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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news, live it from berlin. tonight, the flight of people in garza, without water, with more than a 1000000 people crammed into the southern garden city. a profit even the most basic of the needs are hard to meet and with water. in short supply 8 organizations or warning of yet another impending catastrophe also can be up to 9. and a move triggered by the death of kremlin credit collection of all. and the european union has agreed to slap new sanctions on russia. why we ask for more sanctions will they make any difference on the front lines in ukraine and german football fans? force of the national league just grant plans for private investment. after months
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of fleet disrupting pro chest vfl now has to back out of a 1000000000 euro deal, the hybrid golf. it's good to have you. with this, we begin to show tonight in the south of the gaza strip, where over a 1000000 displays cole city is, are struggling to access even the basic needs for survival. in the city of rasa. one of the biggest concerns is water agencies say that they are concerned about a potential catastrophe in the making of the a frantic and daily routine in rough uh fetching clean water. if i buy something like, my son is small, the needs walter. i bring him see what was there,
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but he refuses it. we're unable to wash. we don't have clean clothes. there's no water, there's no food. the rest of the world has food for this situation here is dire. we need water to live with that water. there is no life in the long line forms every day on this beach around one and a half 1000000 people are now believes to be crammed into the southern guys and say to you a for alpha resident. say the lack of clean water and food is causing disease to spread this about while you're bouncing off. they've been sending you a for an ard to click. what else did you have on the all these people are waiting that don't wait on it, but not all of them will get want to remind you off of them, we miss out. i don't know. i don't know if like this every day in the world, food program has signed it the alarm once again,
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the gravity of conditions in god's depending on where you are, it ranges from emergency levels, but it goes all the way up to catastrophic levels. you find that there are people who have missed meals for a day or 2 days or 3 days. they have severe hunger. um, but you also have people who have acute hunger. that is, they are not eating for weak agency say they're concerned about the possibility of famine and gaza. a dream warning that comes as flight and continues. we stay in the middle east where the devastating war between israel and him us also can mean life or death for journalist who were trying to cover the conflict. very recent figures from the committee to protect journalists. it shows palestinian drill is made up. the majority of all journalists killed world wide in the past year. since a mazda is october 7th terror attacks in israel,
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$83.00 palestinian journalist and 2 is rarely journalist had been killed within gosh, it's now almost exclusively palestinians reporting on the more on the ground. israel has refused to let foreign journalists in to report independently their jody ginsburg is the ceo of the community to protect journalists. i asked her what makes the conflict in gaza so much more dangerous for journalist report on compared to other conflicts. this is the deadly as conflict for john this, the committee to project on this has ever documented. we've been doing this. what for more than 2 years, mojdeh unless died in the 1st 10 weeks of israel gauze will then have evidence. i certainly says we've been doing this walk in a single country over an entire yes, the intensity, the numbers is up to the unprecedented. your organization. we know investigates the
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depths of journalists in gaza. i don't have to tell you it's very difficult to, to verify any information that's coming out of the gaza strip. how did you make sure that the data you're collecting that that is accurate? it is extremely difficult. the sort of thing that we would normally rely on being able to speak to families being able to speak to calling to explain the challenging because families have been care of colleagues to being killed. nevertheless, we take the same approach that we would with any other situation, we make sure that we have at least 2 sources of information for any of the done this that we document, we speak to friends, we speak to families, we do a search online that looks up the outputs to make sure that out information is accurate as possible. and of course, it's a more information comes to lights are over time and we update our information as we guess it. what do you say to the allegations that are coming from is real that
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some of these journalists are, are military. so mean, do you believe that? do you believe that they've actually been targeted by israeli forces as well? we have yet to see any credible evidence that the journalist that these really subsides, are actually militants, are actually terrorist us search. last year before this was started, the committee to project done this report produced a report code that'd be passed on, which looks at the killings of laws. you palestinians on this bias ready for these over the past 22 years and we found that 20 janice have been killed and, and not a single case with anyone and how the comfortable and what we so in fact was a pass and then which quite often is where i was accused done and as of being a terrorist of being militants, but never produce any evidence. and that remains the case. and this war to israel says that its army cannot guarantee the safety of journalists and how kendral is
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then how can they, they do their job without risking. there are lots done . everything goes, i cannot do that jumps without risking their lives nowhere and goes or is safe done . and i so doing absolutely what we would expect done is to do covering the will the looking at the often law of bombings by going to hospitals. and then we see hospitals, phone, the going to refugee comes to look at the effects of displacements. those have also been bomb. there isn't a place for janice to be safe in the current environment, but it's absolutely imperative that we recognize that john nestle civilians and must be treated as such. so it must never be targeted to ginsburg well with the community to protect the journalist or do we appreciate your time and your input tonight. thank you. thank you. so here's the look now. some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. british judges, hearing
