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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:14pm CET

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the, the dw news live from berlin, the european union agrees on fresh sanctions on russia. the death of dissidents. alexei novalis motivates the you to put more pressure on the kremlin force invasion of the brain. we looked at whether previous sanctions are having an effect. also coming up un security council moves to force an end to the fighting in gaza. but the us blocks the resolution calling for an immediate troops as china and other nations criticized us detail. washington proposes its own fire resolution for the 1st time. and the manager of germany's football champions goes from 0 to 0 as fire
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and munich, give thomas to follow the route. the end of its disappointing season the, i'm sarah kelly walked into the program that you has agreed on the 13th round of sanctions against russia. the move coming as the kremlin war against ukraine nears it's 2nd anniversary. and as you crime, lose his ground on the battlefields, its forces recently withdrew the eastern town of def. after months of heavy fighting, this on verified russian footage reports to show soldiers they are replacing the ukrainian flag with their own. or it also comes a bit increasing repression inside russia, where dissident deluxe. and along these depths last week, also play the part in the ears move to further punish moscow. lucio shilton is our
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process correspondence and gave us more details about the new sanctions on russia. yes, so there is an agreement in principle by the european union states investigators on the 13th package of sanctions against russia. and in this package, which has not yet been published. there supposedly nearly $200.00 persons and entities listed. and they are also new measures for seen and to avoid sanction um, circumvention which is making you sanctions in effect, this. so this is what has been agreed to today. they will still have to sign it off or officially and then it needs to be published in the official journal and only then the sanctions will enter into force. and it is for seen that this will happen by saturday 24th. the 2nd anniversary of the russian invasion into ukraine. well, since february 2022, the e. u has band goods worth over 43000000000 euros. that would have been exported to
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russia. these include advanced technology items such as radar systems, drones, camouflage, gear, or weapons. and luxury items off by russia's elite, the on the import side, the goods under sanctions are even more valuable, especially in commodities worth 90. 1000000000 euros are now banned across the block, including coal, iron, and gold, and steel, as well as brushes, most iconic, and coveted products vodka and caviar. here's a look. now how brushes economy is doing under the penalties that are already in place. the defense industry is currently the most important pillar of the russian economy. thanks to significantly increased government spending. the defense industry accounts with 10 percent of g. d. p. all the sectors such as the steel industry, also benefiting off to the slump in 2022. the russian economy is now growing according to data for most got growth is also
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a full cost for 2024 plus cut because he has a stomach ache this. what's that? what's happening unless the russia is actually what i'm running equally, becoming more like the soviet union in that it has high spending on the military and in some cases heavy industry. and at the same time, the level of consumption is holding for the population. people think that the cycle spots industrial production is also doing surprising. the well, for example, in the automotive sector, components are increasingly coming from china, off to the europeans, withdrew from russia, thanks to chinese impulse, the russian economy is being kept afloat. she never takes a traditional china or is of course, not officially participating in the sanctions. so it is not a partner, so to speak of western states when it comes to sanctions. since i'm feeling good to finance impulse, russia needs expos, income from gas sales. these are folded and dramatically times the use extensive
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input band seems to have had an effect chopping into a new customers with new pipelines is only a partial substitute. volume simple the with the 5 lines i'll say by the fact that when you compare them for lots of defy players conference board the to today you or confront support to, to china and even the new infrastructure of projects. like all else i be a to us 1000000000 the. ready you fund state the however oil sales rushes 2nd most important source of export revenue almost as good as before the war and ukraine. this is despite you sanctions. i am just enforcing a price cap of $60.00 us dollars a barrel transportation of oil. um probably are violating that because so there is a week i'm for as many to on the side of it is there is also
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a shadow trading uh where you know all. ready is uh uh, discharged, uh, and the charge of the, on another bus or the oldest 4 days a week. info's many to on the side of it is there is also a shadow trading uh where you know, uh all. ready the is uh, uh, discharged, uh, and the charge of the on another bus or the oldest. it's considered one of the most dangerous volcano students face initiative, densely populated mexico city. the united states has vetoed an era backed resolution in the un security council, demanding a ceasefire. in the war between israel and tomas, which is labeled as a terrorist organization in many countries, china and even the us ally, france criticized washington for blocking the resolution a 3rd time. the u. k. of stained in the vote. well 13 voted in favor. the u. s. and cetera, so it's own plan on a whole new american draft resolution calls for
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a temporary cease fire linked to the release of hostages, held by him over spring and the media. here's what's china's in bassett, or had to say about washington's veto. well, it was the veto exercised by the united states. that stapled council consensus may go to the us veto, sent the wrong message, pushing the situation in gaza into more dangerous territory. that can be an journalist. felix lee is an expert on china. i asked him what he need of china is comments to turn on once to position itself, the voice of the global fault and submit and drawing 2 of these countries to be honest, i think, is rarely exaggerating. with its actions is a god, a strip and a 10 o'clock, even the most aggressive voice against his real south africa, brazil, and the launch emergent. congress criticize these way. the government, you more view mentally? oh, well yeah. china is a tongue to try to consent to solve as a counsel and just calling for the excavation without making any constructive
