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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 27, 2024 11:00am-11:31am CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, couldn't european soldiers to be fighting in ukraine for presidents a menu of called is not rolling it out. the french liter pledge is more military support for tea. that a conference in paris. and since think, europe must continue to do everything it can to prevent a rush of winning the war and helps 1st fire in java. us. president joe biden says that he thinks that deal between israel and boss can be reached by next week in time for the muslims, for the month of ramadan. and the has of the netherlands most violent. the drug
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cartel is sentenced to life behind bars. we looked at the murder trial of the rock and for him to bring the leader and his accomplice at the i'm sarah kelly, welcome to the program. we begin the program in france where president emmanuel, my call, says that nothing is off the table when it comes to stopping. vladimir pretend at a conference with ukraine's allies from around europe. mccomb even spoke about the possibility of deploying ground troops to make sure a rush it does not when the war. now the french leader also pledged increased military support, including medium and long range, missiles, a show of unity from over 20 europe and leaders. post a manual mccomb said it was time to step up support for ukraine for its own sake
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and for the good of all its allies on the continent. it was the only secret that the 5th winter are convinced that rushes defeat is essential for security and stability in europe. you. what's at stake right now is on the one hand, the war and ukraine, that's the meaning ukraine's ability to endure any new russian offensive. the old straits in the coming months of the lease, but also the ability of europeans to define the collective security people is, or beyond this nipple hopelessly. can we think of anything? mccaul even said, sending in ground forces wasn't out of the question. a point to the other leaders called the most heated discussion of the day they table gets across and then there is no consensus right now about sending in ground troops and an official endorsed and sanctioned by now. but in reality, nothing should be ruled out. we will do whatever it takes to ensure that russia
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cannot win. this will help us get football. kadelli seem to be bugging. you said yes, the french president said the most immediate priority was given ukraine. more medium and long range missiles, france, and britain are already supplying the weapons. but germany says it will not be sending its taurus missiles shown here. german chancellor, olaf schultz told press before the conference that they posed too much of a risk of dragging his country directly into war with russia. to find the german soldiers can not at any point or any place, be linked to targets that the system reaches the i pick, the ease of this clarity is absolutely necessary. but i am amazed that it doesn't d motion. we move some testing that they don't even consider, think that what we do now, i'm going to some extent lead to our participation in this war task. that's good to me. whatever pledges were made at the parents meeting, ukraine says, commitment does not constitute delivery. ukraine's defense minister said recently
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that half of the western military, a pledge to keys, is delivered later than promised. and i asked if t w's political corresponds at matthew more about germany's position on president my con statement. well, 0 geometry is terrified of doing anything that could look like being directly involved in this war. so it says to see this stage that germany is from the, against the idea of sending troops on those commons by and monroe, my home will have go along, bells ringing here, frankly, way back on may have conceded that there is no consensus and that nothing should be ruled out for germans listening to this. it's really a dramatic escalation. germany has been bent over backwards for the past 2 years, not to be seemed to be directly involved. and this was a fear of triggering a way to conflict. and i think that will, what will also be done done badly in berlin or other comments made by president my phone, where he's a support alleged up kind of germany and he said, many people have said never, never to tanks. the said never,
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never to fight subjects, and the implication being that you are a need to should be ready to do whatever it takes ukraine for its parts. as of course, it desperately needs western support to cut down the losses it is incurring on the battlefields and, you know, just bring us up to date on the most recent debate in germany itself. why is the country so reluctant to send you frame the much needed tourist missiles? a well here in germany was known for many months. the transfer of schultz was against a new course. but we had for the 1st time in his own words, why that is. and he said the, unlike the french and richard cruz, marseilles, and my social could not be programmed remotely. and it would require german soldiers operating a new queen. and he was not willing to raise the stakes and potentially have german forces direct deposits. so that's why i know his critic said, you have me could argue between these koreans on how to use the system and then hand them over. but really, the bottom line is that he doesn't trust your cri not to use those weapons to hit
