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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 23, 2024 4:00pm-4:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin high times for cannabis lovers in germany. lawmakers past new legislation in parliament that was equalized as marijuana for personal consumption, allowing people to smoke at home and in public. also coming off after 2 years of fighting of russia's invasion, we looked at what could be next for ukraine and ask him to keep up fight facing ammunition shortages and delays from western allies on funding the war effort. the
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. i'm sarah kelly. welcome to the program. we'd begin with some breaking news coming out of germany were lawmakers and parliament have voted to legalize cannabis for private consumption. the new legislation allows the limited legal availability of cannabis with numerous rules, regulations, and restrictions. the government says that the main goal of the bill is to crack down on the black market and drugs related crime. but the move face considerable opposition from medical associations. the judiciary and opposition politicians cannabis will be legalized in germany. the decision came after much debate. the government's aim is to solve a number of social problems by de criminalizing the drug test, because it's good in conceive of the principal. the address is 3 existing and results problems in. so the 1st problem is that we have increasing kind of base consumption in the we have extensive and increasing drug related crime. and finally,
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we have a large black market that is becoming more and more problematic in which kind of these products increasingly contain toxic additive. so i'll talk to sure by a name on the or 5 some on april, the 1st the band on cannabis which has been enforced for more than 40 years, is to be lifted. it will then become legal for adults to grow 3 cannabis plants at home. adults will also be allowed to process up to 25 grams in public. noncommercial conservation and sale will be permitted in limited quantities from july in so called cannabis social clubs. consumption is prohibited close to schools, playgrounds, daycare centers and 2 facilities. and by minus the legalize ation of cannabis as being criticized by pods of the to do sri and law enforcement. both theater above all inefficient and impractical regulations projects and penalties. the gem and
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medical association come see it as the age limit of 18 to be too low due to the potential health risks for young people. the german government says it's cannabis campaign will provide people with the information they need to make informed decisions. then the kind of this as a compound, when we've shown the kind of base campaign to everyone, every young person will know that if they consume kind of basic ones on the, if they do it regularly, they are damaging their brain under shared degrees. you start monday around germany's largest, the position party is critical of the plans announced if we repeal the law at the window next year's election. let's go live now to the bonus tag where correspondent thomas sparrow is standing by. so tell us more about this vote. thomas, a while it was suddenly a controversial vote right here in the german parliament. this is the result saw of
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many months of very fierce debate, yet in parliament, but also in german society as a whole about this low and in particular about the implementation of the law. there was a pole only recently which revealed that germans are actually divided when it comes to the support of the law around 47 percent of those were office that they support today, but around 40 percent said they were against with the remaining 10 percent saying that they basically didn't have a strong opinion on the matter. so basically what has just happened today here in the german parliament is the result of many months of discussions for the german government. in particular, this is an important moment because they had presented this as one of the main goals when they came to power. but the main opposition party here in germany as well as other people, the other institutions remain critical about this role that has been passed here. and part of it it's, it's been reported. it's been said that this law is actually quite complicated.
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thomas, what's going to be in an actual practice? well, that is actually the key question, right? how it will be implemented, germany's health minutes. so what's talking here to the press and he was pressing that this is definitely a step in the right direction. but the previous policy here in germany had failed. that it was time for germany to change. but if you talk to legal experts, if you talk to medical associations, many, they're actually critical about how this will be implemented and what is texts. it will have effects, for example, in the health of young people, but also how it will be implemented in germany's different states and germany, 16 federal states. so although the law has certainly now a past year in upon the months, there are lots of questions that still remain about how exactly it will be implemented and what the medium to long term effects will actually be. it takes effect in the months time, how well germany compared to other european countries and making cannabis more
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widely available? well, germany joins or the european countries that have be criminalized or authorized the they use in different ways. and many people actually see the netherlands as being sort of the european union country with the most toilet run floors in this respect with several and honestly. so i'm actually showing that it's another country that european union, the small country of malta that has specifically the most totally in laws in this respect. so basically what you're seeing also across europe is a variety of laws and regulations which also respond to the debates that are happening in those respective society. because what we're seeing here in germany, where we've seen given germany the last few months, is something that we're also seeing, you know, the european societies as well. thomas sparrow in berlin. thank you. centers, mother news. almost 2 years after russell launched its full scale invasion of ukraine. tea remains in the fight, but the battle has entered
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a new and on certain phase, ukraine is facing numerous challenges among them. a critical amunition shortage. political deadlock in the us blocking military assistance and the lack of production capacity in europe. since russia invaded it has taken control of large regions of eastern ukraine. and currently moscow appears to have the upper hand, the deputy prime bureau chief and economy poses the question. can do crane keep up its resistance to put in this war. the only thing we can regret it, we didn't stop active measures earlier, means the rule that was by them improvements message have a recent interview with the russian state tv woods to put an end to speculation that the kremlin might be open to some kind of deal to freeze this conflict, the receipt let's say, which is ukraine x, but at london's chatham house, think tank, she says pollutants still think so. you can take or if you claim it is clear from
