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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 26, 2024 11:00am-11:31am CET

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the, the, this is either you news live from berlin, angry european farmers take their protests to brussels tractors, blocking the streets around the european union's headquarters were type of culture ministers are looking for ways to ease the tension. also coming up the governments in the occupied westbank, resigns, the palestinian authorities prime minister announces that his entire government has quits. a move seen as a step toward reform and a post war middle east peace settlement. and the war and gaza rate is on israel's military draws up a plan to evacuate civilians from the territories last refuge as its round troops
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move southward towards the strip. international concern rose for displaced people sheltering in roswell. the focus of israel's coming offensive, the i'm sarah kelly, welcome to the program. european union agriculture ministers are meeting in brussels after weeks of protest by farmers across the block. demonstrators have blocked off access to official buildings, dumped the tires and the streets, and set them a liked. they are upset over brussels environmental policies, rising costs, and what they call unfair competition. now you officials appear keen to ease some of those pressures on the agricultural sector, but there are fears. doing so could we can action on climate change, or was it birch are joins us now. she is in brussels covering the story for us,
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rosie what's going on behind you? there. pretty dramatic scenes here. brussels is the middle of your opinion, coarser. that is a smouldering burning pile of tires. we've seen farmers also adding a bales of hay in to this place. a lot place behind me comes after police just manage to extinguish another fire police have been firing. walter cutting on that as you can see that's been extinguished. no, but there is still a very heavy police presence and then on the other side, you will see well tractors, tractors, almost as far as the i can see here. and russell's base is the heart of the european union's headquarters. and this part of the city really is paralyzed just a few steps from here. really you agriculture is, are i called for ministers, are meeting to try and respond to solve these frustrations. so clearly seen on the streets today. what are the farmers demanding?
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well, i should say, these are protest. i think a lot across europe, not just here in brussels, and they were pretty desperate to mon summer concert cost followed by competition. but i've actually been to a farm here in belgium to try and learn about what is at the taking such a daily toll on farmers lives here. take listen to my report. 2 hours after she was born. it's time for this baby. cough to try and stand on her own 2 feet or that struggle to stay afloat is one. the small dairy farm in southern belgium knows well with milk prices proving unpredictable and costs remaining high frequented to the it's difficult to get the return on your investment and have a long time perspective. uh, the southern peaks in 2022 then shocks in 2023 have really strangled some tom just quantities of some sort of farmer or really looked at cause phone subsidies to help
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her keep production churning. in fact, agriculture funds make up almost a 3rd of the repeating budget, but many are still feeling squeezed. have the, we would like to be able to live without subsidies and just have reasonable prices . but that's not possible right now. for weeks night, farmers have been taking not frustration to the streets, grinding traffic to a halt in berlin, brussels and other capitals across the continent. in response to your opinion has moved to ease some green farming rules, curb green imports from ukraine, and show new laws to further restrict pesticides use farmers of feeling the impact of the russian war to inflation. the rising costs of energy, the rising cost of fertilizers. nevertheless, they work hard every day to produce the quality food we eat. and for this i think
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we owe them appreciations and things and respect. the problem is agriculture codes for more than 10 percent, you emissions, and many campaigners for your watering. don't claimant laws will set you up on the wrong track with collections leaving. but we see that in many countries that's found right spots. he's actually instrument that are using the voice of the farmers, and it is saga t as in farmington as she station. but again, how getting involved with the legislation at he's going to a be to made threats to funding eventually. so if we're, if we're not able to make a farming less imaging result without skies, we're not going to make it. after a tough winter, farmers are hoping for easier times. i don't know if you can already hit a bad thing. i know to show thoughts to make this industry economically and environmentally sustainable. it looks like some heavy lifting. still what lies ahead as well. that kind of