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targets inside russian territory and risk generally becoming a part of your being blamed for it, but for, for any casualties. how is the chances refusal to send the missiles being received in germany itself? what is the public think? actually the public is broadly align where with shots on this, it's kind of 5050 and recent polls, many really are deeply weary about doing anything that could escalate this conflict that concern germany and so direct target for russia. at the same time, political pressure is building, the german coalition government is devalued. it, there are law me codes from the dreams and the free democrats with him shots, his social democrats on power. and they've come out in favor of sending taurus and not they've said as russian alpha not doing so is bizarre. and i think relation to the last 2 years say rest the shots from not really be pressured into a decision by lawmakers, but will probably ultimately make the call s. and when the united states schools
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flushed matthew moore and berlin. thank you. let's. let's turn to other news now. us president joe 5 and says that he is hopeful that a cease fire deal for gauze. i can be reached by next week, talks or ongoing and could tar aimed at securing the pause and fighting in exchange for the release of his really hostages taken during the last terror attacks on october 7th. now speaking to reporters in new york bite and said that an agreement was within reach. well, i hope my, my not security adviser tells me that we're close because it's not done yet. my hope is by next monday, but israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has stressed that any let up in the fighting would only delay and not prevent his country's plan to assault on rough up . israel says the ground operations are the only way to eliminate homos fighters
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from suspected positions there. netanyahu's office says that the military has shown israel's war cabinet. it's plans for evacuating civilians from combat areas. but no details have been released on where those displaced people would actually go these women and children among the victims. 2 of the user id at as try get the building in southern gaza, some survivors just to look for their loved ones. families of the people who own the house with their they were targeted with a miss. so there was a huge explosion in the building collapsed. we recovered people including women and a child who was 7 years old, and they're also injured people including my sons. so i'm still looking for what i didn't draw far has come under v itself is riley bombardment. despite some 1400000
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. but as teens seeking safety in the city is the rise tread to expand its girl defensive into rafa. has a spot globally concern and does the rise allies have warned that it must protect civilians and it's better against the most militant group. all the ease valuable fallacy of on the city would not only be terrifying for more than a 1000000 policy. you know, see, really insulting. there you to put the final nail in the coffin of all would age programs according to you and it goes the amount of a deliveries has also decreased in recent weeks, mainly due to the regular closing of the crossing points and military operations. and i met and my and my son is supposed to have milk as a newborn b natural milk, a formula. but i wasn't able to get to milk because there's no book in gaza. and
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the circumstances are tough. there's no milk and no food in gaza. the c n a can, i can see up into the jordan bed. it showed much need supplies into gaza on monday, but there is a still us of a need for more who many dating a deliveries. let's get more and that's for joined here in the studio by middle east analysts. shiny was on us joining us here from dw new. so i mean quite a lot of moving going on right now. we have to stay with negotiations over new possible cease fire and gaza, but there's still a lot of details up in the air, correct? i mean, we'd 1st, we've heard how much this one this morning tenant, but by didn't say the american president may have spoken a bit prematurely, that there's still many gaps that need to be breached. and the, the belief is that it's connecting to the very heart of the matter on whether this is a ceasefire deal. or is this an bringing an end to the war? these relas costs refuse to,
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to commit to ending the hostilities. demoss demands that the americans and the other mediators hope that by starting with a steep cease fire of 40 something days. it will be harder for israel to read night . it's often quite a fresh and that will slowly develop into something. how else they hope the dynamics of the truth will be, such as will bring to the escalation. but of course nobody's willing to commit to that right upfront. and that's one of the sticking points that we see now. and then it goes ations. and where does the potential offensive in process and rough our planned rather, um from israel stand at the moment. so now seems at a meant to go ahead with that, or at least he makes sure the, the world thinks that he is ready. and the is really idea of course has already to go further because he feels that he's only leverage. he feels that he's only way to kind of push to the palestine, use him off to the wall, saying it's either you make concessions when it comes to bringing back some of the hostages and cosigning this deal, or that we're going further into what's basically the last enclave that is untouched by massive military operation of the is really it's it's,
