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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  February 23, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am CET

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comes to sizes of rush themselves. what year 3, this might pardon the 1st one, frank is up top story today is the from psycho vic shows that guns wriggles who narrow lanes to tiny yellow afterwards . the icon is denny metro. the buses, the railways, that is know the us of public transport in the city of dennis. hello and welcome. i'm saw the got the body and you are watching equally. and usually our choice of child support is based on complex convenience for on time. but do we do like, how do our choices impact the planets? let's find out
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a joke that i've often heard from my friends who live in the union. dead city of somebody good is wherever you are in the city. if you dig pre life guns, you will land up in exactly the same spot. that's how it was on the city. and when most of the cities in the country have sort of developed organically, without much wheezing or design or planning. and then places like 10, these are seem like an exception, and i do in so many ways that was a time when i wanted to live and suddenly got off the diode. but now things have taken an alarming done in the city. let's head there to find out why they might look like normal residential buildings. but in fact, these houses apart of grand design for the modern and logical plants, the deep no 70 years old john. the guide was built in the wake of him gas could defend it's 70 years ago to day itself as the capital of 2 federal states, when job and heavy on the city was designed by suspension architect,
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knock of the see, it is blind incorporated, different sectors, and measure sector, a restaurant on both sector and residential sectors. these effectively function as many cities themselves, boasting their own infrastructure. let's move and city moved here when he was a child and his family was one of the 1st to set in sunday guy. so he's witness. it's development from the very beginning. as carbuchia said it's, he's design the city in the shape of a human body. the capital complex being the brain, the sect of 17 being the stomach, the university in the industrial area being the limbs and the lungs going green. he called them green bass, going right through the city from north to south, and that just come to the us. that is sold beautiful. this is where all the green reverse plants sunday goes 1st on this now was
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a botanist. he implemented lock of bushes ideas, given the sub tropical dr. lemme, it was no easy task as the colleges is having to go to the explains. it involves some creative thinking on those. it'll be tough, tough moving. terrific rewards there. he blunted busy those days. so during winter's these leaves in the fall and even more late on the road and close to the houses short please, the lake ways close to the market toward socrates. leveling, please, that would mean so that during summers the mixed up with the cyclist scan, dick showed that the filter under the suit in recent years, however much has changed in trying to get old, originally planned for 5 loc residents twice as many people now live here with
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878 gosh, 4000 visitors. it's also a month and as most we could then cities, houses, roads and shopping centers of pushing nature out including these ancient fees, which along with $700.00 others affect to be fed to make b for an o box. environmental active as the body suspend for you is fighting the non single say. and if you look at the diamond rather street, it really pays me. i need to bring the window does so being that a 3 like business, so many of them along this or maybe god forbid supply or, and i don't think it makes any sense. or a ton of these instances, they will retain the cities green headed states by planting other greenery for every fed. 3 the focus on planting indigenous trees. we
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also focus on planting trees, which have been documented at the time of conception of the city as to which avenue is to have which kind of the tree. so all these factors that get didn't mind whenever a single tree is said to do, to whatever reason for the past 2 years, john, the good has been named the best union dentistry at the smocks, a piece of war, one quote i gave you. and for that is small, it will it be which the city is expanding. more and more under this project, smart city has set up the largest public bike, shedding project. anyone in the country. this has 5000 smart bites, some mindless electric and john declared both saw a dedicated the uh, site, the truck off 200 kilometers. which to the best of my knowledge is on fire list.
