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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 22, 2024 10:00am-10:15am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news line from berlin. a 3 gunman open fire, near the jewelry supplement and the occupied westbank. is there any police say at least one person is killed and several wounded. 2 of the gunmen would have both of me shot dead. also, they attacked vehicles near a check point, also coming up guessing for full war germany, tech stock, or for its weapons and how it can help you frame, tanya is up to russia next, premiere 2 years on from the full scale invasion the
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british manager. thanks so much for joining us. h. people have been wounded in a shooting attack and there is rarely occupied. westbank is rarely police or 3 gunmen counted up the attack opening fire on cause, you know, a jury supplement. police of the assailants shot at civilians stuck in a traffic jam. the attackers arrived at the scene in a call with the palestinian license plates. 2 of the gunmen were killed. the incident took place near the entrance to the molly of domains settlement east of jerusalem. the data because responding tanya agreement is in jerusalem and give us this update. well, what we know at this point is this happened in the early morning, so this is on the highway we've been the is really supplement of mazda i mean, and deal divide westbank and the entrance to jerusalem at this check point. so we understand what the police are said. 3 gunman came out, went out of the cars and they started shooting at the cars, passing this
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a check point. so according to medical sources, one person died from the injuries that and we have a to we just people 2 of them according to the emergency services in a critical or serious conditions. the type was carried out according to the police with automatic of weapons and uh, this gunman, uh, 2 of them were killed on the scene. it's a search and reports that were not known to police beforehand, but they seem to be from the area of bethlehem. this is what we know so far. is that a concern about an attack such as this good impact on the overall to go to the situation in user at the time that is brand is engaged in military operations and gaza but of course is always the concern that uh these uh, attacks are, are happening and we've seen them happening, but of course uh, you know,
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the main focus is of course, uh on the war in gaza on the situation there. uh whether you know, they're walking to texas, so coming out from gauze or their much, much less so. but of course, there's always a concern that the situation that is already very times could also spin over to other parts for a move at the time being. thanks so much for joining us with that update the democrats funding timeframe. i mean, just, i'm sure in the germany, parliament is preparing to debate the crucial next steps. and it's really to support for ukraine after nearly 2 years of more conflicts that has completely re shape its own security policy, long range besides. so keith is one of the specific topics up for discussion today, and after billions have been bumped into defense spending. already. many see this as a watershed moment for how germany's force has been. look for decades to come. german chancellor, all off short on his defense minister,
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putting their elbows into it. you're reaching the ground on you. i munition planned earlier this month. the writing natal factory will eventually char note $200000.00 . hillary shells per year, undulating efforts to run pop production does, is we need this other urgently because it's hard. is this reality is we're not living in peaceful times, but yeah, many has been on a journey before a russian president vladimir pershing's invasion for outlines. focus was on peace offering to have little more than head gear, nevada phones, tablets, and tell them we will send 5000 helmets out as a clear message that we stand by the side i the since then they said bottle tanks. how it says irish t defend systems, and more i know the debate is whether it will also send some of its powerful tal risk crews mess. sales russians attack on ukraine was a watershed moment,
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and it's forced germans to confront some hard choice. for the one, this means the same for the bundle stairs that goes for german society. the us, we must become patient for a walk through. the government has coughed up on extra 100000000000 euros to bring the burden. describe back to life. orders are written for new us built fighter jets . 60 come about helicopters under through air defense system fit to guard the skies of your the defense spending is growing again. at the height of the cold war, west german spend up to 5 percent of gdp on security that decreased gradually until re unification in the early ninety's when it fell off a cliff. no, it's not that 2 percent need to target. and this week the defense minister signaled there was room to grow was the development of the industry. what i mentioned to
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that all has to fit together and then we might reach 3 percent or maybe even $3.00 . it depends what's happening in the world. and does do how many bills it's production capacity and bolsters. it's military. the question know is whether tax payers are willing to fit the bill and today and parliament, the delivery of the advanced taurus crews. besides the ukraine is set difficult prominently in the discussions. germany has been reluctant to provide it to ukraine sofa. oh yeah, i asked almost v gold. a john list an expert on security and defense policy. why that was? well, it's a question whether you can say germany. so i have the tons of tron slow is so reluctant to, to send to taras while his coalition and members of the different colors and parties, hugs, and leap to deliver those. the fear behind this is yvette to tar us as
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a long range weapon system might reach areas in russia proper. and that sort of thing. the chancellor urgently wants to avoid it. but then how does that differ to say, but example, the storm shadow grows. me sign that the you care delivered to you creating that ukraine used very effectively. that's also christmas i that's right. the, the systems are pretty similar, but still different. charles has a much longer range and it's much smaller resisting against g, p as in jamming and spoofing. so of the child's father ukrainians was a taras to reach. and as for teacher to the significant goals like this tori, the carts bridge might be much higher with this drum with weapons. but for john list and expert on security and defense policy, tomas be going to a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. a
