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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  February 25, 2024 9:15pm-9:30pm CET

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socialism, marxism, and global is that you're up to date on the w use ibex sports. life takes a look at the worlds fastest woman on assess board. i'm paid for zillow and see next out the we are all set and we're watching closely. all the to bring you the story behind the news. we rolled about unbiased information. all 3 months. ice cold, easy. at the end of the plastic, i need an expedition venture this on 2 places that no one has good explosive. why is the ice melting more rapidly in the ice fields
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and past the, this is heidi, only this with athlete is the fastest speed. so in the world, she holds the world record of a 500 meters and the north 4 miles. heidi has the need for speed. always aiming to go to the foster. who was the woman behind the records? what motivates? we dive into the life of a woman who has just one gold to be the fastest on the surface. if it was up, it's about beating myself going foster and said i really rose at kirk
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the kid in the middle of the highest mountains in the alps. hardy, old risk is at home speed. so thing is all about the wind. heidi lives with her partner, chris on old, by the re like home to constantly changing with a loan. yeah. confused the winter later. because what this to upstate new york looks like sort of the 60 not so he's listen to looks good. even better than the other side. so let me check it out. maybe 73. the knots here there right down there . right? yeah. a lot of people are in the out, then you can see the white cups the legs. so let's go down and have a session. let's go go, the speed surfing is the formula one of when the code board of sports. heidi has an
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ideal training conditions living right by and like for her extreme support, she needs good equipment and very high wind. here isn't also an option at over 80 kilometers per hour. every room decision can be deadly. this time a storm is brewing. but heidi loves the through the fish the between the 2nd change and it was almost painting. the wind was nice. today was around 20 minutes. but then normally on the normal training day around 2 to 4 hours. but then it's normally sony and now it was just heavy, rain and storm without lightning. that's why we went out. but it was fun. anyway, so in 2019 heidi was aiming to break code 500 meters. well,
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rick or switch and no avail to 2019 i also had another profession. i was head of state. sure. i was responsible for a team of 6 people and the address for me, super hard to focus. i was 6 week in the media and i had to work as well. so of to 6 week of competing in the speech channel i've been told with no record, no record means i missed the rules record by 0.3. keep them at the for hours and i also missed the sweet woman record by 0 point one. keep them at the per hours. it was quite a hard time for me because i really had to think what i wanted to and what that going to change in my life. back in switzerland, i decided to quit my job as a h. r manager. my new role boss and not a manager anymore. and this was the best decision ever been. cause it hit. and heidi had to wait 3 years to sit in the world record of these big he saw us to for me in 2019 without any records in 2022. on the 2nd last day of the events,
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the wind was just perfect. morning and repeat this record i call up sick because of happiness. it was such a big achievement for me really. and one of the special thing in 2022 of us also ever the 1st woman ever who finished in the top 10 of the men's rank. that's insane . upon a chris has supported heidi from the very 1st moment. a great love story in both sports and life without the support of clifton. nothing would happen like that. we came together 7 years ago and i said to him, i have one goal in my life. i wanted to disclose or could you know media if i was maybe up to 2 weeks or something like that. and he said to me, well, i know you can do it. he loves to be surfing because of me because he wants to to understand how it works and then he's teaching me to, to reinstate surfing just by myself. i think i wouldn't that be possible to make these little record. i really want us to be safe to share
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most of all of the passion too good. we don't have to speak a lot with each other. we really have the same feeling and we just enjoy every single 2nd. when we are doing something outside, it doesn't matter if it's rainy or windy, or snowy, or whatever full testimony to enjoy every single seconds of your life. i mean to what you lost as much as you can. that's one of the points why v or that happy? competitions training and works. heidi's everyday life is filled to the brim. i start 5 or 6 o'clock in the morning. i go up the mountain to some trail running around 2 to 4 hours off the road to come back. i work until lunch and in the afternoon normally just totally kalene's as now is slowing and we go out for a 2nd training session. if there is no waiting in the afternoon, we want to do some mountain biking or climbing enough to do that. normally,
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ever again, i chose life training the same way. my whole body always outside in the nature. if i don't to trans wanting in the morning, i go out on the beautiful lake on the glossy voter with a send, a puddle or so, of course to train. my upper body to upper body is super important for being. so i think my training looks like around 20 to 30 hours per week next to 100 percent of working. and it's not always easy to put everything under one pets. like we said, chairman, but i really loved my life. i really know what i do. and that's why i think gets everything so successful. back in the day, heidi had a tough time combining work and support. now she has found the right balance. my company is my biggest sponsor because they allowed me to work. and most of the time, remote means i can come by working and doing removing surfing like almost the professionals. i'm working a lot early in the morning or late in the evening. this allows me to do my
