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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw, use live from, but then as you have a chance to not old off show. so rules are sending west and brian troops to ukraine . you joins the, several of the european leaders in down playing the idea after french president emanuel mac cross signals that you are paying a nato troops could be needed to fight russia. interested after decades on the run german police decide a suspected man. but if the red army faction the last just millers increased, the tech arrives west germany in the seventy's and eighty's the
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. i'm feel good, you're welcome to the program. we started with open division amongst your fan leaders over the idea of sending ground troops to ukraine. i've just begun with french president to manual my cross signal the doing so i could be necessary to ensure that russia does not windle german, chancellor or life shots. and now that your pin date is, i've been walking by that suggestion back in germany, from his meeting with the leaders in west and officials in paris. johnson, the olaf schultz reiterated his thoughts on the support for ukraine and its defense against russia. the tuesday october, but this good kid we obviously discussed, we used to arrange for the support sites on that, but it's not enough for a very good debate. we decided that what was agreed from the outset. that stuff also applies to the future and. and that has to be at least brought in this,
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namely that there will be no ground troops in which does this kind. the no slowly goes on ukrainian, sorry to stop. and i'll send there by european countries or need those dates and stop the from not the stop and alternative sick patton. this puts in the odds with french president to manual macro, who raised eyebrows during the meeting when he said that the option of pushing boots on the ground a new crane should remain open as well. there is no consensus to dare to send ground troops to get an official endorsed and sinks in minutes. but in dynamic tonnes, nothing should be rooted out. the sold me on intervals do whatever it takes to insure the dress. you can not been dislodged. hope. awkward, always seem to be bugging. instead of the lead us of being quick to react, spain it's lee, the u. k. poland, nato. and the you are paying commission have on the line, so they have no pounds to send ground troops to crane reset or renew this
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commitment. the kremlin has responded by saying that if you are p, a nato members decide to send troops to ukraine, direct conflicts between russia and nato would become inevitable. when mike nonsense is a senior visiting research fellow in was studies at kings college london. i asked him why a manual my call seems to be in a minority of one on the issue of ground troops and ukraine. i'm not sure, and i do wonder whether in the next couple of days we might see some things from the lease a paris that a the lease a policy manual, my home misspoke or something else because it's, you know, right from the beginning of this conflict over the sides have been trying very hard to make sure that there's no direct confrontation between russian troops on troops of countries that belong to nato, for very good reasons, because that would bring us into a much wider conflict. so for my cold societies today seems to fly in the face of
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all of that strategic positioning over the last 2 years. on the front presence has been at the front, the president has been one of the most vocal european leaders on the issue of your opinion and reducing reliance on the usa a forward defense. the recent pronouncements from donald trump plus baseball in ukraine indicate that we might actually have a point to, i think actually a manual micros quite erotic when it comes to photo says this was the president. he felt that he could go to moscow and, you know, got to deal with pete's in, in the stages. and then we had that quite embarrassing trip where nothing was achieved except to raise the profile of pizza. and i think the election of president trump is a huge worry for you or pay the security. but i think not on the schools. exactly why we don't want your pay nations dragged into a wall with russia at exactly the time. you know, later this year,
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where's president trump get selected and the american security blanket. so europe is withdrawn, us executive position. we don't want to find ourselves in. we being of course, europeans involve a job and chance of a has rule about sending tourist smith files into ukraine because he says that range would allow you trying to attack russia directly. and the use would require german troops bringing his country directly into conflict with russia. how credible is his reasoning? it's so you know, the 1st bit of his reasoning about escalating the conflict is something that we've heard many, many, many times before with many different weapon systems. and usually what happens is those weapons are delivered and the war doesn't escalate. little russia has no, its escalate, it's invaded the neighboring country and is committing will crimes. that the only escalation is to go nuclear. and that's very unlikely to happen highly, highly unlikely to happen because fronts, america,
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and britain also have nuclear weapons. and as to his, a conversation as what his points about requiring german troops. there may well be something technically specific to the tourist. but from what i understand is very similar to other types of cruise missile the towards based on as a type of christmas. so that have already been donated to ukraine by fonts and by person and by america. so again, i don't really understand that reasoning is on my mazda in from kings college a month. it would take a look at some of the store is making headlines around the world that to south in the us references. and bible says he hopes to cease fire would take effect in gaza early next week and they him, some medicine group is down play the best possibility saying it has received no a new proposals from media exist. israel has said that any less of in fighting would only be temporary european problem. it's as past the bill that aims to
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protect nature across the block. it requires a new member states to enact measures to restore a facebook that landon sees so that natural condition i 2050 will make is adopted the legislation, despite the ongoing farmers protests across the block, over the use green policies. thousands of people across nigeria and rally against austerity measures and inflation. government. well, because they've begun a nation wide strong to could shut down key services africa's largest economies facing it's worst economic prices for a generation. many struggling to afford food and looked on to the ground staff are expected to go on a 3 day strike across gym and airports from wednesday. labor union that he call the industrial action as a wage dispute with the german flag counter escalates. the unions already held that to one day strikes this month or 2 and the rest hearing balance that has sent shock waves across germany. police the rest of the 65 year old woman german newspaper
