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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the the, this is date, nobody knew is leih from that hungry, a pro se weight and spit to join nato after 2 years. tonight, lawmakers vote overwhelmingly to support the decisions after overcoming opposition from the prime minister. also on the program. jeremy rules on sending taurus cruise missiles to ukraine, trans flush, shaw says delivering the weapons that key requested that would risk pulling germany into the war. and you're paying farm has been pots of brussels to a standstill. they're angry about high cost competition and red tide. you advert
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coach administers and look for ways to ease tensions the punch. ok, welcome to the program. we start going through the fast way. hunger is parliament has approved sweden's bid to join nato, that removes the last obstacle to sweden's membership of the west and ministry alliance. will make us approve the bill enabling swedish succession by 188 votes. the $600.00 is the last of nathan's. 31 member states to ratify sweden's membership . better? good. a junk folder. let's get more from they to a specialist in brussels. terry schultz. welcome at terry. let's start with reaction to this announcement as well. the nordic countries have definitely been signaling help please. they are with this that the final country. sweden will be entering nato within just
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a few days. a swedish prime minister of christ or son came out instead of to historic day for sweden. they said the country is ready to shoulder its responsibility in euro, atlantic security, nato secretary general, un stilton bird or norwegian, also a put out a message on x saying that this is going to make all nato countries safer. and i thought the most touching message actually came from finland, of course, finland and sweden put in their bids to join nato together. but finland got in much sooner than sweden and finished president selling me. mister said that this accession of sweden finally complete finland own membership and said that they were looking forward to bringing their neighbor into the alliance. so certainly a lot of, of happiness from around nato numbered states. okay, so what a sweet and have to do now where is that is well, this is the last big obstacle. now there's just some bureaucracy to take care of
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the speaker of hungary, parliament will sign the accession agreement being that the president had to step down in recent weeks over a scandal there in budapest. then the swedish government officially has to has to take another another boat on this, then documents will be flown to washington dc. and finally, then we expect that by the end of the week, the swedish flag will be raised there. a needle headquarters. so hungry had been holding hours against sweetens accession. what change to make to old bonds mind? 19 months and in fact, sweet is then hungry. had said it would not be the last country to ratify. sweden and turkey was expected to hold out longer than hungry, but turkey went ahead and approved it last month now and neither. so i neither sweden nor hungry would like to this to be seen as, as a transactional agreement in the end. but a prime minister or bond said christmas and was going to have to fly to budapest and, and iron out any final details with him. a prime minister christmas and said he was
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not going to do that. but in the end, that is what happened last friday. the prime minister went there and had a meeting with victor or bon ad coming out of that, a deal that for more just griffin jet fighters would be sent to hungry. and some other arrangements like a new uh center, that sob would create their in hungry. so whatever it is in the end, it took 19 months, but finally its a done deal. okay, thank you for that tiny, tiny shows in brussels. oh here in germany, chance of the oh, off show says he's country will not supply ukraine with long range taurus, cruise, marseilles, the chancellor, set themselves deployment could increase the risk of each country becoming involved in the world. so here's a closer look at the taurus of why keyvi, so king to have it. of the, the taurus has an air launched cruise missile fired from a fighter jet with
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a range of more than 500 kilometers. it's designed to target bunkers and other heavily fortified facilities. the tourist receives its target before launch and then finds that independently. the missile flies under enemy radar and announce due to only 35 meters, this and it small size and 4 separate navigation systems. make it extremely hard for any air defense to intercept in a bunker attack. a 1st explosive destroys the outer walls, followed by a thick metal penetrator that runs through the floors below. finally, the 400 kilogram fist, a warhead designates inside the bunker precisely on the targeted floor. french and british missiles that are already being used in ukraine have similar attributes, but they are only produced in low numbers, which is why ukraine wants the taurus. so far, germany in the us have been reluctant to send long range weapons for fear that they
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could be used, distract targets on russian soil, military expert, gustaf, craigslist, as those concerns are overplayed. british and french drug systems already being used as it has not led to any escalation. and the german system is not. i mean, it's sort of fi, tennessee, the specialties, but it's not a that much different symbol differential embrace issues. some german politicians have suggested reducing the flight range to lower the risk of attacking russia. these kind of range limitations, wind on paper. it looks good in practice is in almost as every step ukraine has kept all the agreements, lots to a fine, terrific purple with these curious me. some of the debate has divided the german government, chancellor, olaf schultz has consistently said no, but his governing coalition partners have pushed to send the missiles to ukraine. to go on this or not political correspondent to judas. how debbie welcomed julia.
