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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 26, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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the, the daily news long from berlin, ukraine puts a number on the military desk, suffered during russia's full scale invasion for the total announced by president the landscapes far below us intelligence estimates the warrants ukrainian unity faces. it's most difficult moments also coming. president lucas sango votes as the people of bella roost, go to the polls in a tightly controlled election. the opposition leader and exiles calls for a boy. and katara will post detox for a see far between israel and her last notice this coming week. but the humanitarian situation in gaza is worse ending. in the meantime, hospitals lack supplies and are struggling to treat patients, including newborn,
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the welcome to the show, ukraine's president will let him use the landscape, says 31000 ukrainian soldiers having killed fighting russian forces since the full scale invasion began 2 years ago. it's the 1st time zalinski has stated an official number of fatalities, but us intelligence estimates the true told to be much higher. the landscape statement comes as ukraine faces increasing difficulties on the battlefield, but he says that his troops will eventually be victorious at the west. provides enough military aid in the mood and key for the samba. as president load them is the lensky made a rare acknowledgement of the extent of ukraine's difficulties. i should collect at
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top speed threats. each of these is 31000 ukrainian military personnel has died in this will 31000 ukrainian, so which pets just a lot the content of you. how many i wound it because russia will know how many people have left the battle field. i just can't say it, but i'll send this schedule. but. but lensky insisted that despite the loss is ukraine would still, when the war provided its partners, maintain that support. she listened to the pro her. i will you cried and lose enough. will it be very difficult for us now? will it be very many evicted? so let's, it depends on use on our allies, on the west and well if we are well on his own, if we have weapons or we will not lose this, will we will when it's when the program, which would be no more reasonable than i was earlier germany's foreign minister and elaina babel expressed the violin was backing, could be relied upon as she visited the southern ukrainian pulled city. we're going
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to live 14 video, which one wants to world on this country. and that's exactly what we want to allow to happen. neither militarily comically notion monitoring the and unfortunately the crane, however, support from its single biggest becca do us remain stuck in congress. republican lawmakers have repeatedly blocked new aid and the effects already being felt on the battlefield under this ukraine alternative recruit in the don't net screeching or kicked it out with the modem. german made how it's a but they say shortages about hillary shells or putting their forces at a disadvantage. uh, talk a little bit about the we would have been able to how much more provide a temporary support for the infantry of where we could have help loan gunk and maybe even haven't changed the outcome and some points on the front line. well, problem go ukraine into monde is of also blame to lack of munitions. so the full of
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of div cuz the cities capture last week was most goes because victory and month officials and key will no doubt be hoping that it's lost will finally push its allies to act foster. well, our kids purities make connelly told us more about the death toll cited for you crowds president, this really is a big deal with the 1st time we've had a number like this from present valencia. we had heard from the top generals, expecting the 1st day of the world, a suspect then spoke about 9000 sets. and we're now seeing the further on this will . this number has to be said significantly lower than the estimates we've heard from the u. s. government been on named us sofa is of course in the new york times last year that has spoken of about $70000.00 estimates. it's fatalities amongst the brand new nami. and there's a more about, over a 100000 on the russian side was logical, given the attack, you can see much more receive then defense. he didn't say anything about the number of casualty in terms of people wounded or more importantly people who are missing
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in action. there is speculation. his, they could be those people who have actually died, but just haven't been recovered. that what is happening because they know that if there's a level of it was an economy importing from keys in belarus, polls have closed and tightly controlled, parliamentary and local elections, long time leader, alexander lucas shingo places, vote at a pulling station in the capital mens where he confirmed his intention to run again for president next year. that is likely to extend his grip on the country to 36 years. dozens of opposition parties were denied registration for the single day pilots, opponents and exile urged voters to boycotted for parties that supports lucas and goes policies were granted official registration product. we have to work as the chief political advisor of exxon, the opposition leaders with donna to handle sky. and i asked him what he expected from about nothing, nothing you. oh gosh,
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a couple of tried to use these selections to legitimize himself to show that the page has store and that everything is normalized that people are going to vote. but uh, we see something different. we said the minute, the reparation. there are police cage in vs. every poland, stations we see must have a rest say every day taking place. and the we see extremely unrealistic door now to that official central term commission to show him which is not true because foldable const patients are empty. basically, for the question kate said the test before 2025 presidential elections. you want to make sure that the 2020 protest will not repeat. he's afraid of people. he's afraid of mass on the rest. and he's statements today basically proves he's for fragility . here's a quick look at some other stories making headlines around the world today. and which, which is guitar, says it will massively increased output from the world's biggest and natural gas field. the energy minister says capacity will be ramped up at the north field,
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west side to meet of storing global demand for liquefied natural gas. a little bit about your for us and british forces have carried out more attacks against choosing rebels in yemen. according to who the run television strikes hit, the capital sign of the u. s. and u. k. have conducted numerous operations since the starts of this year in response to who the assaults on ships and the red sea. thousands of round in brazil, the largest cities sell paulo in support of former president, desirable scenario. the protesters reject claims that the far right ex president plot of the crew in connection with his fails of 2022 re election. bid investigators save also now or use this information to discredit the look toral system and legitimize military intervention. the conservative political action conference, or c pac finish this weekend is a big gathering of conservatives. and the us with the presidents of argentina and el salvador there, as well as
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a former british prime minister organizers were keen to stress stevens international significance. make hard to see and a great again the 1st in person meeting between 2 political forces. i didn't do, you know, because you had to be late, his repeatedly praise donald trump, a politician. he's often compact to formulate an opportunity to present himself on an international stage. one conservative in the us hope to attract more latino voters ahead of this year's presidential election. another trump ally is tellos and that the book kelly was also invited. but if you want to listen to that here to your most, be willing to apologize, live fine. i guess every thing i'm everyone there to stay for it. a fight for your freedoms, fight for your rights. speaking to c, span and known for promoting cooperation between populous political movements.