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practicing during the day. the long break during the cause of 10 demick. so christian and heidi come up with alternative training exercises. chris to last 2 bills, everything by himself. so he did this little slick plan, especially made for our living room. we are not just doing outdoors board. we also do a lot of course the realization because be stable on the winter for it is super important because the less movement we half the cost of your because as soon as we move to sales vito speech, that's why we are trade a load on this thing here, this is a select line, but also, and these people to really focus on the whole bodies, property sation, these 2 things are really the chance for her next world wrinkled attempt is getting closer. heidi is trying hard,
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but there are many variables out of control. so now the next goal is to go back to chrome for the roles that could attempt over to. now to compile the long distance, we say in speed surfing, but in 2019, we had to avoid the big sent for. so it was not possible to go straight along the beach. that's why i know if everything around a we will be perfect. the wind, the angle, the beach, i know i can go foster, then i was in 2019, it's about beating myself, going foster. and so it's a real world record the hello welcome to drones. we are here at the role decorative tens over and i with the co miles this place is called loved flash to with the surgery and yes, play so nurse and is just perfect for speech selling because here you have normally
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that almost done us a very strong wind from the puter. nay, and you have 90 degrees, offshoring, then you can go close to the beach and try to go as fast as you can afford a rose or could attend. we have some different kind of stuff which i am very likes to wait. the rest of them here inside i going to put some way to kilo place of let i going to put this inside my waist with and them if the wind is wrong, the blowing, then i going to put some more let's and i'm normally varying 2 or 3 rest of this and because the speed through is it doesn't care how much additional rate you put in your risk, but you have to float, speed, surfing, and please use come from all over the world and constantly attempting new world records. sometimes they have to wait weeks until the wind conditions just runs. as soon as the wind is blowing properly, everything has to move very spot. the
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while it's looking like the wind just picking up a little bit, then it says direction is not so bad. so i think as soon he will open the race, then we go again. the wind is picking off. so let's go, let's go. in order to set a world record, the average speed over a normal mile is calculated. that's 1852 kilometers. exactly. the i missed a hit just of a 70 kilometers per hour. day one is over. know the window a super glossy mean. so for unstable and super safety and not so strong, i did around 15 runs and on my watch of us 1st and then the village records, but i think it's not enough in between the rules record to read you ok. let's wait until they've checked it. this evening,
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otherwise tomorrow is another day. so let's go again. the next morning she is down to surprise. the show you at the, from the i see the, the, the what i got that heidi isn't satisfied quite yet. today the conditions are optimal and she wants to go again. not at all really need that sort of is that the heidi has broken her own record once more. 71.4 kilometers per hour. never has a woman being sponsor and
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today i really set a new one by 38.45 on a t p s. while i'm just so good, so proud of me. and um, i'm super happy to share my thoughts any time 1st and then then part of the key to achieve this goal is for sure to present to i'm just enjoying every single 2nd then to try to do each month. even if it's that horse and that's the, that's really one of the key of my just having fun inventory life and just do the best the, the new will tell you. happy that way of boxing.
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the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold listed to use force and for the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news african next on d w. say recently wine video culture researchers are sheltering the vines because climate change is asking to flavor enhancer on this great variety too much sun. the one becomes sweeter, heavier and more alcoholic roots preserve reasoning as the world knows and loves it tomorrow. today, in 60 minutes on dw, what secrets lie behind v discovered new adventures in 362
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and explore fascinating both heritage dw world heritage 360. now, the best, the state of the news africa coming up on the program fights and, and droughts and deadly double threats. and you do, there are going sands that things could get worse, especially in the notes with millions of people struggling to feed themselves. 8 of an ice agency, they need more support from donors. also coming up flights, camera, action, african movies in the spotlight. the busiest bell in international film festival, very knowledge. we look at the present and future to the consummate film industry.


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