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suggestions on its own. yet, at least on the outside to, to what extent channel will actually play a constructive role remains to be seen. and the also chinese dependents often back the experience to meet it if effectively. so, um yeah, i'm also curious how much a china will get involved. it's been interesting to track the commentary because i mean china has, has not been very outspoken since the october 7th attacks on israel, although it has repeatedly called for a ceasefire. and god, can you explain to us from, from, you know, from a strategic perspective, what is at stake for beijing in the middle east, and in this complex and culture? oh, yeah, sorry, yeah. china, its the testing itself. and what is it? uh it, due to china has on the diplomatic level, i think there's a lot going on behind the scenes we shouldn't on the estimate, china, the china has becoming increasingly involved in the middle east. we are,
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we were last year we were completely surprised that the leadership in building manage to bring the wholesale state. so i ran in saudi arabia together last year. and trying to input in the middle east has increased a little bit. and that is certainly will all come by many countries also in the middle east. so yeah i, i'm also curious what, how china will get involved in, in, in, in, in israel and the country as well. it gets a boston and to what extent does china playing to a domestic audience on this issue given it's many troubles at home, not, not least with the economy. well yeah, the kind of big problems in china are big, but china phone policy approach and little to do with the a domestic problems at home. and like in germany, it's not the keys at the middle east conflict, please. a major role for the majority of the chinese people,
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quite the opposite is perceived as a distant conflict. what many trying to feel, however, is that the us above all has double standards when it comes to human rights violations by the it's really government that you have criticism as well, does not go as far as it does with other human rights violations. of course, by this channels and wants to distract attention from its own human rights violations, journalist and china experts. felix lee, thank you so much for joining us to share that to you. thank you. or in the world of sports, one dislike of champions buyer munich will part ways with coach thomas to whole at the end of the current season to host position has been questioned in recent weeks after a run of 3 straight defeats left, fired off the pace and the boat as like a title race and on the brink of illumination in the europe's champions league, now you to full took over as buyer and coach last march before helping them to an 11th consecutive when to seek
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a title. or until his departure from buyer and munich, chris harrington from database forces here with hudson. the studio was the price above all else we need is the most important thing for buyer. and it's uh, boss is without a question. then when you factor in time is tool, you look at the 1st piece of silverware. the 1st title he won was gifted thanks to told me he arguably didn't even earn the one, but as like a title he, he got with a buyer munich. and you know, a shock not at all, i did expect this to come because one thing you realize about buy music, they've been winning so much. and so often going to their 12 title in a row. they don't even put way the but does that go on there to do list anymore. it's a foregone conclusion that they would win the league. the champions league is what they're about when you look at just a bruises and bob stool has gotten along the way, voted from the german cub. molly bought by laver cruise and beat up in the champions league looking. maybe they don't even advance in that competition. and
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then they're looking up at a point to labor cruising right now. it's not a shock, so they don't have to explain to us because i mean, they brought in thomas to whole right. i mean, this is a guy with a track record at p s g. a. chelsea was able to do some great things. why could he not replicate that now and fire? well to who is an acquired taste? you know, he doesn't really deal with management. everything is all good when you're winning, you know, but once you're losing, once these get a bit difficult to hold, typically has a gets my weight or the highway attitude reports are he lost half of the locker room and by munich after the most recent loss, to both of them, manuel lawyer failed in high regard. the captain, the goalkeeper. he said, we need to question everything, and i think he get probably gave thomas to all aside i after you said that comment, you know, so you the locker room is split. you're not winning. anything, i think it's very clear you have to make a change any time you have this wrong. and a coach, forces you to press the reset button and that when you're 12 title in a row,
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that coach has got to go. what do you think of the timing of the announcements? cuz mean, does this now hurt byron's chances of salvaging? you know, whatever a they could salvage and in the meantime, before he's gone scratching my head on that, you know myself. i think the timing of the situation is horrible. but a tool i had no confidence of winning the title anyways. he said that he doesn't think they'll do it. you know, that circles down to the team, and now the team is split. there's a split divide. i think the only thing going for buying right now, possibly cherry came, setting a new single season record for scoring goals. that's all i can see in buying unix immediate future. at least there's that chris harrington dw store, i think thank you. and with that, now you're up to date here on data being is up. next, our environments magazine plan is a, takes us closer look at india's efforts to stop the certification. the
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nice to be at the end just to pass it, got any difficult to access an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the.


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