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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 25, 2024 9:00am-9:16am CET

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the, the business dw news line from bill in donald trump wins the south carolina republican primary sounding beating his last remaining arrival. nikki haley. it's a key step to him securing the presidential nomination in the race for the white house. is really security forces make arrests in tel aviv during antique government, protests, police use what? attendance to dispatch crowds of thousands hold a vigil to hostages held by have us. we hear from our correspondence in jerusalem with the latest the,
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until you are ready. but welcome to the show. donald trump has won the us republican presidential primary election in south carolina. is his full sized straight when in the primary race, setting him firmly on track to become the potty, nor many. trump secured a 20 point margin over his only major republican opponent nikki haley in her home state, where she also said as governor, a defined haley has sworn to continue in the race until march 5th, in once known as super tuesday when several states will hold the republican primaries that donald trump claimed to victory just minutes after polls closed in south carolina. here's some of what he said. i was just informed that we got double the number of votes that has ever been received in the great state of south carolina. was pretty good, so it's
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a record times to and there's something going on in the country. some really great things are going on. you need to use us political analyst. williams. blue cross told us earlier whether this success secures donald trump's nomination for the next presidential election. well, tell me officially, no defacto. yes, cuz this is how the us election process works. where you have this low cascade of states choosing their candidates for the republican of the democratic party, but actually to this point, only a handful of states. and really, fortunately speaking a handful of voters and actually have their se, but it creates the magic m word momentum where combination of media, attention, and money that a candidate can raise just creates this energy. but forces other candidates out even though there's really been no majority to select a candidate. nonetheless, this is how the process works. so donald trump just at least has the appearance of
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being a very powerful candidate. and that can be enough to propel as we've seen and pass presidential elections. propel them to the candidates. the donald trump has already said that he's basically acting like it's the general election already. he's forgotten about nikki haley and he's turning his attention to the to us. you're going to joe by that. and on nikki haley. she's defined, she says she'll stay on in the race. but if she called when in her own home state, then why is she carrying on? so that's definitely not a good level. you can't carry your own space. the numbers, mathematically, speaking of the republican republican candid means a 1215 delegates to become the cabinet. those delegates get voted, officially registered at the national convention later this summer. and so far, as i mentioned, only a handful of states about it. technically speaking, there's been only a handful of delegates, which is proportional to state populations or voting populations. they've been a part of a handful of them handed out to these various candidates. donald trump, of course, in the lead, with a bit over a 100 delegates entity halley with
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a dozen or 22 dozen delegates. so mathematically, there's no reason that nikki haley can't stand the race and she has the money, the donations to be able to stay in the race and keep running. but as i said, that momentum issue just the amount of attention she's getting. it makes it very hard for her to stay in the race. nonetheless. we have more primaries. you have to com. yeah. just going to ask on on those primaries, what should we expect in that? yeah, donald trump is way out ahead is he said he's a heading all the polls. we know this. there are a couple more states voting at the end of february and early march. and then of course, as you mentioned that the tough super tuesday when the 16 states will vote now in a normal election year, that's like the one to watch. because if there's been a candidate struggling with the maybe he or she can maybe pick up delegates in such a large uh, large day of voting for a candidate who has already strong really secure their position. in this case, we're in a very strange 2024 election where there's not really much of
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a campaign. a donald trump will most likely keep on just trudging on to the general election to face joe biden, in the general election in november. the us analyst with them blue cross, good to hear from you. thank you. elsewhere, leaders of ukraine's allies have planned to the continued support in its war against russia. saturday, march, the 2nd anniversary of russia's full scale invasion. several e u. n. g 7 meters. going to cleaning and president voluminous lensky at the side of one of the 1st bottles where ukraine prevailed. friends greeted at the ensign of a sealed net keys, on february 24th 2022 russian ad on forces attack this airport. at the time, many photo russia would capture keith, but after a month and a half of ukrainian or assistance to to and withdrew his forces from the area. so would you, ma'am? this is today, we are in a very symbolic place. was formerly assigned with wet boots and wanted to win the
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bathroom for our capital, the bathroom for keys with the key bottle of the blitzkrieg. he was planning to keep you informed and it was here. the subject has passed fundamental defense. when our soldiers destroyed the landing of russian motors, let me show you this on thursdays give boots. well, the latest praise do cry and for it's for assistance against it's my to neighbor. you manage to stop rush us attack towards the heart of ukraine. you save your country, you saved all of europe. and today we are here from across europe and the world to pay tribute to your bravery. just hours before lead us gathered folk on the ration. a deadly rushing drone attack on odessa reminded people the that the wolf goes on. and the significance of the timing of the assault
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was enough loss. the residence to this happens almost every day. it's hard to understand if it's symbolic or not reasonable, we don't know what's going to happen this evening and what we normally in the evenings we have a tax, everything is symbolic rush. i love states that we're doing it out. people are dying, we want the war to end as soon as possible. we have no more strength left turn. you have a news neither physical what our lives nor mental flowers for the victims of oppression . despise promises of last thing support and this style by attend the fighting is causing fatigue in the color dose of power in the west. and that's the will and says it's 3rd. yeah. ukraine faces an uncertain future. below resumes are headed to the polls for a tightly controlled parliamentary elections. most candidates come from full