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peaceful news that was on the farm just feels like a 1000000 miles away. no. here with smoke, still billing. i, it's here, one of the concerns i've heard from farmers here is a boat subsidies so well eat farmers can come on subsidies. they are divided up according to how big the land is, the farmers own these are working on. so that means often smaller farmers are complaining of it, not kicking to them. that's just one of a long list of complaints. the farmers have taken through brussels today and from what you're hearing there, are you agriculture and ministers prepared to meet some of those farmers demands. well, what i should say is, i think you officials are really racing to try and respond to this. and i should say, i've seen, i've covered all sorts of protests over years in brussels that i think i've rarely seen such a quick policy response in terms of trying to come forward with proposals to try caught red tape. for example, we see like trying to curve some agriculture will imports, can you create, which are seen as, as a competitive for example, by some you farmers. however,
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from what i've heard from these protests here today, that certainly they say has not gone far enough. at least we are just a couple of months away from key european union elections. i think you officials are very concerned that farmers might take their votes to the far right if they feel their demands are not met. and on the other side of the spectrum, as we heard in the report, climate containers very, very scared. the visuals might go too far to walter. don't claimant legislation compromise, and some of those big claim it promises. no, it's been less than a month since these protests were lost here. i was on the streets with them that time as well, but it looks to me that they will be coming back. and so some of these dramatic scenes you're seeing behind me know, they certainly won't be the last here in brussels. close the bar chart in brussels . thank you. let's turn to some other news. the palestinian prime minister mohammed ish. ty has announced the resignation of his government, which rules, parts of the is rarely occupied. westbank,
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president buffalo to boss still needs to accept that resignation, but the move could paved the way for us back for forms in the palestinian authority . united states wants them to govern garza once the war is over. and as part of the w conflicts owns a special on the future of israeli palestinian relations. i spoke with the palestinian prime minister at the munich security conference asking him about the future of the post to me and leadership pep. listen. 90 percent of palestinians want the boss, con 90 percent 90 percent with a minute one is does he need to go? does he need to go quickly? don't wait a minute. festival, how can you represent the palette? say that you represent the palace in palestinian people in 90 percent. do you want me to also credit you and width for and i'm sort of order that we continue to ok. so wait a minute. first of all, we are very aware of the fact that we need the elections and our president issued
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the presidential degree according for elections on done with the 2nd of may 2021. when is i did not allow us to have access to each other was on it. so we would have gotten between the, how about on the how truck should we have elections without the totals of them or should we wait until the circumstances allow one. the other important issue i did like i do like the revitalization of stuff. but it's, you know, sort of the, that the president by the and spoke about. and when i google it, i realize that it means bank life. so for us, the revitalization of that, but it's not all sort of, it means one thing for me allow us to function and that was palestinian prime minister ish tai speaking with me at the munich security conference. as we mentioned today, he has announced the resignation of his government earlier i was able to speak with husband pollution in the jordan and capital amman, who used to report from gaza. i asked him what is behind the resignation of the palestinian government and prime minister. that's why this is
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the thoughts of the, the bill of student authority to move to, to prepare for the day off to the war. and there was a political back till a long ago the and the war in gauze that to and between the different bar to use to will go is a strip. so there was a u. s. a pressure on the student activity to, to a, to be for him and to, to be part of the uh, the, the government in the golden strip. it's not easy. it was the is what the government as an attorney, a whole announce many times that he wouldn't accept the a to be willing goes off to the war. but has um, um, well i just have to follow up and, and ask you about that. why does this move come now and why is it the palestinian prime palestinian authority prime minister and not the president my food a boss?
