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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 28, 2024 8:00am-8:31am CET

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the the, this is the w news live from berlin, the u. s. agency for palestinian refugees hanging in the balance on raw has one of the main providers of a 2000, but it's port has been buying up after israel levels allegations that some of his workers weren't involved to be come off the attacks. we will look at the agencies emission as it's future. also coming up the story behind one of the many time nationals kidnapped in the october terrorist attacks and israel. we need the worried mother of a migrant worker, so held hostage in gaza. she hopes that her son will join the for ty costs, which is already released. fox fish the size of your finger. now louder than
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a heavy metal rock show, the scientists figure the tiny sea creatures just wants to communicate. and at 140 decibels, who could miss the message? the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. israel and tomas have played down the chances of an imminent deal for a cease fire in gaza. the 2 sides are pushing back after us. president joe biden said that a truce could begin next week. now while talks continue, humanitarian agencies warren that their aid operations and gaza could collapse. if israel advances into rafa in early 1400000 palestinians are sheltering. israel
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meanwhile says that intercepted rock gets fired from gaza while is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu reiterated in a meeting with killed soldiers, families, that he will not give up until victory in addition to the logistical challenges of getting aid into guys of the main you an agency set up to assist palestinian refugees on raw is also facing a cash crunch. that's because major donor nation suspended their funding after the is where the government accused some unreal workers of involvement in the october 7th terror attacks on now the agencies future is at stake. even though it's clear that thousands will need long term humanitarian aid. a lifeline for guidance or a mazda is partner in terror. this is the question dogging the u. n. r w way. and donor countries seem to have answered it for themselves by holding back funds. that puts more than a 1000000 people at severe risk. for decades,
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the agency has been a primary source of food and medicine for dolphins. d, u n. r w a was founded in 1949 to help palestinians who fled or were expelled from their homes when israel was founded. it originally had a 3 year mandate, but that's been renewed ever since, as there's been no political solution to the conflict. the agencies operations have been especially vital for guidance since israel's 2007 blockade for the territory. it also serves palestinian refugees in the occupied westbank, syria, lebanon, and jordan. but many of these we'll take a different view. this is jerusalem's deputy mayor, call and get out. get out at a small, far right protest. people at this demonstration want the agency to leave the region entirely. israel has claimed the 12 u. n. r
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w. a workers cooperated in the october 7th terror attacks. and many agency workers are affiliated with him. us or other tara groups and gaza. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he sees no future for the agency. for civil administration of gauze, i won't be able to be carried out by those who support and funds terror. this means that we will have to replace u n. r w, a least with the un, has pushed back firing the 12 workers in question and saying they don't represent the agency that we are doing everything possible to make sure that to the old. what is an organization that not only is effective necessary, but it is also able to defend itself against a few patients that's can put into question it's still valid. or us intelligence assessment of israel's claims said some of the accusations more credible though they could not be independently verified,
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but also cast out on claims of wider links to militant groups. it's unclear if the report will change the stance of donor countries, or what could take the u. n. r w a's place. if a dries up, it will be ordinary gardens who suffer. ok, and let's get more on that. we are joined now here in the studio by ben to sheller . she is the head of the middle east and north africa division with the high and wish boats on vacation here in berlin. it's a think tank affiliated with germany. screen party. welcome to the program and thank you so much for joining us. um, can you just remind us for, you know, for those who are not familiar with audra, it's role that it has specifically in gods because it's, it's a large organization, but specifically in gaza. what do they provide? they provide humanitarian 8 to those where if it's a zip between 4 to 6 and 4 to 8 as well as their descendants. and that means like 70 percent of the population of casa, and it goes beyond humanitarian aid. obviously they're also responsible for
