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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the the, this is the w news live from berlin. germany is parliament rejects sending long range missiles to ukraine for the time being. lawmakers defeated a motion by the opposition to deliver tourist cruise missiles backed further military support to help keep the fact rushes invasions. also coming up us delegation, visit taiwan to show with support as china, ram substance military operations in the area, the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. germany's parliament has rejected in
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opposition motion to deliver taurus cruise missiles to ukraine, despite pressure building on berlin to step up its military support for keith. the point this talk did, however, back providing further military support for you. frame opposition law makers have been calling for the german government to deliver the long range tourist missiles. electricians have been debating their next commitment on the 10 year anniversary impressions annexation of crimea. until now, the government has lots delivery use of the missiles on the grounds that they could be used to stripe targets deep inside russian territory. after billions have pumped into defense spending already many also see this as a watershed moment for how germany's armed forces will look for decades to come. the german chancellor, all shots on his defense minister, putting their elbows into it. you're reaching the ground on you. i munition planned
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earlier this month. the right natal factory will eventually char note $200000.00 or tillery shells per year, under lightning efforts to run pop production. just as we need this other urgently, because it's hard as this reality is. we're not living in peaceful times and that's, that's yeah. many has been on a journey before a russian president vladimir pershing's invasion. airlines focus was on peace offering kia a little more than head gear, nevada phones, tablets, and tell them we will send 5000 helmets out as a clear message that we stand by this side. i think. since then, they've sent bottle tanks. how it says irish t defend the systems and more a know the debates is whether it will also send some of its powerful tal risk crews mess. sales rushes attack on ukraine was a watershed moment and its force germans to confront some hard choice.
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for the one, this means the same for the bundle stairs that goes for german society. we must become patient for a walk through. the government has coughed up on extra 100000000000 euros to bring the boat in despair back to life. orders are written for new us built fighter jets, 60 comb dot helicopters, and the through air defense system fit to guard. the skies of your defense spending is growing again. at the height of the cold war, west german spend up to 5 percent of gdp on security that decrease gradually until re unification in the early ninety's when it fell off a cliff. no, it's not that 2 percent need to target. and this week the defense minister signaled there was room to grow. it was the development of the industry. what i mentioned to that all has to sit together and then we might reach 3 percent or maybe even $3.00 . it depends what's happening in the world and does gemini builds its production
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capacity and bolsters. it's military. the question know is whether taxpayers are willing to fit the bill and we would like to focus now on that part of the report that focused on the long range torres cruise missiles, chancellor schultz has been reluctant to okay. delivery of the tourist ukraine reportedly fearing that it could be used to attack target deep inside russian territory. let's hear now from the governing coalition on this. alexander, mother of defense policy spokesperson and member of the german parliament from the free democratic party. welcome to the program and thank you for joining us. we've just heard the parliament has both rejected the motion to specifically deliver the tourist missiles to ukraine, but approved a measure to provide further military support for ukraine. is there any chance that germany will give you crane the tourist cruise missiles that it's desperately asking for? i think there was a chance of costs. um, we, you know, we,
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we need it the one year to deliver the post tags to your grade and we have apartments, we wanted it. and we have decided they said later on the also the security council has voters in table. they send, we have deliver obtains, we have delivered so many things. i'm sure that also, of course, besides the one they will be digit. but if the taurus is still a possibility, why not just deliver them now? because i mean, you know, the critics say all of these delays you could be helping ukraine actually make further gains on the battlefield. now, we also wrestling this, um, uh, the, the top like the one who had the, the last decision. and he doesn't tell us why he is reluctant and delivering that was uh, christmas side. there is no point. there is no argument why we don't deliver it. so
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we, we also ask ourselves, and that's the reason why the party meant today voted for the delivery of a long range course. besides talk with us a little bit about the international picture. because i mean, it's not just the specific munitions artillery, you know, defense equipment that you guys are providing to your crime. there's also aid the u . s. congress, for example. is that an impasse on providing more a to ukraine? where does this leave germany? i mean, do you, are you feeling the pressure right now to really step it up? yes, of course we are feeding this because you'll see the minutes are read at the bottom says the russia is now performing. and uh, because the us has stopped delivery and the russians know this, and this is not go then we in europe, have to step up with our support for ukraine. gemini, does the, the, with, by far the most uh for delivering weapons uh to ukraine. but the other girls have
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to step up. we do our shell also transfer shell to said the germany will back ukraine for as long as it takes. i just like to ask you, i mean there, there have been, um, there has been much reporting on the budget issues in germany. um, you know, also much reporting on, on germany just changing it strategy generally speaking with regard to defense spending. and it's a general place in the world. i would like to ask you how high is that resolve not only among the government, but also among the populace in the country. are you confident that this can really continue for as long as it takes to? yes, i don't do confidence. yes, we have talked to this in germany. they have together about 30 percent shelf modes . but the higher majority of the democratic parties in our system are in favor of delivering and even delivering more. we have budget issues indeed united and we have to solve the, the,
