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tv   Conflict Zone  Deutsche Welle  February 22, 2024 1:30am-2:01am CET

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duration and everything in between the most is a video and audio production by d w. i hope video will tune in here at the munich security conference, that's all cars, all being about russian intentions and russian brands, possibly for a well with nato in the years to come. we caught up with the head of estonian intelligence count by voice in his service has been putting out many of the reports that are being discussed there. and we asked him a few of the questions about where the intelligence came from. and what is the expectations off for nato to do about his rosa and you're the source or your intelligence service is the source of many of the worries that have been expressed here in munich about russian intend choose long term. do you feel that russia once
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or will once or is climbing for a wall with nato rush, i as a fan and gets lumped them on patients at the moment? for me to see a crane is just the 1st step. if it's successful, they know prey. it along with them and based on a story and recreate re, uh, structure that your parents are 2 as i can picture. and this is so the plan is the point show that i submitted 3 in the future at the end of that, that task, if necessary. so, but my message from the in 30 so services, of course to, to paint that thread picture for the vision, make us the future. it's isaac throughout the events is in toronto, been by us. so it's heavy to dependence on why just outcome of your brain on the phone for that. if i show you successful, it to be live, really strengthen to required for funding get some patients, but they continue through i. so the outcome, if the support you pray, you know. and the other question of course, is if we talk about the course to rush one minute to the point that alarms make up
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. all of this is that if nato use us the time at the moment, uh, the rates, realistic glance of feeling seems to be the broker resource. then it's also the rush out for me to be manageable for us at the russia has suffered considerable losses both in my power and the equipment. are you saying that it's designed to expand its territory? remains just as possible as it has been. uh, we don't see any changes in the rush on data shaped by position regarding it, so based on so there has been no a reasoning or it's caused me to the show to go us as we have heard those are from point did in the last time used to solve problems, the notification demilitarization of the frame that has been no of their vision. so right now is pushing for once it is through. it has lots of lots of resource, but they also investing a lot. there are so many that at the moment is uh,
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from mindful otherwise it is bigger than it was before the war started. so despite the loss, as they've been able to invest enough manpower through mobilization or through recruitment into the, to feel the war machine you've spoken about doubling their forces on the border with fedloan that those so on the board is with the boat. take republics, including estonia. are these actual plans that you've seen or is this human intelligence? people have spoken to you how. how so are you? but what you're telling us may actually come to pass because we've seen mornings from a variety of nato officials that have followed the information which you put out there. so all on assessment is based on the information. what we have collected for various methods and the means that we have in our disposal, this is what we know is the russian ambition. the innovation is to have that situation by 2026, which i consider these are the realistic. but i also say that they have already
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taken steps to create the new units which they have planned in that the new structure, the current situation, i don't to bother is that most minute 30 units east of all the craze. so this is whether you're right on resource, he's going at the score. and so what is your advice to western plan is to make, to apply those, gets moving. brace yourself, make preparations for a russian attack aligned. the type across the board is so just as a partner on a rush out before any conflict with conduct a comparison of forces assessment for example. so be now it is all with us for now to create realistic plans. uh, how about uh, based on a realistic threat picture, the sort of thing is appliance without really sick or really resource said to have it in place to be, if you're talking about the data points are in the eastern time and also sustain
