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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  February 28, 2024 2:30pm-2:59pm CET

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people, but doing justice remains visible to people in bangladesh. so what do you think is the best way to stop these foreign companies from sending their vessels to the ship right in north? let us on the comments and don't forget to subscribe to our channel. the how can we improve life in our cities with more and more people, of course, offer good and around the globe, moving to other areas. this question has never been more important. i am some drunk of homes that we know do a writing comp. welcome to yet another exciting edition of eco office. and i, chris that lives in lagos, nigeria, on the show today, we'll look at how we could cleared up all cities, making life better for ourselves. and our environment. peers was coming up.
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volunteer divers, retrieving fresh from lake victoria, uganda fighting positions, the french cd that's getting a lot of gold, about cutting the mission and protecting shocks. we look at conservation efforts in south africa. we're talking about the quality of life is it is there is perhaps nothing more important that the air will breeze, complexion, of cars and trucks at noon to pump all emissions that palm roll the environment and public health. so active is not experts in i real big, catherine hall and foster data on a position that paul owed never citizens to become chain because this is the device that would help transform every day life in a row be a small since i'm measuring air pollution in the city center mainly to blame for the quality of the pixel to as motorcycles and diesel tall at many points known as
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my taxes. for the kids up in planning, i'd look at humphrey or html. as close, there will be home you work for right, joins projects between the city, government and the un exploding ways to make tenants. guppy told rena. he's particularly concerned about them. attacked his shots in the copy those streets. uh they are coming from different thoughts. lots of different tools they are it's, i mean it's been too busy. so they, to, i mean it's, i'm ending this, it, we just looked at more things. so this has growth on most of the formulas shown through the seats. now they would of your day to see surveys conducted by he's organizational phones. higher incidence rates of bronchitis implants is we have a touch of light betsy, but a new deliverance like these can only go so fun.
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driving big policy changes on a city wide level. you take, how did that to the tenants? government does not have yet this is way offensive. africa comes in the organization develops and assembles devices for environmental monitoring on climate action african cities and advocate in general does not have data on the air quality levels. and because of that we have increasing terrible air pollution levels, right. so it's important for us to begin collecting this data to be able to compare it and see whether there's any health impacts. but since those are expensive, that is a problem that's alicia. a lot of those engineering team is working hard to solve.
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we quoted this, a low cost of $42.00 more utah. and the reason being is that it's relatively cheap up frontier to defense. good morning testing. we cost, you know, dental tens of thousands of yesterday the kids to components of 3 d printed on the team. she has the blueprints for the modified design. freely online citizens have just anywhere in the world can legally replicate the device without charge. bringing the costs down on the $300.00 euros. for me, i should be available, referring to read models, can cost me only $100.00 times as much but to frequently head out to inspect and inventing that senses. they've installed in different parts of new rosie and moines, mostly to dwellers are requesting the devices. people like give you malware. the shopkeeper has us the money general, the restaurant above these premises to host a sense of humor. oh,
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cool. um yeah. most of the time i get our stuff to go, i just just paid the full feeding every now and then we must go to hospital or to come now able to present to the doctor today. i thought it too so that i have to be able to provide and what so many dogs to the come to oppose this felicia and the smoke, but uh no action has to be taken. so yeah, hopefully uh maybe you have something uh to, to prove to them a sense of like these can a give a clip, pick general air quality and specific location or what would help to tuck, look the loosening of the seats in the united nations, electric mobility program advocates for a shift to electric vehicles. alex co not saves,
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transitioning away from conventional combustion engines, needs to be incentivized economically and that targeting to will transport is a good place to start. 20 years ago, the almost no motorcycles in kenya. now we have about $2000000.00 motorcycles to in the $50000.00, so we ended those motorcycles edit every year and if you would like to fight them, this has a definite and significant impact on greenhouse gas emission reductions. progress is being mit can you know, boast on electric motorcycle, toxic fleet. and the government has i'm bushes targets within 5 years. 100000. the most of bikes, us set to roll onto kenya's treats. so more and more people we'd be able to hold on to clean up some supports, like i've been planning up because i'm for your channel and who knows this much needed air pollution sensors might be redundant, so we all need to be able to get around every day in the company which way.
