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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CET

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the the, this is dw news live from berlin tonight, the european union agreeing to slap new sanctions on russia. the decision triggered by the death of criminal and critic alexis of all new, like we asked will more sanctions make any difference on the front lines in ukraine . also going to get denied almost 2 years since the rush of began its invasion of ukraine. we'll take a look at some of the carnage that the kremlin has inflicted upon the country and in new figures and show that being a journalist and palestinian is a particularly dangerous combination. we'll take a look at a new report highlighting just held the deadly it is being a reporter in golf, the
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bridge golf. it's good to have you with this onto this wednesday. the european union has a green to yet another, a 13th round of sanctions against russia. the move comes as the criminal is war against ukraine, the city, the 2 year mark and it comes as ukraine is losing ground on the battlefield. its forces recently withdrew from the eastern, new town of difficult, after months of heavy fight. and now this on verified russian footage reports to show soldiers, they are replacing the ukrainian flag with their own. it also comes a bit increasing repression inside russia where this it, it, alexis, of all these death last week also played a part in the european union to move to further punish manascale
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a g u. so is our brussels corresponded. she gave us more details about the new sanctions that are being swept upon rush. yeah, so there is an agreement in principle by the european union states investigators on the 13th package of sanctions against russia. and in this package, which has not yet been published. there supposedly nearly 200 persons and entities listed and they are also new measures for seen and to avoid sanction um, circumvention which is making use sanctions in effect this. so this is what has been agreed to today. they will still have to sign it off or personally, and then it needs to be published in the official journal. it only then the sanctions will enter into force. and it is for seen that this will happen by saturday 24th. the 2nd anniversary of the russian arrangement until you train that
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was which usual they're reporting from russelton's. i'm joined now by professor jeffrey is on entail. he's the senior associate dean at the old school of business management professor. it's good to have you with this. i was just asking you, is this the need and response to a more in ukraine that is now entering, are about to enter. it's 3rd year. and that comes on the heels of the death of alexis, of all a yes, a great question. and tragically, great timing for you. a great question. it is needed. we've had various warning shots over the bell of increasingly steps sanctions. and yet there still is more that has to be done. we alone had a lot to do with catalyzing, the historic exit of 1200 major multi nationals to leave russia. that's 6 times the retreat from south africa and protests of the apartheid regime. and there
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are all kinds of sanctions, of course we as we know and financial sector in some other sectors. but there is not enough. and this is i think going to be very effective. the price covers were, we're pretty strong. but this will do even far more represent, you know, you will certainly understand that there is a level of cynicism double among the public. this is the 13th round of sanctions that the european union has swept against russia. how many rounds of sanctions will it take to get the desired outcome? well, it'll take a lot more and it isn't like giving one weapon system. it either is going to do it . so please hope are any cynical viewers keep in mind that the, the leverage tanks from you folks are the abrams things from here aren't going to do it alone. behind me, our systems weren't going to do it alone. the, the f sixteens weren't going to do it. alone of the, the various kinds of a, of a patriot missiles,
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systems and things of provide protection and defense. but just like we need multiple weapon systems and now they're shorter and artillery. we also need a lot tighter sanctions, essentially been very effective. what your viewers have to understand is putting is concealing as economic statistics from the international monetary from the am of their own. economists have told us of the i m a and we haven't recorded that. they don't know how, how put and how the russian economy is doing. their only taking his made up propaganda has to test x and repackaging it and put a white stuff in the morning comes up with a vague g, d p. the russian economy is hemorrhaging. every sector is down from 60 percent and to more than 90 percent, they have 0 foreign investment going into that over a $100000000.00 a year or foreign direct investment going in there. we know that we're 3rd of their 1000000 years of floods because the economy is in, is in distress. but he's surviving exact cannibalizing industry and in
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and now this economy used to be 25 percent state and state control. it's now 70 percent state controlled and use of he uses that is cookie. as a cookie jar, there's no fees mortgaging rushes future. that may be the case professor, but it doesn't change the fact that these and sanctions have not brought this more to an end. and that is what everyone is waiting to happen as well. they, they need even more. there are chips that get through their military grade. sure. trips chips that even in a bassinger from just between we've prizes becca, stand admitted to us directly. a gets basically taped onto a refrigerator, it was in the microwave ovens is household appliances is get imported into russia that are actually harvested and used for military grade uses. there. there are chips coming through russia, chips coming through china, and those have to be tight and wait. they of the oil sanctions, russia is not making money on oil. you hear about a volume of, well, their,
