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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  February 22, 2024 1:02am-1:30am CET

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again, year 3 and more and more people are reckoning, the time is running out for ukraine. a new survey among europeans, it shows most still want ukraine to when the war most say it won't happen. tonight, high hopes and low expectations. i'm for golf and berlin. this is the day the lemme just in terms of support for you cream. we are working with our european partners to adopt or sanction packages and keep up the pressure on the russian your machine. we are considering going on since the whole structure of peers into account and this morning we sanctioned those running the prison like seen around the 40s still like i told you, we will have a major package on friday. also it coming up
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a rush is invasion of ukraine has brought more back to europe. a conflict too close for comfort you would say colon notes has a config, but the war. now my message to our partners, please don't call it support a few cri, because this is not support to please call it investments in your role as acute which of our viewers watching on tv as in the united states into all of you around the world. welcome. we begin today with sanctions against russia. yet again, today the european union agreed to impose a 13th round of sanctions against russia. it comes as the criminal, its war against the crane nearest it's the 2nd anniversary. and it comes as ukrainian forces are suffering losses like never before on the battlefield. after months of heavy fighting against russian forces, ukraine's military recently withdrew from the eastern town of updates. a major loss
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for keep this un verified russian video reports to show russian soldiers they are replacing the ukranian flag with their own. your latest round of sanctions also come, i mean public outrage over the death of kremlin critical lexington of all ne, inside a siberian prison. just last week with europe has decided on more sanctions against russia, the right response at the right time. i put that to professor jeffrey zoning failed . he's associated dean at the yells, school of business management as it is needed. we've had various warning shots over the bell of increasingly steps, sanctions. and yet there's still more that it has to be done. we alone had a lot to do with catalyzing, the historic exit of 1200 major multi nationals to leave russia. that's 6
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times the retreat from south africa and protests of the apartheid regime. and there are all kinds of sanctions, of course we as we know and financial sector in some other sectors. but there is not enough. and this is going to be very effective. the price covers were, we're pretty strong. but this will do even far more represent, you know, you will certainly understand that there is a level of cynicism double among the public. this is the 13th round of sanctions that the european union has swept against the russia. how many rounds and sanctions will it take it to get the desired outcome? well, it'll take a lot more and it isn't like giving one weapon system either is going to do it. so please hope our, any cynical viewers keep in mind that the, the leverage tanks from you folks, are they ever mistakes from here? aren't going to do it alone behind me. our systems weren't going to do it alone. the, the f sixteens weren't going to do it alone of the, the various of,
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of kinds of, of, of, of a patriot missiles systems and things, and provide protection and defense. but just like we need multiple weapon systems and other shorter and artillery. we also need a lot tighter sanctions, essentially been very effective. what your viewers have to understand is putting is concealing as economic statistics from the international monetary from the am of their own. economists have told us of the i, m f, and we have it recorded that they don't know how i'll put in how the russian economy is doing. their only taking his made up propaganda has to test x and re packaging it and put the weights up in the morning comes that was effect g d, p, the russian economy is hemorrhaging. every sector is down from 60 percent and to more than 90 percent, they have 0 foreign investment going into that over a $100000000.00 a year of foreign direct investment going in there. we know that by 3rd, they're 1000000 years of floods because the economy is in,
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is in distress. but he's surviving exact cannibalizing industry and in and now this economy used to be 25 percent state and state control. it's now 70 percent. stay controlled and use of he uses as cookie as a cookie jar. there's no fee these mortgaging rushes future. that may be the case professor, but it doesn't change the fact that these and sanctions have not brought this more to an end. and that is what everyone is waiting to happen as well. they, they need even more. there are chips that get through their military grade. sure. it trips chips that even in a basset or from just between we've prizes becca, stand admitted to it. it's a gets basically taped onto a refrigerator. it was in a microwave oven is household appliances is get imported into russia that are actually harvested and used for military grade uses. there. there are chips coming through russia, chips coming through china, and those have to be tight and wait. they are the oil sanctions. russia is not
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making money on oil. you hear about a volume of, well, their, their profits are plunged. in fact, they're producing a breakeven levels now the, to today's financial times, reports are we said what happened 2 years ago, which is that gas problem is basically uh, unfortunately out of business, nobody can buy their gas, and you guys don't in the needs. none of it and they can't pivot and sell it to asia, but there is still some slip as we have. aluminum is being bought. we have billions of dollars of aluminum, $10000000.00 as of aluminum being bought by the u. that should stop $2000000000.00 of, of a, of titanium and things that can be brought to a halt. and that's what these new sanctions will tighten. i think the sanctions it even more than a and better enforcement on, on. i think some of the oil price gaps, which would help. well, i'm sure a lot of people are going to be watching to see if this round will will do the trick. professor jeffrey, it is only that we appreciate your time and your valuable analysis tonight. thank
