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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is going to be, it is live and for berlin and germany's parliament rejects sending long range missiles to ukraine, at least for now, lawmakers and parliament today. but as it gets to sending towards cruise missiles at the same time voting to send more military aid to help keep feedback rushes invasion. also coming up tonight in the gaza strip and it's rarely stripe hits, a mosque in the southern city of bravo. the mos run health ministry says that nearly a 100 palestinians had been killed in the last 24 hours and brazilian and football
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star donnie olive is convicted of rate incentives to prison by a spanish court. former barcelona player says he plans to appeal the library golf is going to have you with this on this thursday. germany's parliament has rejected a motion to deliver a tourist of cruise missiles to ukraine did so the same day that it voted to back, sending more military support to keep opposition law makers in parliament. they've been calling for the german government to deliver the long range torres cruise missiles. but the government led by or walk shoulds. it's blocked deliveries of the power for weapons on the grounds that they could be used to strike targets deep
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inside russia. rejection comes today, the 10th anniversary of most gals, the legal indexation of premier with germany is pumped up, is it supports in its weapons aid for ukraine. the government says that it is almost doubling military support this year compared to last year. but it is also spending big on defense at home, promising to increase domestic production capacity. german chancellor, all off short on his defense minister, putting their elbows into it. you're reaching the ground on a new i munition plant earlier this month. the riding natal factory will eventually char note $200000.00. hillary shells per year under lightning efforts to run pop production. just as we need this other urgently. because it's hard is this reality is we're not living in peaceful times. but yeah, many has been on a journey before a russian president vladimir pershing's invasion balance focus was on peace
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offering kia a little more than head gear, nevada phones, thomas, and tell him we will send 5000 helmets out as a clear message that we stand by the side i the since then they sent back to tanks . how it says irish t defend systems, and more. i know the debate is whether it will also send some of its powerful tal risk crews mess. sales. russians attack on you claim was a watershed moment and it's forced germans to confront some hard choice. for the one, this means the same for the bonus. there's adults for german society, the us. we must become patient as a walk through. the government has cost off on extra 100000000000 euros to bring the bring this fab back to life. orders are written for new us built fighter jets, 60 comb dot helicopters, and the through air defense system fit to guard the skies of your the defense
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spending is growing again. at the height of the cold war, west german spend up to 5 percent of gdp on security that decreased gradually until re unification in the early ninety's when it fell off a cliff. no, it's not that 2 percent need to target. and this week the defense minister signaled there was room to grow was the development of the industry. what i mentioned to that all has to fit together and then we might reach 3 percent or maybe even $3.00 . it depends what's happening in the world. and does do how many bills it's production capacity and bolsters. it's military. the question know is whether tax payers are willing to fit the bill. so the german parliament has both rejected the motion to deliver the tories cruise missiles to ukraine, but didn't approve the measure to provide ukraine with more military support. so does this mean no to taurus forever?
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we put that to the german lawmaker alexander mueller. he's the defense spokesman for the free democratic party. i think there was a chance of costs. um, we, you know, we, we need it the one year to deliver the price tags to ukraine and we have apartments, we wanted it. and we have decided they said later on the also the security council has voters in table. they send, we have the libertines, we have delivered so many things. i'm sure that also our crews besides the one they will be digit. but that was the german lawmaker alexander mueller. speaking with this earlier now it's in the united states, alabama's largest hospital has opposed it in detroit virtualization treatments. it comes after the state supreme court ruled that frozen embryos or fertilized eggs are the legal equivalent of children of a hospital says that it has to evaluate now whether or not it's patients or doctors
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could face criminal charges or punitive damages if they're involved in the idea of treatments, the ruling by the all republican alabama supreme court has put into question the future of idea treatments considered one of the best ways for patients who want to have children, but are unable to conceive natural. the language used by alabama as chief justice includes several references to god i as the medical ethics, professor glenn cohen of harvard law school about that. and if it is problematic from a legal point of view, here's a real stay. and assistant chief justice parker is concurrence. he talks about the idea that it would be at front to himself capital age for god. and this idea of the wrath of god might befall people. it's highly unusual to say this kind of language is claimed is that alabama by several statutes of the past. the cost you for a minute as indicated that this is the view of the people of alabama. but i can say