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have built and reported that her neighbors knew her as cloud. yeah, but she's actually done the other class to who has been on the wrong simone's 30 years as a suspected member of a fond, vast and millicent group, the terrorized west germany during the 19 seventy's and eighty's. why don't you like it had been in hiding for more than 30 years. she belonged to the left wing extremist group, the red army faction. now, the suspected form, a terrorist has been arrested in a police department in the shop. we're certain that the person, the rest, the disbanding elect let to what we have been living on the ground for 30 years coming to end. this ends a man hunting that has been going on for almost 9 years. thread on the section was founded in the spring of 1917 by under the, as bought. i was thinking, mind move and go to humans when they come and go to change the political system even through violence for more than 20 years. a terrorist organization fought
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against what they viewed as west them and use imperialist system. the all right, you have committed 34 murderous, numerous bank robberies and phonics, more than 200 people were injured during a tax blamed on the group in april 1998 b r a f announced dissolution. many of the terrace groups crime says student not being solved, federal police us do searching for suspected already have members accused of attempted murder and robbery, and spoke. i stopped on the left, left hand book. gabby and others have been wanted for years till this mackenzie never risk, can never feel safe, not even after 30 years, not even after such a long time. and our security also are these are highly professional and always able to track down every hint terrorists, even after a long time, to be on even how tough to the following. the rest of them, the left left to the 2nd person whose identity has not been released was also rest
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and connected with the man hunt well from our political correspondent to julia. so debbie, i welcome julia, a 13. yes. how did this arrest come about? as we heard some investigators that this came about because of a tip off that they received back in november, which led to further investigations into the case until the arrest happens today. and we also might want to note that in the last few weeks and months, the investigators had put out a 150000 euro, a prize in money for whoever would come forward with information that would lead to interest. and that might have led also to the tip off, but we've heard from investigators that they arrested a daniela can collect the in her apartment in berlin, that she did not pose any resistance that she had with her a 4 and forged passports with false information on her identity audits, we heard that she was arrested and taken to a job. 2 in northern germany,
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where she was put forward 6 arrest warrants for serious robbery and that her identity was confirmed through fingerprints. like and so just tell us more about who she is and why her arrest is such a big day of in germany. yes she was a member of. 9 the red army faction, the r a f group, which was a left wing terrace group, which was active from the 1970s. to the 1990s, she was part of the group between the eighty's and the ninety's. and this is a group that ra, a terror in western germany and germany during that period. they are accused of 34 murders. they killed industrialist, they killed judges, they killed police officers. and they carried out bombings and robberies. now she was in the case of what she's being accused of, she was accused of robberies that were carried out after the dissolution of the red army faction, and which means that they weren't politically motivated if she was carrying out
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these robberies likely to finance her life. in hiding underground, hiding from the authorities, but this is a significant arrest. she was one of the few remaining members of the r, a. s not to have been arrested, or to still be alive and being mand hunted on the hiwassee, able to be at lodge for so long while she was living underground, basically for the last 30 years. and she had fig passports, fake identity. so it was a put in organized a situation where she had gone into hiding. and one thing we also should keep in mind is that far less terrorist groups were wide spread in europe from the 1970s onwards. and that there was a strong network between these organizations and that had a quite a strong support network under ground. so she, she managed for these many years to, to remain under the radar. also because of this infrastructure likely supporting her to function that julia, julia, sally dw, political correspondent,
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as one of the nationalism i still wanted to criminals has been sensitive to life in prison. the case against drug cartel, lead written talkie. i'm 16 other members of these gang related to several messages, including a journalist who's been supporting the prosecutions. can you witness? across the cases describe his organization as a well oiled killing. machine. vigilant tugee, the convicted leader of the microsoft field. crime gang the case against him and 16 of those was related to 6 motors and a number of other attempted motives. the dutch prosecution services sentenced him to life imprisonment in the trial, one lawyer described as the most toxic in the history of the netherlands. the case gained increased international attention after the high profile murder of investigative journalist b to of the breeze. he had been supporting the prosecutions key witness in the case
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of former game member who was providing information about the mafia organization at fitness as loyal and brother have also been murdered, perceived as an attempt to silence him. so with the 6 seals of the trials, nearly everyone connected to this case have to be placed on the police protection lawyer was judges. witnesses and family members. was this case focused on the motors. they committed the macro mafia alleged to be key european players and the global trade and drugs and alms, especially to the bolt off a lot of them. of the building is being built as a major moment for justice in the netherlands, but also for the international fight against organized crime. that's it. you're up to date. i'll have a world news at the top of the hour of next year on the w talk soon. takes a look at siblings and not having to shapes out 1st analysis. more news around the
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clock course on the w dot com or on the d. w. of good news, the ice cold b. jessica new. an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the climate research in the ice, the tasks march 3rd on dw, the
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ready hold.


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