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both ends, public statements that he's not changing his war objectives. what i see russia in this yeah, really believes it has a chance. it has a chance to break ukraine, and they will be breaking ukraine militarily. named russian sources, talking about the potential piece deal, adjust to districts and tactics. she says they also will work in the west to actually undermine decision making, to send these confusing messages about the possible ceasefire. meanwhile, not mean ceasefire for them. they would like to see washington actually accepting food instead of tauriel drab versus victory, and have div was the biggest since the full of buffalo last may many expect pushing to use momentum. going to try to take all the full ukrainian regions. he's already formally annexed. that's done yet to hans, somebody's you. okay, so it would be easy. ukraine still controls large waves of these regions puts in
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may want to push on, but does he actually have the resources taking of div good cost? russian forces, many lives wasted intelligence estimates for the casualties, the over 10000 dead, a one russian ministry builder. you can claim that the death toll had reached $16000.00 mike martin, the senior visiting fellow and what's that is at king's college london. he says that ukraine, you know me, can make russia pay a high price for any territorial gains. defense is much easier than attack. the russians may well be able to take small amounts of grounds at great cost, but they don't then it suddenly roll it over and take up his operational desa. and i know you guys know that they need to just move back very slowly. their ability to do that will depend on how well west and support holds up. do you have got the ukrainians or fortunately out gunned 5 to one. you promise its supply ukraine with
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a 1000000 shells in a year failed while russia got that many from north korea in a matter of months. well, you can, you know, is now on washington. but i think at the moment we would a little bit of a g i political lighting point. everyone's waiting to see what happens with the us presidential election. i think you've come wins. we all going to say, you know, quote unquote a deal of the century and from it's going to hand large areas of ukraine to pizza and for the ukrainians are working of the assumption of their own that right now. so they're doing what they can with home grants, innovation, eating targets deep inside russia with long range drones to fix maximum damage options. war economy. as ukraine enters its 3rd year full, it's trying to take the fight to russia while it waits to see whether the west provides resources, have another go on the battlefields and do as president joe biden has announced punitive sanctions against 500 targets in russia. in
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a fresh effort to counter what he called prudence, warm machine, the measures also seek to punish russian officials for the death of dissident politician alexei novalis. last week, targets include people connected with his imprisonment, as well as individuals involved in supporting the war, including the defense and financial sectors. the european union has also imposed sanctions on russia to hinder its ability to funds the war in ukraine. but a new report points out a major loophole that still allows the kremlin to make money off of b, e u through oil sales. dw is brussels correspondent, jack parents reports oil time because like these are still bringing russian oil into the you did the criminal in 1100000000 your rows last year, according to a new report by the n g, a global witness. a legal loophole is allowing russia to sell it soil in the you,
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the spice of sanctions from against impulse countries which have an impose sanctions on russian oil are able to import millions of barrels of russian crude oil. they refine them in those countries and at the point that they've become a refined product, like fuel or diesel is no longer considered russian. and so this fuel is freely imported into the european union. they followed oil time can move months and delved into publicly available russian tax revenue. information in that research deal is mainly coming through india and turkey, but also the bulk area, which is actually inside d. u, when the you brought in the sanctions on refined petroleum products. in february 2023. they did so with limited exceptions. one of those exceptions being to allow bo galleria to continue to impose for find oil in order to prevent a major economic hit to the use porous nation in the statements to dw the european commission, acknowledge the loophole. we do not prohibit the imports of refined petroleum
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products from 3rd countries, which do not have a russian origin because of the refining process. they said the 1100000000 euros in oil sales is the equivalent of nato's recent pledge to spend on munition, to ukraine and member states stockpiles. and on the other side, defies russia arrives 1200 cruise missiles. the type it's been using to strike targets in ukraine for 2 years now. and here are some other stores and making headlines. hungry and sweden have agreed to a defense packed in budapest, ahead of hungry is expected approval of sweden's bid to join nato, swedish prime minister of christmas and signed the papers with his hon gary and counterparts by minister victor oregon. so that hungry would by swedish fighter jets. okay. the hungry is the last 8 on member to fax me to should membership in the alliance instead of spanish prime minister pedro sanchez has visited the site
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of a fire that killed at least 4 people after it swept through 2 residential buildings in valencia. at least 14 people are missing and firefighters are searching. the buildings remains for victims. a woman who travel to syria as a teenager to join the so called islamic state group has lost her appeal against the british government's decision to revoke her citizenship. show me my big banking, fled to syria 9 years ago when she was 15 years old to marian i. s fighter. she now resides in a refugee camp there. and a quick reminder of our top stories here on data. german lawmakers have voted to legalize kind of best for private consumption. the government says that the main goal of the villas to crack down on the black market and drug related crime. however, the move faced considerable opposition almost 2 years after russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. keith is facing major munition shortages,
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lack of production capacity in europe, and a political deadlock over war funding in the united states. up to date on the w news. i'm sarah kelly in berlin. thank you for watching the can you see what old cars have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real media watch now on youtube.


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