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you. thank you so much. i as well since february of 2022, the european union has banned goods worth about 44000000000 bureaus that would have been exported to russian. now these include advanced technologies such as radar systems, drones, camouflage, gear or weapons. and luxury items loved by rushes, elite on the import side, the sanctions may hit even harder. brushing commodities worth 91200000000 euro are now banned across europe, and that includes coal, iron, gold, and steel, as well as russia's most eye clinic and coveted products vodka and caviar. here's. we'll look now at how it rushes economy is doing. under the penalties already inflicts the defense industry is commonly the most important pillar of the russian economy. thanks to significantly increased government spending,
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the defense industry accounts with 10 percent of g. d. p. all the sectors such as the steel industry, also benefiting off to the slump in 2022. the russian economy is now growing. according to data from mosca. cross is also full cost for 2024. just cut us yet this stuff is english. what's that? what's happening unless the russia is actually what i'm wrong, equally, becoming more like the soviet union in that it has high spending on the military and in some cases heavy industry. and at the same time, the level of consumption is holding for the population. people say the cycle spots . industrial production is also doing surprising. the well, for example, in the automotive sector, components are increasingly coming from china, off to the europeans, withdrew from russia, thanks to chinese impulse. the russian economy is being kept afloat. she never
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takes that tradition is china, or is of course not officially participating in the sanctions. so it is not a partner, so to speak of western states when it comes to sanctions since i'm feeling good. so finance impulse, russia needs export income from guest sales. these are folded dramatically at times . the use extensive input by and seems to have had an effect. tapping into a new customers with new pipelines is only a partial substitute. volume ever simple the with the 5 lines on. busy but i do find that when you compare them full wanted to finalize, come for support, uh to, to the you or come from support to, to china, and even the new infrastructure of products. like all else, i'd give you a to us 1000000000. the funds stayed the however, oil sales rushes 2nd most important source of export revenue almost as good as before, the war and ukraine. this is despite e u sanctions. i am just enforcing
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a price cap of $60.00 us dollars a barrel transportation of oil. um probably are violating that because so they use a week. i'm for as many to on the side of it is there is also a shadow trading uh where you know, uh all the is uh, uh, discharged. uh and the charge of the on another bus or the overseas. uh, more and more oil is ending up in india. its most important oil supply is now russia. nevertheless, rushes growth is partly finance don't credits, including military spending. how long computing actually a forward to do this? this come with the guns it's. i can write that for quite a while. well, so i'd have to brush i had a very low deb leveled at the beginning of the war. it still has a low debt level even now, actually send russia does not look set to run out of money to finance the boy in
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ukraine. any time soon for 2 years into russia is more on ukraine and public opinion regarding the conflict here in europe. does not translate into a message of optimism. in fact, the majority of europeans are pessimistic about the ukrainian victory survey by the european council on foreign relations says only one in 10 thinks ukraine can win. 20 percent believe russia, but when the berlin bass think tank says that 41 percent of respondents want your up to pressure ukraine to negotiate with russia. 17000 people and 12 european countries took part in this survey, a little more l. when i bring it above your loss from the european council on foreign relations, or if it was good to see you again, you know, one year ago it looked like ukraine might be able to turn this more around with its
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counter offensive. that didn't happen. so i'm wondering how does this new survey, how does it differ from numbers we may have seen one year ago. i organization to europe, the customer operations, polk, again, 12 european countries and populations about their attitudes and views of a rush. i suppose kate invasion and the war ukraine going now into the 3rd year. i think your opinions on not feeling particularly heavily about the war. neither are they particularly enthusiastic about ukraine's prospect. but also they adopt your opinions, the ability to backfill the us leadership role and retreat to ukraine in case donald trump is to be elected to the white house this november. yeah, that's a lot to unpack there. let me start with this notion of a war fatigue. you say that this fatigue is crucial to vladimir from his
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calculations for winning and you create a how i'm wondering how war weary is europe. is the west right now, as i think certainly we see a rise in while we're in this despite inflation and you're going back to pre war levels, despite energy prices going back to people. levels are european populations. ca, anxious about ukraine's prospect. and i think that has an effect on how likely they will ukrainian victory and how promising they see continued us and are paid to what's the crane. they don't think that you crying in victories, particularly likely. but on the other hand, they also don't want to piece masha, environment pollutants. i'm, they don't think that a piece on, on russian terms is any sustainable. yeah, it took you. so it seems the message here is in europe. we don't want russia to win, but we think it probably will considering that, what should your opinion leaders?
