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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CET

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the, the business, the, the news lies from greatland. ukraine box to yes. and the rest is full scale invasion. begun beat as of ukraine's allies got bad, fussed them out, airports where ukrainian forces defeated the initial russian assault presidents that as the vows to trial of our russia, if this country is given enough weapons, also coming out the styles of this is betty. now that will take a look at some of the favorites to win the golden and silver bass of the bell in international felt depressed. the
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eddie micah julia is my name and you are welcome to the program west. indeed, as i am keys to mock the 2nd anniversary of russia's invasion of you train, if it is 5 minutes that ga maloney use have visits assigned new security agreements with between you and president 11 as a landscape. kind of as justin to though also offer more military and financial assistance guarantees to keep the deals come as ukrainian forces space critical shortages of munitions on weaponry with new supports from the us, increasing the unsettling savanski violet that see train will defeats russia as a war and as he said, you sweet vicki, and she was very, as none of us would annoy our ukraine, and definitely that's why into the words and the war we always are on our terms. some of them won't be this little. that's why the word piece always goes with fair or we believe we and that's why in the future,
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the word ukraine always go with the word independent. okay. you're subsidy. and yeah, correspondence, nick connelly into you've told us how optimistic ordinary ukrainians are above the wall and then soon obviously people are tied up to 2 years. people are constantly confronted with news. the people who have died been killed. that last lives at the front line of soldiers. but i think when you talk to people, they say yes, we would obviously love this to be over. but if you ask them, are you willing to accept russia holding onto basically 20 percent of ukraine surgery. and they say no, they say if we give the russians now, chance maybe by freezing this conflict like they did off the 2014, then let me put some way back in a few years time, stronger next time. maybe he will actually take care of and will be on your doorstep. so there's a real sense that as difficult as it is now, it is worth doing and people will tell you i'm fighting now so that my children don't have to. so there is really, i think, a big consensus still that it is worth counting on as difficult as it might be.
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drawn strikes, continue across your crane. i said max, the 2nd anniversary of rushes full scale invasion. the latest stride kids on the desktop on friday, killing at least one person, an injury and several others. it was the 2nd consecutive night of attacks using the remotely pilot that accepts rescue teams. i've been looking for survivors in the rubble. the w correspondence. sonya found this other side of the attack as you clean marks, the 2nd anniversary of the full scale invasion don't whitewash you. it's in places like this with the deadly impact of the war is felt on a daily basis by civilians. the way children and the southern falsity of odessa on the black sea coast, with porter d. c. they shut down 5 russian drones overnight, over this region. no one of those drones felt right here on this residential building right behind me. i read the reports that the home owner was killed in simply on the spot right behind me. his wife was reportedly pulled out from the
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boot and was hospitalized with major injuries. there was, there was also an adjacent house here which has been badly damaged and the reports that 2 occupants here have also been hospitalized with major bones and other injuries. now this entire place is, is, it is an absolute shambles. the personal objects of the family, a student showed that i'm books that are really just relics of some water bottles of old student intact here. and this is of course, the remainder of the immensely high human cost of this ongoing conflict. denise brown is the un residents and humanitarian coordinator in ukraine. i asked the how people are doing emotionally last the war and as the fed. yeah. i think a lot is said about the resilience of the training people and well, that's very true. they are very determined, i think this also hides the fact that the country is traumatized. this war is about loss. loss of home, lots of jobs, lots of lives,
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lots of loved ones. and this impacts people's everyday lives. as we see an increase in intensification in the strikes, but in possibly an infrastructure and civilians. there's been a 47 percent increase in the loss of civilian life between november 2023 and january 2024. so situation is difficult. i don't see any improvements in the amount of time situations. i don't find much that there will be until this more is finally over. how many a bit more on the humanitarian situation, you don't sound optimistic that it's going to get any better. is that right? that's correct, i see no reason for anyone to believe that there will be an improvement in the day to day life of ukrainians, particularly those who have to flee the war in the east and the south. we have
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close to 5 main people displaced within the country. we have millions who remain in the regions along the front line. i go regularly to the front line, we have at least 3 un convoys a week. people remain in their homes because they're live cause purpose and they're going to be there. and they're committed to staying, but supply change or disrupted so our services are pretty basic, meaning hygiene, kids, water, solid fuel and medicines, things that people can't get other wives, but it's a very difficult situation and we need to face that reality, but it won't change until the war stops. it's not to say that ukrainians don't feel support that enough by the outside world. i think they feel very supported in all of the trips that i do, whether it's detached with your uh, in, in doing that or, or, and he seems not to reach you or anywhere in the harrison region. we're always so well received by the people of ukraine who thank god so much that i feel completely
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humbled by, by their, thanks to, by their approach. they know we are coming, whether it's the one or the local, and joe's or the red cross to support them. and they are indeed very grateful. not to be forgotten me. you arrived in your training some of 2022. i need to ask this, did you ever imagined as well would be entering it that yeah, i could never have imagined i thought the international community could allow this kind of suffering to continue now into its 3rd year. it's very difficult to accept from a humanitarian point to view this daily suffering caused by what is the violation of the un charter by a member state. right. so can you expect more to be done by the international community, denise brown, to help you and officially, and you train 7,
