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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

4:00 pm
the the, this is dw news lives from violin, the job and trunk, the rules out sending weston ground troops to you cried. he joined several european leaders in down, playing the idea as opposite french president and menu. in my call signals, european, i'm nato troops, could be needed to fight against russia, also coming out hopes for a safe spot. and goza us president joe biden says he thinks a deal between israel and thomas can be reached by next week in time for the muslim holy month of ramadan. the
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hi, there are many groups mckinnon. welcome to the program. european leaders have been walking back suggestions by the french president and money. what am i call that european ground troops could be deployed in ukraine at a conference of european leaders by could ukraine. my call said quotes, nothing could be ruled out of the kremlin, has wardens but sending weston ground troops would mount a dangerous escalation germantown, so that what i felt is one of several european leaders downplaying the idea beyond the traditional double. but this good kid we obviously discussed, we used to arrange for the support of this type of data by it's not enough for a very good debate. we decided that what was agreed from the outset desktop also applies to the future. and then under test skill these problems, namely that there will be no ground troops missed us as kind to know soldiers on ukrainian, sorry to stop also send there by european countries that are need those states some
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stop and the not the stop and alternative sick patton, the w's chief political let us send me to electricity gave us the take on these contradictory statements made by the french president and the drum and trump. so it looks more of a contradiction then it necessarily is because what we didn't hear, the french president say is that he was committed to actually sending troops. he just refuses to rule anything out. and if anything that highlights a very different outlook on security, on strategic security communication, the french idea, which is also a nuclear power, is one of a strategic acuity at to leave the other side guessing, and clearly want to them and sounds the soul is building on in what he sees as a way to avoid any escalation is to create a certainty in a way, a commitment towards ross guaranteeing that
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a german troops would certainly not become part of this conflict. so as to european leaders who are necessarily pledging anything different at this moment in time, but you have one refusing to roll out ground troops and the other one seeing this as a basis to create potential disc kalazan that is determined tanza by saying that won't be any german troops under any circumstances in ukraine? okay, now ukraine is of cool saying that it desperately needs more weston support and its fights against russia. and yet the german chancellor said this week that germany wouldn't be sending taurus messiahs to ukraine. can you remind us why he doesn't want to do that as well? tours a high tech long range missiles and that's the concern and on the drum and side that they could be used on russian territory. we are seeing similar results,
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although not quite as powerful being sent by person and by fonts and the same results. so for the 1st time went public yesterday, indicating that controlling the targets of those missiles requires involvement of those countries who are supplying the solves and that's something the government's honda has fully ruled out and he sees himself into with a german public that let's take a listen, besides it a 100, but i don't think much of it at all this for this. i think he must have gone completely crazy to even say that and to even consider such a thing. because that's basically i want the word and as soon as possible in advance or there is a negotiation should take place. this is that's my conviction and it remains my conviction, the very, very difficult position. and for germany in particular, i think it's historical and incredibly, incredibly high. it's really tough. i really don't have any opinion at the moment
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the to a surprising for me because it might also mean a new career was. so i think it's a very difficult decision, but i also really liked the support to create and yeah, so for his at the moment that's much the issue is i don't want that. i simply don't want it. of course, like everyone else, i want the word and i know it's very difficult. i didn't muscle gwen who definitely should have been and okay, so some opinions left from people here in berlin. really sort of showing how complex this is, which is why we say let the people here in germany all feeling increasingly anxious about the grand possibility of being dragged into this full. but i wouldn't say that people are acutely consigned, but they certainly don't want many to become a posse in this. and this is what determines on, so it keeps value repeatedly. we're also seeing polling that upwards of 2 thirds of
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demons are concerned that germany could get more involved, get dragged into conflict. it doesn't want, at the same time, there is great support for supporting ukraine. but clearly the red line that the chancellor is drawing very publicly and politically at this moment in time is very much in tune with what done and expect from them and so on. so that who otherwise is actually she would be unpopular with a complete know of a round 20 percent only be satisfied with his performance. it's also worth noting that this is a very different picture from the baltic states who are fearing an acute threat from vasa. so geography, definitely mazda is here, and the big question is, what say full full european support will have in the future, particularly with through bite and having about to support ukraine as long as he can no longer as long as it takes me. sure. and i thank you so much for that.