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what should they, they do with this knowledge? i mean, how should this new survey, how should it shape polish? most europeans believe that this war will end in some kind of negotiated settlement, and this is certainly true from a analytical perspective, most was to end in negotiated settlements. but the fact also is that doors negotiate settlements, usually reflect a military balance of power on the balance here. and so in order to sustain european countries, this ministry state financial aid to you claim to keep your credit on the 5 to avoid a russian victory in this for your can. we just need to rephrase the support effort and they have to strengthen the message off piece of piece on international law, the terms of providing a piece on russian terms that would equate to, to surrender a few. can you say in your survey that leaders need to define the meaning of
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a durable piece? they say that should be, that may be the goal here. what do you mean by that? a durable piece, a durable piece in our view, is one that that builds on international law and it's actually human, terry. and all of this with government, for example, is engaged in an effort to bring together large correlational countries as supporting ukraine's piece form, you know, which recognizes the territorial integrity of the countries which recognizes its political sovereignty. i did call on the global community to also stand behind international law in order to sustain future peace agreement and to not get frustrated. not opening, such as the minister, one and 2 agreements that we saw in 2014, 2015 to manage the, the national politics, also crane, and to undermine ukraine's western trajectory. what do europe is? i think it should happen if us support for ukraine flags and in the event of
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donald trump, for example, waiting another presidency they think should happen. european seems that they are able by themselves to backfill um, what the us is providing in material support to ukraine. but also include the ability to shift to bring together this largest international question. all supporters that we've seen emerge, for example, in the context of the wrong style content. but they're also not willing to let you create a goal of clarity of europeans. think that they should have a maintain or even increased support in case a future us government decides to step out of this international quite to see me see. but in this new survey, but you know, pockets of in increased support for ukraine and pockets. we're, the support is, is waning pet, possibly even more pro puche and probably russia you
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certainly default between countries, but they also have different within countries. sometimes the differences between political parties is larger than those between european countries. but you're right to point out that, that certainly some countries, gomez and populations take up more relatively pro russian viewing students. for example, hungry greece is also more thoughtful than other countries. on the other side, we have sweden traditionally, also opponent as a very strong support of the trans defensive struggle. but interesting, the some lingering doubt in eastern european countries about what the large populations of creating refugees might mean for national role. here last with the european council on foreign relations here in berlin. ralphio is always good to have you on. we appreciate you walking you through these new numbers. thank. thank you very much. 5, any parts of the middle east and now we're the
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devastating war between israel and tomas in gaza means or can mean life and death for journalist trying to cover the conflict. their recent figures from the committee to protect the journalist, shape palestinian journalist and made up the majority of all journalists killed world wide in the past year. since a mazda is october 7th here attacks, it is real. 83 pills today. and journalist and 2 is really journalists have been till now within god's uh, its male, almost exclusively palestinians reporting on the war on the ground. israel has refused to let foreign journalists in to report independently. they're all of those reporting from within guys that are doing so under extremely difficult conditions or more now i'm joined by jody ginsburg. she's the ceo of the committee to protect journalist and joins me from new york journeys. could they have you with this?
