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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  February 24, 2024 7:15pm-7:31pm CET

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ibex to our report, it takes a look at why donald trump remains so popular among both. it's a big facility of the unix now with mobiles headlines by the shannon dw 12 or emphasizing the award winning offer is available world wide. every language level learning gym and has been since the ice cold b. c. at the end of plastic, i need an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has to the why is the ice melting more rapidly
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than in the ice fields? and patagonia, the donald trump said again, what fascinates his supporters and who are they gonna trust me? jordan, his young, religious studies, political science, denial, i definitely always felt lonely as a child. and so it's good to just be around a community of people at the same police as make to good. chris is the president of a metal fabrication company in new hampshire. he says, donald trump is better for business. i just voted for president. i feel damn good. he's, he's my case grew up in mexico lives in las vegas and like menu let you know,
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some one's going to see a strong man in the white to us. 3 perspective, 3 states, one go, donald trump, re unix, the not to restart or journey into the world of trump. supporters at the beginning of the election here in iowa state in the middle of the country. record low temperatures characterized the 1st call cuz of the republican presidential primaries. in the last 2 elections, donald trump had trouble getting the support of young college educated americans as change. we me jasmine jordan at the university of iowa in iowa city. so my dad is
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a truck driver. my mom decided to homeschool me because she just felt like i would get a better education. you know, more focused education to definitely always felt lonely as a child. like many young chrome supporters jasmine grew up in a very religious family. the 20 year old from illinois belongs to the generation. we start into college. life was heavily influenced by the cold, with 19 pandemic. one thing i did like about coming to the school was that there was that super strict coded regulations and then it is like i met all these people online who are going to university evaluate because there's like all these just different chat forms. and so what kind of didn't make it challenging was like, i kind of didn't know, you know, do, since i'm not worried a master, i approach people who have mass and like it was really hard to like make friends here. and then when i went to make plans with them on campus, like no one went in to meet up, just depends like the feeling of loneliness from her childhood, also dominate at the beginning through college. in november of my
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freshman year, i saw i got an email that said mike pence, who's coming to campus. i was like, oh my gosh, that's the coolest thing over. and so yeah, ended up being the organization that was hosting. huh. i think he's one of the most pro i politicians are so i really liked and so it was good to just be around a community of people at the same police as me because i didn't really have that back home. oh, here's something that was really cool that gotten me. i got a christmas car from trump in his family, so that was super exciting. so i never wanted to get into politics whatsoever. i always felt like as boring or device of but then once i became really involved in yeah, if i realized how important it was to like, stand up for what you believe its jasmine is one of the young conservatives women who has embraced from politics, enter support, for donald trump is becoming increasingly visible during the iowa caucus, she even steps in front of the microphone to advocate for the for president. this also makes her many enemies, hey, started, you know, saying just
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a whole bunch of hurtful things about conservative and they screenshot in my profile from instagram and, you know, set to all 800 of those students. and then they all started calling me a big a white supremacist, a nazi and continuing to say, just a whole bunch of hateful things that were very untrue. and also just didn't make sense because if i'm black, why am i white supremacist in the evening? it's time members of the republican party have come together for the congress. i am calling just meeting to order. welcome to the bye. with 65 presents and i was 21 present caucus of the united states of america in 2 republican staff meeting is now officially opened. jasmine is giving her the 4th trunk. good evening everyone. my name is jasmine, jordan, and president of iowa. city, iowa, i'm here tonight to speak on behalf of the greatest president of our lifetime. the
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only candidate who can be joe biden, president donald j trump. he gave us nearly 300 judges and 3 great supreme court justices, and did more for life than any other president in history. he defended christians from persecution. it's time to finish what we started and make america great again . thank you. on this exam and you'll hampshire one week later today, the republican presidential candidate will be voted for here in the northeast check gilchrist. isn't that what he tries to eat vegetarian? he and his partner exercise a lot and our friends of you me the flyers. they don't fit the typical stereotypes of trump. the generally speaking republicans are more of business oriented, less emotion, more pragmatism. but that's not the only reason why the 69 year old ones,
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donald trump, back into white color. i was always pro choice until i saw a jackson's my name's a 1st born grandson up to a 5 month ultrasound and that boy had a personality on his face. and i changed my stance to viability of life. i'm a veteran. 22 veterans every day, swallow a muscle in kill themselves and they are homeless and we're building hotels for illegals, for people that illegally enter the country under some bull guys of english, amnesty almost all trump, voters believe that the presidents, donald trump, is so intimidating will that no foreign power. what's there to promo going the speed limit? i don't think they would have any warren, you train. i don't think anybody want to go and have to israel no way. these factories 30 minutes away take,
