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tv   Siblings  Deutsche Welle  February 27, 2024 5:15am-6:01am CET

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stores the original ship that is shown on the wall. and that's all the time we have. but stay with us because up next we take a look at relationships between siblings and how they shape our lives. that is of, after a short break on doc filled article for lease from all of us here in the newsroom in berlin. thank you so much for your company. the ice, cold, b, c. pasco, new, an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has the climate research in the ice. the dos march, 3rd on dw, the
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ready holding on tight, relying on each other device side. siblings are high wire. acrobats in this family . brothers and sisters have been working together for generations when we're up there, it's special that we're brothers and sisters because i entrust my whole life to my family. really my need close confidence or rivals. our siblings can serve as a mirror for us. i'd say even i'm be they give you an image of what you will like if you're constantly together for hours even years so much. for many, a sibling relationship is the longest of their lives. a strong time that hasn't been widely studied. we often underestimate the importance of sibling relationships to the of
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the a vital bone on the shapes, the days of these 2 sisters. indeed, their very lives depend on how well they work together. as mean and the tale advise high are high wire acrobats. together they perform at dizzying heights, spend a human hunch, nation time. someone has a bad day. where is the little often board gust of wind comes. of course, you don't know how the other person will react to this, but there's a deep trust there anyway, and there's no doubting understood. i left the rehearsal for the 1st performance of the year. and that's how the up the artist from go to belong to germany's most famous, high wire. true on the go the brothers andre. and pay to mount here. lead the troop. it's
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a family business on today's top. 10 from the client. oh, what do you see? you know each other well from a young age and have a common goal, then it's a huge advantage to know each other super well. just because if we lift anything together, we do it in cooperation. in physical cooperation, we have one body with 2 heads up of its like of a close sibling relationship that's been passed down for 6 generations. i can't get down sibling bonds for many, they are part of everyday life. as of 2022, there are almost 14000000 children living in germany. more than 3 quarters of them have at least one brother or sister. every 4th child grows up without a sibling. proportion of only children is relatively constant. since 2015,
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it has fallen slightly to a current 23 percent. the a lifelong balancing act in sibling relationships, rivalry alternates with affection. but how to siblings shape our lives ourselves? that's the subject, studied by switch psychologist is sick. he himself has an older sister. siblings slick calls them a training camp for personality month during the year to meet the kitchen east on that a bit too young sluice. how, how you train other relationship happens with siblings that are fine. also other emotional pessimists. it only because it's more on a similar level on a more horizontal level, with relationships between parents and children. it's more of a vertical relationship perception. so siblings also give you a lot of opportunities to develop social emotional, moral skills and all these of,
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in influences that naturally continuing to add old hosting to and ultimately even under certain circumstances until this relates the score through spending based on told by looking at the university of teacher education, the psychologist research has the emotions involved in sibling relationships. the spectrum is wide, but 5 feelings are found again and again. intimacy in terms of emotional closeness, congeniality, a friendly, supportive relationship between equals loyalty, indifference and possibility. a recent study from israel shows sisters boards particularly close relationships. there are greater conflicts among brothers and the smaller the age gap between siblings, the more they see each other as rivals. the thing that most of the writing
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elisa happened was which interestingly enough occur in old cultures and time. these no one can read this in many earlier writing segments. and so of course, quarreling fighting and comparing competing republicans, which by the way is not full bad thing. they move through rivalry. in comparison, one develops one sofa, the 3 commitments each vi rivalry as driver of personal, the men in moderation. this seems to benefit siblings discreet fish, east of the scene. so extreme i for seems to golfing on their siblings who was so weak stream, lead jealous of each other, feel. so slice of the parents, they always presented as the right that they attack the sibling massively organized . in the worst case, they can even to kill whole truth concrete coach and at least rarely happens or to the school to much more frequent variance is the children go through life and always have the feeling they've been short changes to that. they explained
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disadvantage. it's good comments, i think pinole style toward the rivals for love, for resources, for their own rank within the family. does birth order shape personality? is there any truth to all the cliches? for example, the oldest children are the responsible ones. is that right? yes to born and the 1st born are more conscientious compared to their siblings. but if you say how conscientious are people for their age, then the effect disappears. it has nothing to do with sibling position, but it's purely an effective age. and the middle ones do sandwich, kids really get the short end of the stick. but sandwich came then there was always a big prejudice against sandwich children and that they are so disadvantaged which they are squeezed between the older and the younger children. and they suffer as a result and, and we think that this disadvantage can certainly exist, but we don't think that it has any effect on the personality of the children