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ask the residents and he might to, in coordinator. thank you very much. thank you. that to you as of rush us innovation, have had massively comic effects and you train civilian infrastructure, including hospitals and schools has suffered catastrophic damage. meanwhile, russia faces functions that have cutoff profitable energy exports and blocked many inputs. and for the rest of the world, i dream prices have increased the food insecurity. russia as well, and ukraine has impacted both economies. massively, ukraine's due to the destruction cost by the will. the total amount of damage costs to the ukrainian infrastructure, as amounted to more than $150000000000.00 euros sofa. the key of school of economics estimates. russia has been forced to undergo significant economic reconfiguration due to the sanctions. it's replacing more than
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a 1000 companies that left the country, indulging sanctions on critical mechanical parts. meanwhile, military spending has given g. p, a sugar rush. it has also pushed europe into major economic difficulties already him, but by the recovery from coven inflation rows rapidly in the u. on the back of soaring energy prices. following the start of the war, prices are still arising, though not as rapidly as they weigh a year ago. the price of grain in particular lifted smack on the cost of food around the world, hitting for our nations in countries like liberia or them. but food prices have risen around 60 percent. adding to food in security, not just in africa. with to next military financial instrument and terry and spending on 8 by countries supporting ukraine, has reached more than 252000000000 euros. the countries make up more than half of
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the assistance given to ukraine, followed by the us and about countries such as norway, japan, the, okay, and canada. while the humanitarian hom caused by the wall looms as a force that could push either side to one to find an end to the wall, it's a potential funding crisis, which could make such a deal in as a tool. let's look at an all star is making headlines around the world, the body of alexi and know bonnie has been handed over to his mother according to his spokesperson for the russian position. vida, no funeral detail was helping confirmed yet this week. and if i don't use my best, that i thought always would not allow the public ceremony. we've got so much guys as a mazda one health ministry says almost 100 people have been killed in overnight strikes across kaiser. bringing the total that total to nearly $30000.00 after almost 20
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weeks of war. it happened as israel, spite chief, as in paris, will cease by us hopes for the us time the egypt to beat us from the echo. as group of west africa, nations have agreed to lift some of the sanctions, the previously placed on these that is asked, precedence without any military coup last july by its echo, as is looking at ways to rebuild ties with crew hits, countries in the region now balanced international film festival demand and knowledge while now as it's top prizes later on saturday. this yeah, so hundreds of new phones from around the world screen right here in the gym and capital. but it's only 20 of them in the running for the festivals. big awards. that's the golden and silver bass. yes. look at some of the favorites. you might need to know which ones you motivated to to pay the college doesn't, doesn't. maybe you're not. my favorite cake is one of this year. as critics
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favorites. it tells the story of 70 year old widow my hand into wrong. she's used to spending most of her time alone until a meeting with friends opens the possibility of a new chapter in her left life. a 2nd settlement to shift to be sandy's services and they give you run in directors, mario, my good um and beta. so now you have were denied permission by a runs government to attends their films premier they sent this message. i'm going to think because we feel like parents who can't see their newborn child if the jury picks their film, it will be the 3rd time in 10 years, the bailey now that awards its top prize to iranian directors, and i've sent you out for public us for the new york, another potential winter long day tarzan about find the quiet 17 year old french
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girl who meets her pen pal on a language exchange to germany. the live she tells to impress her new friend to come back to haunt her. both young stars are considered once to watch for an acting prize. the same for the kids. one of the biggest stars of this is betty now is irish actor kelly and murphy. he's in the running for his role in a film he co produced with matt damon after they finished making oppenheimer. gillian said, i have my next movie, i really want to do, and i said, we're starting a studio. can we do it? we'd have some t other small things like these set in the 1980s is based on the best selling, the velo by author claire to give it looks at the irish catholic church is cruel treatment of unwed mothers. not everyone was ma'am, we've lost her in his lives in this world, you know, in like
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a scene by director alone. so release palazzios, a cook and a new york tourist restaurant is accused of theft and decides to take drastic measures the tragic comedy starring rooney. mario, one, audiences, hearts advisors, barely knowledge. but it's the jury who decides the winners and barely now the juries are notorious for their surprises. i mean, the best film when columbia is government says they will try to explore on the 18th century separate carrying the cargo thought to be worth billions of euros the spanish gallia and san jose. it was leading with gold emeralds and silver. when it's sunk in 17 o 8, the government is planning to send the d for tax petition to the ship rec, locate that some 600 meters down and to conduct research and recover artifacts as if was found in 2015, that is the subject of a legal battle between the us columbia and spain of a who owns the rights to the signed contract. and that's how we wrap it up,
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up next to support life for those the fast as women on a surfboard. i see tries to sense now that weld franklin this morning, he was at the top of the hour to stay with us the sometimes the right how that you out to the highlight for sure. every week. not the, not the it's been 2 years now since the coach and so just text you great. you're used to seeing hundreds of thousands of people killed millions more. fortunately the.


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