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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the the business dw news live from breland contact with host talk slowly ceasefire between these are all in a mass militants. this coming week about the humanitarian situation in gaza is western, and a few supplies coming in and hospitals are struggling to treat patients, including new box, also coming up. germany's foreign minister, honestly, not bad the cause of shots, the visits of solving ukraine. after you rush out of it, kind of sounds drone spots that fly in with i had convoy unprecedented because single votes as feathers goes to the police in a tightly controlled election position,
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policies united place on the ballot. i'm calling for the white glove the i am eddie michael junior and you are welcome to the program. representatives from these are the governments on this lumber submitted tons group on mice. will travel to got ta this week to try to finalize a truce agreement? gotta egypt on to the united states have been key media testing, trying to bring an end to the current conflict in gaza. jerusalem correspondence on your trademark, give us more information about the next possible steps towards reaching the deal. this is the very when you told me on friday in paris, over the heads of the massage, the domestic intelligence service, the interest in faith is really intelligent service and the c i a and also the
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negotiated for media to some katara and from egypt and on saturday nights the is really a security covering and met so according to is really a reports in the media. they decided now to continue those negotiations to send messages also to cut to those talks had broken down a couple of weeks ago. and now it seems to, isn't you a framework? now the details are, of course, not noon, but this talk about a phase release of hostages up to 40 in the 1st space and exchange for posting in a prison. this. but again, you know, the, the starting points are from which we are hearing how most of us for a complete hold or cessation of hostilities an end to the war. and complete withdrawal of is really a for says this had been rejected by israel, but you heard also the is where the national security adviser to hear next be
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talking on saturday night that he says there's room for maneuvering for moving forward. so it's still to see whether this framework will work out this time, and that will state of use tonya karima in jerusalem. meanwhile, people in rough i have race and for each route to launch the ground defensive on the south, and city one and a half 1000000 people. i now live in that mean the display stopped to fleeing the balance in northern and central gaza conditions in rough up deteriorating with food and medical supplies. squares. when hospitalized overwhelmed and struggling to keep new bones of life. these incidents are supposed to be in separate incubators, but they have to share the life stating machines at this overcrowded maternity hospital in rafa. dr. se sepsis is spreading among the babies and mortality rates are storing. in one shift, 2 or 3 children died under normal circumstances. they would be one or 2 deaths
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a month next. but now we lose children every day. and the only thing they are guilty of is living and goes a symbol. most newborns come from 10 cities where their families fled to escape is rarely bombardments. their living conditions are contributing to their poor health . doctors here stay their efforts are in vain. the babies return to the tents after receiving treatment only to become ill. again, mothers are standing by hoping their children will be placed in an incubator for this child should be in an incubator like the one over. they are an incubator that is safe, warm, and has medicine for a child who is a few days old doctor should also be available to treat him cuz this is because of the number of children they are keeping us here. so i can take care of my son instead of him being an incubator, but doesn't have donald gas as health care system is failing,
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as is really forces tried to eliminate come in response to the october 7 terror attacks. the united nations has warned that a ground offensive, and rafa should have catastrophic consequences. germany's fine minutes, the bad book has cultural to visit to the south in ukrainian city of me cuz i have to be russian recognizance drilling with sports. at flying over, i had conroy area the bulk minutes with the local governor and visit the the scene of a deadly russian missile attacks. during the 1st months of the war. ever since comes as germany in your dreams, i thought you would see him allies tried to i shall keyboard the ongoing support given us us back in the singles to waive us at the press conference before she left bab up to the deed of use at sonya falling into a gemini will keep aiden you train as we know we have to do more. and this is why we signed to secure to you guarantee. for 10 years, our support is coming up to 30000000000 euros. in addition to the 50000000000 years
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we're just doing from the o p level. so everything we're doing here, we're doing also having in mind that ukraine is not only defending its own security, but our european p sorta use sonya phonic. our has been following the german foreign minister as visits and joins us for more. how to sonya, why did babble decide to visit the south in ukraine instead of keith? well, these were certainly very interesting choices that they both made visiting or this one because i live at the time when i get most foreign leaders wouldn't be, does me to be lied to keep it safe to mock the 2nd anniversary of the full scale invasion. now, who visit to the southern thoughts with you for this a game of the off to multiple major drone attacks, which left one for some data and 3 costs replies in a press conference gets to be in odessa with the ukranian counterpart to mutual could a bunk bed bulk of, you know,
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talked about joe investments and recreating bolts. she said that were helping them to be repaired and rebuild the support. but she also on the line, ukraine's own success in kind of really reasserting itself in the black sea and responsible for ukraine of views and even drones and crews. the sites are fits deep behind russian lines and russian notified crimea with you don't knocked out of quite a few. russian worships out of commission. it's just, it's destroyed a naval naples, depots, and bridges. it's destroyed besides launching fights. and what's important to you is we have pointed out, ukraine has managed to set up an alternative grain caught it all. weird uh, ship shipping for greens and i'll being uh, centered onto markets around the world. and this is in the same sort of that you visited, the southern city of nicolai's to be as well a city also, which is targeted regularly, but also because of it's a great told me the best still concerns though, that the wall has stalled in favor of russia against ukraine and germany has pledged military assistance to ukraine. but what exactly that's you claim need
