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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 21, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CET

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the, the, this is the, the good news coming to line from berlin. un security council moves to force an end to the fighting in guns. but us blocks a resolution calling for an immediate truce as china and other nations criticize us be though washington proposes its own ceasefire resolution for the 1st time. and also coming up the death of this event, alex said the bottom, the prompts you leaders to consider new steps to punish the kremlin. we look at the weather previous sanctions are slowing rushes economy. so in the program conflict in the, on the spills over its borders into neighboring bangladesh,
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r corresponded talks to some of the people who endured the bylaws and last loved the hello m. terry martin. good to have you with us. us is beat out an era backed resolution in the un security council, demanding a ceasefire in the war between israel and m us, which is labeled to terrorist organizations in many countries trying to condemn the us and locking the resolution as the us we said, proposed as a own plan and the 1st for washington is holding for a temporary seatbar link to the release of hostages of jerry a sponsor. the defeated plan only had several air of nations calling for an immediate humanitarian seized bar. as well as the release of the fools, the slow, china's ambassador to the united nations, criticize the position taken by washington. it was the veto exercised by the united
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states that stifled council consensus made the us veto, sent the wrong message, pushing the situation in gaza into more dangerous territory that can be now to ukraine. and it's been almost 2 years now since russia's full scale invasion of that country began just how many civilians have been killed since there is a known. but it's thought to be in the 10s of thousands. in the early months of the war, the russian air force bomb the theatre in the port city of mount loophole. ukraine says $300.00 people, including many children, died there, but russia claims that theater was blown up by the ukrainian assault regiment without providing any evidence. the following month, more than 60 people were killed in the eastern city of crowd tossed with missile struck a railway station. a russian authorities again put the blame on ukraine as dw as much time to now reports from hockey. these 2 incidents were just the beginning of
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a bloody and lengthy conflict with no end in sight. do you remember this? he's been viral after a russian attack on a residential area and hard case. the survivors of staring at what remained of their home. the russians said they had hit a chemical weapons factory. they said a couple of were paid actors on this stuff here off try to in go and her daughter, marina say that's ridiculous. the tell us they left their apartment minutes before the impact. it's on stuff on the video with her husband follow the man she did want to join us for the interview over the summer when i said is video. now of course it's not a plan video. it's about supporting each other. so when we realized everything we had was lying there on file, it's actually a very sad moment. but let's hope we can achieve victory before the russians can
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make more missiles and destroy our homes and lives. their apartment was on the side of the building that was directly hit. all that's left is the core to 10 of their neighbors died including an 8 year old girl. unless of course the civil apartment just got it here here and here it was the top one and the fest to be hit. many things with thrown out it's causing the saddle love every time a siren goes off my legs shake because it's scary because you don't know what's going to happen. but suddenly it was the question of safety in the country that is being boned is a very uncomfortable question. in my opinion, there's no place where you can hide me. i'll go with me. said that the worst, columbus across town, another site of recent russian destruction. the hockey palace hotel managed to keep running through most of the war. it was at hub for foreign journalists. we've often
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stayed here ourselves. director all hostile ankle takes us inside a missile hit on the day before new year's eve in looking at the damage. it's difficult to believe no one died here, not even the person working out the gym. so the total cubic human 12 years we've been in hockey's. and it's been a place for all significant celebrations, children's birthdays, weddings, business meetings. and we go used to the fact that there was always a lot of peaceful people here who considered this place to be a landmark for social events. and for good peaceful intentions, stuck on the seat, would be the wellness needed 15 guests were staying at the hotel at the time, the people wanting to celebrate the new year, and still many of the new kind of guests. so what was the list there with journalists from all over the well, i sure. i think we had become
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a hub for those people who needed to show you the whole well, what was happening within someone city, the show to the, the variety, the russians claim, the hotel was used as a hall by military personnel, but never provided proof. we never saw soldiers here during our stays. you all know most of what you like on explain their actions. i think it's absurd, absurd, destroying, civilian buildings, civilian facilities, hospitals. i believe that this is unacceptable. i can damage the filter. she shows us a video from the beginning of the war, international journalist here in the lobby and a local pianist. we need to invite this musician to visit us again. who's become a close friend of ours. that will definitely be music here again. and people and life good will try out for the evil the plan
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is to repair the hotel and reopen as soon as possible. many wars begin and are justified with lies. the russian attack and ukraine is no difference . marina anastasio overnight, jane goes home, never existed. according to the russian narrative. it says none of this is real. i wore it only twice. the women no better than that, but all that is left now, our memories to the desk of russian disadvantage, alex dana vonny, has prompted the e. u to move toward new sanctions against russia. but what might those sanctions accomplish? the block already has taken multiple steps. the week and most goes ability to wage war is a look at how rushes economy is doing under existing sections. the defense industry is currently the most important pillar of the russian economy. thanks to