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it's still going to take time. there's 1400000 palestinians cramped into this part of land. israel has committed to evict them for us. so even if israel is adamant in making some military moves there, it is clear that it's going to take some time for it to be able to, to do that and to make the conditions right for, you know, evicting the population before anything else has been done trying to stay with us, we want to get more about the situation and rough on about all these, the civilians who are there. let's have a look right on the border with egypt. see, it's rafa to each crammed with around $1400000.00 people. many displays from other parts of the gaza strip conditions there are dire with shortages of food and water. egypt has warned, against them is rarely grind defensive. they're saying it would result in more
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civilian casualties. egypt has had peaceful relations with israel since a peace treaty was signed between the 2 countries in 1979. our club, but a gypsy and president of delphi to of c. c. has been a vocal in his condemnation of his rails operations in its war against thomas as a, with display scoggins. having nowhere else to go. it could lead to intense pressure on them to escape the enclave into egypt sign. i'd peninsula a situation cairo once to avoid egypt along with several other arab countries. fair israel wouldn't allow them to return under the terms of the 1979 peace treaty the cyanide peninsula. i'm the guy that border r a d militarized zone. since the october 7th attacks, egypt has been beefing a border security with more troops at the guns, a frontier with his riley consent. egypt also appears to be building 8
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fortified area there. cairo has for the past decade already being creating a massive buffer zone as part of it security, coordination with these rail. part of that has been the destruction of tunnels from its territory into gaza, which were used for smuggling is another issue. testing relations between the 2 countries is a narrow demilitarised strip of land that separates egypt and gaza, known as the philadelphia car door. a suggestion by is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that he wanted israel to take control of the car door, has angered cairo, or this elusive must lease is up then was despite the current tens of relations between egypt and israel. any attempt by cairo to walk away from its peace accord with these rail could prove very costly. egypt economy is struggling and it would risk losing the billions of dollars of usaid it receives as part of the 1979. 3,
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g. antonio's back with me here in the studio item and kept me under estimated how important the situation in rossa is for the egyptians, especially correct. i mean that the zone roof of the city is divided between egypt and israel. and for the difference right from the get go, there was a red line that will not last palestinians cost impeached of water over into sign into the junction part. and this is a contention point between israel and j. egypt. we've seen a lot of tension around that in the last a months since the fighting has started to the extent that we've heard about these really ahead of the military. and these really the head of the shooting that the security of arm in egypt last week for a special visit in order to say to the pallet to the addictions. we are still on board with the peace treaty. we're not going to make a rough off the point where the, the border is broken and our agreements are broken. we still very much chose just a partnership is alliance that we have in securing the, the border and finding solutions for the palestinians. hopefully,
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rough probation is and what happens also happens with some sort of coordination with the addiction. so holy month of ramadan approaching we, we've heard so much spoken about this. how is that factoring in to everything and the situation? well, especially if you're tucked into town, his people and these really cabinet, they will say, we don't care for on the, on the tack and they have talk, you talk them to the 7th that happened on the jewish holidays. so the pallet, you know, the mazda is not, seem to care too much for respecting religious needs. however, it is quite clear that this is not realistic when it comes to other forces in the region. if it's the moderate countries or try to help and mediate in the process that comes to ensure so community also when it comes to the arabs, living within is really borders and the arabs in the west bank, israel might face more backlash in these areas. and if it's high, think goes on through ramadan. and so it seems like that the americans have pencil this date. and as the beginning of ramadan is
