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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 24, 2024 2:00am-2:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw news lie from berlin, 2 years of war and ukraine. russia launched its full scale invasion on this day in 2022. it's war has killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions of ukrainians from their homes. we take a look at where the conflict could be headed in its 3rd year. also coming out the stars of this year. as for the knowledge, we'll take a look at some of the favorites to win the golden and silver bears at the berlin international film festival. the
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hello welcome to the program and european leaders have called for unity and resolve to help you crazy as it marks another year of war. russia launched its full scale invasion of the country 2 years ago today. in that time, the conflict has claimed thousands of lives and displaced millions rusher controls just under a 5th of ukrainian territory as it stands. no, you is actually general. antonio gutierrez has described the words devastating impact on ukraine in any war, everyone suffers. but the people of ukraine are suffering appallingly from the warranty inflicted on them by adoption. over 10 in the house calls and civilian man, women and children have been cubes. though the still fee good is likely higher damage in this direction of hospitals, schools, those facilities and see really need for the structure these frequent. i mean does, if i to 90 education and goals gets to see these with them is,
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are these to live in generally alone? and that means the book and reading test over 380000 villages across the country would with all the electricity and movies, months, according to the canadian energy company, united nations, as documented, widespread and disturbing brutality. well, 2 years after russia launched as phil scale invasion, ukraine remains in the fight bought. the bottle has entered and you and on search. and phase keepers facing many challenges among them. a critical munition shortage and political deadlock in the us blocking military assistance and elective production capacity in europe since russia invaded has taken control of large regions of eastern ukraine. and currently moscow appears to have the upper hand after taking control of the u. k and tired of us disco last week. russia says its forces have advanced further to the west, dw is ukraine bureau chief and it quarterly poses the question. can use crane keep
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up? it's resistance to pigeons for the only thing we can regret is that we didn't stop active measures earlier. he means the rule that was by them, improvements message, their recent interview with the russian state tv woods, to put an end to speculation that the kremlin might be open to some kind of deal to freeze this conflict resume that savage is ukraine next. but at london's chatham house think tank, she says bruton still thinks he can take all if you crane. it is clear from both ends, public statements that she's not changing. she's wor, objectives. what i see russia in this year really believes it has a chance. it has a chance to break ukraine, and they will be breaking ukraine militarily. unnamed russian sources, talking about the potential piece deal, adjust to districts and tactics, she says. and they also will work in the west to actually undermine decision making
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to some of these confusing messages about the possible ceasefire. meanwhile, not mean ceasefire for them. they would like to see washington actually accepting of food instead of tauriel drab versus victory. to have div was the biggest since the full bus worked last may many expect pushing to use momentum gain to try to take all the full ukrainian regions. he's already formally annexed. that's done yet . so, hans, so please you can so it will be easy. ukraine still controls large waves of these regions. puts in may want to push on, but does he actually have the results is taking of difficult construction forces. many lives wasted intelligence estimates for the casualties that over 10000 dead, one russian ministry builder, you can claim that the death toll had reached 16000 mike martin the senior visiting fellow and was that is at kings college london. he says that you can, you know, me,
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can make russia bay a high price for any territorial gains. defense is much easier than attack. the russians may well be able to take small amounts of ground at great cost, but they don't, they're not suddenly rolled over and take up his operational odessa. and i know you kinds know that they need to just move back very slowly. their ability to do that will depend on how well west and support holds up. do you have good ukrainians? we're fortunate out gunned 5 to one. you promises to supply ukraine with a 1000000 shells in a year failed. while russia got that many from north korea in a matter of months as well, you can, you know, is now on washington. well, i think at the moment we were that little bit of a guy political white teen point. everyone's waiting to see what happens with the us presidential election. i think you've come wins. we all going to say, you know, quote unquote the date of the century and from is going to hand large average of
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ukraine to pizza and for the ukrainians are working of the assumption that they're on the right now. so they're doing what they can with home grant innovation, getting targets deep inside russia with long range drones to fit maximum damage on pretends war economy. as ukraine enters its 3rd year full, it's trying to take the flight to russia while it waits to see whether the west provides resources have another go on the battlefields. well, us present job, i didn't have the 9th punitive sanctions against 500 targets in russia. in a fresh effort to counter what he called puritans war machine and measure is also seek to punish russian officials for the death of dissident politician alexi nev on the last week. targets include people connected with his imprisonment as well as individuals involved in supporting the war, including the defense on financial sectors. this is what president by didn't have to say on the new sections. we can't walk away now. this is putting this, betty,
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this is betty. none, we're going to walk away. that's why i'm announcing more than 500 new sanctions. i want to to conquests in response to election of all these debt because make no mistake put in is responsible for alex saw some more were joined nearby dw is janelle de my loan, who is in washington dc. nice to see you. janelle tell us more about these latest sanctions now the sanctions are in response for alexis of all of the stuff, as well as russia's ongoing, a war on ukraine, which as we know is entering it's 3rd year. now this is the biggest round of sanctions imposed on a rough shot in a single day since of the war started and then includes over $500.00 targets across