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their profits are plunged. in fact, they're producing a breakeven levels now the, to today's financial times, reports are we said what happened 2 years ago, which is that gas problem is basically uh, as i'm virtually out of business. nobody can buy their gas and you guys don't in the needs, none of it. and they can't pivot and sell it to asia. but there is still some slip as we have. aluminum is being bought. we have billions of dollars of aluminum, $10000000000.00 as of aluminum being bought by the u. that should stop $2000000000.00 of, of a, of titanium and things that can be brought to a halt. and that's what these new sanctions will tighten. i think the sanctions it even more than a and better enforcement on on i think some of the oil price gaps which would help . well, i'm sure a lot of people are going to be watching to see if this round will will do the trick. professor jeffrey, it is only that we appreciate your time and your valuable analysis tonight. thank you. thank you so much. i whichever these governments it says that
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europe's largest economy is in quote troubled waters as it has released its annual economic reports. berlin has slashed growth forecast for 2024. as the economy struggles with a range of challenges instead of 1.3 percent is predicted earlier, 1.3 percent growth. the economy well now is expected to grow only by 0.2 percent. this year, the new figures are causing great concern across the entire european cot, household appliance manufacturer, mueller ford and cologne, department store chain galleria, and the cargo division of georgia. bon all have something in common. they bought in as plans today of thousands of employees due to the weak economy. these companies are struggling with high energy prices, weaker to mind, high labor costs and excessive bureaucracy. the government had expected the economy to grow by 1.3 percent this year. now it expects to 0.2 percent growth.
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you draw a stronger situation. is kennan j extremely challenging? this we need to do more. we need to come up with major reforms to maintain and strengthen germany's competitiveness in a completely changed global environment. and germany's g. d. p growth is at the bottom among industrialized nations. these are the opposition is calling for an immediate economic program focusing on reducing corporate taxes and red tape. otherwise they say germany risk becoming the sic mount of europe once again. here's the look now, some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world, the united kingdom, has imposed sanctions on 6 members of russia's prison authority. the 6 individuals ran the arctic penal colony, where alexi, nev only died last friday, u k has frozen their assets and impose to travel they. the police in several
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european countries have carried out rates on people with smugglers suspected of being involved in illegal migration across the english channel in germany alone. the raids led to dozens of arrests, european union, law enforcement agency, euro bull, coordinated the operations spanish farmers fault with police or the demonstration in madrid earlier today. hundreds of tractors rolled into the capital for a new purchase against what they see as excessive red tape. and insufficient aid from the state farmers and been protesting for weeks across many countries. here in europe, the german football league has a band and a 1000000000 your plan to bring an investor into the league as follows. months of fan protests. he showed their opposition by throwing objects onto the page and causing disruptions. they feared that the investment would shift the focus from the game and put the profit, the head of van culture and tradition. us
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lawyers are urging the u. k. court to walk. we see leaks founder juliet sanchez, extradition appeal bit supporters of assad protested outside the london courts where the appeal is being decided. the court is going to decide if a son should have a further opportunities to argue his case before a u. k. court. in order to avoid facing espionage charges in a mirror, a lot for as long as the big boss, she's following the hearing for us at london's high court, gave it to you. very good. see, today is launches opponents, the united states, the attorneys for the united states, they had their stage. what did the attorneys say? well, they argue that julian hassan has not the john list and whatever he did was not covered by freedom of speech. they said, and this is an argument they have brought up to quote before they said that he
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wrote people address basically by publishing the information, the world that he, what they said has hundreds of iraq. he's enough gone these of, of sources that he put them. edwards, this is something that the julian assign just saw, i deny, they say that could not be proven that that he had had done that. but the us um, basically maintained, that's what he's on is, is that true mental for the united states and all say for, for these uh us sources. they also say that the u. k. should expedite joining us ons because that has been longstanding friendship. the us as an ally off the united kingdom and that it should be basically taken for granted that they would act in good faith and that you would get it free and said try it in the us and what's, what's the thinking in the u. k. where you are very good. i mean,