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because many of the calls have been actually for a boss to step down from the international community happened back or well the, the, the, the system, the political system in the student authority is different. um, usually the, the, the posting and the present then usually has to, it can be replaced on the in, during or through elections. that mean it's, it's not like appointed by anybody else unless there was a, a like a desk or, or illness who could be replaced according to the constitution or the basic no student activity. the government was ruling the, the, the territories of the services. uh could be replaced by, by uh, uh, by the president bass. um the, what the americans ask is to add to info or the government and to the president best give a give up some of his duties and handed over to the pregnant,
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the new prime minister, which is, which is a debatable at these days. it's not easy and it's not clear yet whether this going to be achieved or not has and pollution. joining us from amman with the latest again on this breaking news as we have many, as mentioned to the prime minister of the palestinian authority, stepping down. thank you for putting it into a parcel perspective for us as and these really military has drawn up plans to evacuate civilians from gauze, southern most city of rafa. the prime minister's office says that the is rarely forces intend for civilians to be what it calls. areas of fighting ahead of a much anticipated ground defensive rafa is now home to more than $1400000.00 palestinians, most of whom have fled from combat areas farther north. the military says that israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu wants to send ground troops into rafa, despite concerns of even his staunch us allies. this as addiction media report that
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negotiations for a cease fire between israel and homos have resumed in katasha are returning now to the humanitarian situation in rough uh, the 1000 and city on the border of egypt where over $1400000.00 palestinians are crammed together. already now the conditions are dire, hospitals are overwhelmed and even struggling to keep newborns alive. these infants are supposed to be in separate incubators, but they have to share the life stating machines at this overcrowded maternity hospital and rafa dr. se sepsis to spreading among the babies and mortality rates are storing. in one shift, 2 or 3 children die under normal circumstances, they would be well, no, 2 deaths a month next, but now we lose children every day. when you and the only thing they are guilty of is living and goes a symbol. imagine most newborns come from 10 cities where their families flood to
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escape is rarely bombardments. their living conditions are contributing to their poor health. doctors here stay their efforts are in vain. the babies return to the tents after receiving treatment, only to become ill again. mothers are standing by hoping their children will be placed in an incubator. competitive and hopefully this child should be in an incubator like the one over. they are an incubator that is safe, warm, and has medicine for a child who is a few days old doctor should also be available to treat him because this is because of the number of children they are keeping us here. so i can take care of my son instead of him being an incubator, but doesn't have donald gas as health care system is failing, as is really forces tried to eliminate come out in response to the october 7 terror attacks. the united nations has warned that a ground offensive,
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and rafa should have catastrophic consequences. and here's a look at some other stories making headlines. the international court of justice gave israel until today to submit a report showing that it is preventing genocide and gaza. the court ruling in january did not find that israel was committing genocide, but it issued 6 orders to ensure genocide doesn't happen. in the united states, a man has been hospitalized after setting himself on fire in front of the as rarely embassy in washington dc. the us air force member started a live stream online before setting himself a light declaring that he quote will no longer be complicit in genocide. to lafayette, now we're support for either moscow or keep in the ukraine. war has become a question of identity for a sizable ethnic russian population. that question is becoming politically important. the government's efforts to integrate them with stricter laws on the use
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of russian language and a ban on russian media is stroking resentment. it is raising fears that russia could use this content as a way into the country. the w is funny for char reports now from dog of pose, which is lot fee is biggest russian speaking population entering this room takes you back in time to the era when latvia was part of the soviet union rules from moscow. it all belongs to all that could be no good at all. he was born in lafayette, but he's an aston across you on like a quarter of the country when not to be a vote to, to leave the soviet union in 1991. he says everyone seems united with she continues, i use and we all wanted independence including me. when we voted in the referendum, we weren't divided whether you were a citizen or not feel it was the 1st, but also the last time we were united today allowed to be eyes firmly embedded in the west, a member of both the u. n. nato. ok, but so we know grad offices,
