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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news live from berlin. the european union agree. it's fresh sanctions on russia . the death of dissidents, alexis, of all need motivates the he, you to put more pressure on the kremlin, for its invasion of ukraine. we look at whether previous sanctions are having an impact. also coming up almost 2 years on since the russian and faded ukraine. we take a look at just some of the carnage the kremlin has inflicted on the country. and the un security council moves to force an end to the fighting in gaza, but the united states locks the resolution,
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calling for an immediate troops. as china and other nations criticized the us. veto . washington proposes its own cease fire resolution for the 1st time, the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. the you has agreed to a 13th round of sanctions against russia. the move coming as the kremlin war against ukraine years. it's 2nd anniversary. and as you crane this is ground on the battlefield, it's forces recently withdrew the eastern town of, of div cut after months of heavy fighting. this on verified version footage reports to show soldiers, they're replacing the ukrainian flag with their own. and it also comes and made increasing repression inside russia, where dissident alexei novalis death last week. also play the part in the use moved
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to further punish moscow. lucy or shilton is our brussels correspondence and she gave us more details about the new sanctions on russia. yes, so there is an agreement in principle by the european union states investigators on the 13th of package of sanctions against russia. and in this package, which has not yet been published. there supposedly nearly $200.00 persons and entities listed. and they are also new measures for seen and to avoid sanction um, circumvention which is making use sanctions in effect this. so this is what has been agreed to today. they will still have to sign it off or officially and then it needs to be published in the official journal and only then the sanctions will enter into force. and it is for seen that this will happen by saturday 24th. the 2nd and the grocery of the russian invasion into ukraine. that was lucy. i shall,
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10. now since february 2022, the e. u has band goods worth over 43000000000 euros that would have been exported to russia. it includes advance technology items like radar systems, drones, camouflaged, gear or weapons and luxury items stop by rushes lead. on the import side, the goods under sanctions are even more valuable. russian commodities worth 91 more than 90. 1000000000 euros, excuse me, are now banned across the block, including coal, iron, gold, and steel, as well as much as most iconic and coveted products bodka and caviar. here's a look at how it rushes economy is doing under the penalties already in place. the defense industry is commonly the most important pillar of the russian economy. thanks to significantly increased government spending. the defense industry accounts for 10 percent of gd paid all the sectors such as the steel industry, also benefiting off to the slump in 2022. the russian economy is
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now growing, according to data for most of the growth is also a full cost for 2024 plus cut stuff which i wish. what's that, what's happening? russia is actually what i'm running late, becoming more like the soviet union in that it has high spending on the military and in some cases heavy industry. and at the same time, the level of consumption is holding for the population. people think that the cycle spots industrial production is also doing surprising. the well, for example, in the automotive sector, components are increasingly coming from china, off to the europeans, withdrew from russia, thanks to chinese impulse, the russian economy is being kept afloat. she never takes that tradition is china, or is of course not officially participating in the sanctions. so it is not a partner, so to speak of western states when it comes to sanctions. since i'm feeling good to
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finance impulse, russia needs expos, income from gas sales. these are folded dramatically at times. the use extensive impulse band seems to have had an effect. tapping into a new customers with new pipelines is only a partial substitute. volume was involved with the 5 lines on. busy a different uh when you compare them for wanted to 5 days, come from support to today you all come from support to, to china and even the new infrastructure of projects. like all else, i give you a to us 1000000000 day you fund state the however oil sales rushes 2nd most important source of export revenue almost as good as before the war and ukraine. this is despite use sanctions. i am just enforcing a price cat, a $60.00 us dollars a barrel transportation of oil. um probably are violating the cops so
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they use a week. i'm for as many to on the side of it is there is also a shadow trading uh where you know, uh all. ready the is uh, uh, discharged, uh, and the charge, the on another bus or the overseas. uh more and more oil is ending up in india. its most important oil supply is no russia. nevertheless, russians growth is partly finance don't credits, including ministry spending. how long computing actually a forward to do this? this come with the guns it's, i can write that for quite a while. that will set the browser. i had a very low deb level at the beginning of the war. it still has a low debt level even now. actually extend. russia does not look set to run out of money to finance the war and ukraine any time soon. so let's get more on this now. we're joined by the hell crew to him and he is an economic analyst and specialist and the oil and gas market. he's joining us from oslo. thank you so much for your
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time. we just heard in that report that the russian economy is growing again. does that mean that the european union and us sanctions aren't working, or is the central bank of russia just that skilled at avoiding them? well, this thing says do work. if we compare the oil and gas, the raven used to the federal budget last year and the year before, we see you that the rate oil and gas revenues have last about $73000000000.00. this is the result of, uh, uh, the price cape on the russian oil, and the well as the retreat of gus brown from new york in the market. and when we look at the prospects, so the rest of the economic growth, we see that the 2.3 percent overdue to be grow was this year reflect a very distorted economy. the military industries are extra to grow women for