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significantly increased government spending. the defense industry accounts with 10 percent of g d. p. all the sectors such as the steel industry, also benefiting off to the slump in 2022. the russian economy is now growing. according to data for most got growth is also full cost for 2024. i just got this message english. what's that? what's happening? what's the brush? it was actually what i'm running late, becoming more like the soviet union in that it has high spending on the military and in some cases heavy industry. and at the same time, the level of consumption is holding for the population. people say that a cycle box, industrial production is also doing surprising. the well, for example, in the automotive sector, components are increasingly coming from china, off to the europeans, withdrew from russia,
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thanks to chinese impulse. the russian economy is being kept afloat. she never tired of that tradition is china is of course not officially participating in the sanctions. so it is not a partner, so to speak of the western states when it comes to sanctions and sometimes feeling good to finance impulse. russia needs exports, income from gas sales. these are full and dramatically times the use extensive input by and seems to have had an effect chopping into a new customers with new pipelines is only a partial substitute. volume simple the, with the 5 lines on. busy but the fact that when you compare them for lots of defy players can transport the to, to the you or conference both to, to china and even the new infrastructure of projects. like all else, i give it to us dealing the funds they however, oil sales rushes 2nd most important source of export revenue almost as good as
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before the war and ukraine. this is despite to use sanctions. i am just enforcing a price cat of $60.00 us dollars a barrel transportation of oil. um probably are violating that because so they use a we enforcement the on the side of it is there is also a shadow trading uh where you know all. ready is uh uh, discharged uh and the charge of the on another bus or the. ready sees a more and more oil is ending up in india. its most important oil supply is no. russia never the less russians growth is partly finance don't credits, including military spending. how long computing actually afford to do this? this come with the guns it's. i can write that for quite a while. well, so i'd have to brush i had a very low deb leveled at the beginning of the war. it still has a low debt level even now actually extend. russia does not look set to run out of
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money to finance the war and ukraine. any time soon? let's bring it corresponding into in brussels. lucy, a shoulds in here. we'll see what else we just saw in the report. the russian economy seems to be doing rather well despite the sanctions. what is that you hope to achieve with this new round the sanctions? yes, so in general, the european union, of course wants to hit the russian economy and we have already heard. and the report that there are import bands already in place from the european union towards the russian goods among them. for example, the crude oil and the european union has given out a figure, which is a 9 to 1200000000 euros, which is the value of all of the goods which are banned to be imported from russia . just to put that a bit into perspective what the communion is doing already. there are a number of other measures in place and within us drowned, it's the search and sanction package. and they're planning to close
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a couple of new polls. business expected it is meant to also techo the so called sanctions to a convention. and they're also expected to be $200.00 entities. and also a persons that are supposed to be listed. but the decision has not been taken get investors are set to meet on this a today. and then they might decide on the new sanction package or not. the european union is hoping to have this new sanction package before the 24th of february, which marks the russian invasion into ukraine. the 2nd, the 2nd tier of the russian invasion. of course, the, remember, states have to agree on this all together. hungry was saying that it would block the new sanctions. now we're hearing hungry won't use it. speedo. after all, is it really clear that the sanctions will be in for will be approved and nothing is agreed unto it is agreed. of course this is uh, one of the things that we hear
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a lot to you in brussels, so we will have to wait for the outcome of today. we have heard from hungary, in the past, said they would like to analyze the search and send some package, and now they have declared that they will not block it, even though they are still against the sentence. we have heard from the foreign minister peters. she had got to the tea things that sanctions heard the blocks economy, but that they will and will re, to it was your thank you very much. that was are corresponded in brussels, lucy initials, so you'll look at a few other stories making headlines today. russia has banned the us funded broadcast or radio free europe radio liberty. does that designating it a quote on desirable organization? it is, the latest outlet to be targeted by the kremlin is cracked down on free media, which was ramped up after it's began. it's full scale invasion of your credit. us secretary of state hands and the blinking has arrived on his 1st trip to brazil is
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comes of the time afraid, diplomatic ties after president the reason not to limit the silver condemned israel's actions in gaza. lincoln is set to meet g 20 leaders in rio de janeiro. this police in india have fired tear gas, protesting farmers has thousands of them. were preparing for their march to daily for rounds of talks. central government have so far failed. the farmers form a major voting block in india and their anger could impact national elections due in a few months to smell the packs done, which could be about to get a new government nearly 2 weeks after elections and saw widespread accusations of boat rigging and fraud the largest party was banned from taking part. it's candidates ran it instead is independence. they came in 1st but fell short to the majority that left the door open for pakistan's. other parties shared with you and agreement aimed at resolving bucket funds for the to go down with 2 of the
