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tv   Conflict Zone  Deutsche Welle  February 23, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm CET

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to sign it reset in the i c d, w here at the munich security conference, that's all chris will be in about russian intentions and russian brands, possibly for a well with nato in the years to come. we caught up with the head of estonian intelligence count by voice in his service has been putting out many of the reports that are being discussed. yeah. and we asked him a few of the questions about where the intelligence came from. and what is the expectations off for nato to do about his roles? are you the source or your intelligence service? is the source of many of the worries that have been expressed here. in munich, about russian intentions long term. do you feel about russia once or will once or
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is climbing for a wall with nato? russia is the feeling is going to mind. patients at the moment from h. c. o crane is just the 1st step. if it's successful in your brain, it along with them and based on his story, recreate, re talk to you if there is a good picture and this is so the plan is the point show that i submitted 3 in the future at the end of the task if necessary. so, but my message from the intent is some service is of course to, to paint that thread picture for this. you don't make us the future. it's isaac throughout the events is in toronto, been by us. so it's heavy to dependence on body style comb with your brain on the phone for that. if i show you successful, it to be live. really strengthen to require for funding and some patients. but they can utilize that outcome if the support you've paid enough. and the other question of course, is if we talk about the co, shall rush a minute to the voice of
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a long maple ball. this is that if a nato use us the time at the moment, uh, the rates realistic glance, uh, feeling said to be the broker resource, then it's also the rush out for me to be manageable for us. at the russia has suffered considerable losses, both in manpower ends, equipment. are you saying that it's designed to expand its territory, remains just as possible as it has been. uh, we don't see any changes in the rush on data shaped by position regarding get some based on so there has been no a reasoning or it's caused me to the show to go us as we have heard. those are from 14 in the last 5 years to solve for the notifications immunization of the print that has been no urban on. so right. so is pushing for what it is through. it has lots of lots of resources, but they also investing a lot. there are so many that at the moment is from mindful advice. it is bigger
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than it was before the war started. so despite the loss, as they've been able to invest enough manpower through mobilization or through recruitment into the, to feel the war machine you've spoken about doubling their forces on the border with fedloan that those so on the board is with the baltic. republics, including estonia, are these actual plans that you've seen or is this human intelligence? people have spoken to you how. how so are you? but what you're telling us may actually come to pass because we've seen moldings from a variety of nato officials that have follow the information which you put out there . so all one assessment is based on the information. what we have collected for various methods and the means that we have in our disposal, this is what we know is the russian ambition. the innovation is to have that situation by 2026, which i consider uh you said realistic. uh,
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but i also say that they are already taken steps to create the new units which they have planned in that the new structure, the current situation. i don't to bother is that most minute 31, it's east of all that to your credit. so this is whether you're right on resource, he's going at the score. and so what is your advice to western plan those to make, to apply those gets moving a brace yourself, make preparations for a russian attack aligned. the type across the board is so just as a partner on a rush out before any conflict with conduct a comparison of forces assessment for example. so be now it is all with us for now to create realistic plans. uh, how about uh, based on a realistic threat picture for face appliance with our released account or, or really resource to have it in place. we could talk about the native portion in
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the eastern time and also sustain sustaining for us to set this on. it should be and if we do that in a proper way, then i show it is these manageable. the 3 years ago, your prime minister wasn't very happy with the nato, jumped about the tower and tomato plans or nato plans, then, which would have foreseen the loss of your territory. and the hope perhaps a distant hope of nato with getting it back again in a 180 days. presumably about climate change. now hazard because you weren't very happy with it. indeed be, but i'm not very happy with the the, this type of glance a as in system in the nation. been lots of why one other organization the corner plans are more. uh, i think uh more towards sale. what expectations uh we have been also on the eastern plank onto this, but also has more and more or less than the blank or restroom to appear in contradiction to us. is on the stand exact ice on reassessing, the situation,
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and the code on the 9th of each of the, not just a now are more towards defending the nato maple board. us from the 1st to meet. are you looking at nato's exercise? sped frost exercise, which is going on with the mind with the largest exercise of its time since the cold war. are you impressed with what you've seen? bearing in mind that we've looked at british warships, one that broke down the other one that couldn't leave port. this is in peacetime, how impressive is that? all or mostly still the partners in the allies, is it. there's no time to invest the into our minutes on a potential. it is no time to invest in to eliminate the industry. and so just that inside your display, this time now and again, it is up to us how this feeling so, so now your bill and for and the need to show strength to russia because uh, i think your government is being critical about the way people have been influenced
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by put in talking about who's nuclear missiles and the russians don't respect weakness. do they? i absolutely, i agree with that statement. so it's throughout that i certainly story history. it's also very strongly in the restroom psychology. is that the weaknesses up relocation, which must be punished. but on the other hand, that items optional that aspect strength. what does it turn to be? faxed so we have decided use yesterday. that's uh i like saying the valley. uh, the opposition lead uh appears to have died in prison. what does that tell you about the regime that is next door to you, the russian regime? when i am, if i'm honest, i'm upset with i'm not surprised that if that happened, this is how old are you on that or gave me is this is only 3, its its own people. uh but, but i also don't see any short term really impact the ones estimated definitely