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parties, which support policies of long time liter, alexander lucas angle dozens of opposition. parties have been denied registration for the election and one position leader who's an exile of voters to buy cost. the elections it seems. location go is keen to avoid a repeat of the unprecedented demonstrations against his rule that followed the 2020 presidential election. alexander lucas and co signs new agreements with his master flooded may pretend to warn you. crane has seen him seek even close the ties with the kremlin, like boots in look, a shame paper, trays this country is being on the siege. he accuses the west of plotting to seize power during the elections. this is courtney price. this is not an easy time on, but as you can see, things i call it and i'm sure we can prepare for the elections and then hold them just us. call them lady, told me to me to please to ensure that look, a shame kind of has stepped up, has crept down on this end. the only safe place to protest is
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a broad like here in neighboring left. you a, in the in bill or was right now that is a political prison. this i have the incoming to kid on the live. so go aspect. can each marshal, colleagues, think of all i need to be asking my husband should he and all this on now, on the direct threats. you don't even know if the i life of lucas and co has rude bella roost, affinity, 30 years old. true opposition? parties have been dissolved only candidates who support the regime are allowed to run for office elections who have become just of it show for less time. bella roost went to the post, was in august 2020, the cushioned co, secure the 6th time in a vote. the opposition said was a shop. it triggered a wave of protests and authority to crack down. more than 35000 people were arrested in these parliamentary
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elections the results. oh, so you see a full gone conclusion the i'm you know, and his health as opposed to what i'm trying to look a shouldn't, i will respond let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. the body of alexi, nevada has been handed over to his mother, according to a spokesperson for the late russian opposition leader. no funeral details have been confirmed earlier this week and yvonne, his mother said, authorities were refusing to allow a public ceremony. they did you as an u. k, have launched fresh, fresh air strikes on the, who's the rebel group in yemen, who the run tv said strikes, hit the capital. so now the us and u. k. have conducted numerous drugs since the start of this year in response to who the attacks on ships passing through the red sea. thousands of people have reilly the news, ready, cities demanding government action for the release of hostages being held by hamas
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in gaza instead of eve is ready for these used water cannons to disperse anti government protest as well. so called for the removal of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu as the domestic and international pressure amounts or met and yahoo hosted release deal with how much considered a terrorist group by multiple countries could be within reach after this folks between is really american gyptian and terri mathias is in paris. the w correspondent, tiny grandma is in jerusalem, asked all about last night's protest. well, we've seen those protest, goldman pages and auntie and you all protest. you have to say, i'm growing larger and loud in recent weeks in the beginning of to october 7 after the turbo tax and then the war. you know, people were more reluctant to go out. they told me at least the protesters and they were more close vigils and a protest to coal for the release of the hostages. and now we're seeing also more
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on to government approaches. and last night, the 2 environment with the police using vote attendance and mounted police that but also the rest of being made. you know, this as sense is also reflected in, in the, in, in polls here. people are holding for elections also probably needs to be not too young. we lost a lot of popularity. of people criticizing him for not taking responsibility for the security failures leading up to of tobar a 7th. but also, you know, they're saying that needs to be a change in leadership because of the handling of the crisis. this doesn't mean that people are against the war i'm a majority of it's really supports the war, but they wants to see and they want to see that the government is handling this and bringing those hostages home as well. and we mentioned the talks with several foreign parties as well. what more do we know about this hostage deal?
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yes, there are. when you told me on friday in paris, with the heads of the massage, the domestic intelligence service, the interest in faith is really intelligent service and the c i a and also the negotiate as many a just some katara and from egypt and on saturday night that is really a, a security cutting and met so according to is really a reports in the media. they decided now to continue those negotiations to send messages also to cut to those talks had broken down a couple of weeks ago. and now it seems that as a new, a framework now the details or, of course not noon, but this talk about a phased release of hostages up to 14, in the 1st space in exchange for posting in a prison. this. but again, you know, the, the starting points are from which we are hearing how most of us for
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a complete hold or association of hostilities in into the war and complete the withdrawal of is really a for says this had been rejected by israel. but you heard also the is where the national security advisor to hear next be talking and such of the night that he says there's room for maneuvering for moving forward. so it's so to see whether this framework will work out this time. you don't lose tanya. cr. i'm not interested in many things for that. update a domain documentary by french. so maker matthew deal has taken the top prize of this is bella and international film festival. to rustic cute is to do justice, the director said as she took the stand to film, explores the legacy of colonialism by following 25 lucid artifacts from paris to the country of origin. today's republic, i've been in the treasure as well, among thousands plunder,
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from the kingdom of dominate by french colonialist troops in 1892. next we have dock film for you, which takes a look at the issue of racism in health care. that's after the break. i'm told me. alrighty. buck watching the bees do for fun via do gravitational waves squeeze out body. how do i the drums until the feet and what's the perfect kid for approx side? find the on says yes, with dw signs. don't need picked up channels. the
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doctor bismark a for a displeasing the g p.


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