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because of his protection. now. finally, the youngest, the baby of the family spoiled and rebellious. but in this components in india and with the last born, we don't really find evidence in our studies that they are particularly rebellious or stand out in any other way. it could be, of course, that they are rebelling in some form and we just can't find a way to measure that and to be home by scientific standards. the sibling cons to lation has less than fluence on personality, then previously assumed. this is the conclusion of a new large scale study. by julia hall, the, the psychologist grew up with her cousin and has a younger half sister falsehoods, minutes and cliches about siblings persist and have sometimes been reinforced by science. that socialist gift as much might. in fact,
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there are sometimes individual studies that confirm these stereotypes, because however, the literature is extremely chaotic and performed, that is for almost every study. there's another study with the opposite finding student. it says one big difference in the old studies is that the researchers handed out questionnaires to psychology students. and with that, if you try very hard, you get maybe 100 people together that's, that's not a lot. if you really want to look at small differences in the me, in until i'm interested to find the small differences, scientists need huge data sets. researchers at the university of live search have now reevaluated long term studies from germany. great britain and the us. they collect the data from more than 20000 adults. these numbers speak for themselves. first born, middle, or the youngest siblings are just not always, all the same. the only in intelligence does a pattern emerge. i q points drops slightly from the 1st to the last child.
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why? science has several answers to this question. that tiny, get people there are some promising findings as to before the and the for example, because the suggestion that this is really about the 1st born child simply getting more attention, more encouragement from the parents. i'd be more active stimulation and so on and off to the on legal ones, the vita, not or idea that might explain this difference is, is that the older children are taking on a mentoring role for the younger children and told them from soon for the year old and can no one name. i see this with my older ones and she tries to explain things to her little brother than you to a man that doesn't really help him. he's only 8 months old. but you see that the older one has to think about what and how she'll explain things. the systems of items being a role model, learning from each other, in many ways, siblings benefit from each other. but a recent behavioral economic study from denmark has now revealed for women who grew
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up with younger brothers, it doesn't pay they earn up to $400.00 euros less a year, then women with younger sisters. and they choose lower paid jobs in education and care. more often perhaps the difference in income is related to the gender roles they learned as brothers and sisters. the i'm mission, this is produced essentially ocean into this one mechanism for which there is empirical evidence. different is that there is actually a division of labor within the family. so at the moment when there are girls and boys in the family, you sometimes have to decide who is looking after whom, who is helping home, who is involved in which activity even to see and what happens when both sexes are present and is that the girl perhaps accompanies the mother and helps them other in the kitchen. and the boy tends to do activities with the fathers. i'm activities
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identifying patterns over coming in, grain, sibling, roles, science can help. so can awareness. that'd be nevada grew up as an only child. she has 6, have siblings. the professor of education heads, the german youth institute in munich. she studies the dark side of sibling real lation ships, arguments violence and bullying in school, yards and on social media as well researched among brothers and sisters. however, it's long been a blind spot that's on divers. fist on guns is the fact that very similar phenomena also occur among siblings and was not for a long time really focused on that. the physical sciences, especially among young children and also teasing bullying, leading the other for something they didn't do. accusation at the whole range of
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ugliness that can exist in relationships. there's caisen. this gave them kind of in the to estimates very widely. 15 to 50 percent of children suffer because they are bullied or abused by their siblings. often with lifelong consequences. the researchers at the german youth institute have been advising policy makers and administrators for decades. they also worked on the german government's family reports. new family models are getting more attention, have siblings step siblings and patchwork families. but what has long been part of everyday life is difficult to grasp scientifically and got it in state farm means instead of building relationships are awesome, particularly complex and steps them. there was where there is only sporadic contact, which is not there is, there is of course, not much chance for them to really grow together. however, the children often experience the relationship with you. siblings is an enrichment
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. it has to be said that children are austin, lesson complicated than parents to sit as a time. children are affected by divorce, and separation. about one in 10 families in germany is a patchwork family. new life partners with children from previous relationships are sometimes joined by new children from the new relationship to go. markets and paulina are patchwork sibley's in the beginning. they weren't as easy going as they are today. i didn't like him. i didn't like her either. i knew i always forgot his name. i still forget his age and model. for me, it was a bit weird because i had to make friends with someone us. i'm gonna find most of the issue that i was honestly a bit afraid of you. we pretty much hated each other. sundays were like no,