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providing health care schooling, all kinds of services that need to be provided for people not only to survive, but to be the make a have a perspective they're facing serious funding cups. now tell us what, what is the potential real world impact of that? well, the situation is a really terrible. you've seen the pictures. people are starving. so there is a huge need for humanitarian aid more than ever before. so it's kind of, if something is kept that whole really mean devastating consequences for all those on the found nature. donors, i mean they, they have paused funding while these investigations take place. we know that a number are accused of being involved. number one, right employees are in queues to being involved in the mazda attacks of october 7th . and you know, some of some of the, the donor countries say, okay, well, we can give to a now to other organizations a just like to ask you for your response to that and what you make of the way that some of these international donors have reacted well, there is, of course,
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a good reason to say, well then we give money to other organizations. however, there is no organization that has the same network as the overall has the same logistics there for it can be changed from one agency to the other. i think that the or should lead to consider what they do because there is just no possibility to make up for what rep provides the types of services. how can on route re game trust . well, they are already doing investigations and rightfully so, i mean with the severity of the allegations that is great that they are really showing. they took care of these, there hasn't previous instances in which they also took care of that they have always been investing everybody working for them. they have always been providing the list of older and pleased israel is still so far and never raised any concern. and therefore it is something where i think we have already a system in place for 8 as being checked for personal spring check. but i mean, we have to say israel has raised a lot of concerns before about this particular organization. in fact,
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they say that it's one that is into trade and buy from us. it now appears to have a post war plan for gaza, which includes closing and rot. um, it seems to be high on the list of priorities for israel. tell us is there of an alternative to enroll. you know how, how exactly would that go down so it's fair to take care of the situation as long as the original permanent and durable solution fall, the posting and reputation. so it's not on russ monday to do so. closing on, right, but not mean anything in terms of solution of the conflict. on the contrary, it would make it much more difficult because somebody has to jump in and there is simply no agency that can do that. thank you so much for sharing that perspective for sharing that view. we really appreciate it and to show a head of the middle east and north africa division with the higher school foundation here in berlin. thank you to during the last her attacks, october 7th,
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the group killed and kidnapped. not only is rarely as but people of other nationalities as well. the biggest group of foreign nationals was from thailand. most of them had been working on the farms near the border with gaza. officials say that 8 time migrant workers were being held hostage. many of them come from north east of thailand. these abused care of matters travelled there to speak with survivors and families still waiting for their loved ones to be freed. just a few centimeters take up a whole hour. how making carpets with the neighbors helps coming to them now passed the time. sick with worry now hasn't been able to work since how much terrorists kidnapped her son. more than 140 days ago. are the only visitors to her tailor shop these days. all local officials inquiring about her situation. so of course that's a lot of pressure. i can't breast i can't even think about my son all the time. i'm
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constantly wondering how he is. i was told that they only get a blanket and i'm sure they don't sleep because they are so anxious. i'm wanting to know i'm quite up like many ties. her eldest son goes in israel working for a farmer. the 1000 bureaus he owned a month help the family back home company. let him now bought this tractor for the family farm with the money her son sent. she says he continued working in israel despite knowing it was dangerous. so a little he's actually experienced a similar situation before. died. 2 people were killed right in front of him when they were hiding in the shelter during another attack capital a whole lot. when i told him to come back, but he said it was normal, they're all i do in the neighboring village. this families were united. a new shot and killed was released of the 50 days of captivity. the money he on from for years working in israel helped him buy a house and set up
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a chicken farm. but he says he will never forget the morning of october 7th, t to the band man with the vin by line. and they put us in an empty house for about an hour initially and then moved us to the tunnels. they know they won't, they hurt us badly, especially the 1st 2 to 3 lanes. a long time ago, we were only given bread and water just enough to survive account of the days by meals. otherwise, we just lay on the ground and slept in the way to meet the non these are the other type workers he was held hostage with on the day of their release. one of them is from the same village has come to him now some talking to his mother. it gives her hope that the most dangerous part may already be behind to me on the day of the kidnapping. there with a total of 5 tie. what goes to what they can captive, but the call could only fit for more people, and i know lots of the executed one, right, the load by better wages than they can get at home. tens of thousands of tie nationals,
