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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 23, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CET

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the, the, the state of the news line from berlin, russian authorities reportedly give the mother of alex, 2nd of all me an ultimatum. a spokeswoman for the late kremlin critics, as no balmy's mother was told to agree to a secret funeral for her son. or it would be buried in the penal colony where he died. also coming to us presidential binding announces a range of new sanctions on russia. in the wake of the volume you stand by and says it's an effort to counter pool is warm machine and high times for cannabis lovers in germany. lawmakers past new legislation and parliament that legalize marijuana for personal consumption, allowing people to smoke at home and in public the
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i'm looking for at least welcome to the program a to the lead russian opposition leader alexander of all me, say moscow has sent an ultimatum for his mother to agree to a secret funeral. they say she was given just 3 hours to make a decision. should she not comply? russian authorities have threatened to bury him in the penal colony where he died along. his mother has been demanding authorities hand over his body to allow for a public burial with friends, family, and supporters. blood ameristar cough is the executive director of the anti corruption foundation in close friend of. i'll explain of all me. i asked him why russian authorities are desperately seeking to have alexander while newburgh and the secret funeral. i missed a puts in and ross, i'm sorry,
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it is. have been afraid of old. i've seen them all the while. it was alive and the events of the week this has passed since his death, so that they are afraid of him even when his dead. so we see the same fault spectacle with his body, which by ross and loss, and by any human practice, it has to be given to his relatives to his mother. but we just learned a couple of hours ago that his mother received an ultimatum that either say, agrees to a silent burrell without any including the ration. busy or this, so i just plan to break him at the penal colony with no access for relatives during the funeral. and probably no actually does that to that. you
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say russia is scared of the volume even after his death. why do you think that is? well over a year now, well, they emerged as the most prominent of pointing to vladimir, puts it on. she was not afraid to raise his voice against ty, ronnie, and war. um, and i think russian authorities don't want his funeral to, to be a, a, a, an, an opportunity for people to protest during the funeral across russia. so i think that's what's behind it. a lot of people feel, of course, very strongly about his passing. but you were his friend. how are you coping with the last out a week after his death? it has been a shock and the pain is still fresh. but he
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was wanted us, he was friends, his associates, o democratically minded people. in russia and outside of russia to support him to continue his work. and that's, that's what we intend to do. so it's have to be strong in this tragic days. how do you feel about possibly never knowing how he died? i think the tooth will come out. we have a few. are you an idea of why he was killed um now when not he gets ready to make this public but i think with our team will talk about it quite shortly. the investigation is going on and i'm
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pretty sure that we will find the tools, but one thing is clear, it was not a natural death. it's indeed was a murder that was letting me reassure across the executive director of the anti corruption foundation and a close friend of late alex, a nova. germany, it's a foreign minister on elena bab, oak has called out russia for intentionally targeting civilian infrastructure following the invasion of ukraine, addressing the you in general assembly in new york. the book also accused russia of using food as a weapon. many of her comments were directly aimed at russian president vladimir putin bare. bach reiterated. germany's ongoing support for ukraine. you're some of what you have to say. if you care about the world in which every lives meta in equal measure, it is up to us. and every one on us to stand up against russia's war the united nation was founded for exact purpose,
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to make sure i live. it's a life. this humanity is indivisible. president fortune has proved again and again. that's to him. human lives count for nothing. neither brought no, it's home as germany, as for a minister speaking at the un earlier today. meanwhile, us presidential biden has announced putative sanctions against 500 targets in russia, in a fresh efforts to counter what he called put is war machine. the measure is also seek to punish russian officials for the death of a politician alexander of all new last week. targets includes people connected with his imprisonment as well as individuals involved in supporting the war, including the defense and financial sectors to resolve a free people. and dw is janelle, dom alone told me more about these latest sections. so yeah,
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so earlier we actually her job. i didn't talk about these sanctions and a speech at the white house. he reiterated that the white house does blame of the kremlin for the death of alexia volney, and that the sanctions are in response to them. now the sanctions of course, are the single largest trains of sanctions imposed on russia in a single day since the worst started, as he said, and includes over $500.00 targets, including 2 of russia is biggest companies by revenue as a supplier of specialty steals, as well as a military logistics company, now it also aims to target the financial sector in the form of targeting and not in a rush was national payment system. the point of the sanctions is also to cut into rushes, oil revenue as well as crank crack down on the sanctions, evasion enablers around the world, in europe, in s and central asia, and in the middle east. now of course saw these us sanctions come after that you