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countries. 3 major parties see they have put aside the differences and they're willing to phone local issue, the nominating up on it because breton, former prime ministers boss should have to run the government. good. share with you. okay. i can share with you that the practice time people's party and the muslim league now was have been necessary numbers now. and god willing, we will be able to work on forming a government, try that, that i felt a little bit on getting certain launches of the lines comes often in the election that fee to produce a clear window candidates, backed by the 50 i 40 of do the former prime minister and gone hon. one more sports . but did we correlation adults with other major parties? the beat the i is bleeding waterfront for the poor are showing. and clean stuff was
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gone for several of the seats was many polluted. jo, say sluggish. p t i is calling what was done to our party, the mother of all rigging, model, all that again, declared government. we reject this results in the strongest terms, sport to just go to the a, b, b. i has accused the military of dumpling, with the vote account, an indication boxes on the opponent. these have denied bpi. candidates are now flooding courts, charges $0.30, and it's not on the bpi that accuses afford many pollution in the southern st brogans posing protesting against what they believe was evict election and below just on in the southwest. this sit in is also against alleged for rigging, but because what the say unfortunately, what happened on february 8th was not an election, but a selection. it was
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a massively rigged election, extending some of them with what were demanding is that we be given the correct election result lease game with a bigger 2. am it is the for many, these accusations damage the legitimacy of cities, condition defaulted, even dick's office. that's likely to make the task of pinning political stability and pattern in myanmar fighting between ethnic rebels and the military junta is spilling over into bangladesh. earlier this month to civilians were in a border village were killed in cross border fire, many bangladesh. she's live along the border with me on morris rocking state. here the ruling military junta has been engaged and pitched battles with the ethnic are con. army dw, correspondent or thoughtful, is love, travel to go on the bangladesh east side of the border, which has experience some of the spill over and funding from myanmar
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you brian leaves just a short walk from the me on my board of. he has often heard schilling and gone plan, but he never believed it to defeat his doors to all the. i lost my mother. my mother could have been with me today, but she's not here with me because of a mortar shell from young mars minute treatment. her product to that, i don't know if i will get justice for my mother, but i mean if i will be there, it will not be done in your brain research trying whenever he talks about his mother was not a big them to us, kill tobias to that star, just as she was making loans for her family, moved around 800 meters from the border between the 2 countries. the explosion also can do the man who was at the house. so i brought it wonderful. and again, we started to hear the sounds of a lot of the gunfire in the border area at the beginning of february,
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in spite of water without the sound was so loud that we couldn't sleep at night. i'm still, the local administration didn't pay attention to us. one of you, they didn't alert us. they warned us we would have left the area and taken shelter elsewhere. when you come. this here can see the hiking right after the border in me and most kind of states where the icon on me and it me to the river rule has been beckoning me and much food of forces positive earlier. but the opponents hasn't to sit at no cost to you. i'd also say some rubles margot stoplight that goes the boat out at night. and the fighting has recently intensified in february the arc on army to control of the board us if both i don't see 100, pardon me, just photos from me on my secret reports to split into a bundle of this trying to skip the part b, b, b yes, yes, yes. you're doing so you don't need to be within 2 weeks of attended them back over
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to me on my own thoughts what it is. but really just say the board does the minutes unprotected or the citizens living near the border, the maintenance tier as the phone. so i've gone for it and explicitly in the me on my to continue the thing because their government should in good thing is smart diplomacy. to prevent any spillover effect from its neighbors, into another conflict into its 33. as long as we thought today is out of the business. we are frightened because the american army isn't the local government. they are all captured from the me on mar army. when a minute i see the army counter attack so that we will be the 1st victim. so down the whole south and will fit that out to the whole. we still hear gunshots around 2 to 3 am, but them because we the people at the border are terrified now the other, but last i heard 2 bullets hit my hands as well. we visited that they put the
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comments, not all fish in cox budgets to bring up the concept. you said the government has beefed up ordered security, but gave few details. and i mean, the states that he offered peace advise them from germany whenever it's felt that they have a security threats and we suggest they come to a safe place or shelter speaking don't last have been the one advised that all far as the lead telephone quote for the people in google will say, then now freely on the thread all the time due to the parlance next door. well, joining me now for more from london is isabel todd. she's coordinator with the special advisory council for myanmar. that's a group of international experts, monitoring the situation in the country. isabel, thanks for being with us. we've seen the conflict in myanmar spilling over into bangladesh. what is that? tell us about where things stand in the fighting between the military junta and i think rivals well, the 1st thing to say is it's not just bangladesh that's being affected and actually