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especially from this remote region working east. right? they're able to do so because of an agreement between the 2 countries. but officials like the town may or feel the government should do more to protect citizens into that, i'd love to end up mildly welcome. it's my personal opinion on that. if it is up to the individual way, they want to go into that. they are the ones who take a risk of a high end, the ones who benefit from the last, with the cd and move with. but the government should provide adequate information about risk signs publishing this and that so that people can make an informed decision not to have to hold it upside them with someone else. the labor agreement with israel has been suspended for the time. be many people here would now rather go to taiwan or south korea for what company. let me now says she wants her son to stay in thailand when he finally returns. she's bought some cattle and land for him
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and the rice in these fields will be ripe and about a month. she hopes he'll be back home in time for the office. and we have now to jakarta, where we speak with dw asia pacific bureau chief care of matters who filed that report for us. so garrett, i mean, pretty intense situation for those families there. how are ties? whose loved ones are still held hostage by him? moscow pig. so i think one of the biggest problems they face at the moment is uncertainty because a lot of those relatives told me it's very difficult for them to, to obtain any sort of information. all they are told by title of parties is to sit and wait and then may have something to do with the general a situation that there is not much information or there is confusing information. so i have the chance to talk to one of the key negotiators who was involved in the or in freeing the last group of hostages. and he said there is no reports that how must be nice, that those 8 people are in their hands. and he says that maybe you assign that they
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have seen at the doctor by another 4 that the, the fact that they are still up dr. this is simply denied. so there's a lot of uncertainty here. and of course, for those families, these are all unsettling facts. tell us about the impact that you see. the abductions, have had on ties society more broadly as well. slow all of this up as became as a huge shock for, for thailand, a 39 people, that's almost the same number of 5 people less of doctors as these, these are the official numbers. and of course, this shuts a lot of light on the fact that there are these huge numbers of migrant workers, some 30000 to have gone to israel. now, the question of the debate that has started is why are people taking opportunities over security? why are they taking those risks? and the answer is, at least that is what the head of the labor department isn't room, tommy. and he's ne improvements told me, is that simply they make a lot of money and they make up to 5 times what they can aren't at home. and how
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you can address that and how, how you can offer alternatives. it's very difficult because i said, for instance, maybe education is beyond for that region. but then i was told even academics are going across to korea, to israel, to taiwan. because there is this deal with these countries and they make so much money. tie. officials say that they were involved in negotiating the negotiating process that led to the release of a number of tie hostages back in november, is thailand still making efforts for the release of the tie hostage is still helping him. awesome. what, what sort of role are they playing and in all of these negotiations that are ongoing yeah, the foreign ministry has trusted announced that efforts are made to push for the release. now the person who has been in both type the in those negotiations in the past, told me at the moment there is no contact. and he also told me that i must actually make no demands or requests to release the go test, which is in the past. however,
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the a foreign ministry in thailand has now announced that it appears that a ceasefire has become a precondition or the moms of for, for the talks. so no tax taking place at this moment. dw asia, pacific bureau chief gales, mathis, thank you. so here's a look at some other story is making headlines. the associated press says that us president joe biden and former president donald trump, one their presidential primaries in the key state of michigan, thousands of democrats. whoever marked uncommitted on the ballot instead of voting for biden, following a protest movement over his continuing support for israel and its war against 2 months. a german naval ship, the has been seen here and filed video has repelled and attacked in the red sea by him into 2 militia. that is,
