearing for julia massages taking place. she has more on the appeal by a saw. today sir, is the day with julie, no sound is the most searching out that case and them a knob human has to be in this morning that it's a political case. and as such, he is covered by freedom of speech and he should not be expedited. now it's
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interesting, i've just been able to speak to julian hassan, his brother gabriel ships. and, and he said to me, it has said to me that the family is in the sack of all, hoping that there will be a political solutions that behind the scenes that governments are working together . and that there is a process behind the scenes. and that's what he's hoping would bring just as far as brother that's. that's what he said to me. you also said that they are quite concerned about his brother's health. he wasn't, if i wasn't able physically able to attend the cold hearing today and, and that's something that continues to worry. the family of course, and that was pure good mass and model. and us is a former un special rap, a tour on arbitrary detention. he believes that it will be difficult for a song to get a fair trial if he's extra chided to the us of a lesson. he is supposed to have published information to everyone
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about u. s. masters, which then are subject to confidentiality rules in the secrecy rules in the united states. and they are not, won't see him back at all. all of this happened abroad and they want him to the us to phase tries to that. this is against the fundamental principles of press. freedom died there that you could punish somebody for what to have done about it. just think about me sitting here. you find the information about some job and a political issue. so or military issues, which i thought should be published, harry know, not published. it can use, it won't me back, it will vote me to drive it in a 2 phase trial under the espionage legislation. so 1st world war legislation against the espionage which is basically that to, to, to,
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to come the germans in united states off the, do not the states join to test role. well, i mean, it is just after this will get so highly politicized. there's no doubt that any country would have great problems in giving a fair trial of the such probations in such a situation. of course the united states should never have started this kind of investigation and they should not perhaps. ready the given him a cause if to this it is a legal process which has ended up in college and, and they should never have done, but they should because neck and have all the hobby of extra digest that was miles on day. and as a former un special rep, i took an arbitrary detention speaking with me earlier. rights groups are accusing, ethiopia is government of cracking down on the sent after authorities extended the state of emergency in the i'm her region earlier this month and carried out mass arrests. there are concerns of a new wave of hostilities which could worse and be humanitarian situation. in
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ethiopia as north the current unrest and i'm hara, and the aftermath of the war a neighboring t gray have accelerated food shortages. the government recently admitted that hundreds of people have died due to starvation and recent months. un estimates that 20000000 people need food assistance because he is not in low. looks at the situation outside the t for i regents capital mckinney. it took hours fully to see here. deborah to carrie had 2 year old son to get see now the town with the nearest hospital. just in time, it seems that i can have someone as well when my son got the seriously ill. i brought him here. they gave him an additional supplement called pumping that to have without let me get them on had this time feeding him with that. a snow lea doesn't have to go through is getting back to it. just get into has been assignments like many in the region,
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but the ongoing drought has killed of all the crops and animals. we have starving. i have been begging for food and nearby town since october for my son is starving. i haven't received any help. back in her village, the many people in a similar state, she tells us that there are 2 weeks to make the journey. those who do reach the hospital already in a very bad condition. no, she was difficult and michael says, in the past 3 months, malnutrition cases have tripled. most customers going on, we have taken care of more than 120 children came to our hospital and i'm really not even vi on getting enough to pay the amount of a 100 and we cannot accept any more because we don't have the results is to help them that somebody comes, get it filled out and they suffer at home. and when they run the risk out of those,
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you know how my husband, who the, he's worried about the long term consequences can be mount nutrition. because the system problems for the next generation, when we're, those malnourished children won't be affected physically, mentally, and the general developments of role the town of each, sheila has witnessed. one of the was fee is battles bummed. all trucks can still be seen along the roads. following the 2, you will that ended in 2022, came months of trout. in march 2023, the united nations and the united states halted food aid for the cry region. and later to the whole country because of a wide spread scheme by fuel pen officials to steal humanitarian green after reforms were put in place. 8 agencies resumed deliveries 2 months ago. but of the over 3000000 people targeted only 14 percent. and as soon as i receive any 25 kilometers outside the town of utah farmers. and by a able to celeste,
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he and his wife a desperate to find anything to eat for the next day. without them know me, we need a drum. the government is, i'm done is not what i thought we face does that does no, almost survive. we need attention put in. we are human to, you know, across if you'll be out one and 6 of the 120000000 population need food age because of the drought conflict and rising and placing and by you who hasn't had a problem in, in weeks hopes it won't arrive too late journalist samuel good touch, who is in addis ababa. he traveled to the t gra region. recently. earlier he told me why the if you will be in government changed, it stands finally acknowledging 400 people have died from hunger. when there was an assumption that the problem wasn't as widespread as it really is. i had a chance no just to go to mccully, but each now where much of the conflicts happened at the end of the conflicts where
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many people died. there's, there are 9 mines everywhere apartments. i'm not keeping fire. so the need is overwhelming. it costs what happens even deal to some 4th year. so those 40 years ago, the fam, and in this part of the world as you've articulated there, um that, that got a lot of attention. and i mean that was partly because of the live aid concert back then, which brought attention to it. is this worst, i mean, how do you compare the 2 situations right now or? well, i've only been seen a glimpse of what's happening in this speech in um, you know, my father's generation went through that 5 minutes, but 1984. what they've been telling me and what i've seen seems to be similar to each other. there are many, many people are kind of being positive. i haven't been able to see that all the major people get once again. but there's the essence of problems everywhere you go . no, just in the small village, just i had