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a spring. but the industries of the provide the role of social and economic growth, the populations are in the, in the very poor shape as to the sanctions. i think yes, it is possible to increase of the dresser of sanctions on the rest that because we see now that some sort of a secondary wave of sanctions are affecting the rest of the 3 with a chain united arab emirates and dark in the banks in these 3 countries are now i'm willing to deal with transactions the, all the cash uh for russian 3. and i think this of the tendency is go in to get stronger and stronger. why do you think? do you think it's because it's, you know, rushes coming under increased pressure and, and what could the european union and the united states do to hit russia harder in your opinion to yes, i think this is a very powerful instrument of brass or,
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uh, secondary sanctions against the banks, uh, not some companies that go great with the rest in providing it with military equipment and uh, some cash, but banks, banks are very much afraid to be sanctioned by the international partners in the united states in the e. u. and the seems to be an increase in producer and the i have to send these take about the future over the rest of the economy. because i see now that the rest of the rest of the silver and fund is being depleted very quickly. the the funds which are still liquid in this will cash hord are being depleted the temple that may be in the list within 2 years. so there will be no more money in this fund, and the government will have to will to milk the companies as it, it,
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it is the so the population, sorry, i just want to ask you just very briefly because i mean you, you mentioned the banks and the pressure that are on banks, you know, when we think about the russian economy, what most people think about as the energy sector. we've heard that oil sales are as strong as before, the war. how can not be of germany and the others in the west have cut their reliance on russian energy? what's going on in that sector? or? no, no, nobody was going to stop the rest of the oil exports. the problem was with the ribbon use from that export, and this is why the issue, the resolved, the sex has decided that they should be price kept well dressed and loyal $60.00 per one barrel over us. and we'll delivered by the sea, and we see is that uh, the 1st sales uh, the restroom government, the receives the rebate and use from the 1st sale over us an oil and the to avoid this situation. the rest of the oil companies and some other companies decided to
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sell that oil. the for a sale goes to the well subsidiaries, all the rest of the companies. and then several subsea there is in the interim me, there is a refill that oil with profit. it does not go to the restroom, buzzer. okay, we have to leave it there unfortunately. but we thank you so much for joining us to share your expertise michelle critique in speaking with us from oslo. we appreciate it now, here's a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. following the death of former russian opposition leader alexei nevada. the the united kingdom hasn't co sanctions on 6 members of russia's prison authority. the 6 individuals round the arctic penal colony were and of only died on friday. the u. k. has frozen their assets frozen and impose to travel by and is really strike has hit a residential area in the syrian capital, damascus. according to state media reports say that at least 2 people have died
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after several missiles caused damage to the neighborhood of coff ourselves up. israel has not commented on the allegation yet. yeah, that's no bunch of us. i'm mexico's most active volcano. the public of tape petals has abrupt it and is spewing large cloud to ash and gas into the sky. people have been asked to avoid a 12 kilometer radius around this crater. it's considered one of the world's most dangerous volcanoes due to its closeness to densely populated mexico city. it's almost 2 years since russia's full scale invasion of ukraine began just how many civilians have been killed since then is unknown. but it is thought to be in the 10s of thousands. in the early months of the war, the russian air force bombed a theatre in the 4th city of mario paul. ukraine says that $300.00 people, including many children, died there. but russia claims that the theatre was blown off by the ukrainian also a freshman without providing evidence. the following month,
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more than 60 people were killed in the eastern city of comma tours, or missiles struck a railway station. russian authorities, again put the blame on ukraine as dw is max sandra. now reports from car teeth. these 2 incidents were just the beginning of a bloody and a lengthy conflict with no end in sight. do you remember this? it went viral after a russian attack on a residential area and hard case survivors, the steering and what remained of their home. the russian said they had hit a weapon spectra, and they said a couple of were paid actors on this stuff here off try to in go in her thought somebody and say that's ridiculous to tell us. they left her apartment minutes before the impact. it's on stuff and the video with her husband valid email. she didn't want to join us for the interview. the to the some of that when i said is video. now, of course it's not
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a plan video. it's about supporting each other for someone to think about when we realized everything we had was lying there on file. it's actually a very sad moment. but let's hope we can achieve victory before the russians could make more missiles and destroy our homes and lives their apartment was on the side of the building that was directly hit. all that's left is the quarter to 10 of their neighbors died, including an 8 year old girl. isabel apartment is scattered here, here and here it was the top one and the 1st to be hit. many things were thrown out . the family is still shaking. it's causing the cell low every time a siren goes off my legs shake because it's scary because you don't know what's going to happen. but the, the question of safety in the country that is being boned is a very uncomfortable question. in my opinion,
