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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 21, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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the the, this is dw dues live in from berlin. tonight is applying to people in garza, without water. with more than a 1000000 people crammed into the southern gauze and city of rough or even the most basic needs are hard to meet and with water. in short supply organizations all morning, depending catastrophe also coming up tonight. european union agrees to slap new sanctions on roger. the decision triggered by the death of the kremlin critic alexis of all new. tonight we ask, well, more sanctions where they make any differences on the front lines in ukraine and the conflict in me and more spills over its borders into neighboring bangladesh.
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corresponded talks to some of the people who have endured the violence and last loved ones in the process was german football fans or for if the national league to scrap plans for private investment for months and protests, the l is forced to back out of a multi 1000000000 euro deal. you want the i bring golf to our viewers watching on cbs in the united states, into all of you around the world. welcome. we begin to show tonight in the south of the gaza strip were over a 1000000 displays, palestinians are struggling to access even the basic needs for survival in the city of ruffled. the biggest concern is water with fresh water. hard to come by,
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maybe are using sea water for much of daily life. agencies say they are concerned that the lack of clean drinking water consume lead to get another catastrophe as the a frantic daily routine in rough uh, fetching teen water. if i got somebody but my son is small and needs walter, i bring him see what was there, but he refuses it. we're unable to wash, we don't have clean clothes. there's no water, there's no food. the rest of the world has food for this situation here is dire. we need water to live with that water. there is no life in the long line forms every day on this beach. around one and a half 1000000 people are now believes to be crammed into the southern guys and say to you of rafa resident say, the lack of clean water and food is closing disease. to spread
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this about what your thoughts are not going to be sending. you a for an ard to collect what those interest you have on the all these people are reading that on the way on it, but not all of them will get more off of them. we miss, i don't know. i don't know. it's like this every day of the world. food program has signed the alarm once again by the gravity of conditions in god's depending on where you are. it ranges from emergency levels, but it goes all the way up to catastrophic levels. you find that there are people who have missed meals for a day or 2 days or 3 days. they have severe hunger. um, but you also have people who have acute hunger. that is they are not eating for a week agency site. they're concerned about the possibility of famine and gaza. a
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dream warning that comes as a flight in continues. and we stay in the middle east where the devastating more between is real and mos in guns that can mean life or death for journalists trying to cover the conflict. their recent figures from the committee to protect journalists showed palestinian journalist made up the majority of all the journalists killed a world wide in the past year. since a mazda is october 7th terror attacks in israel, 83 palestinian journalist into is really journalist had been killed within the gaza strip. it's male, almost exclusively palestinians, reporting on the more on the ground. israel has refused to let foreign journalists end to report independently. they, jody ginsburg is the ceo of the committee to protect journalists. i asked her what makes the conflict in gaza is so much more dangerous for journalist to report on compared to other conflicts. this is the deadly as conflict for john this,
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the committee to project on this has ever documented. we've been doing this. what for more than 2 years, mojdeh unless died in the 1st 10 weeks of israel gauze and will then have evidence . i certainly says we've been doing this walk in a single country over an entire yes, the intensity, the numbers is up to the unprecedented. your organization we know investigates the depths of journalists in gaza. but i don't have to tell you it's very difficult to, to verify any information that's coming out of the gaza strip. how did you make sure that the data you're collecting that that is accurate? it is extremely difficult. the sort of thing that we would normally rely on being able to speak to families being able to speak to calling. it is extremely challenging because families are being kept kind of colleagues to being killed. nevertheless, we take the same approach that we would with any other situation,
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we make sure that we have at least 2 sources of information for any of the done this that we document, we speak to friends, we speak to families, we do a search online that looks up the outputs to make sure that out information is accurate as possible. and of course, it's a more information comes to lights are over time and we update our information as we guess it. what do you say to the allegations that are coming from is real that some of these journalists are, are military. so mean, do you believe that? do you believe that they've actually been targeted by israeli forces as well? we have yet to see any credible evidence that the journalist that these really subsides, are actually militants, are actually terrorist search. last year before this was started, the committee to project done this report produce report court that'd be passed on, which looks at the killings of laws. you palestinians on this bias ready forces