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those we have to re prioritize our budget. there is room for delivering more and we have to seek for sauces of money. how we can speed up and step up with. i was appalled, alexander, mother, a member of the german parliament for the f t p. thank you so much. thank you. hear some other stories making news. as a 17 year old student is suspected of stabbing for pupils at a school in western germany. at least 2 of them are seriously injured. according to police. the suspected attacker is also believed to be a pupil at the school and is now in custody. one person is dead and at least 7 more wounded. following an attack at a check point and b is really occupied. westbank police say that palestinian gunman opened fire on motorists who were stuck in a traffic jam. 2 of the attackers were killed, 3rd wounded. accord in spain has found former barcelona football or danny
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olive as guilty of raping a woman and in my club the sexual assault took place. on december 31st 2022. alvarez has been sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison. the court also ordered the 40 rule to pay his victim. 150000 barrels. alvo's can appeal the verdict of bush fire and southern australia has forced more than 2000 people to leave their homes. authorities order the evacuations from towns in the west of victoria state. as a precaution, officials say that firefighters are being supported by aircraft to battle the blaze, which is roughly 50 square kilometers in size. or us delegation is on a 3 day visit to taiwan to reassure the island of it. support us. lawmakers said, and i quote, taiwan must remain as it stands today,
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a candle burning freely fiercely and probably against the darkness. the bi partisan delegation includes some of the strongest critics of china in the us congress. they are meeting current time when he's president site in van, and incoming president lighting t. the visit comes at a time of increased military activity from china, around taiwan. but i asked it dw corresponded james chatter from our east asia bureau if this visit is reassuring to taiwan to well, i think some people have, well, definitely viewing it in that way. this visits, of course, coming in this crucial intervening period between, as you mentioned by the election, which took place in january. and, you know, gratian of the new president scheduled for may later this year. the current government, the president select slicing the come from his policy and taiwan, which patients use a separate system refuses to communicate with. and so that is concerned in the run
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up through the i know gratian as you might look to ramp up military economic and maybe diplomatic pressure on taiwan to, to exact some of its actions. so what do you estimate because i visit this points in time, is fine sir. rich. eve is to emphasize the support for taiwan remain steadfast and that's especially the composition of this delegation. most of these go makers come from will have connections with the us house select committee, which was on the strategic conversation with the chinese communist policy known for his pretty whole kish stones on china. and so that composition wouldn't be lost on official assessment. here in taiwan, but of course, engaging to the middle east is playing a leading role. that this year's berlin international film festival. one big talking point is the documentary no other land. a film collaboratively directed by an squarely jewish journalist and a policy of the active best and filmmaker, the best allowed ro lives in the westbank, in a village in the south of hebron. feeling of helplessness and anger is what
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initially led him to start filming is rarely army in his village on his phone. every day the films evictions which caused outreach world wide palestinian houses even schools are destroyed. the camera becomes baffled weapon. when a substitute in making difficulty was not easy, there's one you faced with us, a lot of jobs from the soldiers. but the symptom of to my said that it's the only 2 that came out to have left within the world. what's happening is really journalist, your wall is always by his side is what their friendship develops across all the complex and differences. what's both of those stories? it's not just different. so you, if you know a jewish know is our understanding our shared values that we think that we see me.
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what if you need to answer, you can face, it needs to end and we are willing to fight for it together. well, that's the future. the fairly knowledge is promoting off screen dialogue to the tiny space as a project started by the german palestinian. i've met the most and jewish german shy huffman, the thing one you, we want to create a relatively small, tiny space, a tiny house where you can talk very intimately and personally about your feelings about this wrong. the placement come to the development of what we need spaces for the dialogue spaces for togetherness space is that also breaks the logic of mine. and it's, it's the task of civil society to at least show alternatives. we can offer opportunities for dialogue, at least on a small scale. i think the tiny house wants to get fairly dollar visitors talking about the middle east conflict. at least it would be start in no other land.
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it is this understanding across the divide that connects people to the documentary film is made from the footage basso and you've all put together under the most difficult conditions before we indicate that the most of the ceiling window armies entering and stealing the computers and beating the buses and really that i feel patient to vote and fast so side by side at the world, premiere of a film default for to complete receiving an ovation for their courage and openness . a quick reminder of our top story here on dw news, the german parliament has rejected an opposition bomb motion to send long range missiles to ukraine. the decision coming as politicians to pay their next commitment of have to keep the 10th anniversary of rushes annexation of. pry me up . you have to date here and date of the news. i'm sarah kelly and berlin. thank you
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so much for watching. take care of the do these do for fun via do gravitational waves squeeze out body. how do i the drums for the to the beat, and what's the perfect kill fox side. find the on says get with dw signs on the picked up channels. the doctor bismark a for a displeasing the g p.


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