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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 26, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news lies from the angry europeans farm as spring via appearing to downtown brussels funding tubs and tractors, blocked the streets around the european union's head forces. when agriculture ministers are looking for ways to ease the tension. also coming up on the program, the governments in the occupied westbank designs, the palestinian authority is prime minister, announces that his entire government has quiz and move seen as a step towards reform and a post for middle east peace settlement. the
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new keeps mccain. and thanks so much for being with us. parts of central brussels are at a standstill of this. our as farm is from across the european union. upstaged the blocks me think i were culture ministers. demonstrators have block self access to official buildings, dumped the tires in the streets and setting the lights. they are upset said the brussels environmental policies, pricing costs, and what they call unfair competition. you officials a pair teen to ease some of those pressures on the agricultural sector for their office. the doing so could we can action on climate change. this is an update from brussels, correspond to rosie the child who is covering the process the for us. if you get a sense of the fury and frustration on the streets and brussels here today will soon
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look no further. behind me, a smouldering birding pile of tires and actually just in the last few minutes, you've seen farmers for testing adding more fuel to that fire including bales of hay. and that comes just after police really have managed to extinguish another major fire using walter kind of as you can see, there is still a major police presence here in the heart of brussels. european union course are not only police, but of course also tractors. basically as far as the i can see here, they have paralyzed 6th street here in brussels, which leads up to the european commission. and the ease executive is the 2nd time they've done this, this month. and farmers here are telling me they have no plan to, even though they will keep coming back until they see that their demands are met and will solve those demands. is that a good question? because we've seen these protests across the continent, not just here in brussels, that report to go to poland and their demands are kind of disparate summer,
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really annoyed about the price of fuel. some are very concerned about competition, for example, agricultural imports from ukraine. one thing, what she likes the most is a concern about rising cost, isaac unpredictability, of the pricing of their products and to try and get an idea of what that looks like . day to day i went to visit a farm here in belgium. take listen to my reports. 2 hours after she was born. it's time for this baby cough to try and stand on her own 2 feet. that struggle to stay afloat is one of the small dairy farm in southern belgium knows well with milk prices proving unpredictable. and cost remaining high frequented to the it's difficult to get to return on your investment and have a long time to stay the the southern peak exceed 2022, then shocks in 2023 have really strangled some tom just quantities of some sort of farmer over really looked at kinds phone subsidies to help her keep production
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churning. in fact, agriculture funds make up almost a 3rd of the repeating budget. but many are still feeling squeezed. have these, we would like to be able to live without subsidies, even just have reasonable prices. but that's not possible right now. for weeks night, farmers have been taking not frustration to districts grinding traffic to a halt in berlin, brussels and other capitals across the continent. in response to your opinion has moved to ease some green farming rules, curb green imports from ukraine, and show new laws to further restrict pesticides use farmers of feeling the impact of the russian war to inflation. the rising costs of energy, the rising cost of fertilizers. nevertheless, they work hard every day to produce the quality food we eat. and for this i think we owe them appreciations and things and respect. the problem is agriculture codes
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for more than 10 percent, you emissions, and many campaigners for your watering. don't claimant laws will set you up on the wrong track with elections blooming. but we see that in many countries that's found, writes policies are actually instruments that are using the voice of the farmers. and it is. so i'll get you as on 5 minutes initialization. but again, targeting environment the legislation is going to be the main threats to funding eventually. so if we're, if we're not able to make a farming less imaging result, we announced guys we're not gonna make it after a tough winter. farmers are hoping for easier times. i don't know if you can already hit a bad thing and just show thoughts to make this industry economically and environmentally sustainable. it looks like some heavy lifting. still what lies ahead as well. those kind of
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peaceful seems all not farm noise seemed really a 1000000 miles away from this very wintry day here in brussels. driving rate has certainly not kept. the farmers from the streets, as i mentioned, is not reports. you farmers are entitled to subsidies. but what we've heard complaints about is highway those subsidies are allocated, particularly for example from small farms. and i should say that complaints about competition. some are the want to see the end of all basically free trade deals. they say that is driving down the price of the european union, but you farmers have also been on the flip side, the source of allegedly unfair competition in other parts of the world. for example, they're subsidized milk, driving drunk prices in parts of africa in the past. so really, this is something which goes both ways, but certainly seems. but despite attempts for me, officials to clear the air so far, that certainly hasn't dissipated. the uh, the, the st here on the streets and brussels. so we know that the you, agriculture ministers are talking in brussels right now. is there a chance that the fondest amone's will be met?
