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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from the in the us visa. it was the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire. and garza washington says the metro would jeopardize assets to broke a hostage deal. meanwhile, the un says it is pausing food deliveries to parts of god. bless you to the slicing . also, coming up on the program. yeah, but i chose club lugging, that puts him. i'll explain of all needs. mazda appealed directly to russia's president, to release her son's body. is the kremlin, dismisses allegations that let them if those until this is chris and honoring
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a legend of send them the boat and film festival pay special attribute to the career of direct to mos in school safety the menu chips mccain. and thanks so much for being with us. the us has vetoed an arrow, but backs resolution in the un security council demanding a ceasefire in the will between israel and hamas, which is labeled a terrorist organization in many countries. the u. s. had said it would veto the resolution and has, instead proposed its own, it's cooling for a temporary cease fire linked to the release of hostages. the various sponsored plan representing several hour of nations, calls for an immediate humanitarian sci fi, as well as the release of old hostages before the w's. i'm in east f,
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as in jerry sullivan. he explained the differences between the 2 and the 2 u. n. resolutions. the difference is a lot smaller than you might expect both call for a humana, terry, and cease fire and the release of all hostages. but it boils down to the timeline for when this should happen. the algerian proposal says that it should be immediate, whereas the us alternative says that it should have an only after negotiation. so the word they use is as soon as practicable. that's because the us is worried that a resolution calling for an immediate cease fire could sabotage the ongoing talks between israel and tomas to negotiate some kind of hostage release and exchange for communitarian pause and fighting um that has stalled recently as israel essentially pulled out of the talk saying that a mazda is demands were delusional, but the us is still pushing for those. what's interesting to note here is that this is the 1st resolution that may be proposed by the us that uses the word states fire
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. so you can see that the criticism is real from the biting and restriction is increasing. they also, in this proposal, the us proposal explicitly warned against innovative ground assault on rafa. where $1300000.00 thousands are sheltering, saying that it would be a security risk. and he's mandatory and disaster of this latest failed attempt to stop the slicing and goals that comes as the u. n. suit agency announced a pause in the delivery of life saving age to nose and gone. so it says it's due to security concerns. thousands of children facing hunger and malnutrition inside the own place you in children's agency unicef has issued a stock, new warning about like a food or so on health services. pushing their bows in parts, hoping to fill their stomachs and provide for their families. many of these children survive on one meal
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a day and have access to less than one letter of what are per day, a deal for the chicken rice and many delicious dishes. now we suffice on kind of food. yes, love. this woman is worried about her 2 year old, who now weighs half of what she should after measuring her arm, doctors say she's suffering from acute nutrition and haven't gotten, please wait for the more i was able to get her medication. now i can't find any of the things i need for her. also, i need a head to one agencies, one the 10000 children under 5 years old. could be affected by the same condition is not provided with you many terry and assistance as it has the uh, short, medium ends on them implications. the short uh, implications would be that it gets us to is always to witness that explosion and
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prevent from a chart dust which could uh, with components the um, the level of, of drug test and guest that you know, and this is on the short them and nothing is changes. rates of infection, anemia and stomach diseases have risen sharply. a situation that could get worse in the coming days or a star she's in russia have opened a new criminal case against the brother of the late russian opposition. lita lex 8 and of only all leg, novelle, me see here and file footage with his brother was already on the wanted list for another mess up in 2014 or late in the fall and he was sentenced to 3 and a half. he is in prison before, in a case the kremlin critic said, was trump top. now police say they have opened a new case, but have not yet on failed details of the charges. now this will comes off to the mother of alexi like nevada, and he made a direct appeal to let him in person for alexys body to be released. his death was
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announced by rational authorities last friday. the my spend, the whole week behind me is the prism calling you where my son alex aint. of all new died on february 16th for 5 days. i have not been able to see him. they have not released his body to me and have not even told me where it is. yeah, but as i appealed to you've letting me a poor 10 because this resolution of this problem depends solely on you this and you look, let me finally see my son. i demand that alex sage body. you released immediately so that i can bury him properly till age put on you. we all see w rush unless konstantin get what he makes of the new criminal case has been opened against the alexa end of all of these problem at all. like, well, it is the, the element of this continuous pressure, it shows that the family will not be left alone. luckily, or like nobody, according to the russian media reports he is living outside of russia. i think it's
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cyprus, but i think we should very 5, i think it's 5 years um and probably he's not getting to offer to be arrested. but if you look at the way, uh, for example, truth is really him use, tried to use at least the interpol list, ah, she moved to the pursuit across the globe. so this is an additional pressure element. and this is an additional way of saying, well, i'm not going to leave you alone. russia has banned the us funded broad costa radio, free europe, radio liberty, designating it as quotes, an undesirable organization. the move puts radio for your stuff and contributes has at an increased risk of prosecution. one of its editors also coolness eva, is already being held in prison in russia, pending trial for allegedly spreading false information. ready for europe is just the latest pro, costs to, to receive this designation as the kremlin cracks down on the sent over the invasion of ukraine. now the wiki beaks found the julian assault much
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as launch. what might be his last chance to stop extradition to the u. s. lawyers, so the 52 year old, one judges at the high course in london to allow an appeal against the extradition order was issued by the british. i'm secretary in $2022.00 is wanted by us, prosecutors who intend to put him on trial on spying charges. he did not pay it in a court in person on tuesday, due to illness. i would cite the high court in london a heartfelt to message from a son to his wife to supporters gathered to press for his release. so we don't know what, what, what, what to expect but you are here because the world is watching the to day hearing could become a sondra is the final battle in the u. k. just the system. but his lawyer say he was to on, well to attend the 52 year old has been fighting for more than
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a decade to avoid being sent to the us where he could face life in prison if convicted on spying charges. sanchez, being a wanted man since 2010. after his whistle blowing for him, we can leaks published classified us army materials supplied by an intelligence analyst. delete contained documents and the video footage from the wards, enough gun to stand underactive some of the footage with shocking, seemingly implicating us troops impossible, war crimes. you know, if a sondra is appeal sales, his backers fear his lives could be at stake. date he will. he will not many of his supporters believe he's being targeted for exposing serious criminal acts by us.
