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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the data, but the news line from funding hungry approves sweden spread to join nights. so after 2 years delay, i know makers about overwhelmingly to support the decision after overcoming opposition from the 5 minutes also on the program. many of those outstanding taurus cruise, marseilles, to you, craig, chancellor schultz, that's delivering the weapons that can you requested would risk pulling germany into the world allies. the fedex scene developed mcclain with christmas swap deal was in place that could have saved the life dressing of position things as life the
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i'm feel gaol. welcome to the program itself in budapest, way hunger is parliament has approved sweden's bid to join. nato removes the last amazing obstacle to sweden's membership of the western ministry alliance. hungry is the last of nato's 31 member states to ratify the swedish membership bid hungary as prime minister victor. all of them asked his parliament to deliver and they did resoundingly auto stop go. i will read out the results of the honorable parliament passed the bill with $188.00. yes. votes with 6 saying no. was no without any extensions from sweden applied to join nato in may. 2022 prompted by russia's war and ukraine, hungary, as government dragged its feet. turkey did as well, but over a month ago,
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turkey approved the swedish accession now with henry's decision. the last obstacle is removed. for decades, sweden held off on joining nato with many swedes preferring to remain neutral. but after russia invaded ukraine, public opinion rapidly shifted to favor and joining the alliance rather than standing alone and a potential conflict against russia. sweden will now be the 32nd country in nato reactions to the vote came fast on board with them. and it has been a good day for sweden and we did security folks that could help. well, them of the hard and all the parliaments and the nato countries have voted for sweden to join nato. and it's of course, historic day that we're witnessing the stories dog the season brings in the a very capable uh, forces of 1st clause defense the industry on the street and spends a 2 percent of g d,
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p on defense. it also demonstrates start to naples store is open uh that the preston to 10 did not succeed in his attempt to close dental store. there still a few parliamentary formalities hungry as president must sign off on sweden succession. but that's expected to happen within a few days. well, that's all responding tardy shows, told me through more of the reactions to sweden succession as well. the nordic countries have definitely been signaling help please. they are with this that the final country. sweden will be entering nato within just a few days. a swedish prime minister of christ or son came out and said, it's an historic day for sweden. they said the country is ready to shoulder its responsibility in euro, atlantic security, nato secretary general, un stilton bird or norwegian, also a put out a message on x saying that this is going to make all nato countries safer. and i
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thought the most touching message actually came from finland, of course, finland and suite and put in their bids to join nato together. but finland got in much sooner than sweden and finished president selling me. mister said that this accession of sweden finally completes finland own membership and said that they were looking forward to bringing their neighbor into the alliance. so certainly a lot of, of happiness from around nato numbered states. okay, so what a sweet and have to do now where is that is well, this is the last big obstacle. now there's just some bureaucracy to take care of the speaker of hungary, parliament will sign the accession agreement being that the president had to step down in recent weeks over a scandal there in budapest. then the swedish government officially has to, has to take another another vote on this, then documents will be flown to washington dc. and finally, then we expect that by the end of the week, the swedish flag will be raised there at nato headquarters. so hungry had been
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holding hours against sweden's accession. what change to make to all bounds mind as 19 months and in fact, sweet is then hungry. had said it would not be the last country to ratify. sweden and turkey was expected to hold out longer than hungry, but turkey went ahead and approved it last month now and neither. so i neither sweden nor hungry would like to this to be seen as, as a transactional agreement in the end. but a prime minister or bond said christmas and was going to have to fly to budapest and, and iron out any final details with him. a prime minister christmas instead, he was not going to do that. but in the end, that is what happened last friday. the prime minister went there and had a meeting with victor or bon ad coming out of that, a deal that for more just griffin jet fighters would be sent to hungry. and some other arrangements like a new uh center, that sob would create their own hungry. so um, whatever it is in the end,
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it took 19 months, but finally its a done deal. okay, thank you for that tiny, tiny shows in brussels. here in germany, a chance of an old off show sizes country will not supply ukraine with long range, taurus, cruise, marseilles, the chancellor, scientists themselves extreme range and the fact that it wouldn't be possible for germany to remote the money to target control. you said the missiles deployment could increase the risk of generally becoming involved in the will to go on this real now political correspondent to do this out, daddy welcome julia. so tell us more than about the chance this reasons for refusing to supply these tours myself. systems to ukraine. yeah. so this has been a lot in the, in the making. we hadn't really heard from the chancellor directly. what his reasons for this denial were and he finally spoke out about it and he said that made me, he's concerned that if germany were to deliver these taurus missiles,
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germany would be considered by russia an active party in the war. and this is because these missiles have a range of up to 500 kilometers and from the ukranian border, they could hit the targets in rush, and they could even reach moscow. and this is his main concern. now we've seen countries that have delivered similar missiles, like france, france, and the u. k. has come up with the system to avoid these missiles being used by ukraine to target russian directly. and that is by a programming the missiles through their own soldiers, so french and british soldiers, we'll know whether this happens in their countries or new crating and territory. and this is something that shows himself has a knowledge would have to happen, or the tourist has to be delivered to ukraine. it would be german soldiers would have to program these missiles, but this is something he absolutely doesn't want. he says he doesn't want any connection between german soldiers and the targets of these missiles that are hit. and he says that just this is just not possible. it can't be done in germany. he's