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any of it is in the country. ready the palace of assembly and high court building bought of the capital complex, but also designed by local police. here. in 2016, the complex was added to the unesco would edison smith. but living space is becoming increasingly this in the ever most populous city. this has led investors to compromise loc. abuse is vision by building too close to up and what the bodies, the move in the city was among the lawyers with the action against the investors. they succeeded. buildings erected by this lake had to be demolished. and not the developer wanted to build, took the $6.00 off, $35.00 stories high each just north of the capital complex and called lucy didn't want any building there too,
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that role to the supreme court find that the band. and i'm so glad i don't know what we would have done without the supreme court. geneva is constantly trying to balance the 70 year old vision of its design of with the needs of a booming population. but having been such a full run, those in terms of redundancy and sustainability boxes, it's all to prove that the 2 gun worked together, walking bass or so on. green exhaust is this for one kind of magic. green z is crucial for our mental health. the was health organizations that can and 9 square meters of green space for the individual, which is roughly the size of a small bed bucket in argentina. capital of windows iris. this is far from the west . fox don't look like fox, i'm green. he has become a lucky when this family wants to get out into nature,
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or even just popped to the playground that you like. others here have to work. at least they clocks in the syringe. he took the scrolling concrete, that one of the videos in a level outside of flight of to have a playground, a couple of blocks away and don't have to cross so many streets local and it would be great if there were trees around that provided shape. so that the kids can play without being the line to the time of the it's almost almost some of the numbers always spring in a demo, really so hot in both of them. they've gone with so much concrete everywhere the city gets hotter and hotter, and i know they hate and really build something like a lot of fun is iris now has over 50000000 inhabitants by 2030. that number is set to hit 70000000 right next to the playground. this a construction site is a case almost everywhere, especially in the city center. old neighborhoods are either disappearing or being complete the roof. i'm cities and you of and development plan and shows that new residential blocks being erected on almost every corner there
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a few regulations in place to protect historic buildings with inflation as high as 100 percent. many prefer to invest in real estate instead of leaving them money in the bank. the consummate development angles many residents, several neighborhoods initiatives of taking to the streets to protest against gentrification incident and they may not um, it's completely indiscriminate over the building permits are issued everywhere for just about anything but in every neighborhood across the city. when the site is but it goes through a busy, nope, you see it of the city also lock screen spaces, areas designated as public parkland, like the area near the old railroad, often end up being sold off to investors. unemployment, antonio vasquez roost, frequently meets activists to discuss that tissues. that is what they did was subdivide what could have been a large linear park and build right in the middle of it,
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leaving just small areas of green around it. if you see a doctor put in, they can say we have this whole front that you see here by the high right long. yeah. it's high density. east went up on fashion since there was very little greenery around. oh, so you've got the buildings are $10.00 to $12.00 stories hung up on the backend, so it's not a green space to come own across. you ever see what? no, it shouldn't assume that rachel, antonio vasquez produced, collected data and created a map of when it's out as green spaces. according to his calculations, there are just 5 square meters of public green space president of the city, new york. meanwhile, those 13 square meters. if you, i mean more, thank you. the data showed us that there are not only 2 few green spaces for the number of people, but that they're also on evenly distributed and mostly located in the cities wealthy as neighborhoods. and
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a lot of my 2nd while had no idea on any of my 4 people in a forest, districts have the least access to green space that is, that we can see on. but i mean, and for families who can't travel, parks are the only way to access nature in a classroom. the city does who have the funds. some initiatives, encouraging move greenery like this cooperative. for example, during the code it pandemic, it's members converted a new used part of the site into an ethan god and they know certainly grow their own vegetables here, but also offer educational projects to school children and the neighbors the opinion everyone is welcomed. today's topic is composting, the 6, the garden. we want to educate people about healthy eating and get the message across that we can own growing vegetables at home without even there. look at the bottom of that unless we provide information and support for those who want to start doing this themselves. you know what i'm going to do the gulf and so slide it
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back to the playground. the family spends the whole sunday's yeah. no greenery is needed, not just here. so the parents i think there's a lot of public awareness about the importance of green space is the cities for the funds or you don't properly know what the impact is of living in areas that don't have them. the last part of the city authorities have promised to create much new park areas, but many residents ready. disillusioned by the encroaching reality of the concrete jungle, one is iris has lots to offer, but it certainly needs to welcoming more green phosphorescent as a key element of the modern phosphate light bill. it hasn't businesses in the last few years have put their minds on their money to come up with innovative solutions because the negative ex analyses of transportation like congestion, traffic jams or climate change box with the exec, i'm big promises. and these will,