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strongly and based on that, what they see though is that the, the, if you're talking about war but the point of something in the end of us, we also see a motor more of board, but they can in the restroom. so aside this grading which is on the surface and not very visible from outside, but this morning, most grading into energy mode, the destination is following it very much. and these, these concern features for us and go to seeing sign level on this. definitely add that onto the destruction of some people. but again, it takes time in order to have a proper impact on the estimated the production of those, even in the future. just fine, really, if i could ask you a couple of words about what's going on with ukraine, ukraine didn't have a good war last year. did it? the crowns are offensive. didn't produce what many had to hope to. would you for see a very long more here don't to uh, it depends on all or investment is what i show in the, into your brain on defense as it is through that the,
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your brain on. so i have not the, i to you to the 3030, all gains very much. what, so not the russians. this is go down to the more of a 3 sure on the about the are, are, it's not the 32 and our board here. so russians are trying to push that your brain on so until they break mentally and minutes early all with us because of course, to make sure that it's doesn't top end by giving the profile so far to the brain. i made it during the copyright. so thank you very much and a thank you. thank you. thank you. the or the
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thinking as a network thing, as one it show about vision raised and the project, the percentages that can be tackled together for a future worth living, working for a more united well this is shadow. some of these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools farms and destroyed like what is the legacy of this wide spread racist depression? today is the largest we need to talk about here. the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the west
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minor. hi, i right. just do it that i'm hosting dw new podcast. thanks. trace amount is actually about join us as we travel around your at tracing the who, the history of every day. ok. and that bumpy, ride around the world kind of close to taking the juicy of stories with a little mystery of drama along the way. but no need to talk about i just sit subscriber id, listen to podcast and will take you along to the right. what is it then i have
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one of main kinds, oldest ambitions to be within reach. what is it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world for in a race against time. they are peers and rivals with one daring goals to help smart nature. the more likes watching it on youtube, dw documentary, the, the, the,
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these go to come a time when for us preference, we advise that statement. statement is happening now right in front of us. the bible sees said you positions and give to the poor. in recent to you as a was a self proclaimed prophets of come to the see. the full was and cherish wadley possessions. will continue to build each one thing. it will be. multi millionaires will continue to be multi billionaires and will continue to preach of jesus would died on the cross for us fucking miracles and prophecies post as a lowering costs of believe us into the charges to say from the money and abuse
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them all to leave a life of luxury, the it has it has broken, right? this is what we came up every day. ok. at least the church and i'm not we approach on the church. my field is out to destroy you live the only one that was really perfect. oh yeah. no, no, this is what they do. the false prophets are everywhere, but the victims also unite and ton against them. the time slash say shit is on the does not go into charges anymore. too painful of the memories. for
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this interview, however, she agrees to meet and one close to a whole mean johannes, back the gifted seeing a vividly remembers all she and the young girls were lou it by gospel music to join the congregation close to the home called the jesus dominion international church i think that's for me. that's what gripped me into the church. i always loved music . god wanted to be a singer for as long as i, you know, could read and, and just hearing them and how the saying they sounded like angel timothy almost also the touch phone, the setup of singles, gospel choir, god, ones of the he met sunday on the left in this for quoting a lead singer, she moved to the touch of drones together. we talked to the young women. they believed these to be this type of this thing. 3 is just to realize, i'm a tough of really intention,
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fungible and away from the friends and findings. the process started to sexually abuse them when he rips only for the 1st time. she is a mind unconvinced that the past couple months have been lee powers. that can destroy the what he said to me was that, you know, i was, i was 14. so if, if i told anyone, you know, the man of god could be facing jail time, which is something that cannot happen. he, he told me that this was to be covenants between himself, myself and god. and that if, if i were to tell anyone i would be breaking the covenant and the punishment for breaking a covenant was dis. so it was a sunday finishing on the recordings from the time we see each other is only putting off a smile for the cameras in reality because she was caught in a web of fear and intimidation with how to ment underwood ever more,
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goes into his scheme zone do finally must a distant to speak to her mother will help heart to flee, to touch and go to the police. in 2017 special forces of police, arrested him. what also of the airport before he could escape to views. narrative nigeria with ms. gave a hearing testimony of her pause to timothy on the toaster, and they just, b, 6 in the violated her. at the age of 14. he is elia, the biggest lie that he's ever told was that he's a man of good. a. he is an abuse. he is a pretty tough, he does not care about other people's feelings. he is not sophistic and the world revolves around him. it's not talked about and how like a survivor has to do so much work to literally close himself out of
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this image, this survive oh, this victim image and all the expectations that come with it off the telling your story. who isn't as much as you supported? yes. so also some are punished for telling a story by society. now, all of a sudden you come through, so certainly now it was a sudden you can't, you can't be a sexual person, cause alcohol windows. can you be a single person if you assist with the assaulted a group testimony in cottage, many victims to speak out. an almost also is cutting to the 1st and $63.00 times as a fripp human trafficking on record tearing. but soon these troubles for, from over the when a sunday morning in the old coast of pretoria, members of jesus mission judge got the to prepare for their weekly sockets. many of them praying to one profit shift that we should be waves of fiction. please refer