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not him again, sundays to avoid seeing him. i wouldn't even get up in biological siblings probably experience some of the same feelings at that age. 2 year old who go is the joint child of patchwork, parents and natalie, popish and spend luca. the older children are both who goes have siblings 7 and 9 years older, respectively and worlds. a part in terms of child development. step siblings, paulina and move. it didn't move in together until they were elementary school age for the whole family, a high stakes experiment, isabel eg foods. when you those toughest at 1st i wanted when it really was because from all hates of course it was a big change and he wasn't a tone interested in girls anyway. and then suddenly a step sister. but you just have to throw them in at the deep end and see what happens. and it took a long time, but yeah,
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it's actually working quite well now as a tool that is who the arrived. we even more of a family now, it's as a family it took a lot of patients and compassion living together did the rest. today, the patchwork siblings are a team and even if reality doesn't always match expectations, then isaac and displacement when you're an only child, you don't know what it's like to have a sibling system. i've always wanted a sibling, but didn't know what was coming this. this is what i've got now so i didn't expect it from strangers to sibling. so it wasn't a given that these 2 would form a close bond data from the german family report shows step siblings may have fewer conflicts,
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but they also often have less to do with each other. in that fashion, sykes is reset shows to both childhood and adulthood. that step siblings awesome, have a somewhat less close boned off and the address being that, you know, stopping on. i've also, when families do lots of things together, children tend to have few problems as a rule. and there are also a few problems between siblings and they came from dias and a dental parents are also the architects of the sibling relationship established sealed architects, or in this case, coaches natalia, vice hyde, and her brother max train. the next generation of artist 5 year old who will be and her brother is charlie and lenny practice split. then work on strength and endurance. and headstand natalie as children train 2 to 3 times a week. altogether by side,
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siblings have been living and working together for over 120 years. now put your lakes out, don't worry sideways like that. the roles within the family are always changing. marks used to be the baby of the family. then he became an uncle. just then we'd go to completely different way of dealing with each other now that they're a little one, he's as full. i was the little one that the now i'm old enough to tell the kids what to do. so when the way i grew up when the tale i had children, how to connect to mind can not why wouldn't trust my children to any of my siblings without hesitation and without fear that they would mess up their education or treat them unfairly. see how your brother does it. you watch the stretch your feet comparing, competing to measuring one's own skills against those of others. all of this is
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part of everyday life for the vice side, siblings. but the brothers and sisters don't want to be bid arrivals, not even the youngest ones, the decline of the little one sometimes just wants to be like the big one. and the big one also needs reassurance that he is, the bigger ones you could ones is. but they look after each other very well, even if they often argue equipment, they also make sure that no one gets a raw deal as what he can does he and the children see how we adults treat each other. and they realized that we are siblings to this doesn't, maybe that's where a lot of it comes from here. what the high wire acrobat says about her experiences is confirmed by new research, sibling relationships play in a central role when identity formation, brothers and sisters serve as people we can project onto. and as role models. just as important siblings make it easier to differentiate ourselves. you can try
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things out on them for a lifetime, and they will still be your sibling. you just to try and come on ski and you can do a lot with charlie and with siblings in general. and that's why i run off to charlie most of the time, which he finds in knowing the fishing. so it's the same with me. yes, it'd be boring with no siblings. and so would you do things with us because our parents rarely have time? is it and push side in a family business, it can be difficult to separate private and professional matter was the people at the end of business goes badly. it affects everyone in today. an emergency meeting, bookings have been spotty. i said after the corona years on festivals and our shows are only slowly getting going again and there's something else troubling the sibling self. mox, natalia and, yes, mean. have another brother who left the high wire true a few weeks ago. if he has an interest, i'm leaving violence, a few,
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many things about this life would too much for himself. it must be. and then as he got older, it became more and more difficult for him to do what he did. and on the whole, it didn't surprise me that much at that moment it did. and so when i thought about it off to it, i think it was the best decision he could have made inside. and that's why i'm not so sad about that. so it's, it's always to him. i think it's, well, it's very, very difficult for me. it's basically like a separation just looks like a piece breaks away and it is not easy for me. yeah. i know it's going to be hard. the whole year i was just hudson, but that's just the way it is. i wish for my brothers happiness and, and everything else must just come with time. who's who typing in the course of their lives. siblings are sometimes more, sometimes less close. psychologists talk about a you curve, great closeness in childhood, distance and puberty. the distance is greatest when the focus is on career, partnership and one's own children. in old age,