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from gemini to you, right? i mean, germany was once criticized for it. sluggish. i'm going to treat the didn't bodies to you create. if you remember the beginning of the war, literally just sent elements to your credit troops. germany has since stepped up and has no but saw mr. it's become the 2nd biggest military backer off you creating off to the us. but of course, there is one thing that drove and he still hasn't budged on which ukraine has been asking for. and that as of course, the long range flight position for the schools beside which has a range of 500 kilometers. and which has the capacity to destroy, you know, into structural like bridges. now that disagreements, of course, in the german coalition about this. but the chancellor of germany off shows is reportedly wary of the potential to escalate the impact of this fall for the site. but from ukraine's perspective, of course it's, it's running particularly low on munition is when forced to retreat from sucking positions on the front line. it says that desperately needs these long range weapons. in order to, you know, strike behind enemy lines, degreed rushes,
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infrastructure, and military logistics, and by some, you know, much needed time. right? to have use sonya phonic, a thank you. i guess what, i've got some other stories making headlines around the world. katasha said will massively increase outputs from the world's biggest natural gas field. the countries in administrative capacity will be wrapped up by the northfield, west sites to meet sar, enjoying this global demand for liquefied natural gas. you talk a little bit about the us and u. k. have launched fresh air strikes on the who will be around tv said, strikes at the capital, so not the us and u. k. have conducted numerous strikes as a spouse of this is in response to who the tax on ships us into a direct c the body of alex saying i bonnie has been handed over to his mother. that's according to a spoke, suppress, and for the late russian position veto,
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no funeral details, happy in consent. any other speech evaluation? let us add authorities while refusing to allow a public ceremony. donald trump has won the us republican presidential primary election in south carolina beach and his only remaining arrival and they keep ab by 20 percentage points. it's his fault comes that gets a victory, leaving him family on cost to become the pots. he's not many 80 says so will stay in the race in but i was suppose i open for tightly controlled, parliamentary elections, long time lead outlets on the single face as low as as a pulling station and the capital men square. he also confirmed his intention to run again for precedence in 2025. thousands of a physician policies have been denied registration for today's election while the position leader who is an ex out as, as both as to why concepts all parties which the force that i think was policies
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have been granted. official registration. all got bring. dover is a political scientist and, but i was honest, i said what us, he agrees with those questioning the credibility of the elections and batteries a well definitely, i mean, dealers is a consolidated autocracy. it has become even more consolidated. and then it used to be before the proved is 2020 and the last connections really free elections took place there in the ninety's. so we definitely did not expect independent candidates . we only have 4 political parties that are still registered. all the others have been in default and those political parties also loyal to the states. we also did not have actually any international observers being invited to these elections, which is also important. and even in the embassies of galleries, bro, its people ever since he deserves for the 1st time, are not allowed to cost the vote. so i would not, of course,
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expect actions to the democratic, but i think the function of the selections is not to show the international work. how do you, encouraging billers is but to, to prove to the own states, people working for the state of that location. because you have control on power control and control the political system. we all remember the massive crack down on a position for the test as that was in 2020. what's the situation off? do you position inside betters at the moment? as well as we talk about, classical political disease should give just doesn't exist in the bellows, and it's actually not possible because of people who have been active, who and able to be active, wanted to be active when, where active are now either entail or have to leave the country and to x from a boat. and in general, we can imagine that like this, that there is it searching that relation between states and society that has been dissolved a where the state twice to overtake the total control over society. and even
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people's private times, just to give you one example, even some post on facebook, out of the social net post enough for what doesn't even lights or something like where in and closes which have white and red color, which is for the state to sign of a position can lead and do it to lead to arrest. so people are kind of trying, you know, psychologically to come back to the everyday lives in order not to be always upset, but the fact that the political changes are not. so what all of these challenges is there any way of knowing how much stuff was like a single actually hass from the russians. as we do have some figures that i would be very cautious with them because it's really very unreliable to uh, to do such a logical um, so they is where they do that towards the so
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b c goes about 20 to 30 percent. and once again, we have to be cautious, but i wouldn't even say it's not that because the system that we have knowing beller roost is not the font, the typical arity of the cushion couch. it's about the consolidation of the repressions that perhaps is that has the function and just, unfortunately very good in the last. yes. and it's also about his loyalty or the loyalty of this case of people people working for the state structure or the loyalty, the personal relative to question. so it's, i think this fact real pop poplar he is in the society as long as he has enough resources to repress people. unfortunately, and not the important thing start or stellar is on the list all got green dover, just a reminder of our top story. katara is hosting talk so the ceasefire between each route and how much that attends best buy the humanitarian situation in gaza is where as of the few supplies coming in prospects, those are struggling to treat patients including new books and you are up to date
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up next flats, a takes a look at india efforts to stop the certification by planting and sustaining millions of trees. so that's coming up after the break. we have more news on the top of the, of the world in progress as top calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic . that concerned about this story is beyond the headline world in progress. the w cuts cost ice cold b. c. at the end of plastic, i need an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has to.


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