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. so russia's industrial defense sector and its financial sector. it includes, for example, 2 of russia's biggest companies buy revenue, one military logistics company as well as a producer of specialty steals. so these are companies that are integral to russia's war effort. the sanctions are also targeting rushes financial sector by way of targeting its national payment system. it's also going after a prison officials that the u. s. as are linked to alike sandoval and the stuff as well as sanctions enablers around the world. in europe, in the middle east and in asia. now this latest round of sanctions from the us comes after the e. u announced their own measures. and it really is the hope that through these coordinated sanctions help to slow down russia's war machine at a time where ukraine is running out of ammunition. and it really does look like we've reached
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a states all in the war where both sides are truly well and dug in. and we do know that this is obviously by far not the 1st round of sanctions, but have previous measures shown any sign of actually impacting russia. well, if the point of sanctions is to trigger a change in behavior or really degrade russia is the ability to wage a war. well, we know that has a, it really happened if there is something that russia is good at, it is dealing with sanctions. there's been sanctions regina's in place, so going as far back as 2014, it also has to be said that russia's economy has held up a considerably. well, despite the sanctions, the international monetary fund, for example, has said that russia's economy is set to grow even faster then it had originally forecasted for this year. you have the likes of china, india, and brazil, buying record amount of russian oil rushes war economy. of course is really giving
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a boost to the weapons production sector. now, to what extent this current round of sanctions will really hurt, russia is unclear. but we do know that it takes time for these sanctions to really take effect and for the effect of the sanctions to be felt. and time is just one of the things that ukraine is lacking at the moment, along with munition and along with billions in u. s. military assistance for ukraine. thanks so much janelle, oh janelle, the mile on who's in washington dc. i say, cliff now, some other stories making headlines around the world. spanish prime minister, a petro sanchez, has visited the site of a fire that killed at least 10 people after it swept through 2 residential buildings in valencia, and others are still missing, and firefighters are searching and buildings remains for victims. a court in
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australia has given farmer chancellor sebastian courts and 8 months suspended sentence for making false statements to be an original court ruled that the former leader misled a parliamentary committee looking into corruption allegations. prosecutors say kurtz lied about his role in the establishment of a holding company. nearly 4 years ago. australian police have charged one of their own officers with murder after he allegedly killed his former partner and his new boyfriend. the couple his bloody belongings were fined and have been in a beach side suburb of sidney. their bodies are still missing. police city officers gun matched a bullet from the crime scene. susan and a woman who travel to syria as a teenager to join the islamic state group has lost her appeal against the british government's decision to revoke our citizenship. jemima begum fled to syria 9 years ago when she was 15 to marian i. sci term. she now resides in a refugee camp there and berlin's international film festival,
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the barley knowledge, and as it's taught prizes later on saturday, this year. so hundreds of new phones from all around the world, screened here in the drum and capsule. but only 20 of them are in the running for the festivals, big awards, the golden and silver bears. here's a look at some of the favorites due monday. so they're basically doing both of you to pay. the current doesn't done a very big though. you're not. my favorite cake is one of this year as critics favorites. it tells the story of 70 year old widow my hand and tear wrong. she's used to spending most of her time alone until a meeting with friends opens the possibility of a new chapter in her loved life. cycle 17 shep to be sending chevy and they give you ronnie and directors, mario my good um and beta. so now you have were denied permission by a runs government to attends their films premier they sent this message.
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i'm sims, or anything we just, we feel like parents who can't see their newborn child. if the jury picks their film, it will be the 3rd time in 10 years, the bailey, now the awards. it's top prize to iranian directors, and i've sent you out for this public us for the new york, another potential winter long day. tom jab about finding a quiet 17 year old french girl who meets her pen pal on a language exchange to germany. the live she tells to impress her new friend to come back to hunter. both young stars are considered once to watch for an acting prize. step one of the biggest stars at this is betty now is irish actor kelly and murphy. he's in the running for his role in a film he co produced with matt damon after they finished making oppenheimer chilly and said, i have my next movie. i really want to do and i said, we're starting
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a studio, can we do it? we'd have some t other small things like these set in the 1980s is based on the best selling, the velo by author claire to give it looks at the irish catholic church is cruel treatment of unwed mothers. know that everyone was ma'am, we've lost her in his lives in this world, you know, in like a scene by director alonzo police palazzios, a cook and a new york tourist restaurant is accused of theft and decides to take drastic measures the tragic comedy starring rooney. mario one audience is hearts advisors barely knowledge, but it's the jury who decides the winners and barely. now the juries are notorious for their surprises. well, that's all for now, but stay with us. the dw interviews next with the polish foreign minister,
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and don't forget, you can get more news on our website, that's d, w dot com or on social media where our handle is at the daily news. i'm out of here moment thanks so much for watching dw, take care states in the people and trucks in judge west trying to feed the city center and the straight screen the around the world. more than 130000000 people of.


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