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that's the w, as chief for the school address and mckayla customer. now, us president joe biden says, but he is hurtful. i see 5 deals. the goal is that can be reached by next week towards all happening. and katasha right now that right is to secure a pause in the slicing and exchange for the release of his riley hostages, taken during the hum of terror attacks on. so obviously with the 7th speaking to reporters in new york, president bite and set an agreement was within reach. well, i hope, by the week after the end of the week, my, my not security adviser tells me that we're close because it's not done yet. my hope is by next monday, bosa, how must official speaking to the royce is news agency says bivens comments do not match the situation on the ground. he said there was still gaps that need to be bridge before a c slot agreement can be reached. is ralph,
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as any less up in the slicing will only be temporary and the ground operations and rasa all the only way to eliminate how most sizes from suspected positions that the is randy military has reportedly shown israel school cabinet. it's planned for evacuating civilians from combat areas, but no details have been released on web. those displays people could actually go these women and children are among the victims. 2 after and is really or strikes to the building in southern cause of some survivors are still looking for their loved ones. they were targeted with a miss. so there was a huge explosion in the building collapsed. we recovered people including women and a child who was 7 years old. there also injured people, including my sons. israel has been carrying out airstrikes and
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rafa for weeks. despite some 1400000 palestinians seeking safety in the city. israel says it's ground invasion, a for alpha is inevitable. it's convinced how mosque leaders are hiding there and that it's necessary to push into ruffle, to achieve at school of eliminating the group. but international organizations, warren, such an advance would have catastrophic implications for civilians. they're all to you is valuable fillasy from the city would not only be terrifying for more than a 1000000 policy. you don't see really insulting. there you to put the final nail in the coffin of all would age programs a according to un speakers, the amount of a delivered in recent weeks has decreased mainly due to the regular closures of crossing points and military operations. the drop in aid comes amid
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a deepening hunger crisis across the territory, and i met in the unless i'm supposed to have milk as a newborn beef, natural milk or formula. but i wasn't able to get to milk because there's no, i'm booking garza and the circumstances are tough. there's no milk and no food and gossip. the sea and i can forward and pier shoot much needed supplies into gauze on monday. but many, if you're the 8 system could collapse entirely, it is rarely ground troops entered last limited refuge for palestinians in garza. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world and thousands of people across nigeria, raleigh, and they gave us high inflation and austerity measures. government was because of become a nationwide strike that could shut down. key services. africa's largest economy is facing its worst economic crisis and a generation leaving many struggling to afford food. a course in moscow,
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a sentence the best for and human rights activists to 2 and a half. he is in prison. all like, all of was convicted of repeatedly discrediting the russian army off they had spoken also. gates the russian invasion of ukraine, the 17 year old as co chairman of the nobel peace prize winning rights group. memorial as an input on tom is blocked the training and polish border crossing near the city of marietta that protesting against e regulations and cheap food imports from ukraine. as a result, several ukrainian truckers announced stuff at the border. unable to enter poland a riddle on target you one of the netherlands most wanted criminals has been sentenced to life in prison. the case against the drug cartel, lita, and 16 other members of his crime gang related to several mothers including a journalist who'd been supposing the prosecutions key witness prosecute is described. toggle organization as a well willed killing machine. red one. peggy,
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the convicted leader of the macro, my field crime gang, the case against him. and 16 of those was related to 6 motors and a number of other attempted motives. the dutch prosecution services sentenced him to life imprisonment in the trial. one lawyer described as the most toxic in the history of the netherlands. the case gained increased international attention after the high profile murder of investigative journalist b to of the breeze. he had been supporting the prosecutions key witness in the case of former game member who was providing information about the mafia organization at fitness, as loyal and brother have also been murdered, perceived as an attempt to silence him over the 6 years of the trials, nearly everyone connected to this case have to be placed on the police protection lawyer of judges. witnesses and family members.
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was this case focused on the motors. they committed the mockery mafia alleged to be key european players in the global trade in drugs and ons, especially to the both of both of them. of the building is being built as a major moment for justice in the netherlands, but also for the international fight against organized crime companies. jack park was out the course of amsterdam and told us how important this but it is for the ducks, justice system to it's a serious, vague 3 for the ducks prosecution service. they have a sense of the amount is to conveys one of the most infamous and fearsome crime bosses. the massey of boss, rewind, talk, the a 46 road does national of moroccan descend. he will serve a life sentence as well. 2 of the men who have been parts of this trial, the other 14 people in the 12 have who being convicted for a range of multiple year sentences. it's very significant. it's been shared
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pressure on this quote, to convict these men publicly and through the media. because of the crimes that they committed, 6 mothers, and indeed a string of all the attempted assassination of those that were trying to prevent them from doing that work as a criminal organization. power level to this case though, it on least 3 of them that is related to now they will be who is the crime prosecutions key witness. in the case, his brother, his initial lawyer, and the famous investigative journalist peace of all the reason what was supporting him in the case with nodded as this trial continue, this is really significant. so then the evidence to see these convictions come dying and also for the rest of your up as well because democracy math, the school of these uh, credit and criminal was with, would connect it to a very important in the trade of illicit drugs coming through the posts of both of
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them, which is also moving those drugs into the rest of your life as well. and that is when we have time for new groups and to get them. thanks so much for your company. and i'll see you next hour. the votes, people have to save messages to the that's why we listen to based on the ritual every weekend on d w. the .


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