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a good chance to help everybody climb down the high horses and calmed down and bring some common chose to this terrible conflict that we've been seeing, the escalating and so quickly, hopefully with this uh, once we have, we have a ceasefire hopefully also agreed upon in the next couple of days, dw, middle, the sound of the shiny was on us. thank you. you're welcome. and here are some other stories in pakistan, a former prime minister in rome, conn and his wife has been indicted on a further corruption charge. they are alleged to have received bribes, while con was in office 71 year old was already convicted on other charges and has been in jail since august. despite this, his supporters came out on top and recent general elections. authorities in bolivia say that record rain fall has caused devastating floods, forcing people from their homes. the northern city of columbia, close to brazil,
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declared a red alert after a nearby river rose by up to 12 meters and months. slides swept away neighborhoods in the southeast touch down the american odysseus, lunar land. our mission is expected to be cut short after it sideways touch, down near the south pole. it has sent back its 1st images from the moon, which could also be the last images engineers on earth expect to lose radial contact in the coming hours. because the spacecraft solar panels are not getting enough sunlight. my love hungry as parliament has approved sweden's bed to join nato for moving laptops to cold the sweetness membership of the western defense alliance. after almost 2 years of delays, hungarian lawmakers over whelming the approved to the bill, enabling sweden succession hungry was the last of nato's $31.00 member states to ratify the swedish membership that angry farmers have paralyzed
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parts in brussels as protesters and brought their demands and their tractors to the sidelines of a meeting of agriculture ministers, governments across the block had been trying to ease tension with the agriculture industry. following weeks of demonstrations, the netherlands has just announced its verdict in a highly anticipated trial of the drug cartels theater brought a one tugee and sentenced him to life in prison. now he was one of the country's most wanted suspects the case against him and 16 other members of the so called local ro, mafia caught crime. gang leads to 6 murders, and a number of other attempted murders if gained increased international attention after the high profile killing of investigative journalist who was supporting the prosecutions keep witness. for more at the court, i am joined now by the w correspond to check parents. so jack, tell us a little bit more about this verdict. how important is this to the justice system
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there? yeah, it's really, really significant. what we've heard is that free of the 17 man that was charged with these much as an attempt to much as have been given life sentences, all of the other men, 17, and told to have been convicted of lengthy sentences. nobody has been cleared. in this case, the significant person is rigid, one told you the 46 year old leader of the more crow must be a crime dying who are accused of trafficking drugs for the poets, of both of them and into the netherlands as elsewhere in europe as well. the matches were related to people that were trying to stop the crime released at trade and also people. so criminal arrival was against them. and the judges here today have said that they are a string of vicious motives. and they've sentence read one, talk the 3 of us to lie sentences and the number of others and all of the others.
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in fact, too lengthy, present sentences. does this product have wider implications when it comes to the fight against organized crime in the netherlands? not only there but, but also in europe. so it has a huge implications for the does justice system to start with. this case has created huge favor among lawyers and judges that are involved in trying to tackle these organized crime gains. everybody entering the schoolroom, which is called the bung costs because it is so high security hits they with face moss to try and obscure their identity. and that's because the crime witness and my name now bill be who was a member of the mockery, must be a crime guy who tons against the game to deliver information and evidence against them. in this trial, his brother, his initial lawyer and peter all debris, is a very famous investigative journalist here in the netherlands. we own the teacher
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of the breeze a short time in broad daylight in the streets in 2021. the coaching him through this trial. so it's really important for the justice system. i spoke to one lawyer who said, this is brett theory and to the justice of the sort of organs of justice here. but as you say, is important in to more than to nationally because this drug costs, how has been very important in bringing drugs in through the ports of russet on which are flooded the rest of your if and we've even seen a you politicians try to come together to prevent this kind of we'll get organized crime continuing to take hold in your it. now you mentioned this this case where prosecutors believe that a prominent touch journalist was or the killing of him was ordered by rod one tugee you. this murder is not part of this case. why say it's not because the another was related to this initial trial that's been going on for 6 years. now . this is called the moraine go trial, the 6 mode as an, as
