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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 21, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin un security council moves to force and in to the fighting and guns up. but the us blocks the resolution calling for an immediate truce as china and other nations criticize us. me to washington proposes its own ceasefire resolution for the 1st time. also coming up the death of this event. alexa and the bottom, the prompt to you leaders to consider new steps to punish the kremlin. we look at the previous whether previous sanctions or slowing rushes economy and honoring a giant of the silver screen. berlin international film festival pays special
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tribute to director martin scorsese. screen legend is not done making hollywood history the hello i'm terry martin. welcome to the program. the death of russian. this isn't alexi, nevada, the in detention has prompted the you to move toward new sanctions against russia, but what might they accomplish? the block has already taken multiple steps to weaken moscow's ability to wage war. here's a look at how rush is economy is doing under existing sanctions. the defense industry is commonly the most important pillar of the russian economy. thanks to significantly increased government spending, the defense industry accounts for 10 percent of g d. p. all the sectors such as the
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steel industry. oh, so benefiting off to the slump in 2022. the russian economy is now growing. according to data from mosca. gross is also full cost for 2024. just cut us yet. english. what's that? what's happening? what's the russia is actually what i'm rolling equally, becoming more like the soviet union in that it has high spending on the military and in some cases heavy industry. and at the same time, the level of consumption is holding for the population. people think that the physical spots industrial production is also doing surprising. the well, for example, in the automotive sector, components are increasingly coming from china, off to the europeans, withdrew from russia, thanks to chinese impulse. the russian economy is being kept afloat. she never takes to go to this new china, or is of course not officially participating in the sanctions. so it is not
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a partner, so to speak of the western states when it comes to sanctions. since i'm feeling good to finance impulse, russia needs expos, income from gas sales. these are folded and dramatically at times. the use extensive input by and seems to have had an effect chopping into a new customers with new pipelines is only a partial substitute. volume simple the with the 5 lines i'll say by the fact that when you compare them for lots of defy players come from support the to today you or come from support to, to china and even the new infrastructure of projects. like all else, i give you a to us 1000000000 date. you fund state the however oil sales rushes 2nd most important source of export revenue almost as good as before the war and ukraine. this is despite you sanctions. i am just enforcing a price cap of $60.00 us dollars a barrel transportation of oil. um probably are violating that because so
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they use a week. i'm for as many to on the side of it is there is also a shadow trading uh where you know all. ready is uh uh, discharged, uh, and the charge of the on another bus or the overseas uh more and more oil is ending up in india. its most important oil supply is no. russia never, the less russians growth is partly financed on credits, including ministry spending, how long computing actually a forward to do this, this come with the guns it's. i can write that for quite a while. well, so i'd have to brush i had a very low deb leveled at the beginning of the war. it still has a low debt level even now. actually send russia does not look set to run out of money to finance the boy in ukraine. any time soon w correspond, or lucy shilton is in brussel. she told me what you hopes to achieve with this new
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round of sanctions. yes, so in general, the european union, of course, wants to hit the russian economy and we have already heard in the report that there are import bands already in place from the european union towards the russian goods among them. for example, the crude oil and the european union has given out a figure which is at $91200000000.00 euros, which is the value of all of the goods which are banned to be imported from russia . just to put that a bit into perspective what the communion is doing already. there are a number of other measures in place and within us drowned, it's the search and sanction package. and they're planning to close a couple of new polls. business expected it is meant to also techo the so called sanctions to a convention. and they're also expected to be $200.00 entities. and also a persons that are supposed to be listed. but the decision has not been taken. get
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investigators are set to meet on this a today and then they might decide on the new sanction package or not for you can union is hoping to have this new sanction package before the 24th of february, which marks the russian invasion into your train. the 2nd, the 2nd tier of the russian race. now of course the, remember states have to agree on this all together. hungry was saying that it would block the new sanctions. now we're hearing hungry won't use it. speedo. after all, is it really clear that the sanctions will be in for it will be approved? so nothing is agreed unto it is agreed of course business. uh, one of the things that we hear a lot to you in brussels, so we will have to wait for the outcome of today. we have heard from hungary, in the past said they would like to analyze the threat and sanction package. and now they have declared that they will not block it, even though they are still against the sentence. we have heard from the foreign
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minister peters. she had jarred to the tea things that sanctions heard the blocks economy, but that they will and will re, to it was there. thank you very much. that was our correspondent in brussels. lucy, it shows us has vetoed an arrow backed resolution in the un security council. demanding a cease fire in the war between israel and from us, which is labeled the terraced organization in many countries. china and even us allied friends, criticized washington for we locking the resolution a 3rd time. oh right. yeah. you can stay in the boat, while 13 voted in favor. us instead proposed its own plan, the draft committees, the new american draft resolution calls for a temporary cease fire linked to the release of hostages, held by 30 by months on the 10th. here's what china is in the past, or had to say about washington's veto. it was the veto exercised by the united