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over the past 22 years and we found that 20 janice have been killed and, and not a single case with anyone being held accountable. and what we saw, in fact, was a pass and then which quite often is where i was accused done and as of being a terrorist of being militants, but never produce any evidence. and that remains the case. and this war to israel says that its army cannot guarantee the safety of journalists and how kendral is then, how can they, they do their job without risking their lots done anything, because i cannot do that job without risking their lives. nowhere and goals are, is safe, done and i so doing absolutely what we would expect done is to do covering the will that looking at the off them off of bombings by going to hospitals and then we see hospitals, phone. so they're going to refugee comes to look at the effects of displacements. those of also have been bomb. there isn't
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a place for dentist to be safe in the current environment, but it's absolutely imperative that we recognize that john nestle civilians and must be treated as such. so it must never be targeted against berkeley, the committee to protect the journalist or the we appreciate your time and your input tonight. thank you. thank you. are now 2 more sanctions against russia today. the european union agreed to a 13th round of sanctions against the kremlin. the move comes as russians bore, against the crane nears it's 2nd anniversary, and it comes as ukrainian forces are losing ground on the battlefield. forces recently withdrew from the eastern town of a difficult after months of heavy finding. this an verified russian video that you're seeing right here. it shows reports to show soldiers, they are replacing the ukrainian flag with their own. it also comes with increasing
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repression inside russia. the discipline alexi devali. he died last friday that also played a part in europe's decision to slap more sanctions against russia. professor jeffrey is only failed is the senior associate dean at the yellow school of business management. and i asked him if this is the need of response, more sanctions to the war in ukraine and to the death of alexi and of only yes, a great question. and tragically, great timing for you. a great question. it is needed. we've had various warning shots over the bell of increasingly steps sanctions, and yet there still is more that has to be done. we alone had a lot to do with catalyzing, the historic exit of 1200 major multi nationals to leave russia. that's 6 times the retreat from south africa and protests of the apartheid regime. and there
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are all kinds of sanctions, of course we as we know and financial sector in some other sectors. but there's not enough. and this is, i think going to be very effective. the price covers were, we're pretty strong, but this will do even far more represent, you know, you will certainly understand that there is a level of cynicism double among the public. this is the 13th round of sanctions that the european union has swept against russia. how many rounds of sanctions will it take to get the desired outcome as well? it'll take a lot more and it isn't like giving one weapon system. it either is going to do it . so please hope are any cynical viewers keep in mind that the, the leverage tanks from you folks, are they ever mistakes from here? aren't going to do it alone behind me. our systems weren't going to do it alone. the, the f sixteens weren't going to do it alone of the,
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the various of the kinds of a, a patriot missiles systems and things of provide protection and defense. but just like we need multiple weapons systems and other shorter and artillery. we also need a lot tighter sanctions, essentially been very effective. what your viewers have to understand is putting is concealing as economic statistics from the international monetary from the am of their own. economists have told us of the i m f and we haven't recorded that. they don't know how i'll put in how the russian economy is doing. they're only taking his made up propaganda has to test x and re packaging it and put the weights up in the morning comes up, was effect g, d, p. the russian economy is hemorrhaging. every sector is down from 60 percent and to more than 90 percent, they have 0 foreign investment going into that over a $100000000.00 a year or foreign direct investment going in there. we know that by 3rd of their 1000000 years of floods because the economy is in, is in distress. but he's surviving exact cannibalizing industry. and yeah and,
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and now this economy used to be 25 percent. stay in the state control. it's now 70 percent stay controlled and use of he uses that is cookie as a cookie jar, there's no to these mortgaging rushes future. that may be the case professor, but it doesn't change the fact that these and sanctions have not brought this more to an end. and that is what everyone is waiting to happen as well. they, they need even more. there are chips that get through their military grade. sure. it trips chips that even in a basset or from just between we've prizes becca, stand admitted to us directly against basically taped onto a refrigerator. it was in a microwave oven is household appliances is get imported into russia that are actually harvested and used for military grade uses. there. there are chips coming through russia, chips coming through china, and those have to be tight and wait. they of the oil sanctions, russia is not making money on oil. you hear about a volume of, well, their,
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their profits are plunged, in fact, they're producing a breakeven levels. now the, to today's financial times, reports are we said what happened 2 years ago, which is that gas problem is basically uh, as i'm virtually out of business. nobody can buy their gas. you guys don't empty even needs, none of it. and they can't pivot and sell it to asia, but there is still some slip as we have. aluminum is being bought. we have billions of dollars of aluminum, $10000000000.00 as of aluminum being bought by the u. that should stop $2000000000.00 of, of a, of titanium and things that can be brought to a halt. and that's what these new sanctions will tighten. i think the sanctions it even more than a and better enforcement on, on. i think some of the oil price gaps, which would help. well, i'm sure a lot of people are going to be watching to see if this round will will do the trick professor jeffrey is only that. we appreciate your time and your valuable analysis tonight. thank you. thank you so much. i. all right, here's a look now,