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standing for us to set this on, it should be built and if we do that in a proper way, then i shot is these manage about 2 years ago. your prime minister wasn't very happy with the nato, jumped about the tower and tomato plans or nato plans, then, which would have foreseen the loss of your territory. and the hope, perhaps a distant hope of nato. we're getting it back again in a 180 days. presumably about climate change. now hazard because you weren't very happy with it. indeed be, but i'm not very happy with the, the, this type of appliances in cisco in the nation but, and also live on other local patients. the corner plans are more, uh, i think uh, more towards sale. what expectations uh. we have been also on the eastern plank, kansas, but also is more and more or less than the blank or restroom to appear in companies . and us is on the stand exact, do i sound realistic, the situation,
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or the quote on non speech. i mean, not just a, now, are more towards uh, defending the nature of the board is from the 1st uh meet. are you looking at nato's exercise? sped prospects besides which is going on at the my, with the largest exercise of its time since the cold war. are you impressed with what you've seen? bearing in mind that we've looked at british warships, one that broke down the other one that couldn't leave port. this is in peacetime, impressive, is that all are mostly still the partners in the allies is it is now the time to invest the into our many thought a potential. it is no time to invest in to eliminate the industry in search of doing that. it's such a busy day this time now. and again, it is up to us how this feeling so, so now your bill and for and the need to show strength to russian. because i think your government is being critical about the way people have been influenced by put
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in talking about who is nuclear missiles and the russians don't respect weakness. do they? i absolutely agree with that statement. so it's throughout the rest of the story history. it's also very strongly and there are some psychologies that the weaknesses up relocation, which must be punished. but on the other hand, that items opposite of the respect string. what does it turn to you? the fact that we've had the side use yesterday that's uh i like saying the valley of the opposition lead uh appears to have died in prison. what does that tell you about the regime that is next door to you, the russian regime? when i am, if i'm honest, i'm upset with i'm not surprised the, the date that happened. this is how old are you on that, or do you mean it's, this is always the 3. it's its own people. uh but, but i also don't see any short term really impact the ones that submitted the
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promotional resume based on that. what we see though is that the, the, if we talk about wars, but the point of something in the end of us, we also see a motor motor board, but they can in the restroom. so, so i have this grading which is on the so if i say not very visible from outside, but this morning most grading into energy and or the destination is following it very much. and these, these concerns, which is for us and go to seeing sign number one, this definitely add that on. so if these function know if some people but again, it, it takes time in order to have a proper impact on the submitted the production. and they gave me the future. this find really, if i could ask you a couple of words about what's going on with ukraine. ukraine didn't have a good war last year. did it? the crowns are offensive. didn't produce what many, how, how would you foresee a very long war here? don't you? uh, it depends on our investment is what i show on the grading on defenses. it is through
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the upgrade on. so i have not the had to do with that. it's auto gains very much of what, so without the russians it, this is go down to the more of a tradition of about the r r. it's not a 3200 wordpress here. so russians are trying to push that your brain down so until they break mentally minutes early all with us because of course, to make sure that it doesn't happen by giving the profile. so thoughts through the brain. i made a 3rd couple. right. so thank you very much and a thank you. thank you. thank you. the in the,
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it's the blueprints for anti semites propaganda film. these images of patriots can still be found today in millions. so anti jewish means, and conspiracy theorist from the nazi era into the digital 8 users to point out in 30 minutes. d, w. the outlook bleak germany's economy is shrinking. the mood some mid sized businesses are struggling to survive. germany is stuck and losing ground, an international competition. our politicians to blame, made in germany, into our w 9.