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there's no place where you can hide me. i'll go with me. said that the worst, columbus across town. another sight of recent rushing destruction, the hockey's palace hotel managed to keep running through most of the war. it was at hub for foreign journalists. we've often stayed here ourselves. a director all hostile ankle takes us inside a missile hit on the day before new year's eve looking at the damage. it's difficult to believe no one died here, not even the person working out the gym to the one that's a total of 12 years. we've been in hockey and it's been a place for all significant celebrations, children's birthdays, weddings, business meetings. and we go used to the fact that there was always a lot of peaceful people here who considered this place to be a landmark for social events and for goods peaceful intentions, soc on that would be the wellness needed 15 guests were staying
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at the hotel at the time people wanting to celebrate the new year and still many of the new kind of guests. so what was the list that would journalists from all over the well, i sure most. i think we had become a hub for those people who needed to show you the whole well, what was happening within someone city? for sure. sure. the, the variety of the russians claim the hotel was used as a hall by military personnel, but never provided proof. we never saw soldiers here during our stays. you all know most of way as i can explain their actions. i think it's absurd, absurd, destroying, civilian buildings, civilian facilities, hospitals. i believe that this is unacceptable. i can damage the filter. she shows us a video from the beginning of the more international journalist here in the lobby and the local pianist waiting to invite this musician to
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visit us again. he's become a close friend of ours. that will definitely be music here again. and people and life. good will try it out for the evil. the. the plan is to repair the hotel and reopened as soon as possible. the many wars begin and are justified with lies. the russian attack and ukraine is no difference . medina and the stuffs you overnight jane goes home. never existed according to the russian narrative. it says none of this is real. i wore it only twice. the women know better than that, but all that is left now. our memories and now we have just heard references to russian queens of hitting military targets when in fact they were clearly farming
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civilians. maria, up to you, there is an analyst who studied russian dis information. she joins us now from keith. welcome back to the program and thank you so much for joining us. i mean, you know, the story is about the car here. well, of course, the kind of stories that you apparently here, every day, right? the absolute, so this is what russia is claiming every time they she goes to the land target, they try to somehow explain each all legitimize it. and they will tell you that this was a military base or base prenatal nurse. and there is assumption like that. they told this immediately like minutes after they hit the heart give by less and heart, give another hotel in heart give. they told this when they heat a video pizza and come up or square. you great man, a ride to victoria. i imagine the risk of many others was killed. so this is the normal, it's not normal, but this is the regular russian tactics to legitimize heating cd land targets and
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tell their audience people inside the rush or that this is what they're doing here . fighting that says um, this is why they will continue to do it today. actually, who did it will friendly on the russian, the social media channels that they will continue doing this in other, your brain. nancy, just what's your biggest concern right now when you're looking at russian, this information campaigns? because, i mean, the, the full sco russian invasion of ukraine is now moving into its 3rd year. we've seen some, you know, some fragmentation, some just me, unity of among ukraine's partners and also, you know, the ukrainian public is, we've been hearing, i mean, it's tired, it's tired of, of, of war. so how does, how does this information to factor into all of that for you? what are you most worried about right now? of russia specifically targets to different audiences. ukraine and score exhausted up to 2 years of the war. they tried to heat your grading and you need to
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and they tried to correct you create now society, but that type of, uh, digital information when they claim about the military targets. so when they started to view a lot house test, when they killed surveillance and saw that this was military, they said this is a mostly on the population insides. russia to, for the legitimize aggression. and to get more people into the army. because put a needs more, uh, and she wants to continue, and the russia is in its full scale, offensive in many directions now around the car, give him bounce in the south. so few brain in the east, and they need more man in to let the russian army and they need support for their actions. and this is why propaganda and his information is so threatening because this threatens not only your brain and your brain. and secuity is this threat of
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the use secure to in europe because later an extra was this was so red that happened in the russian propaganda a channel. so will tell russian that they will have to continue and go for their go to the baltic states, go to portland, and they have over at the extra all the states and this open. but now in some form of the french propaganda channels rush and state channels about them, it will go for the we have seen how it happened in ukraine. it starts from a little sim somewhere in the french channel, but then it gets into the large scale rush and state media and ministry of defense reports. okay, maria, of the, the in key. we have to leave it there unfortunately, but as always, thank you so much for joining us here on the de eunice. see us has vetoed an arrow backed resolution of the un security council, demanding a cease fire in the war between israel and him off, which is labeled a terrorist organization in many countries. china and even us ally,