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a last ditch attempt by julian to songs, to avoid extradition, to the us. say they will rule on the case next month. the justices say that they will take time to consider their verdict comes after a 2 day hearing in the high court in london. and us seeking to extradite the weekly leaks founder on spying. george's police and several european countries of terry dealt reads, unsuspected, members of a people smuggling, getting involved in the legal migration across the english channel. in germany alone, the raids led to dozens of arrest the used law enforcement agency. europe will coordinate the operations the united kingdom is imposed sanctions on 6 members of a rush is imprison authority. individuals ran the arctic penal colony where alexis of all and he died last friday. u. k has frozen their assets and imposed a travel bank for the european union has agreed to do
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a 13th round of sanctions against russia. the move comes as the gremlins were against the grain. yours is the 2nd anniversary and it comes as you, greeny and forces are losing ground on the battlefield. forces recently withdrew from the eastern town of a deep cup. after months of heavy fighting. this on verified russian footage reports to show soldiers they are replacing the ukrainian flag with their own. this comes a bit increasing repression inside russia were dissident. like seen of all these just last week also played a part in the use move to slap more sanctions against rush. a professor jeffrey is all entailed. is the senior associate dean at the yellow school of business management. i asked him if this is the needed response to the more in ukraine as well as to the death of alexi nibble. yes,
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a great question and tragically, great timing for you. a great question. it is needed. we've had various warning shots over the bell of increasingly stuff sanctions. and yet there's still more that it has to be done. we alone had a lot to do with catalyzing, the historic exit of 1200 major multi nationals to leave russia. that's 6 times the retreat from south africa and protests of the apartheid regime. and there are all kinds of sanctions, of course we as we know and financial sector in some other sectors. but there is not enough. and this is, uh, is it going to be very effective the price covers were, we're pretty strong. but this will do even far more for purchasing a german soccer fans have gotten what they wanted. the li, vfl, which is in charge of the country's top to men's divisions. it's a band and a 1000000000 euro plan that was supposed to bring in a for an investor. it follows months of sand protests and numerous matches
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supporters. fans showed their opposition to this plan by throwing objects onto the page and causing disruptions in games. they said that they feared the investment would lead to a for the commercialization of football in the country. sports journalist, it's almost clinger, spoke to me earlier of he told me more about the investors clubs and fans who were so opposed to what they were opposed to and what the broken deal now means for the german football lea as well. the investors are originally to those blackstone and the cdc, cdc is one of the biggest key players in the world uh with lots of sports lots of. busy lots of experience, but the players generally on the fence generally people don't want any investor.
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they, they have their more magic id or, or soccer, and that's what they want. no investor. and let's keep the goal. let's keep the ball rolling. i mean, if the fans is the clubs that have allowed the german football to become a multi 1000000000 euro business, i mean, do you think the fans realize that either if you want to play in the big leagues, you have to pay in the big like well, that's the weird thing they want to win, but they want to play at their own rules. um, but, you know, the 1st thing is filed out. i needed a 2 thirds majority in december for the deal and they made it. ringback secrets about and that was sort of illegal and more
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transparent for the full tenants and the fans wanted to get involved in the process . and that's why they kept up their had and said, okay, we're gonna find to, to bring that agreement though. i mean, so do you think this will have a positive impact that there will be trail more transparency when it comes to the business of the german football or do you think this decision could to could have a downside they, they are both sides. first of all, we realize that in germany, apparently we have a soccer democracy. that means a lot of the fans, the as actually is, is taking a good stand in the public and the dns decided that they cannot go their way without the fans. and so that is one of the good sides of it. on the
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other side is the investor would have paint 1000000000 euro, and the dsl things that they need 600000000 euros to invest in their model, digitally and internationally. and that money is lacking, and now the collapse of the dsl a to find a way to get the money otherwise. yeah, that's a very good point. you know, the, they say money talks in it. i think in this case, the fans were able to talk a little bit more loudly sports journalist almost clear from us. we appreciate your insights tonight. thank you. we're here in berlin. the director martin scorsese has been honored with a lifetime achievement award at the international film festival. the $1000000000.00 for say, the receive the award is speaking of his obsessive love for cinema and said that he
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will keep making more movies is ladies film killers in the flour moon will be competing at the oscars in just over 2 weeks. it has 10, no i'm and it's not bad. just watching dw news, see you again at the top, the, the, we are all set and we are watching close to the, to bring you the story behind the new the will on about. i'm biased information for free might say do 10 in the the since the beginning of.


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