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a set promoters. there is a very, very high profile and complex case that is starting to restarted into the med repeat draws of reason. how that was old is a very interesting aspect of this case is the red one told you this crime boss. his one of his lawyers is actually being convicted in his, awaiting sentencing for delivering information from her current clients. that video and talking to his crime, guiding this allegation, that the sort of pieces of information that the mode is it being ordered from the very highest level. he sits in a very high as the keep polluted, isolated prison. so away from all of the rest of the prison and it sadly, given much access to any of his family because of how concerned they are by the influence he still wields in the criminal underworld. here in the netherlands, just barrack announcer found, thank you. allies of alexi and of all these say that the
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russian opposition leader was close to being freed and a prisoner a swap. when he died. his political foundation released a video claiming a deal was in place to free him and to unnamed americans in exchange for a convicted russian head man. jailed here in germany. the claims have not been independently verified. mister novalis died this month and a siberian penal colony. his family and political team blamed vladimir putin for his staff, a good russian hip man, body impressive coff has been t and saving alexei and of all his life. the late dissidence allies claimed the prisoner swap was close at hand while they renovation of all he was supposed to be freed. in the coming days, within early february, putin was offered in exchange dfs, the officer of dodging closet caused, disturbing his sentence for murder in berlin. for 2 american citizens of deluxe saint of on the next day and i not trust the car, was arrested for the killing of
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a chechen dissident in berlin. in 2019, he was found guilty by a german court of quote, state ordered murder and sentenced to life. in prison. earlier this month, russian president vladimir putin suggested cross a cough could be swapped for us journalist evan goose cabbage. now, and of all these associates, say an exchange deal was reached for and of all these freedom. the day before he died in a siberian prison. yes, cuz of what i'm telling the story to explain why the volunteer was killed now. it was made clear to putin the only way to get credit of cough was switched. change in front of on the. so putting decided i won't tolerate and of only being freed and the so what do you did, they are ready to exchange because of costs that we just need to get rid of the bargaining chip or replace them with someone else. when the chance arises. subjects theory about how in the fall he died was undermined by statements from the head of ukraine's military intelligence. you know, more than i will probably disappoint you. but what we know is that he indeed died from a blood clot,
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and that's more or less confirmed information did with. so you mean a natural death. that's what we know. yes. the volley is not a popular figure in ukraine, given his support for russia's annexation of crimea in 2014. while speculation about the causes of all these depths squirrels, his supporters are hoping to find a venue to hold the public funeral. it may be difficult to organize. russian authorities have previously cracked down on the vall, nice mourners on several occasions. and here's a reminder of our top story french president emanuel my call has hinted that it might be necessary to deploy european ground forces in new crates. he said that it was essential to prevent russia from winning the war and that nothing has to be ruled out. you as president joe biden says that he thinks that a cease fire can be reached in gaza by next week. and time for the muslim holy month of ramadan talks are ongoing between israel and mosque aimed at securing a pause in the fighting up. the next is the science magazine tomorrow, today,
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looking at the researchers trying to increase climate change awareness by making an impact on for us on the 10th, thanks for watching the,
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the, the same reasoning mind. then the culture researches are sheltering divines because climate change is acting like a flavor enhancer on this popular german great variety, too much son. the one becomes sweeter, heavier and more alcoholic will roof preserve reasoning as the world news and gloves tomorrow. today, next on d, w. b or own health advocates by
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turning into your own ex best with your without any fiction. and with no surprise. be active the way in the same thing 16 minutes. d w. the nice to be at the end just to pass it, got any difficult to access an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the why is the ice melts?
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the a lisa it's amy i see on the past to get on the melting ice caps, torrential flooding. well fires. climate change has already had an impact on millions of minds and on nature. like in forest research as a trying to hear what would sound like in owning world. that's a much more on this week show. the thanks for joining us on dw science program. welcome to tomorrow. today.


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