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france criticized washington for blocking the resolution. the 3rd time, the u. k. abstained from the boat, while 13 voted in favor. the us instead proposed its own plan, the states is new american draft resolution calls for a temporary cease fire linked to the release of hostages, held by him us. we'll bring an immediate and sustain, here's what china is invested or has to say about washington's veto. it was the veto exercised by the united states that stapled counsel consensus made what the us and veto sent the wrong message. pushing the situation in gaza into more dangerous territory that can be. and journalist felix lee is an expert on china. i asked him what he made of china's comments. the china wants to position itself the voice of the globe default and submit and drawing 2 of these countries to be honest,
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a think is rarely exaggerating with its actions is a god, a strip and the most aggressive voice against israel, south africa, brazil, and other lodge emergent countries criticize these way, the government you more view mentally? oh well yeah. china is a tongue. tried to present itself with a comfortable i'm just calling for the excavation without making any constructive suggestions on its own. yet at least on the outside um uh to what takes 10 channel extra play. a constructive role remains to be seen. um uh, also chinese dependents offering back the experience to meet it if effectively. so, um, yeah, i'm also curious uh how much of china will get involved. it's been interesting to track the commentary because i mean china has, has not been very outspoken since the october 7th, the tax on israel, although it has repeatedly called for a cease fire. and gaza, can you explain to us from, from, you know, from a strategic perspective, what is at stake for beijing in the middle east?
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and in this conflict from pleasure. yeah, sorry, yeah. china, it's do testing itself. and what is it due to china has on the diplomatic level, i think there's a lot going on behind the scenes. we should under estimate china, the china has becoming increasingly involved in the middle east. we are, we were last year we were completely surprised that the leadership in building manage to bring the wholesale state. so i ran and saudi arabia together last year and trying to insult in the middle east has increased a little bit. and that is certainly welcome by many countries also in the middle east. so yeah, i, i'm also curious what, how china will get involved in, in, in, in, in israel and the country as well. it gets a post in you, to what extent does china playing to a domestic audience on this issue given it's many troubles at home, not,
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not least with the economy. well yeah, the kind of big problems in china are big, but china phone policy approach and little to do with of a domestic problems at home. and like in germany, it's not the keys at the middle east conflict, please. a major role for the majority of the chinese people, quite the opposite is perceived as a distance. the conflict. what many trying to feel, however, it is that the us above all has double standards when it comes to human rights violations by the is really government. the us criticism, as well, does not go as far as it does with other human rights violations, of course, by this channels and wants to distract attention from its own human rights violations. journalists and china exports felix lee. thank you so much for joining us to share that to you. thank you. i'm here in berlin, director martin scorsese has been honored with
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a lifetime achievement award at the international film festival, berlin, ala, or the. we received the award, speaking of his obsessive love for cinema, and said that he will keep making more movies. his latest film killers of the flower moon will be competing at the oscars in just over 2 weeks. it has and nomination, the a quick reminder now of our top story, 0 dw news. the european union has agreed on the 13th round of sanctions against russia. the move comes as the kremlin spore against ukraine mirrors and the 2nd anniversary and su crane loses ground on the battlefields. its forces recently withdrew from the eastern town of upkeep. after months, heavy fighting made in germany is up next to looking after raising
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hope in the german economy to stay with us for that. i'm sarah kelly in berlin. thank you for watching. the,
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the bleak germany's economy is shrink in the mood some mid sized businesses are struggling to survive. germany is stuck and losing ground in international competition. are politicians to blame, made in germany. next islands along the river are home to the challenges of bangladesh. every 6 months,
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their land, it's funny, does actually be the last few, but peter reassessed them. funny. the latest populated stuff to do with the never ending cycle of destruction and rebuilding the in 45 minutes on the w. the is increasing at reason many of watching online services, the only work that is holiday destination drowning costs at the cost every year of the exports of $1000000.00 tons of plastic. why
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is there another way off the rules? the environment is not responsible make up your own mind, dw, made for mines. the good news. for decades, germany was regarded as the model country in europe. it's still the largest economy, but the economy has suffered a mass of downturn. how did this happen? and is germany once again, the sick man of europe has some international news headlines have already for planes. we'll take a look at the sectors where things are not running so smoothly in germany. co, spain is trying to get a handle on illegal irrigation. what a new type of under c station for humans might look like and how drones are helping
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to save lives.


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