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it is, might have under estimated the scale of this child. the transportation issues are nothing new. if you think of just the modes of transportation throughout history, this going from um you know, horse and buggy to rail to ocean going betsel, steam liners, air ships. so there's always been something new to try out that would solve some of the problems of the old and each one of those newest thing says introduce to turn a new problems. today's transportation mix is no exception. the biggest problem is that roughly a quarter of global energy related carbon emissions are linked to transport. but that's just one of many. many people have the experience of being stuck in traffic . and of course people don't like that. there's also a high cost of kind of owning a vehicle if you have to do that in order to get around. and unfortunately,
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you know, in many places, transit services are not always the most accessible. the most efficient, even the most affordable traffic jams are so universally hated that there's a bunch of jokes and moves, little wonder that tech trains jump down to the transit bandwagon. big tech has reshape the economy and flashy hype, fueled presentation, no matter what their substance were key. and so instead of kind of really mundane things like invest in bosses and uh, you know, think about how we distribute street space and maybe make some cycle lanes. it sounds a lot more attractive. the say all the cars are going to start driving themselves and we're going to make this new tunnel system for transportation. and we're going to have flying cars. finally, investors and media, laptop, high tech, exciting new transit projects. and the company you saw potential to people spend loads on transit in the us. for instance, 16 percent of household spending goes to transportation. second only to house. and
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while investors currently only have promises not results to go on, it hasn't stopped them. for example, you're on muskets, the boring company name that because they bore tunnels, get it, picked up $675000000.00 in private capital in 2022. local governments have also jumped on board. musk announced deals, promising to build underground tunnels for high speed travel in chicago and fort lauderdale in 2018 in 2021. neither have been built so the high train is rolling, the venture capital is blowing. everything is fine and dandy to a tech companies have to deliver on their spectacular promises. one of the most glaring examples of hyperlink, a high speed above ground vacuum to popularized by musk in 2013 and pursued by a number of firms. deterred by the failure of his above ground travel project, musk optic to go underground with his boring come. first,
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the pledge to elaborate systems of tunnels under cities were autonomously dripping pods. with 16 passengers would sit around with ease. that became a place to develop a system of so called states, which would sweep electric cars across town at speed to up to 210 kilometers an hour. which became a one way tunnel to drive test was through at about 65 kilometers an hour called dilute, which at least exists. you sold these systems to a bunch of cities around the united states. and in most cases, they have not materialized. and then the only place where it, where it has, which is las vegas, it's a short tunnel that connects up the convention center. and it's mainly just in a, in attraction for tesla's, you know, it's a way to sell teslas. it's not really affecting traffic, it's not really solving transportation problems. it's really, i call it a disney land ride for tesla fed. western 1000000000 areas aren't the only ones with techs. that sounds more impressive than it looks. china is autonomous,
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real rapid transit. that's gotten heights for being a cheaper alternative to standard trends and it has been tested and could tar and australia. it's to quote unquote, trackless tram system that traverses roads and has a driver despite being called autonomy. that's right. pretty much a bus looks kind of cool, but not a transit revolution. and then there is the holy grail of sy fi flying cars. some companies like jo be, are working on what they call electric vertical takeoff and landing cubicles, or flying taxes. even the biggest luddites have to admit that these are cool, though they look more like fancy helicopters and flying cars. toby hopes to launch these fully electric vehicles in 2025. they should have a range of 240 kilometers. adobe expects the average trip to be around 40 kilometers, meaning flying. taxis would compliment not replace existing transport networks if and when these tech solutions materialize. they often bring with them their own set
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of regulatory costs and safety challenges, or fail to solve some of the biggest transit issues. ideally, mass transit should serve the masses. that means recognizing it as a public good, something flashy private innovation distracts from. if we wanted to do it, we could have been making investments in transit service and investments into like plenty of this structure and doing, you know, other things in order to address these issues. instead of waiting for the tech industry to create solutions that were never actually going to solve anything in the 1st place. practical transits, solutions that encourage people to ditch private cars are often a bit boring. while the electric buses popping up all over the world are cool. there are no flying cars. and transit researchers might be the only people on the planet you think a bikes or sex. i have one right here in the background to tell i get the toward the they're pretty under stated, they're easy to maintain low cost. they enable quicker and longer
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bike trips without the cost of showing up sway or tired. a bikes and buses are great local transit solutions, but what makes them really shine is dedicated lanes. like boca tons of bus expressway is where amsterdam so expensive network of bike paths. and there's always room for innovation, like emitting where cable cars help traverse densely built steep terrain. so it will take them much more than flashing animations to solve our traffic problems. let alone curb transits, climate impact, deep billions of venture capital and sheep slip attention. these tech solutions garner would probably be better invested in truly boring, but more efficient. real solutions globally basis contribute to nearly 12 percent of the door to atlantic warming imagery. but in india, and not only is this number much higher, but it is also rapidly increasing. for instance, last year in the month of october,