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liberal values have not extended to russian speakers. but on this level, the democrats on the one hand freedom and democracy on the other, they started this division, it to be honest, dealing via the push to build up with the step by step of the show 1st. but they bind education in russian. everything have to be in lot for you. and then came, the policy of divisions was really near possible, but there is no unity union yet. many here in double sales would agree. most people only speak russian in their day to day lives. and the vote for pro russian local politician, russia itself is just 120 kilometers the way showing. so these are all ready to be to crane against rochelle, re present western identities. yes. some feel it's so pressure from the government in rica. see if we lose, you go down to the people here, say that they aren't happy with the political regime and that's that you like the
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russian president. then preventative and administrative measures take place in to me about things and the other administered to, you know, don't ask me cross yontsa and lots via support to chrome. it's policies, but decades going pensions between ethnic crushes and that fee is have become more visible, especially in places like this. since wash invaded ukraine, left us government has been trying to crack down and pro russian sentiment, expressing support for rushes, war is a crime. and then you immigration law, no demands that russians who do not have left the passport, must prove they speak phase, the cloud to be and if they want to stay to curb the crumbling influence, luxury has also pull the plug on russian stage tv. no, it's discrimination. i want to watch what i want to watch. why do i have to watch lots of young channels for rush as president flooding there, putting lots vs into russian policies fits his narrative about needing to protect
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ethnic russians. brought the narrative that took him into ukraine. political aggression in his paper to this policy towards people who want to live in that country work there that i need to create some codes for that one, treat them, and they treat them in a way to like minor data. then they themselves will face the same page like havior within their countries. i use i mistake. you've seen some east of joyce hewn up level car runs and online newspaper and douglas pills. she says pollutants message for latvia should be taken seriously. mostly between. we have seen how pushing and his propagandist explained the invasion of ukraine. yeah. that the russians are being discriminated now that they're being offended is cute, that they're not allowed to speak. the russian language categories, next to 10, might say that russia should save russians and lots of yeah. please don't save us on the i see the signal that we are improved times,
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plans are signaling and it scares me flying to my e mail. these are serious things that should not be ignored to seems a little, you know, what do you find? who are shines the spotlights on ethnic russians and lots of you and where they're putting much, use them as a pretext for aggression as it did in ukraine. the government here has not yet found the way back to the unity allowed to be experienced when it last made a big decision about its relationship with moscow. and funny for char, who filed that peace, told me if ethnic russians seem to be drawn to the russian president, vladimir putin, as my impression is that that is not a homogeneous group. meaning not everyone has asked in a crushing is going to necessarily support the crumbling policies well, so they are no reliable statistics whatsoever. just how many ask the questions here not be a simple letting more ports in the values polls that actually suggest that about 22
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to 2727 percent of them support ukraine, which of course still leaves us with a lot of participants in this country. but also with a lot of people who are reluctant to answer this question and this was exactly what my team and the experience in the field and this biggest cop for ask the questions and not to be on the 2nd biggest down here. the people who were reluctant to share your opinion because they set off camera out well if they have friends in russia or maybe business, or if they travel back and forth between lot fee and russia, they don't want to be suspected of collaborating with russia. so there's this unknown really just how many really are we presenting and sharing this narrative of russia and are being fed these narrative by pro, put an activist, improve putting bloggers just how much they actually are believing that they some on need to be saved being and that and then asked across you lot even reporting at some point. so this is really unclear on us. i think that this is with a lot in government now needs to find a way, looking a very streamline and look via trying to track down and pull russian sentiment,
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trying to track down and people who disseminate forced information, what at the same time, making sure they they do not adding a pupil, asked me questions who have been living in this country. all their lives will actually petri, want to come up. that via will feel that this is their home, that they are not being out united because they just like ask the class the and enjoy the freedoms. so this country has to offer since the end of the soviet union more than 3 decades ago. and funny, how concerned are ordinary civilians about, you know, whether or not prudence might invade one of the baltic states anytime soon. for example, lots here because if you, if you hear from the top politicians, they have been raising those concerns for quite a while. this is quite interesting because when i was here last year for the very 1st time, lot, selma, i'm talking to people on the street and re guy the capital people are really pushing this question away. well not fee is not going to be attacked. and really, i didn't experience this concern that i'm experiencing right now. people actually