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if you're not a member of it, you do a christian religion. it would seem quite an unusual thing to be told. this is the law of alabama, that god is a part of that outlaw. but that is a d. but she just as parker's it how, how does this really, how does it relate to the abortion of question in the united states? and i'm wondering to, with idea of treatment you're trying to help a couple of conceive. and yet you're saying under this ruling, a doctor could be accused of, of what killing or hurting a child? how does, how does the, how does that make sense? this is the exact, i think, right? question to ask for this. actually, the idea here is we have a couple who basically lost their chance to reproduce, lost their trance, to use their embryos. and they brought as lawsuit that the end result is it may be nobody can use either the finality of amazon or in terms of abortion. politics this case can be seen as part of the larger move,
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which is called the personhood movement. in the decision of dogs, be jackson and united states. roby wave was over turn and theory returning this question to the states. but there was a group of people who was there not to be a state by a state decision on abortion, but instead of federal laws, to abortion, branding, abortion across the entire united states. and one way to achieve that is to get an interpretation of the constitution that fetus is indeed, perhaps embryos are persons under the 14th amendment. and this is a part of that strategy or to be seen as a part of that strategy. yeah, yeah. but it apparently has worked at least in alabama doing cohen with harvard law . we appreciate your time in your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you. here's a look now some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. alexi. nev allney's mother has accused russian investigators of trying to stage a secret funeral for her son. she says that she have seen her son's body
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and is resisting pressure not to have a public funeral since because of all these family ledges that the kremlin murdered him. the kremlin has rejected vestige for miss albany is part of the business ratified to deal with italy to build processing centers for migrant. the plan allows for albania to a whole thousands of asylum seekers picked up in international waters by italy while their claims are being processed. human rights groups have expressed concern about the deal. while the european union sees the agreement as a possible model for other situations. us lawmakers visiting and tie one havoc hughes china, a bullying the self re move island day by purchasing congressional delegation is holding 3 days of meetings with ty, one top leader. the visit focused on regional security and trade comes at a time when divisions in congress have sand questions about washington's commitment
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to its ally us. and that takes us to the conflict in the gaza strip, where the is really military has again, bombed the southern city of rasa. overnight the local authorities say that strikes destroyed a mosque and numerous homes and caused a number of deaths violence as flared up in the occupied westbank as well with gunman opening fire at a check point near jerusalem to the shooting started during the morning rush hour. the 3 gunmen talked in slow moving traffic, nearer check point on the main road east of jerusalem. one, these really central though, was killed in the attack. several others were injured, according to emergency responders. is really authority, said the shooting was fortunately cut short quickly with security forces and um, civilians at the scene coming to the attack is that the was then detained while
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trying to sleep. is rails fall, right? national security minutes, the it's a month and give the joints police of the site where he called for more limits on palestinians movement in the occupied westbank limits up to you. i expect that they will be more and more checked for you and say that there will be a restriction on the subject of law. but now we need to restrict and finally come to an understanding how our enemies are not looking for excuses. and maybe i'm just going to fall, and i already being said, i knew i could say name go up by then says sold to reco toys in the west bank since a master's terrorist attacks on october 7th. and the start of israel is campaign in the gaza. strip on thursday, palestinians and rafa will wake and put in spain, his found brazilian soccer star and former barcelona player dani. elva is guilty of
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raping a woman in a night club. he's been sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison. the case is one of the most high profile and trials in spain since it changed the way sexual assault cases are prosecuted. the ruling comes less than a month after a trial that grips the world of sports. former brazilian struck a start dining out of this will be going to prison for sexual assault, as he denies any wrong doing. and his lawyers say they'll fight the verdict. sometimes i believe in the innocence of mister elvis. mister office is fine. i will now explain this sentence to him. i have not been able to get to study it, but i can already tell you that we are going to appeal. this is widely considered one of the greatest defenders of all time. he has won over 40 trophies during his career, half of those he has from his 8 years, of course,
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alone. at the time of his arrest, he was under contract to play for a mexican top. his case has been one of the most high profile trials in spain since the law was passed in 2022. that may be considered a key element in sexual assault cases. the victim a 23 year old woman says, all of us wait to her in the bathroom of a bar sloane a night club. the court found the rape allegations to be true. arguing evidence shows the victim did not consent. all of us has also been ordered to pay a 150000 euros in compensation with satisfied to send to this recognizes what the victim said. all alone was satisfied and happy for her. and for old women who have suffered a visa or a bell, this out of a sentence is just over the minimum of 4 years. he has completed
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a quarter of his sentence since he was arrested and could soon be released. are you watching dw news? i'll be back at the top of the all with more of old news, followed by the date i've just seen you that the can you see is what old card has to do with new production. here's a hands on the real media. watch now on youtube. these go to come a time when for us preference we advise that statements that prefer statement is


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