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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 23, 2024 2:00am-2:15am CET

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the, the produce these data we can use live from the lead, the us achieve its 1st moon landing in half a century. a private company has landed the spacecraft on the lunar surface. flag control is concerned, they're receiving a fine signal. is the land to call the dc us fully functional. also coming up. and these riley, striking some mosque in the southern gaza city of rafa. the hamas are on hillsman. history says nearly 100 palestinians were killed in the past 24 hours. at a deadly fire engulf to residential buildings in eastern spine. 5 fighters in the cost of the city of valencia rice to rescue people traps by the inside and out.
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the jared raid, welcome to the shar, nasa is highlighting it as a giant leap full with a robotic spacecraft built by a private sector company has landed on the moon. it was the 1st control to stay in to the moon by us build space cross since 1972 witnesses a polo program. last put aster notes on the lunar surface, the unmanned spacecraft name. did you see you? this is caring and mix of commercial cargo and nasa science instruments on its journey. the company behind the mission called intuitive machines, hopes to conduct research and collect data to better understand the learn later environment, particularly the millions south pole. its mission directed to him crying, say, as, while the spice cross journey is at an end, it's work is only just beginning,
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but we can confirm without a doubt that our equipment is on the surface of a man, and we are transmitting. so graduations i and team will see how much more we can get from that. but keith cowan is an editor at nasa watch. he's being of course, watching this old very closely. keith, welcome back. just some initial reactions from you. how excited to you to see this happening? well, as i mentioned before, i the last time this happened, i would, can you hear me? okay. yeah, we can hear you say surface. i kept, sorry. i hit the wrong button here. uh, the last time i was honest about spend half a century since we saw that somebody was in high school, so old guy liked me. i'm happy to see us back on the moon. i was asked, there was another air at the time who said, well, how do we know when it lands? cuz the numbers are all over. i said, watch the guy sitting at the console
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a week back. and those are classic. definitely, you know, the later the mon, this exact habits, dave, what, what can you tell us about the state of the a craft after the landing? how's it going? well, the, the initial problem was that they knew it is landed. they just get the right signal . now they have a weak signal, it could be something as simple as, as it lands it as these dishes on it. maybe they're in the little bit in the wrong direction. and you have to fiddle with that, but they're getting data and they're happy with what they're getting so far. so uh, the spacecraft is alive and it's talking to her. that's the best news you can possibly get. i guess that is the main thing. yes. and it just explained to us what happens now as well. so they're gonna probably want to make sure they can turn up the volume a bit so they can get the most data necessary. and supposedly when the spacecraft came in and landed it if this was your lander, the pro little camera and that camera supposedly was planned to take a picture of the spacecraft on again. so at some point we'll see that video and
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that'll be kind of cool. but then they get down to the business of the science, which is why we're looking at this proven the moon and the 1st place. okay, and that center with them are in south paul with an is what, what's so special about this area of the main? well, you could use my little thing here. everything we launched to the moon is always been around the equator. and this time we went down to the south pole. now, it's a little more difficult to do that, but it's rocket science. why are we going to the south pole the moon? well very spacecraft have discovered what we clearly think is water ice. that's a soft pull. this probe is one of several that will go there to confirm what we think we already know. and then why is water important? well, you asked if i'm and astra living on the moon. i can drink it. i can breathe part of it or i could use it to make rock and fuel to come home and everything that i can get from the moon. i don't have to bring with me, which makes things
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a lot easier. does water in any way indicate that they could be a presence of life or anything like that? a close war my heart, i'm an extra well, i'll just see. i don't know that i've had this discussion with people. a lot of the reason why there's water there is that comments may well have crashed into the moon over the billions of years and we'd know comments of a lot of what we would call, gu, technically it's forget it material. maybe that's there. maybe that's what we'll discover when we make the 1st direct look at what we're seeing. and you know, i could posit a guess even if there's nothing alive. if the chemicals that we find there in the water indicates that organic chemistry is at work. well, gee, if it's happening on the moon, the chances that you could happen to mars or europa probably go up a bit. but again, i'm just speculating what's, let's see what's there? i'd be happy if there's only one. i can't wait to talk to you about some of the
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findings that you'll get, i guess hopefully very soon, keith cowering editor at nasa. what's really appreciate it. thank you. my pleasure . go to the conflicts in the gaza strip. now where the is riley military has again, bombs, the southern city of rafa. like the nice local authorities say strikes, destroyed a mosque and numerous times enclosed a number of dis, violence has played up in the occupied westbank as will with gunman opening fire at a checkpoint. new jerusalem. as the shooting started during the morning rush hour, the 3 gunmen talked in slow moving traffic. nearer check point on the main road east of jerusalem. one, these really central though, was killed in the attack. several others were injured, according to emergency responders. is really, authorities said the shooting was fortunately cut short quickly with security forces and um, civilians at the same killing to if the attack is done that the was then detained