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according to the german press agency dpa. the forget fired on 2 targets. the 1st engagement of germany's red sea emission to secure cargo ships against attacks by the auron fact militant to me url hopefuls in the mexican city of mount of b. i to have been gunned down within hours of each other. everything pointed toward organized crime syndicates being responsible. the current mayor said the murders come ahead of national election set for june, which civil rights groups have warrant could become the most violent on record. the us state of texas has issued a disaster declaration for dozens of countries as a rapidly growing wildfire doubled in size and one day the national weather service was meanwhile, posting the fire danger alerts for several other states were strong winds. dr. agitation and warm temperatures have made conditions right for wild fires, or you're watching dw news still to come on the program, the tiny fish that makes
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a lot of noise. scientists here in berlin had been figuring out it's see correct. the western nations have largely rejected a suggestion, floated by francis president and manuel mccall. but allies might need to consider sending ground troops to assist you crate and it's fight against russia. my calling was speaking, following a conference in paris to drum up support for ukraine. following those talks driven transfer all loc schultz was among the leaders who stressed western ground troops were not an option. beyond the trudy october, but this good kid we obviously discussed, we used to arrange for the support of this type of data by it's not enough for a very good debate. we decided that what was agreed from the outset desktop also applies to the future and conflict on the physically for miss. namely that there would be no ground troops mixed us as kind to know soldiers on ukrainian soil. and
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i'll send there by european countries or need those states some stop in order for me not to stop and alternative sick patton. and somewhere that spring and brussels correspondent, rosy bird tried and rosy, but returned to the original statement. by my call, he was seeking to bolster unity among ukraine's western allies with this conference in paris. but that unity certainly did not last very long state. certainly not the 1st time i knew my kroner fonts has sparked control receipt with his comments. but it's important to note that he was at the table in any sort of a formal proposal or making any announcement here in paris. in fact, for macro on said that there was was that there's no consensus on any official deployment of ground troops to ukraine, but in general, but no, nothing should be excluded. no president, michael made these remarks a response to a question in the press conference. and i've been at quite a few a manual mike, mike, one press conferences. and he certainly is want to sorts down to the podium,
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pontificate, and get into sort of the philosophical debate with reporters or anything with himself. so it may be an example of that here, however, that notion that nothing should be excluded is in itself a departure from pos lines from western allies of ukraine, who have, has consistently said that any deployment of garden trips to crate is in fact a red lane and that is why there has been residing re both of these comments by emmanuel, my phone, from a number of western allies, including for example, germany and the united states. one notable exception listed radio. it's for administer, while he has not exactly a given his backing to mac ones comment, he said in general, that this is a time we're thinking outside the box is required. now, when it comes to the response from russia most go and said this would be escal atory. but i should say that i've seen already some russian diplomats using these comments. by my manual, my going to push their own narrative that russia is the what essentially being
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attacked here. i've seen, for example, some russian embassies posting online cartoons of freight soldiers. we buy gets in ukraine again using that for their own a game their, their own aims. of course, we know that in fact, it was russia which launched this full scale invasion of ukraine more than 2 years ago. and now frances, back pedaling. we have to say um, clarifying that the french president's remarks. why did he make them in the 1st place as well? this was at a conference which designed to bolster support from ukraine to project to unity. of course, what these remarks have done on the countries thursdays to highlight the limits of european support for ukraine or where those red lines lie. however, there were some discussions at this conference more broadly, but trying to speed up supplies of munition to ukraine, for example. not something which would be music to kids years and create is been waiting patiently for the european union, for example, to or european union countries to deliver on promises to supply it without
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munitions space for drugs own as a bit of broader context. here front is being facing some criticism for not delivering as much really create as some other western allies compared to a straight e p. and of course, the other bigger context here is this. these fears that donald trump, the former us president, may get okay. or in the united states, he has threatened to wait back to support for ukraine, and therefore that discussion or more support for you, created something which will continue in europe. the w as rosie bar chart and brussels. thank you. a moscow court has jailed a leading human rights advocate over his opposition to the war and ukraine. oh, look, or law was given a 2 and a half year prison sentence. the 70 year old is co chairman of the russian rights group memorial, which was awarded the 2022 nobel peace prize. all and all of was convicted of what the russian government calls discrediting the on forces. and for