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that's hard. he's on the military. he is not the 180 present campaigners pressing for his release war in this case could signal a larger threat. he would be the 1st publishers trying under the not being not shown in this way. and that is why it is so dangerous. we've seen that law being used against whistle blower, but never before against a publisher like this. so what is that steak is really concerning? while it's not know when the verdict will come, many already fear the possible effects on the free flow of information worldwide. if all else fails, intervention by the european court of human rights may be sandra's final hope. among the stars on the red carpet to nice at the bowl in film festival. the ballad natalie was one of the biggest names in filmmaking. loss in school,
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stacy is here in violin to receive an honor, a golden bath, the festivals lifetime achievement award. festival organizers say the award is partially meant to recognize school safety's work. preserving old films for posterity is visit, comes just weeks before his latest movie killers of the flower moon competes at the oscars with 10 nominations and dw culture reports of david levitz joins us now. live from the bowling on a red carpet high david. tell us what is happening the this evening who the scene will be hud to hey on. yeah, yeah. so martin square says he just walked down the red carpet into the award ceremony where he's being given this award for lifetime achievement. and he's, he's a little guy, he's an 81 year old guy, a little guy with huge bushy eyebrows. but he's a legend and the film world and people just started screaming, marty, marty, marty, you can, you can see how much he means to them by the way,
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as of the killers of the flower moon. it's nominations for the oscar. he is the living director with the most oscar nominations. he's beaten out, his body. steven spielberg now by one domination. and the hype is big. you can tell a giant in the world of news he's, he's been awarded this unary lifetime achievement award. he's known for producing films, the contain extreme violence for fantasy, that blur the lines between good and evil. i mean, there were some pretty bulk scenes in his work up there, and yet people just keeps looking to see his movies. yeah, it's this, it's this fascination with this dark side of humanity, particularly with badly behaved man. but my cheese mo, uh that's been in his movies going back 5 decades. if you think back to 1975 with taxi drivers trying to narrow his main leading man up to his more recent movies within nero. and we, in order to capture you there really aren't that many good guys in his movies. um,
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it's really about bad guys. and some of his detractors say that martin scorsese should take a stronger stand. he should take some sort of moral stand in his films instead of just uh, showing on base a celebrating brutality and killing and bad behavior. but the score says, he says that that is frankly boring and that he is interested in exploring these dark sides of humanity. he's also known as an a 4 standing out to the studios he works with for standing out. so what he thinks is right, tell us more about that a yeah, marty square says he sees himself really is the defender of cinema as an art. he sees himself as an artist and he doesn't like it. when studios just try to make money. i'll give you one example of his film for the part of that one. the oscar in 2007, warner brothers studios wanted to change the ending. they didn't want him to kill off the main character because they were hoping to make a sequel and make more money, as course, as he didn't have it. and he got his way and he ended up getting the oscar. so he's
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really, he also is very critical of the studio is trying to maximize profits with these franchises, particularly the, these comic books franchises turned into films. he sees this as, as getting in the way of sentiment as art and david just quickly, what should we be looking forward to from school stacey next? while he's working on a new script, it's about none other than jesus. he just met with the pope about this a few weeks ago, and he says he wants to take a fresh and entertaining look at the life of jesus. he says he doesn't know how, but he's going to figure it out. well, nothing like taking on the big projects, the w culture report that david levitz thank so much for that. with that you are up to date, stay tuned to close up. that's up next, which focuses on the thousands of ukrainian children, abducted by russia following its invasion of the crime. they forget you can always get more news on a website at w don't com. and on social media on handle there is at
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d. w means i'm on youtube as they can and thank you so much for being with us and for watching the news. the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold a bad a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud, that's what it being nosy bay like good. everyone to king the healthy award winning called called the called back the
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