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the sibling bond often becomes closer again. behavioral patterns created by sibling relationships can affect all areas of life, but they often go unnoticed. to counter this, you'd fake advice of school psychologists and his practice. he also offers trainings for teachers. understanding sibling dynamics can improve teaching and learning. he said, as in the classroom or later in life, in the office to taking brothers and sisters into account helps solve conflict of the get assigned and tried to use this. i think this is still in the collected issue. people often don't have time to old. they're in the middle of school psychology assessments. for example, gym, they just take a quick look into how things at school, how with things with the parents. and if you don't pay attention to siblings and those in there, and in many cases,
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siblings can play an important role. so if you don't take that into account, that smell, practicing might be as minus a stay close to stiff brothers and sisters really do have such a strong influence. what does that mean for children who grow up without siblings or the cliches? about the only child? true, are they really selfish, spoiled? even anti social listen uh, we don't find any systemic personality differences. there are studies that even find slight advantages that the only child has a slightly better academic performance to begin with anyway, and slightly higher self esteem. but no elevated narcissism most. it is often said that an only child is at a physical disadvantage. that's actually had such math. in fact, it has often been concerned that children who grow up with siblings on health via an only child has a higher risk of being overweight. presumably that's just
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a great to lack of exercise. now, of course, on the videos, i'm more the for running and romping. these 2 will probably always have a companion. the twin girls are just 25 hours old. they were born here at 2 begins university hospital by syrian section. the father, as glad that his daughters and their mother are all doing well. and that is twins can look forward to a lifelong sibling relationship. he's a little jealous. in fact, i can't on so many. i'm in own a child and that's how i grew up. i'm was raised, but i also felt a bit alone. you know, you'll never be alone with a twin. you'll always have someone to play with or help you in school. just always having someone bio site is very, very valuable. and i hope it stays that way for life. and i think the twins also
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have a special relationship. this on that as a head of a regular siblings and fraternal twins, share about 50 percent of their dna, the genetic blueprint of identical twins. on the other hand is almost exactly the same researchers in tubing and want to take advantage of this and are studying twins to better understand the common diseases. which health problems are already anchored in the genes and which are generated by external influences. the researchers are pursuing a classic question, nature or nurture doesn't to sunset as much released as the reading and what's on the interesting thing is that the twins in the room already have a very similar environment or feed, then they will live in a similar family environment later on and have a similar diet home. so it is very exciting to see how the children develop and we couldn't for example, if they are identical,
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they have everything in common. how this, how then the question is of course, solution to are there still difference as soon as you don't forever connected twins are special and rare. in 2021 out of just under 800000 birds in germany. only around $13000.00 pairs of twins were born a share of just about 1.7 percent. today twin brothers christopher and sebastian ham on are putting themselves at the service of science with on the sting of the position has 2 younger brothers and heads the twin health research project at university hospital in tubing and several studies from different disciplines converge here, all relating to twin health,
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the project has established the only large scale twin cohort with a medical focus in germany. nearly 1000 pairs of twins participate. a specialist in psychosomatic medicine wants to find out which factors can lead to eating disorders. order problems like irritable bowel syndrome, the brothers take a stress test with e k, g measurements. for this purpose they're separated so they don't influence one another. the still good and then get started. job. you're not, so it in to should be, you know, we have almost identical genes here. but since these identical twins no longer live together, we have different environmental factors to an item. so we have standardized test one factors, so just being forwarded on our but we can examine the environmental factors separately because on the end we don't have to relate it only to diseases. but we
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can also find out the environmental factors that play a role in how you pick a certain type. i know what it should be and this is something that is very important to understand that we can possibly also apply to non twins feeling. what's hard. okay, non twins, meaning all of us, if the influence of genes or the environment on various diseases is clarified, everyone could benefit from more effective drugs and therapies. and the vast angle aims to present his initial results by the end of 2023. the, for the brothers, the study is an occasion to consider what separates them apart from the 10 kilometers that live between their homes. as property, it tends to be the comma 1 may not quite so, but other than that, we're pretty similar to teams english mostly as between your most individuals. so you're always often only perceived as