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how is this on the scene there? this is really interesting. so these 2 days, so a lot of supporters of julian hassan she had just around me outside the court house . they were just charging all day long. basically the stages were and m p 's, human rights people, john, are those so going to is ations where they were speaking in favor of 2 we're going to so on. but if he's not, is case is not covered intensively by u k. media. so there is, there is a bit of a disconnect, it's not that does not cover the tools, but i see media from around the world covering this case, but not so much in the u. k. and equally, the people that have been had been coming from as far as australia, from speaking to australian to come in his defense and, and they are maintaining that this is such an important case because they see the freedom of the press at risk. if joining us on is accessorize it and try it in the
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us, corresponding different most with the latest, from one to be a good thank you. which is the middle east now where the devastating war between israel and tomas and guns means persistent dangers for journalists who are trying to cover the conflict. recent figures from the committee to protect journalists showed palestinian. the journalist made up the majority of all reporters till the world wide in the past year. no sense of mazda is october 7th terror attacks. 83 palestinian journalists, and 2 is really journalists have been killed in the conflict within gauzy. it's now almost exclusively palestinians reporting on the war on the ground. israel has refused to let foreign journalists in to report independently, they are all those reporting from within guns that are doing so under extremely difficult conditions of the once. more now i'm joined by
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jody ginsburg. he's the ceo of the committee to protect the journalist and joins me from new york journey. it's good to have you with this. let's talk about this conflict. this conflict is just but 3 months old. and in terms of being dangerous to journalist, how does it compare to other conflicts, we're journalist and try to get to the truth. this is the w, as conflict for done this, the committee to project on this has ever documented. we've been doing this. what for more than 2 years mojdeh unless died in the 1st 10 weeks of israel gauze will then have evidence. i certainly says we've been doing this work in a single country over an entire yet the intensity, the numbers is up to the unprecedented your organization. we know investigates the
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depths of journalists in gaza. i don't have to tell you, it's very difficult to, to verify any information that's coming out of the gaza strip. how did you make sure that the data you were collecting, that it's accurate as it is extremely difficult. the sorts of things that we would normally rely on being able to speak to families being able to speak to call. it is extremely challenging because families are being kept kind of colleagues of being killed. never the last. we take the same approach that we would with any other situation. we make sure that we have at least 2 sources of information for any of the john. this that we document, we speak to friends, we speak to families, we do a search online that looks up the output to make sure that out information is accurate as possible. and of course, it's a war information comes to lights over time and we update our information as we gets it. what do you say to the allegations that are coming from is real,
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that some of these journalists are, are military. so, mean, do you believe that? do you believe that they've actually been targeted by israeli forces? well, we have yet to see any credible evidence that the journalist that these really subsides are actually militant. so actually terrorist us search. last year before this was started, the committee to project done this report rep produce a report called the d pass on which looked at the killings of laws. you palestinians on this bias ready forces over the past 22 years as and we found that 20 janice had been killed and, and not a single case that anyone been held accountable. and what we saw, in fact, was a path and then which quite often is where i was accused done and as of being a terrorist of being minutes ins, but never produce any evidence. and that remains the case in this war to israel says that its army cannot guarantee the safety of journalists. i'm how kendral is
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then how can they, they do their job without risking there are lots douglas and goes, i cannot do that jobs without risking their lives. nowhere and goals are as safe done and as the doing absolutely what we would expect on is to do covering the will that looking at the often loss of bombings, we're going to hospitals and then we see hospitals, phone. so they're going to refugee comes to look at the effects of displacements. those of also have been both. there isn't a place for dentist to be safe in the current environment, but it's absolutely imperative that we recognize that john nestle civilians and must be treated as such. so it must never be targeted to ginsburg well with the community to protect journalists, surely we appreciate your time and your input tonight. thank you. thank you. it's been almost 2 years since russia's full scale invasion of ukraine began just
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how many civilians have been killed since then. it's a no, but it's thought to be in the 10s of thousands, in the early months of the war, the russian air force bomb, the theater. and the con, you may remember in the port city of mario ukraine says 300 people, including many children, died there, but russian claims the theater was blown off by the ukrainian as well regiment, without providing any evidence to support the claim. the following month, within 60 people were killed in the eastern city of mentors when missiles struck a railway station. russian authorities, again put the blame on you crane. but these were just 2 of the incidents, the grand international headlines dummies. mike's funder has sent us a report from heart, steve, on some of the other russian attacks in this long and bloody conflict. do you remember this?