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took over the family business from his father and know he runs it together with his son. in good times, almost 50 people worked in the middle of processing company, but currently their own 34 or you can see and down the high forge. but then he's got a feeling recreating things to do. in a sense, we're almost teaching them to not work productively to give them more time on the clock. it's kind of frustrating. jake goes to community center to vote. glad you guys can go on the business guy who's going to percolate the economy. he's going to open up oil again. what i believe will change is if and when donald trump becomes the 47th president of the united states, this is an invigorated economy, opening up petroleum, natural gas for acting for natural gas,
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a very clean fossil fuel. i think most of the myths have been debunked about what fracking those that's bad and clean fossil fuels is the best thing we have. electric cars aren't going to make it yet. it's just not the time. you can't force electric cars on people when they can't judge their cars, especially in cold weather. when you're dependent on others, you're weak. when you're independent, you have strength and strength breeds more strict. the. i just voted for president trump. pretty good about it. i feel damn good about the next stop. just over 2 weeks later invested because they made a lot of cash and his favorite restaurant on the east of the primary election in nevada. do you know if we play
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a decisive road in these elections as they are the 2nd largest building today? almost one in 5 americans has led to american goods. and the times when the reliability voted for the democrats are over a year. and then we went back to mexico and i, i sent it back to the . 2 main celebrate my birthday with my family is a, it's a personal event. however, we always talk about what i do go something here this, i mean some of the ceiling is just that was one of his monthly suites as a radio show where he come pains for donald trump in the mexican american community . the 49 year old is paid for his political advise, and also purcell cds has like i'm buying quantity to go buy live. i can install it . uh, because it can always have, besides uh, recording that last name for me. i see on the very 1st time i met donald trump with
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the 2016 got a call. and they said, we're looking for a group of a lot, you know, leaders from across the country to give him console and to let you know hispanic matters as moving to new york. i. we went into trump tower on, i believe, 5th avenue and i went up to the, his office. i sat across the, the table with him to mean as far as i told him to go and talk to her to be open, to go to places like this and, and, and, and speak to hispanics about the real issue of the, the number one second. and 3rd place among his sinuses, the economy, education and health. would also be the charge in the, at the border. the policy that we have in place right now, so long for people to come in. and then immediately get ahead of the line from
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other people that were been here for a decade, therapy and offer social services at that other kind of don't get this can see suicide. so many latino is here. the turn migrants are receiving financial support, rightfully belongs to them, and i believe they're suffering because of the new companies on this width. and the topic that this was regularly discussed was on his radio show, because donald trump is a stronger candidate. the people like him. they loved him and more and more, latinos are liking him too. so we'll see what happens. but then i will be a kind of like an indication of what the, the deal is going to look like in the next, the next months long lines of forms in front of the voting stations on the day of the call. cuz here in the west, the us, the favorite is clear, the trump all the way on the no wars when he was our president, the state has gone to this country is going to be we need him because he's the only
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one that can do and get america back to work so long as he's the best eerie proved that was if he doesn't get re elected, we will not have a country any longer. he knows how to run it. he's a great leader. people see in him somebody who is not a politician and somebody who, who speaks with no filters and, and when the political correctness and the like that it is still on such a new world in the presidential election in november. but trump can rely on you for a supporters who know exactly why they want him as president and are ready to fight for his victory. why didn't script, at least to know there is no sign of this energy the, the new will tell you. we are happy that we are back to
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the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the sales force and the for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on d w. it's a blueprint for anti semites world wide propaganda film. these images of patriot that can still be found today in millions. so anti jewish means and conspiracy theory from the nazi era into the digital 8 users to point out in 45 minutes on d, w. 12 in progress pop calls to everyone who wants to know more about this
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topic. that concerned about this story is beyond the headline world in progress. the w postcard, the best as date of the news africa coming up on the program fights and, and droughts and the deadly double threats. and you do. there are concerns that things could get worse, especially in the notes with millions of people struggling to feed themselves, a dozen ice agency, they need more support from donors. also coming up flights, camera, action, african movies in the spotlight that busy as felon international film festival. very knowledge will look at the present and future to the confidence bill. mean that's the
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