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well, i should say, i've covered all sorts of protests over the years in brussels. i've rarely seen such a quick policy response. we have seen a youth specialist coming forward with proposals, ways to try caught red tape, and we know the officials will meet with farmers today. here in brussels, what i've heard from them is they feel that these attempts have not gone far enough haven't necessarily gotten in the right direction. so we'll see how far these 2 sites meet. but one thing you officials are concerned about is that it's a few months to you elections. and they certainly are worried that these farmers could perhaps take their votes to the far right of the political spectrum if they feel their demands are not met. and on the other side, concerns from climate campaigners, but you officials attempts to try and respond to these very of these concerns that are very clearly on display here. that that might go too far in terms of compromising on the big claimants promises for as a thank you so much for that as far as the but child reporting from brussels are
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now the palestinian prime minister mohammed style has announced the resignation of his government, which governs thoughts of the is radio complied westbank. president's mahmoud abbas still needs to accept the resignation for the move could pay for the way for us back for forms in the palestinian authority. united states wants them in charge of gaza once the war is over. eleanor i spoke with jen lives, husband, the lucia is in the jordanian capital a mon, as i'm used to report from gaza and i asked him what is behind the resignation of the palestinian prime minister? well, this is a very significant and important news by the below stadium government and the below stadium to 30 in, in, in the west bank. according to the statement that made vise to you in the beginning of the cabinet when he announced there was a nation that this is because of the is we're a lead time. and again, this ballistic union,
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people and the challenges that is faced by the policy and close end of the last damian, people including the war in gauze, the, the rates in the west bank and east to resilience and the expansion of settlements . so this is a move where the posting and i start with this think that it's important to move forward and to change the government. and is there a reason that this is happening right now to well, it's not clear yet, but um, we can, we can say the um, there are 2 bar to use the u. s. pressure to reform the listing and i said with the it could be, this is one of the most and we are that you know, um and on sales day would be talks in most co uh, between the state in factions the especially between how much in fact they're on the sponsorship of the russian government, and so that would be a,
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a move for a step toward the unity among the palestinians. hasn't been to share reporting from mom. thank so much. has them. thank you. these really millet trays, drawing up plans to evacuate civilians from gauze garza's, southern most city of rough or the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu at says the is really forces want civilians to leave when it cools areas of slicing ahead of a much anticipated ground defensive the military says israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu wants to send ground troops into rafa, despite the concerns of even his staunchest allies of this as egyptian media report . the negotiations for us. these 5, between israel and from us have resumed in capital. it has been one month since the international court of justice ordered israel to prevent genocide and garza the i. c j gave israel until today to submit
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a report showing that it is complying with 6 separate orders. the court did not find that as well, was committing genocide, but nonetheless issued 600 is meant to make sure that the genocide does not happen . earlier i spoke with michael becca. he was an associate legal officer at the international court of justice from 2010 to 2014. he's now teaching international human rights law, a tennessee college dublin. and i asked him if we have any indication as to what might be in israel as report the right to exactly correct, that these reports are confidential reports and the report will go to the court and then to south africa from south africa's response. so we may not see this any time soon as ever, but we can predict, i think, what is real. we'll try to emphasize in the reports. but i should say at the start of the reports today, for example, the prime minister netanyahu as asked for the report to be sparse. i think that would be a big mistake phrase real because this is an opportunity for israel to try to
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convey to the court everything that if things that's too many to comply with, the order i would expect is real to focus mainly on what is real, sees as its best efforts to facilitate humanitarian assistance into gaza. now whether it's the way israel portrays its efforts to deliver the manager and assistance would be credible to a broader audience is a different question. but i think that that's where the emphasis will be placed. israel's report, okay, but if the report isn't made public, i mean is anything going to come to the desk officially they'll be less public pressure on israel to comply. you know, if we don't know what's in the report. absolutely, and that's the reason why the court should change its practices and require that these implementation reports be made public. but the cause really for south africa here to play the role of having to come back to the court and to try to refute what you may see as israel's incomplete, or even potentially misleading a narrative about what's going on on the ground. so in some ways,
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i actually think it's going to be south africa's response and again, a confidential report, but south africa's response rather than israel's initial report. that's more important because this is an opportunity for south africa to point out past emissions from israel's report. we've heard over the past several weeks, reports about is rarely officials in a directly impeding just that certain efforts to deliver united transit systems. there are also ways in which south africa can probably point it out to the court. other things that are within the israel's power to do that for whatever reason, israel has not been doing the cost. and so this is a chance for south africa to put these things before the court for them. and it may, in fact, be the impetus for south africa now to go back to the workshop and request new provisional measures for modified professional measures and measures that would be much more specific, much more precisely quoted. and the types of this quite prompted word. it measures that the court, even if you post a month ago, okay, now the several organizations, the you and i'm, i'm the stand to national except for the cool,
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cold on israel to comply with the i. c j's orders. um, what happens if it doesn't do anything free for you if you could as well we're, we're in a situation where the courts, the hours of enforcement are very limited. it's not really the courts job tons force its own decisions. this falls on the international community. so we've already seen the fact that the professional measures last month have put enormous pressure on israel, and that pressure is coming from other countries, including some of israel's strongest supporters. so i think that this process simply feeds into the broader political dynamic with states, including the united states, putting pressure on israel to change its course to find a way towards a ceasefire. find a way to resolve the hostages prizes. and very importantly, find a way to deal with the humanitarian crisis that appears to only be getting worse. michael becca from tennessee college dublin. thank you so much for your time today . we appreciate it. thank you. and that is all we have time for coming up next
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documentary, looking at the old anti semitic imagery, being revived in today's digital stay, and that's coming up after a short break. i might need to get this again and thanks so much for watching elsie's protests the next hour. the can you see what the old card is? have to do with the production? here's a hand on the real media. watch now on youtube. stuff. when you send for.


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