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former british prime minister lists trust on the line, the need to call providing the republic of 6, the attendees . also see a shift from a national to a more international approach. there is definitely an international pull, and now c packs opened up positions. they're doing tokyo, they to budapest, um, think they might even do berlin london. i know they do mexico city, so they're going international aging. american, i hear a lot of kids have been a yeah. from the asian community, they are very conservative. over the last 5 years, the international right has more and more networks come together cuz we're facing
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the same problems in our respective countries. see big hopes to really move support from mazda, of populous movements and politicians. to find is organize us, call it new ways to defeat socialism, marxism and global. this to palestinians and russell are bracing for an is really ground offensive. on the southern city, one and a half 1000000 civilians are sheltering their money flipped to find in northern and central garza conditions and russell are the interior rating. with food and medical supplies, increasingly scarce hospitals are over whelmed and struggling to keep newborns a life. these infants are supposed to be in separate incubators, but they have to share the life stating machines at this overcrowded maternity hospital in rafa. dr. se sepsis is spreading among the babies and mortality rates are storing. in one shift,
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2 or 3 children died under normal circumstances. they would be one or 2 deaths a month next. but now we lose children every day. and the only thing they are guilty of is living and goes a symbol. most newborns come from 10 cities where the families fled to escape is rarely bombardments. their living conditions are contributing to their poor health . doctors here stay their efforts are in vain. the babies return to the tents after receiving treatment only to become ill. again, mothers are standing by hoping their children will be placed in an incubator. competitive and hopefully this child should be in an incubator like the one over. they are an incubator that is safe, warm, and has medicine for a child who is a few days old. doctor should also be available to treat him cuz this is because of the number of children they are keeping us here. so i can take care of my son instead of him being in an incubator,
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but doesn't have the gas as health care system is failing, as is really forces tried to eliminate come in response to the october 7 terror attacks. the united nations has warned that a ground offensive, and rafa should have catastrophic consequences. nigerian city of lagos recently banned the use of styrofoam and other single use plastics and move was aimed a tackling decades of environmental pollution in the city, but has taken many by surprise. it will be used at least such a few more reports. got those and drainage systems blocked by plastic waste. it's they come on sites in my gerry as largest city lagos, possibilities hope, the new bound on single just plastics. little help clean up this long standing problem. i remember this come out as a category not now decades late that it's even worse. most people i agree that it
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probably needs fixing, but not everyone is happy with the band. streets with vendors said they've been hits hottest. they use federal phone boxes as a cheap way to pack lunches, but it's non biodegradable and says to states, the biggest environmental menace defenders say they haven't been given enough time to find alternatives. know, i'm the most somebody who does the what do you have to tell me to do this? all the goals soon to present and obviously need goes, produces tons of waste being some of the trashes collected and recycling. but most of it is done without your thoughts for the damage it does to them by them. who does it cost me to the costs management offloading display what's on your visit? if you have all these boxes, it loads because of how many people use either into this. what does that mean?
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those 330. what is the by the need to be one with us or the block is the card number across the world. now g area is major implants of plastics and many people rely on plastic waste for the livelihoods. environmental is to say, the band is a 1st step to change and happy to add a one in the process of binding styrofoam. the transition has to be just, well from our perspective, it has to be 1st mental because as people change behavior, they will also change the way the connect with the use of plastic at different levels, the conversation around plastic and they see fit must be didn't use the 5 people must see themselves in the conversation. i'm on the conversation. legal stage says he threw it back up. it's band with checks and produces and distributes is along with fines to help pay for the cost of cleaning. and the 3rd time,
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but stay with us because of an extra porter takes a look at why donald trump remains so popular with motors. if it's the latest headlines you're looking for, there's always our website, that's the w dot com. really felix down the version. now understand can have a site like the right to present. do you have any news on instagram and follow up this shadows? these pop costs and videos shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed to score tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is.


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