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a twin based on that. sometimes maybe also negates it on the sense that otherwise in school and so on. i think we've had more advantages and disadvantages because these twins class, the ends of the hama, share a plus in life above average athleticism. when it comes to the physical fitness, there are some things we can influence ourselves while others are genetically predisposed. like a person's maximum oxygen uptake during athletic exertion. this characteristic for insurance performance is strongly pre determined by genes. escape. i know that there are other fitness variables, but they are not as well started as, for example, the lack of a crash on it is assumed that the influence of genetics is somewhat less. which means that i can more clearly influence this through trainings and come at the elect, a threshold. the muscles begin to over a set of 5. they tire and burn. among other things, sports positions,
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record. when this point is reached. for class, the ends of the home on probably later than for others. both sisters played competitive sports until recently. have you tried our sports and competitions, but we're never direct competitor on the back kind of stuff. i think in general as twins, you don't think like that we will also together in school in the same cost. and even that where it's about grades, not the tools that the system, then you will happy for the, the old stuff with, with the as a. but we didn't have a competitive mentality. coincidence or conscious decision plot. i excelled and rhythmic gymnastics, the fee and the has half along or this they are the sisters direct competition, at least in the sports arena. after all, many pairs of twins can't avoid comparison. i think i'm supposed to get focused
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been a very important point. i'm not totally passing x y one, but i am festival a twins. these are the sites certainly has positive as well as less favorable aspect on goods. because as i said, and that can also lead to things like competitiveness compete, that is, what can i do better than the other half was wanting to be better than the other back can spur you want, drive you to a peak performance like old dot hunting and his younger brother, chris, stuff and clothes succession, each one and a limpid gold medal in the discus. but the sporting competition was too much for the brothers. years of radio silence followed the xbox family in berlin. fully as 3 years older than her 14 year old brother's life and events. the siblings get along well. but the fraternal twins bond is particularly close to the twins or
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like cats and dogs sometimes. so for one thing, they somehow can't do without each other. they fall asleep in the same bed quite often and are quite close to. but they also manage to provoke each other constantly . a home visit with lena vegas. the social scientist has 2 older sisters. researchers like her have been visiting the family for nearly a decade to conduct interviews or takes a live a samples for genetic analysis. the 3 siblings and their parents are part of the twin life study. the long term study aims to design for the reasons for social inequality, which has a stronger influence, jeans, or the environment. and how did these factors evolve over time? once within, off and my dna doesn't change during our lifetime. but you can think of it like a light switch, flushed and environmental stimulus happens, and the gene activity is turned on or off of. it's not too much to cause change, but then with the help of the live of samples that we have obtained. we can also
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address such questions in the futures, just carton in circles on getting each twin, answers questions individually. the sociologist wants to learn as much as possible about the twins lives to mention, because sometimes i can't sleep because of the problems at school in one to finish, finish education and career integration and participation the questions and to clarify which factors influence social inequality to 1124325. such interviews are conducted once a year. nationwide with some 2000 families, the twins have pretty clear ideas about how they are different from scottish thompson, my brother contacts the tool icon play soccer very well. in terms of school,
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i'm not so good at math, i'm not, but my brother is very good at mine, not to can such differences be traced back to genes. initial findings do indeed show that educational success depends not only on the parental home, but also on predisposition, mindshift lessons and stack, or getting into some things i'm most strongly genetically determined. for example, it has been discovered that cognitive abilities are strongly genetically determined . that doesn't mean you have this gene, and that's how it's going to be on, on the other things that we call self and skills like self esteem, how brave you are, can be most strongly conditioned by the environment that stick up on the inside come. in addition to identical and fraternal twins, the study also looks at parents and siblings when it comes to deciphering the mechanisms of social inequality. every perspective is important. as captive it's, i think the relationship with my brothers is very nick. i'm lucky to have that. and
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we all have our own private lives. so it's more like a shared flag. and some of us we see each other. we know each other and we do things together. but it's more like, yeah, everyone does their own thing for buying things. doors, sibling relationships. you can't choose them or can you the modern medicine makes possible what was long on thinkable. a child is selected from the petri dish in order to serve as a genetic match for an older brother or sister. after all, the new baby is being created to save the 6 siblings life. they're called rescue brothers and sisters. jamie whitaker, now 20 from england, is one such a rescue sibling, stem cells from his umbilical cords, blood were able to cure his seriously little brother,
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charlie. there's nothing really thought about it. it's just you are being able to help someone who is in your family and obviously you will, you'll do it. and then uh, what is the, the child me on, charlie, we're still happy together. he's, he's back to the there's, there's no real downsides to when jamie was born, charlie was 4 years old. the family still keeps in touch with the doctor who helps save charlie's life. for parents, michelle and jason, the doctor is a hero, and others consider mohammed task on the seat. one of the most controversial figures in artificial insemination and pre implantation diagnostics. but what would have been the alternative, charlie suffered from severe, chronic a media and treated. it would be fables. all right. so they said your child will