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open liquid sizing below the merc buttons, invasion of ukraine. despite the outcome, he sent a clear message to the regina. i don't consider myself alone. i just bought up a large team, both in the memorial human rights organization and more broadly. we live in the 21st century, the russian, the parties are going backwards back from the 20th, through the 17th and 16th century. and unfortunately, the country with them. but victory was it'd be ours ahead of the verdict or love spoken to supporters outside the court. although the government has deemed him a foreign agent, he remains a prominent and celebrated figure in moscow, largely because of his affiliation with memorial. the countries, the oldest human rights organization, which was banned from operating in 2021. but the band has not halted, then work we will look,
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we will live and think. we hopes that some day, what is happening now will end an o like may be, will be released. many of all of supporters have also been outspoken about the politically motivated nature of the charges of the car. it's a throwback to the soviet that when obedience that quote undesirable by the apologies what the glad deliberately misleading is that because and diesel via the agitation we know it. well, we have been studying it for many years now. we've been back to it. some was initially the core tended or no a fine. but after retrying his sentence was increased as the redeem intensified, it's cracked down against kremlin critics, especially since bushes full scale invasion of ukraine. it's one of the
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world's smallest fish and it knows how to get attention. the 1.2 centimeter fish from southeast asia has a unique ability to produce a noise as loud as a gunshot. well now scientists that sherry tay university in berlin have found out exactly how the little creature can make such a big sound. the, the sound can damage the drums, each has 10th close to its unexpected souls. one of the world's smallest speech at 12 may lead me to a long new noah cerebrum. it can produce noise exceeding $140.00 decibels as low as a gunshot, automobile and siren. and we put the fish in a tank with but uh, and then set up a high speed video recording. so the recordings have an $8000.00 principles background. and then when you started this down, you can see what's going on inside inside the body. so we watch these videos of the
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fish making sound so you can see that the swing by the when i struck this struck then they can process. and then you can see this alternation compression that happens. um, but that's what the sales price at the scientists at the the sound comes when the fish bladder is truck by $1.00 of its own rates. and the rebus much harder in males than females. that's why i only mail fish are able to make such a noise. but why would they ever be that loved the fishes native to me in law, where it sleeps in the waters and this sounds could be help and it communicates. so we think that maybe that develops this mechanism for just the communication of job to communicate without any visuals and the fish to make songs by the by themselves, any one that with other fish. so we're quite sure that it's some sort of communication signal, a phone with this new speech nemo, were able to make such a low noise. finding nemo would never have been a problem. the
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up an x on dw, close up looking at peruvian farmers, taking up a climate change fight against a german energy diet. to stay with us, you can the
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one farmer's title against the german energy joining an r w d souls. peruvian homeland is being threatened by climate change and police are melting, is making it worse. so lawsuit against r w e, one of the world's biggest c o 2 emitters, symbolizes his fight against all climate defenders. and winning could change the world to stop. next on d, w, and then made utopia 70 years ago, the north indian since you have tons of guy was conceived and constructed to be
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sustainable and conducted by swiss architect nicole b. c. today, his utopia needs to be balanced with the needs of improving population. is it possible to present this thing to reality? because india in 60 minutes on d w. the use of truth. this time excel jim is turned into our meet the voices of the 3 turkey officer as the ad one has his 3 into exile. 2, i need the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish governments, all sorts of gibs. but only if the crime is addressed and the power of attorney to takes responsibility for his
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actions. guardians of trees, stock march, 2nd on d, w. the your in pacific, i mean the end of this month. i know i've been coming up to the mountain since i was 8 or 10 years old when you said minus 2 b m a. i used to take care of the cows up here with my sisters, can kaitlin kaitlin. okay. but at this gorge looked very different back then at the there were more as the water falls has got a and a lot more life in general, which we must be the, the .


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