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so tell us more than about the chances of reasons for refusing to supply these tortoise myself systems to ukraine. yeah, so this has been a lot in the, in the making. we hadn't really heard from the chancellor directly. what his reasons for this denial were and he finally spoke out about it and he said that made me, he's concerned that if germany were to deliver these taurus missiles, germany would be considered by russia an active party in the war. and this is because these missiles have a range of up to 500 kilometers and from the ukranian border, they could hit targets and russian. they could even reach moscow. and this is his main concern. now we've seen countries that have delivered similar missiles, like france, france, and the u. k. has come up with the system to avoid these missiles being used by ukraine to target russian directly. and that is by a programming the missiles through their own soldiers, so french and british soldiers, we'll know whether this happens in their countries or on ukrainian territory. and this is something that shows himself has a knowledge would have to happen,
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or the tourist has to be delivered to ukraine. it would be german soldiers would have to program these missiles, but this is something he absolutely doesn't want. he says he doesn't want any connection between german soldiers and the targets of these missiles that are hit. and he says that just this is just not possible. it can't be done in germany. he's been a bit vague as to why exactly, but this is his explanation as to why it can't happen. okay, and so how has this announcement been received? what we've seen a lot of controversy within the german political landscape coming from the conservative opposition? a leading defense politicians, i've said that a short says estimations that a delivery of taurus is, would mean an involvement of germany in the conflict are politically wrong and also legally wrong. and just that they are not there. and the actually dismissals wouldn't be used by ukraine to targets russian positions in the occupied territories in ukraine in order for them not to bring soldiers directly to the
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front and have a higher risk of casualties. but we've also heard from partners in choices governing coalition, who have spoken out criticizing shows, is a statement today saying that they are actually in support of delivering taurus, as we know that the 2 coalition parties in the coalition. the greens and the liberals are mostly in favor of delivering this taurus and so shots and his party, the social democrats seem to be the only ones within the german political landscape, actually holding back on this livery. okay, thank you for that to julia julia. so delegate dw political correspondence, we'll take a look at so most doors making headlines around the world will start in russia, where i like have like seem to find maybe deceased russian opposition. politician says that he was close to being freed at the time. if his dad maria pep, chic uh, made the comment a video posted on youtube. she also repeated obligations that present person is responsible,
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missed. and the problem is that to human rights groups of accused israel, of ignoring last month's ruling by the international court of justice in the hey, the court ordered israel to take immediate measurements to ensure the provision of humanitarian aid and gaza, listed on human rights watch site. 8, entering gaza as instead decreased by so this is what i was noticing. he says it has had target steve inside 11 on the of the city of bob back. i'd be astro and can just hours after has been off scientists down to is reading drugs. as will also say these writing strikes to at least 2 members of the group. and the problem is, paralyzed pots and brussels today is protest as built that demands on the tractors to the sidelines of an e. u. agriculture administers meeting governments across the block up in trying to ease tensions with the agriculture industry following weeks of demonstrations. but farms remain unconvinced. brussels
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a blaze farmers added fuel to the fire of europe wide protests on monday, calling for less red tape. and more supports do with unpredictable prices, obviously so, so we want to have a future. farming is our passion and ultimately we want to be able to make a living difficult on the know of them that are so many specific e rules. and then the end, we can no longer produce low prices on say about people grew up a couple. when you look at the last 40 years since i started, things have been getting worse. and what else is office security forces lined up to keep demonstrators out of you headquarters? as ministers match, police have been using walter ton to try and extinguish fires burning. here it's been less than a month since protesters descended on brussels, lined the street last time, and farmers tell me they'll keep coming back soon. seems like this may not be the last european farmers have
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a broad range of demands from holtz ignoring you in ports describing environmental legislation. us in a big to call tensions. the book has already moved to relax some green farming rules and polls plant pesticide blows. we are here today to take a board, the feedback that farmers right across year of, of given in relation to the need to ensure that the regulations are made more simple to making sure to make sure as well that they work that they carry out on a day to day basis is respected and i think, you know, that has not had the prominence and pre eminence in the conversations. we have it as a culture. and so it did, it deserves officials are normally new ways to ease the burden on farmers. but as they race to respond, some critics fear the use big claimant's purposes could go up in smoke aft roll agriculture, a coats for some 10 percent, you emissions, small scale farmers, blaine corporate interest. you as decided to listen only to the very big farmers
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and to agribusiness in my from i know what is climate change, so i am in favor of policies to stubbs, this climate, so crises, but i cannot do it. we've prices that the fall below microsoft solutions for not with these protesters say they'll keep pushing their message with brussels, attempt to satisfy farmers so far falling flat. this will not result from rising, but charge will join me a short while ago to tell me about some of the concessions that edu was considering to stop the protests for their happiness, free of concessions to farmers over the past few weeks. as we see, these protests are running across europe, but not include, for example, easing some green farming rules, but also moves to try and prevent cell main ports from ukraine. that is something which some farmers have welcome, but it certainly seems to be the pharmacy or the street. not enough for them somewhere complaining that it was the communication exercise. others say they
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really will keep coming back until their demands are met. it seems to me they were calling for the kind of systemic change and everything to you has come up with so far. it's really within the existing system. governments really do seems to be keen to try and show their listening to farmers were a couple of months away from you alexis, that i think there are for years that farmers can take their books to the far right if they feel their voices, they're not heard spots on the other hand, as we also heard, there are claimant competitors that are worried that the if you, you goes too far and these concessions. it's in the airport if you, any way. this could end up with a compromise letting these big claim it promises. ok, thank you for that. rosie rosie beauchamp in brussels is reminded that top story of this, our folder is parliament has approved sweden's bid to join data, removing the last significant obstacle to sweden's membership off the western victory alliance. agree? because the last of nights has 31 member states to rectify this wage membership as
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it show up to date, i'll have more will use at the top of the hour of next on the w, close up, which talks to a peruvian farmer. he's been locked in a legal, baffled with jim and energy john, definitely the the the innovation green trim, the green revolution global. so listen to crime would probably be secure. subscribed to this channel. every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a the
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