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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the business, the doesn't use a live from berlin. donald trump points to south carolina republic and primary cruise into a victory against his last remaining arrival. and nikki haley. that's a major step for him in securing the presidential nomination. the race or the white house houses are coming up. these are the security forces and make our rest themes . have even during the governments protest, please use what kinds to distress crowds. us thousands, whole e vigil for hostages, held by how much
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the i am eddy micah junior. then you are welcome to the program. donald trump has won the us republican presidential primary election in south carolina as his 4th street when in the primary race that puts him family on cost to become the pots. he, you know, many job security, 20 points miles, you know, by his only major public on opponents. nikki haley in whole states where she also sat as governor, a house one to continue in the res until march 5th. in what's known as super tuesday when several states will hold the republican primaries. then i'll try and claim to victory just minutes of the polls closed in south carolina. yes, some of what he said. i was just informed that we got double the number of votes that has ever been received in the great state of south carolina. that's pretty
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good. so it's so richard time to sue and there's something going on in the country . some really great things are going on. you want as let's speak to dw us on our list, william glo, craft in berlin. hello, william a 4th state vote in trump. in the primaries c set to become the republic on how many you think? well, given the way the us elect torrell system, the presidential system is set up. it does look that way. i think that sounds like we just heard is a really good indication of what i would call those flashing bravery. so far i've only had a handful of states, a handful of the american population, and i'm not very representative. one of that esentially get to choose who the republican nominee is going to be with other states that have yet to vote in this cascade of primaries over the course of the year. and not really having a choice given the way that the structure of the, of the primary season is, goes for republicans and for democrats. that of what joe biden is the coming running on a pose. and so,
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although he mathematically is not anywhere close to the nomination, factually not anywhere close a given the way it's set up, given the, the so called momentum, the amount of energy he generates the amount of media attention he generates the amount of money he can raise a donald trump becomes the defacto nominate, even though there's still a long way to go before the convention when he'll be conversation and how many in the summertime long way it's a grass you say, here's the thing. so i'm starting to nikki haley says she will stay in the raise after losing at home and not went in any state sofa. why is he still staying in? and it's not a good luck to lose your own state, although it's happened before our bordering states. and you can hear me basically, she has the money and she's, she's very good at fundraising. so she has the money to stay in to run those ads, make us campaign stops, etc. she says, and she might have a case to be made that there are a number of people out there that are looking for a trump alternative and also a binding alternative. and that she would actually do very well in
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a general election against joe biden. as i was saying, the way the primaries are structured, you essentially, you know, gravitate towards this one's one candidate regardless of what the, what the majority or majority might actually want. given that you have these states voting in succession without really getting a chance for other voters to have their say, and if they are kind of way. so it could be that nikki haley all things being equal, which they had a chance against joe biden. but all the things are not people right now and just to get to that general elections, you 1st have to confront donald trump and he's not doing well as we've seen. yeah. so what can we expect moving forward with the primaries? i said things stand right. i mean, usually the primary season is the suspenseful, you know, reporters run all around the country, chasing various candidates. and, and this is a lot of focus on it this year, almost seems like a stay to complete, right. this primary season will continue happening. we'll continue being states to vote, and then they have to legally,
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but it's kind of already been done. it's kind of already been decided to campaign it over. really, even donald trump, to said he's forgetting, but making a way he's turning his attention. joe biden, as if the general election season is already upon us. so we do have states coming up at the end of february, early march. and then as you mentioned at the top super tuesday, what about 16 states have primaries or congresses, which is usually a big day. but as i said, we kind of already are looking towards the donald trump nomination against joe biden. repeat 2020. so okay, 100 percent. okay, we'll see how things go did of you. you as i'll is william blue kraft. thank you. not thousands of people have rallied in eas, riley, cities demanding government action for the release of hostages being held by how mouse in gaza. intel are these, these are the please use. what are comments to distress the government for testers? who also called for the removal of prime minister? i mean, i mean, it's a, you know, the domestic and international pressure amounts on this and yahoo,
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it hostage release deal with a mass, considerate, a terrace group by multiple countries could be within reach after the talks between these riley american egyptian. and that's how or even the test in paris, the dw correspondence at tanya claremont is in jerusalem to give us an update on last night's process. yes, the very new talks on friday in paris with the heads of the massage, the domestic intelligence service, the interest in faith is really intelligent service and the c i a and also the negotiate as a media to some katara and from egypt and on saturday night the is really a security coming in met. so according to is really a reports in the media. they decided now to continue those negotiations to send messages also to cut to those talks had broken down
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a couple of weeks ago. and now it seems that as a new, a framework now the details are, of course, not noon, but this talk about a phased release of hostages up to 14, in the 1st space in exchange for posting in a prison. this. but again, you know, the, the starting points are from what we are seeing how most of us for a complete hold or succession of hostilities in into the war and complete withdrawal of is really a force as this had been rejected by israel. but you heard also the is where the national security advisor to hear next be talking and such as the night that he says there's room for maneuvering for moving forward. so it's still to see whether this framework will work out this time. let's look at some more stories making headlines around the world. the us and u. k. have launched fresh air strikes on the who the rebel group in yemen,