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raising the possibility, what is rushes with gaining an opera hand over there in ukraine? what if then, if this war is going to expand even fluid through the and, and, and russia may attract about the countries and the east coast stores that articulate them out much more among the ordinary citizens here a lot deal, as well as in other baltic states here is also echoed by certain decision making by the politicians here, the over or that politicians from old baltic states. so, but now is that they want to set up a common defense line across the board is making sure that they are pro active and don't wait for an attack by russia, but that they're actually prepared. funny for char, thank you so much. i, as your grands president followed him here as the landscape says that 31000 ukranian soldiers have been killed fighting russian forces since the full scale invasion began. 2 years ago. it is the 1st time that the lensky has stated,
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an official number of fatalities, but us intelligence agencies estimate the total to be much higher. so lensky statement comes as ukraine faces increasing difficulties on the battlefields, but he insists that his troops can win with enough western military aid. the mood and key for the samba has pressed the load. them is lensky made a rare acknowledgement of the extent of ukraine's difficulties. i should collect at phillips with the threats. each of these is 31000 ukrainian military personnel has died and as will 31000 ukrainian. so which has just lots atlanta cons. how do you, how many i wounded, because russia will know how many people have left the battle field. i just con, say it, but i'll send this schedule. but. but lensky insisted that despite the loss is ukraine would still wind the war to provide you to its partners. maintain that support. you seem to be the pro her. i will you cry and lose enough?
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will it be very difficult for us now? will it be very many evicted? so let's, it depends on use on our allies, on the west and well, if we are well on his own, if we have weapons, we will not lose this will. we will when it, when the program, which would be no more reasonable than i was earlier. germany's foreign minister and elaina babble expressed the violin was backing, could be relied upon as she visited the southern ukrainian pulled city we're going to live for children wants to wear this country diving. and that's exactly what we want to like, either militarily, economically, nor, and humanitarians. and unfortunately, the ukraine, however, support from its single biggest becca. the us remain stuck in congress. republican lawmakers have repeatedly blocked new age and the effects already being felt on the battlefield under this ukraine artillery crew in the dom. net region or catch it
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out with the modem. german made how it's a but they say shortages about hillary shells or putting their forces at a disadvantage. uh, talk a little bit about we would have been able to, how much more provide a temporary support for the infantry to where we could have help longer and maybe even haven't changed the outcome and some point, some of the front line, well, problem go ukrainian to monde is of also blamed a lack of that, munitions for the full of of div cuz the cities capture last week was most goes because victory, month officials and key will no doubt be hoping that its loss will finally push its allies to act foster. here's a quick reminder of our top stories. angry farmers and brussels have dumped the tires and set them a light blocking access to the buildings. the blocks agriculture ministers are inside discussing how to play capes. of protesters, demands over the even environmental policies, rising costs and with farmers call unfair competition. people,
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africa is next. taking a look at the activities in nairobi, collecting air pollution data that they can put pressure on the authority to act. activate the or the
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pico africa. ruby's ear is still key and it's making people sick. it's important for us to think in collecting this data to be able to compare it and see whether there's any health impact and this little device as opposed to how we quoted these a low cost of 42 more utah. does it more eco africa next? on d, w. art by the ancestors. people are celebrating the return of the belief from sculptures stolen during the colonial
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period by returning them a vital piece of their history and culture also comes home. but when you say that it's not enough to know the same, 60 minutes on d, w. the news of the truth this time, excel gen this chimed in. dar meets the voices of a free turkey alter as the ad one had to flee into exile. i knew the police would search my house, the rages people are trying to stem of the turkish governments and sort of cost of the gibbs. but only if the crime is addressed and the public trying to take
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responsibility for his actions. guardians of trees, stock march 2nd on d w. the how can we improve life in all of cities with more and more people across africa and around the globe moving to other areas. this question has never been more important. i am sandra co homes, a 3 know do a writing comp. welcome to yet another exciting edition of a co op and i, chris who lives in legal side to area on the show today will look at how we could clean up la cities making life better for ourselves and our environment.


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