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probably die bodies 14. and you can have no more children because you probably carriers of this uh, this disorder. so that's a, you know, that's a, that's quite a, a big show impact on your life when your 2826. and it's your 1st child. so or it was, was hard, very hard. and it still makes me cry 2020 hits left. so they needed to find a stem cell donor for terminally ill charlie, but they couldn't find one. the whitaker is wanted to have another child anyway. they say, this time however, it had to be healthy and a donor match. that's how jamie came into this world. after a genetic test by artificial insemination institution. and so yeah, of course it is a very, very specific process to wish for a sibling to cure another child. and at the moment the procedure with rescue siblings is not permitted in germany for medical ethical reasons. i don't think we
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know that much about the long term consequences, yet as far as feelings of guilt or gratitude are concerned, things like that. and which, with which of course, play a big role should be done not to reach. the goal is to order the brothers say that for them there is no question of ethical concerns or being a burden. charlie and jamie focus on how lucky they are to have each other. they like to joke about their relationship. yeah. sometimes they have a joke like, oh, i opt you out, you gotta, you gotta help me out with this. so just as long as lines, say if he needs picking up somewhere in the call, i'll get you a new one. and it's just a little comes, continue really to be a running joke, charlie and jamie, seem comfortable when it comes to dealing with their story for siblings of chronically ill children. this isn't always the case. new studies speak of shadow
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children. they often fade into the background and pale next to the sick child, which is contained at the see if i don't live, there are children who suffer a lot of them. and they're also children who, for example, to and this is no also uncommon dream that they will also become ill, stay at all they imagined and i'm dying now, and then my parents will see how much they will miss me. so will they hook themselves and hope to get attention with this insurance? make some cards because parents of sick children have to be especially sensitive when it comes to healthy siblings. and shopping can shadow children can often benefit from being able to help out in some way from being involved in a little bit to not just standing on the sidelines. that's important for children's overall development to have a feeling that they can make a contribution. charlie whitaker owes nothing less than his life to his brother
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an extraordinary bond, which hopefully never becomes a burden minus a great day for the acrobatic vice hyde family leave. you guess? even in a moment, you had experienced the high y troup, vice type siblings from quota in through india. during the 1st appearance of the season. and the 1st big show after the corona pandemic. they've been training every day for weeks. the tension is palpable. as always, it's not just about your own safety. that's what many people can't understand. what i know, i trust my whole family with my life. so when my brother builds a trapeze, i have to trust that he's doing it right. that everything is safe and secure. until
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now it's been windy and rainy. just before the show starts, the sun breaks through. the weather is on their side and then the, the, the see it the demo lose. we can signals clear communications. one look. everyone knows what to do, the credit reading
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with no one else could devise side siblings. imagine such flights of fancy the 40 meters above the ground, the so what is the hardest recipe for success? maybe it's one of those things that you feel comfortable and safe. you understand each other without any words, the subject of that one look is enough and you know, everything is fine. the
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the and then made utopia 70 years ago, the knowles, i mean, since you have tons of car was conceived and constructed to be sustainable, logical by swiss architect nicole, the ca today, his utopia needs to be balanced with the needs of the booming population. is it possible to present this vision thing to n a t eco india in 30 minutes? d w mountain is increasing every so many. i'm gone
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a watching on black silver source. the only work that is holiday destination is a drowning cost. at the cost every year of the exports over $1000000.00 tons of plastic. why is there another way officer ruled the environment is not responsible. make up your own mind. dw, made for mines, guardians of truth. this time, excel gen, this turned into our meet the voices of a free turkey author. as the ad one has his to me into exile. i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish governments, all sorts of gibs,
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but only if the crime is addressed. and the power of attorney to takes responsibility for his actions. guardians of trees on march, 2nd, on the w, the the, this is the, the we news, and these are a top story. hungry is, parliament has a pro sweden's bit to join nato, removing the last obstacle to sweden's membership of the western military lines. after more than a year of delays hung, gary lawmakers overwhelmingly improve the bill enabling suite and succession hungry as the last of nato's. 31 number states to ratify the swedish membership in germany's chancellor or laugh. shaw says berlin will not supply ukraine with long range. torres, cruise themselves sholtes sided themselves extreme range and the fact that it would
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not be.


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