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a chance to visit. you've been in the carpets. i look but to drive montgomery and it's happening everywhere. people are, you know, a survey can, you can, you can see it and open. one thing that was mentioned in the report that we saw earlier is that the world food program, the last day, stopped aid for 6 months because they said the government officials were stealing huge amounts of grain. you know, what do you make of that? how do you, how do you react to actions like that, given what you have seen now on the ground as well. the fact is, it's not just the open government that stands accused of stealing any kind of aid. even that's a great government that the investigation they had conducted sees of, it's also the to guy forces. i thought i'd choose those by stealing some of this 8 that was meant to help the poor. but again, beyond the accusations, people are starving. people are under siege. people have limited resources unless
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something happens this weekend was really cool. what mean, what happened? a generation, a goal. but again, you know, it's not just the young for the old stuff. like it's everyone everyone you see under siege and the young people had a chance to speak to. many of them are a tent on leaving the region somewhere else. perhaps to be able to go to libya, to try to save their own lives in the lives of the people that are likely to be left behind in a region that has to get some support. journalists, samuel, good touch you in addis ababa. thank you so much. thank you. and here's a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. a russian pilot who defected to ukraine with his helicopter last year has been found dead in spain. authorities say that his body was found riddled with bullets and an underground parking garage near on the contact in southern spain. the pilot had been living in
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spain under a stake, identity polish farmers have held a day of protest against non e u in ports. farmers blocked roads and railways, and one incident spilling ukrainian grain from a train wagon. they want the government to stop agricultural imports from ukraine and poland to withdraw from the use new green deal. which places limits on the use of chemicals and greenhouse gas emissions. for the german defense minister for us, the story is has said that a plan mission to come back to the attacks and the red sea shows the wes commitment to protect international security and freedom of navigation. the story is made the comments while visiting the frigate hudson, which is en route to the area worship or sale to the region once the one does talk, approves of admission. later this week, andreas bremo, who scored the only goal as west germany,
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paid argentina to win the 1990 world cup final has died. he was 63, his 85th minute penalty decided the final in rome. he also scored in the semi final against england his consider hollywood royalty with a body of work, spending decades and over 40 features. and so it seemed only fitting that martin scorsese should be handed an honorary golden bear for his lifetime. achievement at this year's berlin l. a film festival. here's a look at his pioneering work and career a suicide. you jump bill, you didn't tell him to leave to go. i told him to leave the guy, the judge and martin scorsese's latest film killers of the flower, moon, robert de niro, and leon order dicaprio are out to murder wealthy members of the osage native american tribes. it's a true story with the hallmarks of square says these 5 decades film career humanity
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is violent darkseid and a glimmer of love's power to redeem. i don't know what she said and little less of an indian for answer. 2 it's a special phone for me and i, i hope i learn something from the movies nominated for 10 academy awards, including best director, making score, se, se the most nominated director a live. he never has one more. oscar. not then his buddy steven spielberg making score says he a perfect choice for this year's lifetime achievement award at the berlin international film festival. the legendary directors breakthrough came with robert de niro over 50 years ago, in 1970 threes main streets. the mafia flick made scorsese's film synonymous with his hometown, new york's gritty motto underbelly to nero's unforgettable performance marketing the beginning of decades of collaborations in talking to me
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talking me in taxi driver, the do o told the disturbing tale of a vietnam war veterans angry of session with new york city streets. scorsese's own cam here when the film as a murder is passenger is enough to give anyone chills. i'm gonna kill, i'm gonna kill him with a 44 magazine pistol. scorsese's, fascination with the community of new york spans centuries back to 1863 with gangs of new york. he brought history to color for blood, have filled life, and turned his other lead man, heart throb, leonardo dicaprio into a bona fide grown up star and broadway twisted. since when do you care about the scandal? rags. humphrey time is a picture of you with another woman. it's like a slap in the face. don't you understand that? no, that's over stating it just just a bit. so cross. i didn't jo rogers, linda don now joan fontaine and no but david dot state martin square. so in
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2007 square says he finally took home the best director, oscar for the departed. perhaps not his last. the 81 year old says he can't imagine a time when he'll stop making movies. he's already made enough for the lifetime achievement award at this year's barely novel. a switzerland's, vague as carnival celebration has kicked off with thousands of people and fancy costumes participating of the 3 day event. revelers filled the streets of the northern city of files, or many of them dress to reflect concerns about climate change, artificial intelligence, fake news, and other political issues. world's biggest protest and carnival is also part of you. ness goes cultural heritage. last reminder of our top story, alexi, nevada. his mother has appealed directly to russian president vladimir putin for her son's body to be released immediately. her play comes suppression, doherty's open. a new criminal case against nevada and his brother. point
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you're up to date. thanks for watching the
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the sales outer stadium with somebody dameion ramp r s t knows how to make the most out of this thing down. people not call your on your next to me, please let us know for him. it's not about the concerts this about the climate. he wants people in his home country to plans for a 1000000 treats his friends are all in a coat for good. next, on d, w, the future, we decided him the india ones to take on.
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can they succeed? the we took out was the indian comic who's a 16 minute d, w. the sort of truth this time, excel gen this chimed in. dar meets the voices of a free turkey officer as the ad one has his 3 into exile. i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish governments, all sorts of gibs. but only if the crime is addressed to the public,
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trying to take responsibility for his actions. guardians of trees, stop march. second on d, w. of the sometimes protecting the planet means leaving it alone as much as possible. we need to respect nature and its limits of documents allowing each to take care of itself . welcome to a new addition of pico africa. i'm present looms coming to you from lee goes. nigeria, and i am sandra holmes, that we know be joining you from con, pull out right to and you're going to on the show today, we'll be looking at ways to minimize or impact on the environment. so here's.


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