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within a span of 5 days during the week of the body vehicles contributed to more than half of the door to particular tomato present in the scary short but electric vehicles could be for lighting, a practical solution. they provide a key note, i'm green or thoughts we what, how will this transition be implemented? let's ask jen a valuable and to, to one of them of the, the noise is exhausting. more than 6000000 motorbike than cause horse, the wave switch at night every day. emerson levels of sky high things need to change the climate document. climate and putting in a climate change means we have to ship from combustion engines to electric vehicles . our leaders have promised to gradually reduce watson mules, and to have us call gay to like 2015 or 2017. by which time their
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countries will have made a complete split for the 1st initial energy source is low and then a lot of money has been invested already. and change is well underway. another ga. gov. well, in this one, but we have done a way to connect young people in particular like doctors do best in on already making the shift. it makes sense economically to claim within just i pollution flemetcher. there's an amount of money on a daily was very cool image seems to be a huge role in pollution and climate change thing, which is why the government is promoting electric right? goes, i decided to buy an easy saving money and also so that i could do my bit and make a contribution to society of all a special say to go in front of the front of the switch to be mobility is also an opportunity for the city stop, it's like fulfilling it's electric to be lewis deliver goods from online retailers . the company says it's okay ministration. the and
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let me go on the monument. public people, the public was notice several benefits. the no maintenance costs. avoiding rising fuel costs, fuel and less pollution. ok, so in the cost people can save a lot of money by going electric. the for example, with an easy new one. you can travel up to 100 kilometers for just 15, the fucking around 17 jewels and i'm going to go to palm. whereas with the federal runs and he goes down and you're looking at more than 100 rubies. so when you roll $0.12 for just fucked, economic does. all you do so people are keen to try out. it's not particularly good . i'm going to go make a lot of so people are moving to, you know, eating the capital of canada. god is known as india, silicon valley. despite it's 56 deputation. it has the same levels of noise and an felicia as an old industrial city. one company has recently converted it's and dial lead to electric, weakness drivers like this, and not very impressed, making them look to have a goods are easy to drive a day or
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a new abuse or cloud them, what we get to break in an extra letter. so they are much nice at the drive and traffic can make, i think, go sweet combustion indian. so make a lot of noise and that's where is easiest are smote. the customer's really like the feel of them. it's up to you today. we had to do one and put them together to get it up. you reason a lot of these have drive to get a handle on air pollution by deafening images. regulations, updating the diesel engine is of that rate goes to fix the new norm would have been very expensive for district shop with usa. so instead, the bid a brand new me run on electricity or like a warranty decision. uh, the government at that time they uh, you know, know that that will be initiated and order enough for us. we'll use those time and find out what i mean this evening. and i'm slowly re file from the,
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from the company to company with the government getting the government grants. bio is a subsidy of up 230002 be around $350.00 euros on ebay group, which easy plus those tax exemption for 5 years. but critics see the take up is still far too low on the report a lot and have a claim within him and to get on if we want to mitigate climate change is that we have to stop using fossil fuels. either favour though, given young and i'm going to go to the scientists and research. ultimately we have just 70 is go, reduce emissions by 50 percent. we get the ability to download it and have a 1000000 and a but that's not a lot of time. and we have to double the the we are currently moving ad on them. and that means leaving mess up fees to email you at the moment, kim, on that with energy plan 6. and i'll talk about georgi infrastructure is still
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insufficient. underscore the electricity use 2 jobs for electric vehicles must come from renewables. that's the only way they can be truly sustain it. but nonetheless, these initiatives in southern india are making a small but important contribution towards a clean know future. i hope the next time we sit in our car or hop on a bus or call us back, see we'd falls and seeing if there's a green option available to let us know if there is anything you'll do to make your daily commute a little more equal than you can email us or reach out to me directly on my sources handles. i will see you next week until then take care. good, bye. know, scott, the
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the the
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tacky is changing 6 years ago. we said it can't get any was, but it does guardians of truth. this time excel gen, this turned into our meets the voices of a free turkey alter as the ad one has his 3 into exile. i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish governments all sort. tammy cools, also did. so kids, but really it's a crime is addressed and the path of trying to takes responsibility for his action . what about freedom of to print and freedom of expression? guardians of truth, dots march, 2nd on d, w. the
12:00 am
. this is dw news life on berlin, 2 years of war and ukraine. russia launched its full scale invasion on this day in 2022. it's war has killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions of ukrainians from their homes. we take a look at where the conflict could be headed in its 3rd year. also coming up high times for kind of as lovers in germany, lawmakers past due legislation in parliament that legalizes marijuana for personal consumption, allowing people to smoke at home and in public.


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