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let's talk about this conflict. this conflict is just but 3 months old. and in terms of being dangerous to journalist, how does it compare to other conflicts, where journalists and try to get to the truth. and this is the deadly as conflict for done this. the committee to project on this has ever documented, we've been doing this work for more than 2 years. mojdeh unless died in the 1st 10 weeks of israel goza will then have evidence aids at certain. he says, we've been doing this walk in a single country over an entire yet the intensity, the numbers is up to the unprecedented. your organization we know investigates the depths of journalists in gaza. but i don't have to tell you it's very difficult to, to verify any information that's coming out of the gaza strip. how did you make
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sure that the data you were collecting that? that is accurate? it is extremely difficult. the so that we would normally rely on being able to speak to families being able to speak to colleagues is extremely challenging because families are being kept kind of colleagues of being killed. nevertheless, we take the same approach that we would with any other situation. we make sure that we have at least 2 sources of information for any of the john. this that we document, we speak to friends, we speak to families, we do a search online that looks up the output to make sure that out information is accurate as possible. and of course, it's a war information comes to lights over time, and we update our information as we guess it. what do you say to the allegations that are coming from is real, that some of these journalists are, are, are military. so mean, do you believe that, do you believe that they've actually been targeted by israeli forces as well?
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we have yet to see any credible evidence that the journalist that these relatives have said are actually militant. so actually, terrorist search last year before this was started, the committee to project done this report rep, produce report court that'd be passed in which looked at the killings of laws. you palestinians on this bias ready forces over the past 22 years. and we found that 20 janice have been killed and, and not a single case that anyone been held accountable. and what we saw in fact was a path and then which quite often is where i was accused done. and as of being a terrorist of being militants, but never produce any evidence. and that remains the case. and this war to israel says that its army cannot guarantee the safety of journalists and how kendral is then, how can they, they do their job without risking. there are lots done.
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everything goes, i cannot do that jobs without risking their lives nowhere and goes or is safe done and they're still doing absolutely what we would expect jonas to do. covering the will, the looking at the often law of bombings, we're going to hospitals and then we see hospitals, phone, the going to refugee comes to look at the effects of displacements. those have also been bomb. there isn't a place for dentist to be safe in the current environment, but it's absolutely imperative that we recognize that john s as civilians and must be changed as such. so it must never be targeted to ginsburg. when we think community to protect journalists, surely we appreciate your time and your inputs and not thank you. the thank you and the, the shelves of the gaza strip over a 1000000 displace. palestinians are struggling every day to survive in the city of ruffled. there is not enough drinking boy 8 agencies that say that they are
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concerned that this could lead to yet another catastrophe. a frantic daily routine in rough uh fetching teen water. somebody because my son is small and needs walter. i bring him see was there, but he refuses, it were unable to wash. we don't have clean clothes. there's no water, there is no food. the rest of the world has food for this situation here is dire. we need water to live with that water. there is no life the long line forms every day on this beach around one and a half 1000000 people are now believe to be crammed into the southern guns and say to you of rafa resident say the lack of clean water and food is causing disease to spread this about while your thoughts are not going to be sending you
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a for an ard to collect what else interest you have on the all these people are reading that on the way on it, but not all of them will get more off of them. we miss, i don't know. i know, i don't know. it's like this every day of the world. food program has signed the alarm once again by the gravity of conditions in god's depending on where you are. it ranges from emergency levels, but it goes all the way up to catastrophic levels. you find that there are people who have missed meals for a day or 2 days or 3 days. they have severe hunger, but you also have people who have acute hunger. that is, they are not eating for a week, eat agency site, they're concerned about the possibility of famine and gaza. a dream warning that comes as fighting continues. well, the day it continues online,
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you'll find this on ex and youtube at the w news. you can follow me at brent golf tv and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day. we'll see you then everybody the,
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the, into the conflicts own with tim sebastian here at the munich security conference cuz all kinds of been about russian intentions. and russian brands positively for a while with baycove in the years to come. we caught up with the heads of custodian intelligence count by royce, in austin, for these expectations off for nato. it is now the next day its a blueprint for anti semites world wide propaganda film.
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these images of patriots can still be found today in millions. so anti jewish means, and conspiracy theorist from the nazi era into the digital 8 users to point out in 45 minutes on d. w, the enjoying disease and come to take a look at this. our tv highlights me every week. email inbox, subscribe now, has caused about why does that mean? because like now i'm leaving the new host to join us for an exciting explanation of everything in between.
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the most is a video and audio production by d w. i hope video will tune in the, the fear of the munich security conference. that's all cause all been about russian intentions and russian brands, possibly for a well with nato in the years to come. we caught up with the head of estonian intelligence count by voice in his service has been putting out many of the reports that are being discussed there. and we asked him a few of the questions about where the intelligence came from. and what is the expectations off for nato to do about it? rosa knew the source. so your intelligence service is the source of many of the worries that have been expressed here in munich about.


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