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been a bit vague as to why exactly, but this is his explanation as to why it can't happen. okay, and so how has this announcement been received? what we've seen a lot of controversy within the german political landscape coming from the conservative opposition? a leading defense politicians have said that a showing says estimations that a delivery of torres is would mean an involvement of germany and the conflict are politically wrong and also legally wrong. and just that they are not there. and the actually dismissals wouldn't be used by ukraine to targets of russian positions in the occupied territories in ukraine, in order for them not to bring soldiers directly to the front and have a higher risk of casualties. but we've also heard from partners in choices governing coalition, who have spoken out criticizing shows, is a statement today saying that they are actually in support of delivering taurus, as we know that the to close a parties in the coalition. the greens and the liberals are mostly in favor of
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delivering this taurus and so shows on his party. the social democrats seem to be the only ones within the german political landscape actually holding back on this livery. ok, thank you for that to julia julia. so delegate dw political correspondent, allies of alexi and the valley side of the russian opposition lady was due to be freed in a prisoner as well. when he died. his political foundation released the video climbing a deal was in place to free him on to unnamed americans in exchange for a convicted russian came on a child here in germany. the claims haven't been independently verified, mister and if i only died this month in the side, even penal colony is family and political team planes. vladimir putin for his death could russian hickman body impressive cough have been t and saving alexei and of all his life. the late dissidence allies claimed that prisoner swap was close at hand. now why they renovation of all he was supposed to be freed. in the coming days with an early february,
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putin was offered the next james dfs, the officer of bathroom closet, caused, disturbing his sentence for murder in berlin for 2 american citizens of the legacy of on the next day, the by law pressik of was arrested for the killing of a church and dissident in berlin in 2019. he was found guilty by a german court of quote, state ordered murder and sentenced to life in prison. earlier this month, russian president vladimir putin suggested cross a cough could be swapped for us journalist evan goose cabbage. now, and of all these associates, say an exchange deal was reached for and of all these freedoms the day before he died in the siberian prison. yes, cuz of what i'm telling the story to explain when a volunteer was killed now, it was made clear to putin the only way to get cross. the cough with switch change in front of on the so pollutant decided i won't tolerate and of only being freed and the so what do you do if they are ready to exchange? because the costs that we just need to get rid of the bargaining chip a,
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replace them with someone else. when the chance arises, subjects theory about how num all the died was undermined by statements from the head of ukraine's military intelligence. you know, more than i will probably disappoint you, but what we know is that he indeed died from a blood clot, and that's more or less confirmed information. it was. so you mean a natural death? that's what we know. yes. no volume e is not a popular figure in ukraine, given his support for russia's annexation of crimea in 2014. while speculation about the causes of all these depths worlds, the supporters are hoping to find a venue to hold the public funeral. it may be difficult to organize. russian authorities have previously cracked down on the following. these mourners on several occasions is looking at some most orders making headlines around the world of the palestinian prime minister mohammed just a house and obviously a resignation. know if he's government, which controls ponce of the is ready occupied, westbank the move could pay the way for reforms and the palestinian authority,
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which the rest of suggested could take over the governance of gaza after the war between israel and from mass semi goals. president mackey south funds for a general. i'm just the full of participants in political protest since 2021. sally's holding talks to assess a new date for the presidential policy. the 1st of this month, the postponement triggered an outcry and protests that left at least 4 people that will sources in bolivia say record right for has caused devastating floods. forcing people from the homes, know the city of columbia near brazil declared to read at last after the acre river rose by up to 12 meters. much slide swept away. neighborhoods in the southeast. angry farm is paralyzed pots of brussels is processed as brought their demands in that practice to the sidelines of the meeting of you. agriculture ministers
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demonstrates us both to have access to the official buildings dumped the tires in the streets and set them a light that upsets about the brussels environmental policies. rising costs and what they call unfair competition. governments across the block, they've been trying to ease tensions with the agriculture industry. following weeks of demonstrations for the pharmacy roommate unconvinced, dw said rosie, but john said this update from the city. so this is the aftermath of those protests here in brussels. what you see behind me, a pile of molten tires that were burned in protest, the least we saw using wolf are kind of to extinguish those fires. structures have made their way out of this part of the city and we're seeing some traffic start to move again. no, so far farmers have enjoyed a degree of public support for their calls. these kind of more domestic seems to be sold today with classes with police, for example, may stretch that. however, we have seen governments keen to try and show they are listening to farmers demands
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. for example, the e. u has already moved in the last few weeks since these protest throughout across europe to east some green farming rules. they've also listed curve selma, cultural imports from you crate or to try and prevent price drops caused by that, which is certainly a concern for central and eastern european countries. but we have heard from farmers here today. that's what they've seen so far from brussels. they say it's not enough. we've seen some farmers calling for searching systemic change. other things, the red tape is simply too intense for them to be able to move forward. it's important to note, there are a couple of months before you election. some, i think governments are very concerned, the farmers may take their votes the far right if their voices are heard. on the other hand, we do have the same containers that are concerned that you may go too far and these concessions to farmers in their eyes, at least, and ends up really compromising or walter and doug. some of the blocks big climate
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promise is part of the pledge is what it calls it reveals mostly about shot in brussels that fits your upstage. we'll have more well use of the top of the hour of next on the w, a documentary about the ukraine. your time of comprehensive, it was one of the 1st places default of russian invited. good the ice cold b. how's it going to be as an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has the climate research in the ice, the dog march, 3rd on dw, the
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