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bush fire in southern australia has forced more than 2000 people to leave their homes. authorities out of the evacuation from towns in the west of victoria state as a precaution, official se firefighters on the ground of being supported by a croft in the sky to battle the place which is roughly 50 square kilometers in size. in china, a container ship has collided with a bridge in one joe. a large section of the bridge collapsed, plunging several vehicles into the water. at least 2 people have died and 3 others are missing. you don't use your last class. and at the g 20 summit post brazil has criticized code to put on the status of the united nations security council on the walls and gaza and ukraine is going to increase global pensions. the foreign ministers of the group of 20 nations are gathered in rio de janeiro as president takes on the n or presidency of the block authorities in minnesota, i have sent over a dozen people who were killed and many others enjoy adopting an accident at some
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legal gold mine, emergency workers and the central state of boulevard loaded bodies into ambulances of to risk us very victims from the remote mind by boat or us to integration is on a 3 day visit to taiwan to reassure the island to fit support us. they'll make a said, and i quote, taiwan must remain as it stands today. i'm sorry, a candle binding freely fastly, i mean, probably against the darkness. wilton bipartisan, the delegation includes some of the strongest, protects of china in the us congress. they're meeting cut entire when he's president saying when an incoming president, lodging job to visit, comes at a time of increased industry activities in china, around taiwan. i almost dw correspondent james church from our eastern shop. you know, if this visit is reassuring to taiwan as well, i think some people have, will definitely be viewing it in that way. this visits, of course,
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coming in this crucial intervening period between, as you mentioned by the election, which took place in january. and, you know, gratian of the new president scheduled for may later this year. the current government, the president select slicing the come from his policy and taiwan, which patients use a separate system refuses to communicate with. and so that is concerned in the run up to the i know gratian in may. that paging might look to ramp up military, economic and maybe diplomatic pressure on taiwan to, to be exact some of its atoms. so what do you estimate because i visit this points in time of shines. so really a chief is to emphasize the support for taiwan remain steadfast and that's especially the composition of this delegation. most of these go makers come from will have connections with the us house select committee, which was on the strategic competition with the chinese communist policy known for it's pretty whole kish stones on china. and so the composition wouldn't be lost on official assessment. here in taiwan, but of course engaging to and what was discussed in the meetings with the president
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saying when and president electrolyte and a well visit from overseas allegations to taiwan, usually follow a pretty well oil script. the discussions with leaders usually look at how partnerships can be expanded, whether that's on the economic unzip them, isaac funds. but i think what was potentially significant of this particular delegation of this delegation visits. and taiwan is really just the timing of this given international context where you only even the 2nd, none of us, we have rushes invasion of ukraine on while, and russia looks to be making pretty significant gains in ukraine. a russian victory in ukraine has always been somebody in the position, the worries officials in taiwan because a fairy mice involved in china to take some of the minutes reaction against ty, one. so that was something that was really parts of these kind of urgent discussions or minds or really of trying to make a connection between those 2 situations. one member of, of the delegation,
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of course, is a witness from a recent congressional hearing in the united states, where he said, you call him be tough on china on week on ukraine. and mike gallagher, who's leading this delegation closing from discussions with the preston, select lighting, the said that light had made to if for some reason the ukrainians do not prevail, that will only encourage hostilities against high ones that are officials really trying to make that connection between ukraine, i'm fi one and i'm trying to emphasize the safely from the us perspective. the support for these 2 parties are really part of the same fundamental question. we leave it there with the time being the, the correspondent, james shifter in type. a thanks so much. sure. in germany, the economy is bracing for what some say is looking like a storm. which global mon geopolitical on ease and sticky inflation have humbug and anticipated recovery from recession and its annual growth report. berlin has drastically cut full costs to just a point. 2 percent growth this year,
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a hi sold appliance manufacturer a me look forward in cologne, department store, chain galleria, and the cargo division of georgia. bon, all have something in common. they bought in as plants today of thousands of employees due to the week economy. these companies are struggling with high energy prices, weaker to mind, high labor costs and excessive bureaucracy. the government had expected the economy to grow by 1.3 percent this year. now it expects to 0.2 percent growth. the detroit stronger the situation is kennedy extremely challenging this we need to do more. we need to come up with major reforms to maintain and strengthen germany's competitiveness in a completely changed global environment. and germany's g. d. p growth is at the bottom among industrialized nations. the opposition is calling for an immediate economic program focusing on reducing corporate taxes in red tape. otherwise they
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say germany risk becoming the sic mount of europe once again. a staying in germany and some football knows now where the professional football league, the d. f. l has abandoned a 1000000000 euro plan to send a stake in the media rights to an investor. this follows months of funding process during unit as much as the photos fill dental position by train objects onto the page unfolding disruptions. the cfo said it could no longer guarantee that mattress would be has the lively due to the fun filters. i quick remind to know about the story of this age. people had been wounded in the shooting attack and these rarely occupied bestbuy is rarely for the said to be government kind enough to be attacked. opening fire on the cause, no doubt you were supplement to up the gunman was killed of the scene. east of jerusalem. that's what he was trapped for the time being. but up next we have talk field looking at racism in germany's terms of care system that's coming up often
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