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who the around tv said strikes at the capital some for us. and you k have conducted numerous strikes as the spouse of this the response to the attacks on ships passing through the rest of the body of alexandra vonnie has been handed over to his mother according to a spoke suppress and for the late russian position. lita no funeral details have been confirmed earlier this week and a bonnie's mamma settle, thirty's were refusing to allow the public ceremony in to lead us from the echo. as a group of west africa, nations have agreed to live to some of this functions the previously placed on the chair with the military house that its presidents bloss july echo, as is looking at ways to rebuild ties with qu, hits countries in the region to better rouge now where polls are open the port type 3 controlled, parliamentary elections, long time lead uh alex, i'm not look a single face as low as i told him, station in the capital events where he also confirmed his intention to run for
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president again in 2025, thousands of opposition policies have been denied registration for today's election and won a position leader who is the max out as, as protest of white profits, full policies which supports the best and coast policies. i've even gone through the fisher registration. alexander lucas and co signs new agreements with his master vladimir putin. the warrant ukraine has seen him seek even close the ties with the kremlin, like boots in look of shame, paper trays. this country is being on the siege, uses the west of plugged into seas. power during the elections due to coordinate for us. this is not an easy time on that as you can see, things are called you know, here and i'm sure we can prepare for the elections and then hold them just as call them lady told me to me to please to ensure that look a shame kind of has stepped up, has crept down on this end. the only safe place to protest is abroad, like
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a neighboring left you a and yeah, and bill or was right now that is a political prisoners, a house in coming to kid on the lives of go. i spoke to each marshall colleagues. think a lot of these be asking my husband said he and all this on now on the direct threats . we don't even know if the i life a little concerned co has rude, bela roost, affinity, 30 years old. true opposition. parties have been dissolved only candidates who support the regime are allowed to run for office elections who have become just a bit show. for less time. bella roost went to the post, was in august 2020 look a shane co secure the 6th time in a vote. the opposition said was the shop. it triggered the wave of protests and authority to crack down. more than 35000 people were arrested
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in these parliamentary elections. the results. oh, so you see a full gone conclusion? the i'm, you know, and his health as opposed to one in front of the constraint i will respond meet as of you cleans allies have pledged the i continued support and it's war against russia. subsidy mark the 2nd now the rest of your rashes, full scale invasion, several e u g 70 to is joining ukrainian. unprecedented for let them as a landscape at the sight of one of the fast bottles where you clean prevailed. friends greeted at the end of a sealed net keys on february 24th 2022 russian ad on forces attack this airport. at the time, many photo russia would capture keith. but after a month and a half of ukrainian assistance to to and withdrew his full asis from the area. so would you, ma'am? this is today, we are in a very symbolic place. was formerly assigned with what polluted and wanted to win
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the battle for our capital. the battle of the keys with the key bass of the blitzkrieg, he was planning it keeping bundle and it was here the summit. his 1st fundamental defense went on soldiers destroyed the landing of russian motors. let me show him the san bretzky's give boots. well, the latest praise to crate and for it for assistance against its mighty neighbour. you managed to stop rushes to attack towards the heart of ukraine. you'll save your country as you saved all of europe. and today we are here from across europe and the world to pay tribute to your bravery. just hours before lead us gathered folks on the ration a deadly rushing drug, an attack on a desk reminded people the that the wolf goes on. and the significance of the timing of the assault was not lost on residence. when this happens almost
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every day, it's hard to understand if it symbolical not reasonable. we don't know what's going to happen this evening. you know what we normally in the evenings we have a tex, everything is symbolic rush. i love states that we're doing it out. people are dying, we want the war to end as soon as possible starts to move. we have no more strength left turn. every news neither physical what our lives, nor mental flowers for the victims of oppression, despise promises of last thing support. and this stalemate and the fighting is causing fatigue in the color dose of power in the west. and that's the goal and says it's the yeah. ukraine faces an uncertain future area. we spoke with military on a list by the number on and asked the if the dwindling military aid from the west is to blame for ukraine's lack of progress on the front line. i think it's not as
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simple as that. of course, the lack of munition that we're seeing right now is a major factor. however, there are other factors that needs to need to be considered. on the one hand, it's also a shortage of men power, and the problems that you create and has been sent facing was a command and also was a mobilization move that will soon possibly come into force. so and that is one side of the problem. the other side, it's also the western financing, not just in terms of um, deliveries, of military equipment and of course, lack of air power as they are by lack of air superiority is a factor. and as a factor is, of course, russia strategic adaptation to the kind of war that is waging against ukraine. so we have to take all those into account in order to, to understand the complexity of the conflict without trying to reduce it to one single factor. as well as military analyst,
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marina mirror on and you are up to date, we have sports life coming up next for you. with a story about a woman when safa with a passion for speed, that's after the break. i am adding my coaching out. thanks for watching. we have more use out of top of the our to stay with us. the kid jackie is changing 6 years ago. we said it can't get any was to, but it does guardians of truth. this time, excel gen liz, turned into meets the voices of a free turkey alter as the other one had to flee into exile. i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish
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governments all sort of tammy and cools. of some kids


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