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some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world, the united kingdom, has impose the sanctions on 6 members of russia's prison authority. the 6th ran the arctic penal colony where alexi, nevada, and only died last friday. the u. k. has frozen their assets and impose to travel ban on police and several european countries have carried out res, unsuspecting members of a people smuggling gang involved in the legal migration across the english channel in germany alone. the raids lived in dozens of a russ your own fault, coordinated the operations. spanish farmers at fault with police, the demonstration in madrid. hundreds attracted, you see the might there rolled into the capital for fresh protests against what they see as excessive red tape and insufficient aid from the state. farmers have been protesting for weeks now across many countries here in your
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us, lawyers today urged a u. k. court to block wiki leaks founder julian the sanches extradition appealed. supporters of assaults purchased it outside of the london court. for deciding whether or not the sergeant should have yet another opportunity to argue against being extradited to the united states, to face espionage charts. or correspond the big boss as she was following the hearing at london's high court. she had more on the arguments that were put to the court by us attorneys. you say julia sancho should be expedited as well. they argue that julian hassan has not the john less than whatever he did was not covered by freedom of speech. they said, and this is an argument, they have a role, it's up to quote before they said that he brought people address, basically by publishing the information, the wolds that he,
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what they said has hundreds of iraq. he's enough gotten use of, of sources that he put them. edwards, this is something that the julian hassan just saw. i deny they say that could not be proven that that he had had done that. but the us, um, basically maintain. that's what he's on is, is that true mental for the united states and all say for, for these a us sources. they also say that the u. k. should expedite joining us on because that has been longstanding friendship us as an ally off the united kingdom and that it should be basically taken for granted that they would act in good faith and that he would get free and fed trial in the us. and what's, what's the thinking in the u. k, where you are very good. i mean, how is this on the scene there? this is really interesting. so these 2 days, so a lot of supporters of julian hassan. she had just around me outside the courthouse
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. they were just charging all day long. basically the stages were and m p 's, human rights people, john, are those so going to is ations where they were speaking and save up to in his own . but if he's not plot is case is not covered intensively by u k. media. so there is, there is a bit of a disconnect. it's not that is not cover the tools, but i see media from around the world covering this case, but not so much in the u. k. and equally, the people that have been had they've been coming from as far as australia, from speaking to australian to come in his defense and, and they are maintaining that this is such an important case because they see the freedom of the press at risk. if do it in a saw and is exercise it and try it in the us. be who responded bigger and honest with the latest from one to be a good. thank you. are fighting between the ethnic rebels in the military,
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junta in me and more is spilling over into bangladesh. you may remember me in mars military insect power. back in february 2021 in a crew. after outing, the civilian government of nobel laureate on songs to cheat since then it has been finding arms, civilians and ethnic armed rebels were recently rebels and took the fight to the army. and many of me in march states, one of those is we're kind stayed on the border with bangladesh, dw corresponded out of hydro, isn't on travel that to go down to speak to you, but i am leaves to just a short walk from the me on my board of he has often here chilling and gone plan, but he never believed it to delete his doors to all the. i lost my mother. my mother could have been with me today, but she's not here with me because of
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a mortar shell from young mars ministry that hit her product. so that i don't know if i will get justice for my mother that i mean, if i will be, that will not be done in your brain research trying whenever he talks about his mother puts me on a big home. she was killed by a sale that she thought just as she was making loans for her family. moved around 800 meters from the border between the 2 countries. the explosion also came to the man who was at the house. so i brought it wonderful, and again we started to hear the sounds of a lot of the gunfire in the border area at the beginning of february of water without the sound was so loud that we couldn't sleep at night. and still, the local administration didn't pay attention to us. one of you, they didn't alert us, they warned us, we would have left the area and taken shelter elsewhere. when you come this here can see the hiking right after the border in me and most kind of states where the icon on me and it me to the river rule has been beckoning me and much food of
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forces for somebody else. but the opponents hasn't to sit at no cost to you. i'd also say some rubles margot stoplight that goes the boat out at night. and the fighting has the defend please intensified in february the arc on army to control officer while bought us. if both, don't 300 just photos from me on my secretary forced to split into a bundle of this trying to see if the high b b. b. yes. yes, yes. you're doing. you don't, we didn't. we've been to, with the tended them back over to man much who dealt with it is but really just say the border, the minutes unprotected of the citizens living near the border, the maintenance tier as the phone. so i've gone for it and explosions in the me on my continue, they think they're government should in good thing is smart diplomacy to prevent
