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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 23, 2024 7:00am-7:15am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news lie from berlin after 2 years fighting off rushes invasion. we look at what could be next for ukraine. an awesome can keep, keep up the fights. i mean, i mean i'm inducing shortages and disappearing from western allies on funding the waterford, also coming up for us to achieve its fast moving. landing in half a century flight control as confirmed. they're receiving a faint signal from the luna south pole plus firefighters. search for people said missing off to the definitely prior to residential task in east, in spain, with this to say it appeared the buildings, cladding, fuel, the info,
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no and present in football. so i've done the oliver's is convicted of rape and sentence to prison by spanish court. before my boss, i know not, claire says he appealed the ruling. the . i'm really trying to do it. thanks so much for joining us. ukraine and the wider world, we'd be mocking 2 years since the russia launched its full scale invasion on saturday . on the morning of february, the 24th 2022 ukrainians, woke up to shilling in major cities and russian tanks rolling across the board. a russian president vladimir putin called it a special military operation to eliminate the threat of a hostile ukraine by the west. he expected a quick and decisive victory. instead, ukraine has put up a remarkable defence that's done into a grinding sight,
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a date on those ukraine bureau to make kind of late pauses the question, where is this going? the only thing we can regret is that we didn't stop active measures earlier. he means the rule that was brought to my patients message, their recent interview with the russian state, tv woods, the put in and speculation that the kremlin might be open to some kind of deal to freeze this conflict. originally let's say, which is ukraine x. but at london's chatham house think tank, she says, pretend still thinks he can take all of ukraine. it is clear from public statements that she's not changing. she's wor, objectives. what i see russia in this. yeah. really believes it has a chance. it has a chance to break ukraine, and they will be breaking ukraine militarily. a named russian sources talking about the potential piece to adjust to districts and tactics. she says. they also will
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work in the west to actually undermine decision making, to send these confusing messages about the possible ceasefire. meanwhile, not mean ceasefire for them. they would like to see washington actually accepting of food instead of tauriel drab versus victory nap div was the biggest since the full bus worked last may many expect pushing to use momentum gain to try to take all the full ukrainian regions. he's already formally annexed. that's done yet, so hans. so patricia. okay, so it will be easy. ukraine still controlled sludge waves of these regions puts in may want to push on because he actually have the results is taking of div construction forces. many lives west and intelligence estimates the casualties the over 10000 dead. in one russian ministry builder, you can claim that the death toll had reached $16000.00 mike martin the senior
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visiting fellow and was that is at kings college london. he says that ukraine, you know, me, can make russia by a high price for any territorial gains. defense is much easier as an attack. the russians may well be able to take small amounts of grounds at great cost, but they don't cannot suddenly roll it over and take up his operational desa. um, i know you kinda need to know that they need to just move but very slowly. their ability to do that will depend on how well west and support holds up to have got ukrainians. we're fortunate out gunned $5.00 to $1.00. you promises to supply ukraine with a 1000000 shells in a year failed. while russia got that many from north korea in a matter of months, well, you can, you know, is now on washington. but i think at the moment we were to little bit of a g i political lighting point. everyone's waiting to see what happens with the us presidential election. thank you. from winds, we all going to say, you know,
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quote unquote the date of the century and from it's going to hand large areas of ukraine to pizza in the ukrainians. all work of the assumption that they're on there right now. so they're doing what they can with home grants, innovation, eating targets deep inside russia with long range drones to fix maximum damage options. war economy is ukraine, and his 3rd year full is trying to take the fight to russia while it waits to see whether the west provides resources have another go on the battlefields. and a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world. us president joe biden has met with the window and daughter of russian opposition leader likes and about me to visit at the hotel in san francisco. came as the white house announced a fresh sanctions against russia. never at least family in allies say he was getting in the russian prison on president vladimir putin orders. the mother of the late from been critic, alexa eno valley,
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has accused russian investigators of trying to stage a secret betty on for her son. she says she has seen her sons buddy bought to that a part of these are pressuring her against holding a public funeral. device from the ledge, the kremlin mother and him, something must go. richards and a 17 year old is suspected of stabbing full classmates at the school. in western germany. at least 2 of them must be to stay in jobs, according to police. the suspected attack is also believe to be a student at the school and is now in custody. now, sir, is handling it as a giant leap forward. robotic spacecraft, built by a private sector company, has landed on the moon. it was the 1st control of defense to the moon by u. s. been spacecraft since 1972 when as opposed to program last foot astronauts on
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the lunar surface. the company behind the mission called intuitive machines, hopes to connect data with the lender, but dfcs to better understand the new not environment. a mission detective, tim create and say is by the space cross johnny is at an end. it's work is only just beginning. what we can confirm without a doubt is our equipment is on the surface of the man and we are transmitting. so regulations and team will see how much more we can get from that. keeps going is an editor at nessa watson correctly in washington dc. he told us more about the state of the aircraft off to the landing. well, the, the initial problem was that they knew it has landed. they just get the right signal. now they have a weak signal. it could be something as simple as, as it lands it, as these dishes on it. maybe there is a little bit in the wrong direction and you have to fiddle with that,