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it went viral after a russian attack on our residential area and hard case survivors, the steering and what remained of their home. the russians said they had had a weapons factory. they said a couple of were paid actors on this stuff here off try to in go and her daughter money. and i say that's ridiculous to tell us. they left their apartment minutes before the impact. it's on the stuff on the video with her husband follow the man she didn't want to join us for the interview. the to the some of that when i say it is video. now of course it's not a plan video. it's about supporting each other for someone to think about when we realized everything we had was lying there on file. it's actually a very sad moment. but let's hope we can achieve victory before the russians can make more missiles and destroy our homes and lives their apartment was on the side of the building that was directly hit. all that's
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left is the core to 10 of their neighbors died including an 8 year old girl named savell apartment. it's got it here here and here it was the top one and the fest to be hit. many things were thrown out. the family is still shaking. it's causing the cell, well, every time a siren goes off my legs shake because it's scary because you don't know what's going to happen with the number of the question of safety in the country that has being bombed is a very uncomfortable question. in my opinion, there is no place where you can hide me. i'll go with me so that the worst columbus across town, another site of recent russian destruction, the hockey palace hotel, managed to keep running through most of the war. it was at hub for foreign journalists. we've often stayed here ourselves. director all hostile ankle takes us inside a missile hit on the day before new year's eve of looking at the damage. it's difficult
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to believe no one died here, not even the person working out the gym to the one that's a total of 12 years. we've been in hockey's and it's been a place for all significant celebrations, children's birthdays, weddings, business meetings. and we go used to the fact that there was always a lot of peaceful people here who considered this place to be a landmark for social events and for goods peaceful intentions stuck on the seat, would be the little non needed. 15 guests were staying at the hotel at the time, people wanting to celebrate the new year and still many of the new kind of guests. so what was the list that would journalists from all over the well, i sure. i think we had become a hub for those people who needed to show you the whole well, what was happening with them. so most of the show to the, the variety of the russians claim, the hotel was used as a hall by military personnel,
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but never provided proof. we never saw soldiers here during our stays, the most of the way up. i can't explain their actions. i think it's absurd, absurd, destroying, civilian buildings, civilian facilities, hospitals. i believe that this is unacceptable. i condemn it. shows us a video from the beginning of the more international journalist here in the lobby and the local pianist waiting to invite this musician to visit us again. he's become a close friend of ours. that will definitely be music here again. and people and life good will try out for the evil the, the plan is to repair the hotel and reopen as soon as possible. many wars begin and are justified with lies. the right as an attack on ukraine is no
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different. marina and the stats you offer that chain goes home, never existed according to the russian narrative. it says none of this is real. i wore it only twice. the women, no better than that, but all that is left. now, our memories dw smart songs and they are reporting the barely and all the beloved him festival is underway. here in the german capital and among the stars and the red carpet last night was one of the biggest names incentive. i'm talking about martin scorsese presented with an honorary golden beer, the $1000000000.00 lifetime achievement. he was given the standing ovation as he walked on stage to accept his trophy legendary stone maker martin scorsese, held on tightly to his golden band,
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a testament to his impact on the world of cinema. the and the worst that we do individually is part of the break ongoing, ultimately endless conversation and was, and listen time was and i really feel like i've been blessed to have taken part in that conversation for most of my life. now perfectly a suicide. you jump through the latest film, the killers and the mirror, and they are not of the copy of our out to mode a wealthy members of the osage native american tribes. as part of a plot to deprive them of the oil. and athens hail that explores not only the motives themselves, but also greet wells, conspiracy, racism, and the early days of the f. b. i. the 81 year old director says he's not planning to stop making movies any time soon. in his eulogy, german direct when ben this describes scorsese as the reading,
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king of cinema. tears welled up as chris's eyes s vendor set. i sent in all of it with both in this room here now 46 years later. and that we all together tonight can celebrate one of the most influential directors of our time events, also an inventor and innovator. constantly looking for new horizons of cinematic expression, but most of all he is an extraordinary story teller, or say this next stop is the word killers of asylum. has him a nation, including this picture, you actually need to be news up next documentary taking a look at what happens when generations class contrasting the uni routines of people in brazil and iran sticking around for them. i'll be back at the top of the
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hour with more world news to see that the
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you kaiser my gosh, don't think i wouldn't better choose to have surgery for yes. the big fan of plastic surgery going under the knife for beauty. on yesterday, mom manual, i want to get a nose job. some other i think his face is fine. there's plenty of potential for conflict when generations class us and them. next on
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d w. the truly treated by western european patients of the norm and medical textbooks. does that lead to discrimination against people of color in medicine? does it result in false diagnoses? and more complications? is the racism in medicine? in 45 minutes on d w, the asked about why does this because now i'm leave them on to the new host. join us for an exciting exploration and everything in between.
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this is a video and audio production 5 d, w. i hope video will tune in the last time i liked by bodies such as we might unless we're with my the today i look in the mirror and i think i'm really pretty lost. our bodies are as active but as per appearance really bothers me lose a little way. there were a lot of comments that hurt in my chicago group that do policies.


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