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the spill is on you. but what we're seeing is the result of regional needs. national failure to take action to stop, to be a mom, ministries, indiscriminate violence against civilians and resistance forces in the last, it's pretty much 2021. when the national uprising to its attempted to the guy that uprising has been gaining ground against the military steadily. and now by rapidly since the end of last year, the military's losing territory is losing troops. it's losing the route, it's getting desperate, and it's resulting to the yearly plan that it knows, and that is to commit move islands more atrocities. and that's what we're seeing, spillover into the region. now the funding is also affecting or hinge villages in rocking states. uh, which borders bangladesh. could this prompt a new exit is over a 100 refugees in the bank? let us and i think that's something that bangladesh could be concerned about. i
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think that's something that every country in the region should be concerned about. we are going to have a stops leaving being mos in the genocidal atrocities and 2017, they've continued to leave me and mazda persecution didn't end up and we'll continue to see refugee authorize from me in law. so long as there is a ministry of ministry. lead uh, in the people that is more intent on bombing civilians and forcing the countries used to fight against each other and accessing the reality that he's ministry's days of exploiting and impressing the population well are effectively over 60 international communities serious about want you to see we're hinge every time to that was the best thing for bra and john, indeed, the best thing for me and mars a whole is the realization of a federal democratic rights respecting union, which is the goal of the democratic revolution. so the international community needs to get behind those institutions, indian law,
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they're working to realize that future, namely, the national unity government and his allies. you say the international community is essentially failed in myanmar to, to have any real impact. what do you suggest the international community do it to be more effective? absolutely. uh, the international response has been shamefully inadequate. an immediate and effective action needs to be taken to cops, the military's capacity to commit human rights, foundations, and other atrocities. so that means an immediate local involved out all transfers of arms, munitions and you use goods into the critic these jet fuel and the military targeted financial sanctions on assets and other sources of revenue owned by the military and controlled by the military. and finally, serious efforts needs to be made to bring the lead of this military to face justice
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and international course. okay. international invest, the also him, i used to have these. thank you very much. i'm afraid we're going to have to leave it. there were just that out of time. that's elizabeth. talk from the special advisory council for me. all right, thank you very much for talking with us. thanks, cary. so you're watching dw news. just refined or is the top stories we're following for you this hour. and actually we're going to take a quick look at the building on film festival 1st, which was undergoing, which is underway right here in berlin, in germany. capital among the stores and red corporate last night was one of the biggest names in cinema. martin scorsese was presented with an honorary golden fair, the barely known as lifetime achievement to award. the sole organizers say the word is partially meant to recognize for saves these work. preserving old films for posterity is visit, comes just weeks before is latest movie killers of the flower moon competes. i
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think oscar with 10 nominations and our reminder of a tough story is the us has be the resolution in the un security council demanding a ceasefire. the war between israel and from us. the us instead proposed its own calling for a temporary cease fire linked to the really simple and death of russian dissident, alex and yvonne a has prompted you to move toward new sanctions against russia. but previous steps to weaken moscow's ability to wage war by you and others have stopped precious economy. and this is the w that's coming to life and berlin, our environments magazine, eco, india is thought next. it's asking how we can safeguard things, worth protecting course and get all the latest news information in any time you
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want on a website, dw, dot com or catch up with us on social media. our handle is at dw news. i'm terry martin. from me, all of us here at dw, there's thanks for the, the, the,
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just a few years ago this site and come when the tour, it was nothing more than an urban waste land. a woman was transformed into something else, going to punch in english, can get into just log in, start on the, on the part to go to on the, on the part the going to pick 2 on the other line and pretty funded on that and on ongoing appear to go to challenging or to move from a dumpster to a green oasis. eco, india. next on d,
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w. islands along the river are home to the challenges of bangladesh. every 6 months they're landed by time to wait for the funny does accident because i know what i'm going to do. what i'm gonna do, the last few bucks of reassessed. i don't funny, the latest populated stuff to do. it gives me some of them for he worked with in a never ending cycle of destruction and rebuilding the in 45 minutes on d, w, the this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools,
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farms and destroy nights. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression today? history? we need to talk about the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the last things in life on 12 minutes. then why try to preserve them or hold it onto the hello and welcome. i'm probably got the body annual watching so many aspects of life, nature and austin, rounding with our loss. and maybe even the generation oft, it, us like this ancient but nature is precious and it is less present. it.


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