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the videos like these are popping up or the social media. they show colossal dust storms raging through delhi and the surrounding states. but this isn't a freak weather event. the storms are becoming seasonal. the task comes from the thought doesn't like this a hara and the go, the it's expanding and destroying vital living space, africa and china. i've responded with, i'm fishes, prompting projects, great green pools of trees to try and stopped as though to vacation in india. india is lucky, the north has a natural green barrier. the rattling mountain range, which is held back to thought does it for centuries? that is, until now, the mega dust storms and hot winds blowing in from the desolate,
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correcting the lives of millions in the national capital region. in 2019 india made a promising announcement. it would be prompting its own quite greenville and the arrival used to help fight as a vacation. but as we're about to see, was of trees have shown mixed results in other parts of 12. and the roughly mountain range is facing some serious threat to that side. so what can india do better? and will it be able to slow the advancing? does it, or the release of the oldest mountain range in india. they took billions of years to form and separate the sandy deserts in the northwest from the 1st all plains by the east, which is home to at least 17000000 people in india's national capital region. the powerful dust storms have led to a spike and bronchitis, breeding difficulties and lung disease. they also destroy soil and damage crops. but this is not just the fault of climate change. direct human actions such as the
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legal mining, deforestation, and urban sprawl. eating with the mountain barrier and turbo charging deserts vacation in the wide region. the mining is happening to us such a big extent that he loved the units being raised to the ground. nina ali, a runs the a roughly, but child citizens movement, which campaigns to protect the rallies. there are millions and millions of people living or without the disease. the desert is going to completely engulfed entire on northwest in, you know, but north india is construction boom demands building materials and lots of them. india supreme court found mining in the rallies in 2002, 2009 and 2018. it's repeatedly ordered a stop to the and regulated urban sprawl taking place that to but the destruction of this ancient mountain range continues at an alarming rate. it's going to impact
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or in followed by tons your climate. all of these are difficult. ition doesn't work very judge way to reduce and go zones of why did i have were technically destroyed . and of course, the florida color, vertical bill checked in as a well as an environmental analyst who's been working in the revenue region for decades. if you guys predict what you have, then you wouldn't be certainly able to predict what, what you're blocked in the future. 2018 government study estimates that at least 20 percent of the arrival of hills and broadest on double ready been lost to mining important groundwater systems. have been disrupted, and many rivers have disappeared altogether to do robberies h and for us to also in trouble. scientists calculated that since 1975 april, 1000 square kilometers of trees, have been cut down and replaced with housing and farm land and taking into account illegal deforestation. almost 6000 square kilometers of tree cover has been lost.
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that's the equivalent of more than 380000 cricket pitches in 2019 after season of especially punishing dust storms. the government proposed a solution. in this ministry of environment, forest and climate change would create a great green gold. 1400 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide to restore 1500000 hectares of degraded land in the rodney region and stopped the expansion of the thought as it in a press release. the ministry pledged will would create green car doors across the country to come by land degradation. another rule would run through the states of good rot, raw just on arianna and delhi walked as building a great green will actually mean. the concept was made famous by the african union in 2007, as a way to collect to the re green the saw how does it region, and create livelihoods for the people living that the original tree will project started off stretching from senegal in the west to booty in the east,
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pulsing through 13 different countries. but of course the progress across the continental is being sparsely distributed. you know, some countries have done much, much more than other countries, joseph flu. he is the c e o of the africa, great greenville project, which now has 22 countries and both in the initiative. and it's not just the idea of planting trees because you know, it could go out and plant trees. but what's really important is justin and believe you, how do you ensure these things route to maturity? so we have to be creative about the type of trees that are planted, you know, and make sure that there's some sort of irrigation altering the trees proved a tough challenge in pull the lessons will on 2 results suggest that the most successful re greening on the continent has actually been achieved, like bombs planting trees alongside the crops and countries like me, sharon malawi, one of the things that i would advise any country embarking on on these the project
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to ensure that the people in communities are part of based, right from the, from the get go and the participate and have a clear understanding of what is the benefit of these project will be to them. so this is going to be the incentive event of any work towards the success of the project as well. ok, because great greenville is aiming to restore 100000000 hectares of degraded land by 2030 but saw fault. well, i'm the hosted, the restoration target has been achieved. the un estimates that the project still needs about $33000000000.00 of investment completed. the question is though, would that be money? well spent great green walls around the world and particularly the ones in, in west africa, algeria. ready ready and china that have recently been reviewed in depth, do not have a good track record at all. george taylor is it, is that a vacation ex but from the university of colorado who's worked extensively in asia
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and the saw how. but if the certification desiccation drying things like this are happening, they're happening primarily because of global climate change patterns. and the idea that you know trees are going to stop a desert and advancing. ready simply doesn't, doesn't hold water trying to start it's prompting. it's great greenville known as the 3 north shelter belt project. 44 years ago. since then, the government has spent billions on tree planting. and the plan is to plant an area or forest, colorado as big as bronson italy combined by 2050. so it is still a lot to do, but come join is large scale, planting power, set it apart. china is, is quite different from these other cases. and the primary difference is just the way china is governed kinda way the chinese government gets things done. so come in the us government, get the great greenville done. the initiative was officially launched in march 2023
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. but since then, no prompting has yet been done. the ministry of environment, forrest and climate change says it's still preparing the state by state plan and identifying vulnerable hotspots. no one from the ministry agreed to be interviewed . and shortly off to the launch event, the indian government rewrote a decades old forest conservation rule to complete the dissolved important forest protection regulations. so this actually impacts so 40 percent will for the, for this in india, anomalies which can technically now be open for. busy or any kind of commercial activity, or if you're on the stage or mine, a lot of bidding, most ruins or, or whatever with the damage to the arrival of these ready, accelerating mixed policy messaging has made it hard to assess the government's commitment to re greening on one hand, the using the ones that actually protecting the albany is protecting all parties.