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to as major one. what's your claim? see? can q o h a v and even make people wealthy? however, such miracles come with a cost concrete guns bring them cash. cellphones and other valuables, hoping for the profit to provincial deadlines. the, the motor from industry because the books, the properties know we have to be phone, accept smiling from a pasta machine is on the run, wanted full fraud and money laundering. the people give the cause, patients and education funds and lost everything in 2019,
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the profit was arrested sullivan options believes that a comfortability must come before forgiveness the jobs. but best joiners to regularly expose it's really just comments. like, what's your, your on tv on these blog, uncle solomon has become one of the most to the point. and so for lead just tell, have tons and so tough because this is about the church. this is about our trust that these that are happening by the church for me to advise a few people called preference dividend, nonprofit stuff for perfect because they keep taking advantage of people. they abuse women, we take money from people that smart intelligence and very good sales people. they can sell anything to you. you just need to package yourself very well put on a time a suit to have a way that you can speak with a tal routine. get a place the social media long, some, some cost, and all that. speak the right,
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the city for language. but the problem is beek on the problem is not limited to south africa. washrooms or receive calls for help from across the continent. recently received a message from a young woman in levels. what last thousands of euros to a prophet test named your message, you must see thanks to items encouragement. the young woman went to the police and opened the case against you must see was no wanted by the authorities today, i shall just following up on the case because i see since he's been arrested, what are the police say, you know, because she has a court case and hopefully some sort of just going to come
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the new place i moved to i was to disclose my address was there might be some of the people watching me or something like that. yeah. so even though you must see is not in police, custody of victims may still be true. false prophets like cough often operates as a part of a criminal syndicates with henchmen whose job is to intimidate and spread fear. washrooms knows that from a personal experience, some of these people came to my house in the night 3 times and attracting my wife. cost about them to do with it for coming to kill you, what the children and the sad part of it is. no one is doing much body. we have say we kind of nice way to live, say state time to play nice. it's time for us to set this up with this phone in 2017,
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for quite us each of the former comfortable rights and language commission. i investigated l. criminal organizations. what operating food touches she interviewed, hundreds of touch leaders and victims and recommended ways to establish profile of a site report was ignored by political leaders and ultimately cost it and whatnot. as it should prove a huge jump. the deputy president said she is staring up too much trouble. yes. a, it's a, it's a so static problem is this a sad problem, but it's unfair putting it to kind of problem. because to find that when those 10 free elections, for instance, sets in political fights is to go to this searches, looking for full bucket. the preferred shift blue shield is jesus nation. charging victoria part time a boom. the walks through the wrongs to pray for each member individually, up to 6 hours of service hungry guns are instead of tons
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the when confronted with crimes of these prophets, pest them up wound as a simple explanation. always refer people to the bible because the same the same challenges that we
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encounter today is 7th, but the exact same challenges we find in the bible and because the bible says, track the shipment and the ship with scott to so the and then the orders tries to select the ship with which he did with the profit is put so much filed on perfect ship would appreciate it so that the people who are most strong in faith, they will fall away from the system. it was some touch leaders like plus talked to young and the mobile and continued to justify the actions of the prophets. others find the strength to move on up to spending you as you know. so if i was to escape the hitman chevy is on the has phone a lot for music once again, the, even though the child for her to me into almost also has been ongoing for 6 years, is on the has no fear. other started a successful thinking through you as
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a solo used she is currently working on our 2nd album and has been able to move on with the help of months of counseling to do with the past. and that's all that. and that is, you know, telling this kind of story shouldn't change or alter the course of your life and all the things that you had before. so in the story over for any of this kind of this kind of stuff has happened to you shouldn't change just because, you know, this has happened to you, your dreams are still valid. and i think, and i think that's really important. let's just not using your identity to something that switch from sunday in august, we know how difficult it is to break free from uninvited women. that changed people with the my fiance, logical, tara, an exec, social pressure on its members to fully 9. but we also know how important to choose to do so for yourself and others. you may find yourself in
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a similar situation. speak out, but seek assistance is going to be a lot of backlash. even from people that you know, within the judge defense you're not going to fight the system, but expect the system to fight make so say in by fights we have to speak as difficult as that may have the to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective. 2 years after russia invaded ukraine,
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troops are searching while a dwindling supply of western weapons leads ukraine out. gosh, does the west have a strategy? find out on to the point? to the point is 30 minutes on the d. w. 97 with the winning offer is available language learning. jasmine have never been sent to the
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the this is dw news lie from berlin after 2 years fighting off rushes invasion. we look at what could be next for ukraine, and asked can keep, keep up the fights, facing ammunition shortages and delays from western allies on funding. the war effort. also coming up fighting and eastern congo threatens to cut off some supplies to the city of around 2 and a half 1000000 people. many already displaced by the conflict. we look at why the mineral verge region is once again under attack. and high hopes for cannabis levers and germany law.


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