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states that stifled counsel consensus with or the us veto sent the wrong message, pushing the situation in gaza into more dangerous territory that seemed spanish. please say they believe the body of a man shot dead in the garage of an apartment building and now they come to is that of a russian police, a russian pilots who defected to ukraine in his helicopter. last year, he was found dead last week and then the spanish resorts where he is believed to have been living. maxime cruise main office had said that opposition to the war is what made him leave russia. he reportedly also received around half a $1000000.00 to do so. the garage of an apartment building you now to come to a with the body of a man was discovered riddled with bullet holes and run over by a vehicle local police fast or to was a ukrainian citizen. but now, believe it could be the body of russian helicopter pilot,
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maxine cruz middle for last i will knock was doing good. so let's get off that are because i want to clarify that it's a case under investigation so we can provide more information yet. we have to wait until the police and i want to do that. what so the investigation can progress in this be locked in a long no suspects of being identified cruise middle of the defective to ukraine last year in a complex operation with their intelligence. it was seen as a crew for ukraine, but it also made him a target for the kremlin. my old one mentioned at stevens, a was a history of the russian intelligence agency is going off to the fact us it's unfortunately it's reflects april. the big church that's uh, was russian that there is no such as just always trying to make a point that they can get to you whenever you are. last august, cause middle, if we're supposed to be flying a russian military helicopter to transfer parts for flight to jets. instead,
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he flew across and to be lines and non to didn't ukraine. his 2 fellow pilots were killed. the ukranian intelligence release, this footage of what they say is the helicopter, coming off, he used to fly to crane and an interview with him explaining why he chose to leave murder tiers, blood people, just killing each other. so that's the thing. i don't understand what i didn't want cause me enough to move to spain. some ukraine. the kremlin says it has no information about the case. but according to russian state, news agency task for an intelligence had already branded cruise, middle of a moral corpse. so just texting turning now to our top story and that is of course that the us has vetoed and era back resolution in the un security council calling for an immediate cease fire in the war between israel and how much the us position has been criticized by china, among others. well,
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joining me for more on this now is the w, correspond to james chase or from our east asia bureau in taiwan. james, i know you, you, you heard what china said about the us position regarding the ceasefire resolution . what do you make of what china, what china is saying about the us here as well, of course it's important to look at what china is. statement is getting out here through the lens of grey pa conversation the beijing is engaged with, with washington in multiples phase around the wealth. well, bathing seems to be inspiring here is that washington can no longer be viewed as the sole kind of responsible leader of the international community. and especially that when it comes to issues of grace, humanitarian concern that the us can no longer be trusted as a model authority. this is something that, of course, beijing, she seems to propagate in many spheres around the wells. i'm present to you here in
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the, in the pacific when you look at us policy with various countries around the age of pacific, for example, expanding bit of trends, highs, wedge upon or the philippines. what china are and pushing back against washington. james, in these parts of the world tries to get across, is it washington is never really, i think, and the interest of those countries that it's entering partnerships with the it's solely kind of balancing in its own interest. and i think what china is looking to do here while we don't takes all quite by the course washington, the only country voting against a ceasefire proposal is to make the case once again, as it has done in multiple arena's around the world. the us can no longer really be trusted to be the singular authority when it comes to grave issues of universal arrives invitation each amount of hiring issues. so china is saying that the us is operating only in its own interest. but what about china itself? cuz economically and diplomatically, china has been getting more and more involved in the middle east. it's repeatedly called for a ceasefire and gaza without explicitly condemning demoss terror attacks of october
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. some where do beijing's interest lie in this conflict in it around? because when of course, aging is a started for you. i express position. so it's a relatively kind of pro palestinian. that's because of what staging cause it's a empty colonial stones, but it's important to points out, of course, despite what i've just said about the us senate deposition that kind of is entered into in, in voting against this proposal. the paging really hasn't been putting forth any kind of concrete diplomatic proposals of it's ongoing to, to, to kind of find a solution in the way out of this crisis. of course that was really expected actually given me so that china was looking to, to take on a more active role in the middle east, brokering that piece agreement between the wrong on saudi arabia in march last year . but we know we, we really can't expect um, you know, the, the lease of the different months in leadership from china hasn't really come. china really is looking to act in his own interest,
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a big oil interests off of its origin. ports come from the middle east and of course, big trading relationship with many countries in the middle east. and those trading roads which have come on to far from, from here the rebels and the red sea china looking to to make a which is to the wrong. so it's a raining, the hearing fees when it comes to that issue as well. james, thank you very much. that was our course on a james traitor in taipei. well here berlin director martin scorsese has been honored with a lifetime achievement award at the international film festival value dollar of the days he received the word speaking of his obsessive love for a sentiment and said this, he will keep making more movies his latest film killers, of the flower moon will be competing at the oscars and feels over 2 weeks. because 10 nominate you are watching
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the the news coming to live from berlin up. next we've got a documentary film for you looking at the silt islands and bangladesh that are regularly flooded and yet people still managed to live on. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching. the, the in charlotte the kind of energy move people them in the, on the world wide in such a bed. nearby, facile jessica middle castle josh. find out about rubinez story info, migraines. the .


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