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and on the other hand, introducing schemes like uh that being more just saying that the, you know, they are doing it to up on badges. verification, local communities have responded to this government in action by experimenting with their own replanting strategies. so we have to start from scratch. chrome takes note the, you know, to remove the encroachments, start cleaning them up. not to cut. the crow is a former banker post citizen, that movement i'm go, has now regenerated 10 rodney forest sites around google ground. we decided that we're going to plant or be newkirk cheese because an export on high re, uh we reached out to exports to you about what it needs to take on. and that obviously flores, good ground, also known as go go, is a satellite city of delhi, that's located within the mountain range. but it's real estate boom has left much of the surrounding arrival of landscape scott with the legal mining sites. police
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did waterways and dumping. i'm good guys, bus project, trunk boomed and old mining sites into what is now the roughly biodiversity park. the team collected seeds from the revenue for us to recreate hundreds of native prompt increase species. the prompting projects also made use of indigenous war to capture techniques to support the prompts. they were generated an old and that's an environment and ditch structure. it used to china water during the months reins. and they also cleaned out several jo had small palms that helped to recharge ground water. very, very clear that no water from our projects big long and be the sign risk of taking water from the road or bid it would be good, good. except for the into the fall into our projects. so kind of great green will help to restore india is a roughly mountains. well, probably not the way things are going. the government doesn't actually take steps
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to protect that naturally one from minding from real estate development from commercial activities. then are these kind of teams on knoxville we uh, you know, they're just going to be cosmetic, with communities, taking the lead on localize, replanting the responsibilities. now, and the indian government to make good on its great greenville promise, in forcing legal protections in the a, rob alea's would be a good start. what do you think of india's great greenville plants, let us know and the comments, and remember to like subscribe. if you want to see more videos, some kind of a the, it's a blueprint for anti semites nazi propaganda film. these images of hatred can still be found today in millions. so anti jewish means
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and conspiracy theorist from the nazi era into the digital 8 users to point out in 15 minutes. d, w. the outlook bleak germany's economy is shrinking. the mood some mid sized businesses are struggling to survive. germany is stuck and losing ground in the international competition. are politicians to blame, made in germany. in 90 minutes the
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in many countries education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in mind drafts. instead of going to class, others can attend classes, the minions of children of the world. going to school we ask why? because education makes the world make up your own mind. made for mines nice. be at the end to pass a gun any difficult to access an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the searching. why is the
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ice melting? the research in the i c d w the
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. this is dw news line from berlin. apply to people in garza without the water. with more than a 1000000 palestinian sheltering in the southern city of drop off, even the most basic needs are hard to meet with water in short supply aid organizations or warning of an independent catastrophe. and also coming up new figure show that being a journalist at in the house is a particularly dangerous combination. let's take a look at a new report which highlights how deadly it is being a reporter and goes up. and judges in the u. k. are expected to take their time and decided under the other solvers and state the wiki weeks founder faces extradition
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