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but they're getting data and they're happy with what they're getting so far. so the spacecraft is alive and it's talking to her that's for sale by the best news you can possibly get on the surface and we are transmitting and welcome to the most. everything we launch to the moon is always sitting around the equator. this is and this time we went down to the south pole. now it's a little more difficult to do that, but it's rocket science. why are we going to the south pole the moon? well very spacecraft have discovered what we clearly think is water ice. that's a soft pull. this probe is one of several that will go there to confirm what we think we already know. and then why is water important? well, you asked if i'm an astronaut living on the moon. i can drink it. i can breathe part of it or i could use it to make rock and fuel to come home and everything that i can get from the moon. i don't have to bring with me, which makes things a lot easier. back down to ads and spain. now when at least 4 people have died in
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a blaze that swept through to residential buildings in the city of valencia, at least 13 people. but injured and so, but more remained missing scrutiny starting to the buildings construction materials, which together with high winds, may have helped the file spend so quickly trapped on the balconies cooling for how the fly is spread in a matter of minutes. emergency services say it broke out in the afternoon. on the 4th floor, the fire fighters rushed to the scene. bringing traps, residents down with cranes and providing inflatable cushions to catch those who had just got to feel they manage to get a father and the daughter out. they saved the thought about that,
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but the efforts were hampered by the wind and the soaring temperature of the flames, which then spread to a neighboring building. flaming debris came crashing down around firefighters. as they worked to extinguish the inferno, no matter what he says, come out of it was pretty wild, how the facade burned, the cladding, that's probably how it spread, sort of a port authority say the buildings external cladding, might explain the rapid spread of the flames. several people were taken to the hospital with fractures, fans. i'm smoking, hey, license and earlier we spoke to a journalist, jorge media, who was standing in front of the got the buildings in the balance here. he told us more about the investigation and the questions over the construction materials used in the main things as well. it's still early to talk about the causes, but all the experts are in the food. it's the same that the flip side of the
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material that was use in the front side that probably we attain a very explainable material. that was a pretty often used during the 2000 between 200-2010 in the these buildings in the balance and the whole, spain, with probably the main costs to turn these uh, pre new building up pretty good quality building, you know, truly furniture to me at in 30 minutes, just destroyed 138 apartments. and we stay in spain where a court has found a brazilian socket started pharma. bustling up la dani olive is guilty of raping a woman in a nightclub. he's been sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison. the case is one of the most high profile trials in spain since it changed the way sexual assault cases are prosecuted. the ruling comes less than a month after a trial that grips the world of sports. former brazilian stucco star dining out of
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this will be going to prison for sexual assault. he denies any wrongdoing, and his lawyers say they'll fight the verdict. sometimes. i believe in the innocence of mister elvis. mister office is fine. i will now explain this sentence to him. i have not been able to get to study it, but i can already tell you that we are going to appeal this is widely considered one of the greatest defenders of all time. he has won over 40 trophies during his career. half of those he has from his 8 years, of course, alone. at the time of his arrest, he was under contract to play for a mexican top. his case has been one of the most high profile trials in spain since the law was passed in 2022. that made consent. a key element in sexual assault cases. the victim a 23 year old woman says all of us raped her in the bottom of
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a parcel low night club. the court found the rape allegations to be true. arguing evidence shows the victims did not consent. all of us has also been ordered to pay a 150000 euros and compensation with satisfied to send to this recognizes what the victim said. all alone was satisfied and happy for her. and for all the women who have suffered abuse of us out of a sentence is just over the minimum of 4 years. he has completed a quarter of his sentence since he was arrested and could soon be released a bit of a change of face now and the news about elton john, who has offered funds and collectors to johns to get the hands on some of his famous best items christy's has auction to 1900 items from stage costumes,
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and ought to find a job and even a grand piano elton john used to compose scores for broadway musicals. benny elliot's and i, that the items are all connected. it is atlanta apartment and could be seen at an open house in new york before they would auction. the connection brought in a total of $8000000.00. a quick reminder now at the top. so these graph following at this moment, a private us company has landed the spacecraft on the lunar stuff as it gets the 1st movement ending in half a century for the us flight controllers confirm they're receiving a faint signal and a case for people that day and the spanish city of buttons here, often a fire swept to apartment buildings. at least 13 others were injured in the blaze. search is now on for those still with the same that's it or for the moment about coming up next after the break, if the 77 present as an investigation of the fake prophets and so for the medical
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charge is flushing in south africa and don't forget you can get more news on our website, the w dot com, i'm british managing and bring it to you soon. by the we are all set. we are watching close to the to bring you the story behind the new the will on about come by as information for free might say, do tenants in this special edition of conflicts? we are presenting the highlights of a high level panel on the israeli palestinian conflict which.


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