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any spill over the effect from its neighbors, into another conflict into its 33. as long as we thought today is that of the business we are frightened because the american army isn't the local government. they are all captured from the me on my army. when a man what i mean, i see the army counter attack so that we will be the 1st victim. so the whole south and will fit for the whole. we still hear gunshots around 2 to 3 am, but then we the we, the people at the border are terrified now the other, but last i heard 2 bullets hit my hands as well. we visited that day. would you call me smart office in cox budgets to bring up? the concern is the, the government has beefed up ordered security, but gave few details. and i mean, this states that he offered peace advise them from germany whenever it's felt that they have a security threats and we suggest they come to a safe place or shelter speaking don't last have been the one that was that offered
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the telephone quote for the people in the home home, jose been now free on the thread all the time, due to the parlance. next door. angry german soccer fans got what they wanted, the dsl which runs the countries to top bins, divisions as a band and a 1000000000 euro for an investor plan. this follows months of purchased by fans. it matches the fans with throwing objects onto the pitch. they were causing disruptions for months. they said that they feared the investment would lead to a further commercialization of the entire football industry. in a statement to a german football league spokesman, explains this decision or does this, this ends itself? well, at the end of the day it boils down to democracy. the once the sense that it's lost, the backing is the majority of the league association. and then it's time to call it quits, and that's how i suppose it would have continued to divide the whole sport and its
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integrity, which really is the most important aspect. and the constant interruptions to the game is like it or not. those were the facts of must be good. finish all the fuck. all right, i want to go now to thomas clinger. he is a sports journalist with the german public broadcaster by official one phone told me, is this good to have you with it's no secret german football is about a lot of money, not only about the game itself. so and who was the investor? the investor clubs and the fans, what were they opposed to exactly here. busy well, the investor swear or g originally to those blackstone, and the cdc, cdc is one of the 10 biggest key players in the world. uh with lots of sports um lots of sport. busy it's um,
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experience, but the players generally on the fence. sure. my people don't want any investor. they. they have their more magic id or, or soccer and that's what they want. no investor. and let's keep the ball. let's keep the ball rolling. i mean, if the fans is the clubs then have allowed the german football to become a multi 1000000000 euro business. i mean, do you think the fans realize that either if you want to play in the big leagues, you have to pay individually as well. that's the weird thing they want to win while the things want to play at their own rules. um, but, you know, the 1st thing is filed out. i needed a 2 thirds majority in december of 12 a deal and they made it. ringback secrets about and that was
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sort of illegal and more transparent for the full tenants and the fans wanted to get involved in the process. and that's why they kept up their hand and said, okay, we're gonna find to, to bring that agreement though. i mean, so do you think this will have a positive impact that there will be trans or transparency when it comes to the business of the german football or do you think this decision could to could have a downside they, they are both sides. first of all, we realize that in germany, currently we have a soccer democracy. that means a lot of the fans, the best actually is taking a good stand in the public and the dns decided that they cannot
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go their way without the fans. and so that is one of the good sides of it. on the other side is the investor would have page 1000000000 and the dsl things that they need 600000000 bureaus to invest in their model to the internationally and that money is lacking. and now the clumps of the dsl a to find a way to get the money otherwise. yeah, that's a very good point. you know, the, they say money talks and then i think in this case the fans were able to talk a little bit more loudly sports journalist almost clear from us. we appreciate your insights tonight. thank or it is a reminder now of our top stories. the european union has agreed to a 13th round the same as it gets to russia. it comes as the gremlins mortgage, the green nears. it's 2nd anniversary,
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and it comes as ukrainian forces are losing ground on the battlefield. it's worse, as recently withdrew from the eastern town of a deep after months of heavy fi, you're watching the videos after a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day. stick around. we'll be right back. the
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the the islands along the river, our home to the child has of bangladesh. every 6 months their land gives money by total weight money does actually move to the last few bucks either. we don't need the latest populated stuff to do it. give you the, the never ending cycle of destruction and rebuilding the in 45 minutes on d, w, the
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this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across up. and he actually disclosed tactic farms and destroyed light. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about the stories, shadows of german colonialism, ice cold, b, c. at the end, just to pass the gun any difficult to access an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the data. why is the
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ice melting the signage research in the i c d. w. the, in february 2022, russia invaded ukraine. net 1st most rec, and where they were measured in weeks, maybe months at most, this conflict is about to begin year 3 and more and more people are reckoning that time is running out for ukraine. a new survey among europeans, it shows most still want ukraine to win the war. most say it won't happen tonight. the high hopes and low expectations. i'm for golf in berlin. this is the day the
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