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while trying to sleep is rails fall, right? national security minutes the it's a month and give the joints police at the side where he called for more limits on palestinians movement in the occupied westbank limits up to you. i expect that there will be more and more checks when say that there will be restriction of supply, but now we need to restrict and finally come to an understanding. our enemies are not looking for excuses our enemy. i'm just going to fall and i've already been sitting on the buttons as sold to reco toys in the west bank since a mass is terrorist attacks on october 7th. and the stones of israel is campaign in the guns this trip on thursday, palestinians. and rafa were awakened by yes, another round, it was raining strikes from the city where hundreds of thousands have fled to
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fighting. this time it was a mosque that was hit and flattened with only it's been a rent left standing locals said nearby holmes were also heavily damaged in the attack. pretty much the most of was struck by 2 real kids from the c o. those houses that were destroyed here and there they were housing for displaced people and people coming from elsewhere, one little home last week. and the one defined as was totally destroyed. as you can see, the since the last several people were killed in the bombing among thousands killed of a knight in his reading strikes. according to the mess, run health ministry garza. it's just the latest instance where a mosque is being targeted during israel's campaign with dozens destroyed or damaged over the last 5 months. okay, here's a quick look now at some of the world news headlines. germany is, parliament has rejected a motion to to leave
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a tourist. a cruise me solves to ukraine, bought deed back and move to provide all the military support. the government is blocking deliveries of the powerful tours way. funds on the grounds that they could be used to strike targets deep inside russia and further escalate the conflict. the mother of the lights kremlin critique alexander found the has accused russian investigators of trying to stay just a quick burial for her son. she says she has seen her sons body bought that authorities are pressuring her against holding a public funeral. the valley's family alleged that the kremlin murdered him. something that moscow rejects related to spain. now where at least 4 people have died in a blaze that swept across to residential buildings in the city of valencia, at least 13 people were injured with residence, fling onto the balconies to wait to be rescued. now the cause of the place isn't yet clear about high winds, i believe to have found the flames screws. and he is also turning to the buildings
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construction materials which may have also helped the fires for it. so quickly and earlier i spoke with general as jorge manager who was standing in front of the guy had buildings in viet, valencia, and i asked him, what was the latest we knew on the situation as well right now i'm so run it up as of because it means you can smoke and have a wing, they're making things even more complicated. it has been already think our where the by products have been spite and it gives these the intense fire a truly inferno that has friend these of floor to floor building needs to actually have to be just 30. ready minutes actually everything's up in just a few minutes. everything i've been, i've done at 5 30 pm. we're in the emergency center. received the 1st of all and all and pretty much in 30 minutes. everything was fair to phoenix fire science.
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then the freight service has been rescued, written decent residents evening being probably extremely. and the next meetings are imagine the rest of you actually a console was uh, trapped in on the 7th floor last week. and then the $50.00 stars on the 4th floor. but on the 7th floor, there was a couple father and daughter that were trapped on there about 20 waiting to be rescued for more than an hour. that has simple tried that by part is trying to help these people. and i'm very dramatic, seem following my mind, but by the whole country life we life rothhouse broadcasting, like from all the tvs and they've never put the same thing on for after one fire. oh, awesome one hour, but it would say, but now that the injures are sporting easier. 6 of them are 5 partners and also one kid of 7 years old. and right now we're seeing flying around me. the friend is all
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right and i are trying to get inside the building to see if i can go inside now safely to start to extinguish the fire. there is no burning down. hey, what can you tell us about a possible cause, as well as still early 2 talks about the causes, but all the experts are in the old food. it's the same that the flip side of the material that was used in the front side that probably we attain a very believable material that was pretty often used during the 2000 between 200-2010. the end of these buildings in the balance and the whole spain, with probably the main cost to turn these uh, pre new building up pretty. ready good quality building in our true in for an extra to me that in 30 minutes just destroyed 138 apartments. that was jorge 1000000. essentially, the idea here is we have a couple who basically lost their chance to reproduce, lost their trash to use their embryos and they brought the lawsuit that the end
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result is it may be nobody can use either the app and all of them are gone. fall apart, in terms of abortion politics, this case can be seen as part of the larger moving, which is called the personhood movement. in the decision of dogs, be jackson and united states, robi way it was over turn and theory returning this question to the states. but there was a group of people who was there not to be a state by state decision on abortion, but instead of federal laws to abortion brain, but even portion across the entire united states. and one way to achieve that is to get an interpretation of the constitution that fetus is indeed, perhaps embryos are persons under the 14th amendment. and this is a part of that strategy or to be seen as a part of that strategy. a glen colin, there's harvard law school. he's a reminder of our top story. a private us company has landed a spacecraft on the lunar surface since the 1st moon landing in half a century for the us. flag control is concerned that they are receiving
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a signed signal from the spacecraft. warranty w dot com to follow as to on social media at dw news on showered reading thoroughly . and thanks for watching the, the, the is, it is someplace how in key, more people than ever on the move world wide and such a base in life. politically suggestive in cardboard. that's what i find out about baby story info, migraines. the .


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