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has announced their own sanctions as well as the u. k. and the hope is really that this coordinated effort helps to slow down rushes warm machine out of time where ukraine is running out of munitions. and we've reached a stage of the war where both sides really do appear. doug and janelle, to milan from washington, d. c. let's take a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world. look hungry and sweden have agreed to to a defense packed in budapest, ahead of agrees, expected approval of sweden's bit to join nato, swedish prime minister of christmas, then assigned the papers with his under encountered part. i'm going to serve after all, once and hungry with vice. swedish fighter jets hungry is last night, nato member to back sweeps. membership in the line we, i know you get interested in the course in austria is given. a former chancellor is about to in courts at 8 month, a suspended sentence for making false statements. the vienna regional court ruled that the former leader misled a parliamentary committee looking into corruption allegations prosecutors. a court
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lied about his role in the establishment of a holding company nearly 4 years ago. the head of own around the agencies for palestinian refugee says it's ability to provide relief and gaza is under imminent threat. israel has accused its work or is of participating in the october 7. how most terror attacks. driving 16 donor countries to suspend half a $1000000000.00 and funding to the south of spain now were authorities in valencia say at least 10 people have died after a fire ripped through. and apartment block fears are high that the death toll could climb as emergency workers search through the remains of a high rise residential complex way. started in one of the apartments on thursday night quickly spreading out of control firefighters search the charred remains of the residential towers. looking for victims,
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it's not clear how many people were inside when the fire roared through the joining buildings. the complex reportedly contained 138 apartments and was home to some 450 people. the volunteers and local residents have sprung into action, gathering donations for those left homeless. how do i? i bought every single medicine suites for the kids. can stop thinking about the kids who are without a house now. i don't even know anybody. but it breaks my heart that over and some of the survivors have been relocated to nearby hotels in the city of valencia . when there was a very stressful time, me just didn't want to get burned to death. the models, the fire broke out on the 4th floor of one of the buildings. it then spread quickly
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to the neighboring structure rescue workers used koreans to help residents trapped on their balconies to escape. others were forced to jump into inflatable rescue cushions. strong winds helped the fire to spread and hampered firefighters efforts. spain's prime minister travel to valencia to meet with emergency workers and to offer his condolences to the victims. families. lovely with yes, hold on. gonzales at the priority. now. as we have heard from the authorities, if is easily to search for victim use a system that will know and to try to guarantee the safety of the public service workers. but also to be that exponent plus the government this area. and of course, later to clarify what has happened is, you know, and to help support the families of this terrible tragedy, you'll find me the other is this the best that the theory as the search for bodies
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continues so does the search for clues and investigation is underway to determine how the bully started and widespread so quickly. some are pointing to the structures highly flammable polyurethane clodagh saying it may have contributed to the fires for us to be here in germany, lawmakers in parliament have voted to legalize candidates for private consumption. the new legislation allows the limited legal availability of cannabis, but with numerous restrictions, the government says the main goal of the bill is to crack down on the black market and drug related crime for the move face considerable opposition from medical associations, the judiciary and opposition, politicians cannabis will be legalized in germany. the decision came after much debate. the government's aim is to solve a number of social problems by d criminalizing the drug test, because it skates, infancy falls,
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fingerprints if both below addresses 3 existing and results problems. so the 1st problem is that we have increasing kind of base consumption in the we have extensive and increasing drug related crime. and finally, we have a large black market that is becoming more and more problematic in which kind of these products increasingly contain toxic audiotapes or talks issue by a name on the or 5 some on april, the 1st the band on cannabis, which has been enforced for more than 40 years is to be lifted. it will then become legal for adults to grow 3 kind of as plants at home. adults will also be allowed to process up to 25 grams and public. noncommercial conservation and sale will be permitted to unlimited quantities from july in so called cannabis social clubs. a consumption is prohibited close to schools, playgrounds,
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daycare centers and to use facilities. and by minus the legalize ation of cannabis has been criticized by parts of the district and law enforcement. both theater above all inefficient and impractical regulations projects and penalties. the gem and medical association come see it as the age limit of 18 to be too low due to the potential health risks for young people. the german government says it's cannabis campaign will provide people with the information they need to make informed decisions. then that it cannot be as, as a compound when we've shown a kind of based campaign to everyone. every young person will know that if they consume kind of basic ones on the, if they do it regularly, they are damaging their brain under share degree start. mom can demi's law, just the position party is critical of the plans announced if will repeal the law at the window next year's election. that's your news, round it,
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but stay with us. next we take a look at the lessons that ukraine could learn from. vladimir prudence 1st for the judge now conflict. so is more news and headlines on our website that is d w dot com. really thank you so much for your company. the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in, that's look at current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is weekdays on d w. that's what russian bombs do to women in eastern ukraine.


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