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but usually it's realistic for everyone in the city to have y'all reform of motorized transport. providing defense on reliable public falls. quotation is showing me the way, ford. this is now head to europe, a french c. t is giving residents a big incentive to stop using that cause. and as you will see, the more people are wise to the challenge. the great to the benefits. a monday morning in montpelier and something from the city with its half a 1000000 inhabitants is waking up. an eye in chubby is on her way to work. last december, she stopped teasing her parents cough to make the 7 columbus to join the free public transport is a really good idea, especially for people like myself, i think twice before spending 50 euros on a monthly subscription. i. i only in 1950 euros gross per month. similar to my
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sister who's also switched to public transport a lot. it's only taking me 26 minutes to get to 10 minutes less than by coffee or was it? i like the stress free way of traveling because of the plus on protecting the environment. the longest pest services report is always on the phones. we are very careful with the amount of electricity we use for lighting and air conditioning. last year, we reviewed cotton footprint. we have reduced plastic usage, but there is still a way to go with that. such efforts to the delight of the socialist lead city government. it to a big party to celebrate the introduction of free public transport. and will peggy last december, the sup damage report, the heed free public transport gives citizens some of that purchasing power by your illogical and social measure. so share it helps as if i global warming. that's but
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it doesn't, i punish people he's doing and it gets everyone on board with that. the fuel costs the wrong about the clean of the uh, we believe the view me, you have a left for his p a and the measure seems to be getting done well with more pen. he's young inhabitants. walk you through to judge and it helps a lot not to have to spend money on transport moltin. so this encourages people to say fuel and take public transport instead. yeah. but it's easiest evaluated possible. but the part of this plan is the construction of a new tram line. the 50 mon peggy, it will be completed like next year and connect the university port valerie, when more than 20000 students has signed up. i know it's in the face of the universe. the entrance is while you then you can see there is very important construction work underway and you will have to trim stops right here. additional bike lanes thing. i'm some parking for cars as well,
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but less than in the past with i'm only also transforming this square, which was used for parking into a pedestrian area that the university has created a lot of extra bike parking to the research was hoping this wouldn't only be used by students as security is about 40 percent of our teaching stuff currently coming by call, what you so might take the trim in the future. now this option exists, what a good public transport network is crucial for free public transport or to make a difference. but getting around by public transport is not as easy in place as further from the center. central to v dot is an adjacent satellite town and part of mon petty's metropolitan area with about 12000 inhabitants and counting. google daniel works and the sub but lives in the city center. he's part of a lovely group calling for the money spent funding free public transport to be invested in extending the network instead, as well. yeah. okay. it's about so
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a pm says i'm there was only one from every 15 minutes, even though it's going home, time of transport link for. so you pull the local time home as even setup of shut the box on own district. so you have to pay for it. if you want free public transport, you need to consider that the city is growing. that's yeah. otherwise, you just please people in the see can sense it with the good transport network and forget those on the outskirts, was it a little bit? i mean, we all fit so traditional chevy this on the new trim line is also going to run through central to the di da. you always hoping it's just the start. if the network is extended, the company's the max hopes that even more of its employees will take public transport. the c o also wants to make an even greenow say we're going to construct a couple of bikes, should read. it look where if an install a solar panels on our review and the for so we can become even more sustainable and reduce energy costs. you know,
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prices of reason by significantly more than i knew is here for security and equipment. now this is soon as you take one big step forward has already been achieved, thanks to the new scheme, transport no longer makes up the light and share of the company's comp and footprint it hoping 1st thing to see is that strategy actually walks out and maybe even in splash all the cities as well. so now tell me how many of you lots of coffee. if you do, you're definitely not alone. it is false, becoming the world's most popular bit rate. for many of us grabbing a take a coffee is a daily routine. well, often the note is comes in a disposable cup, which ends up in the trunk, but not in one. that is 32 songs to a new initiative or it's like a vending machine in with us. we usable coffee cups and not issued to you,
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returned customers and then refunded a $67.00 us and postage denmark, 2nd largest city, or who's introduced the scheme to reduce waste from single use comes last year. we did a cleaning of the river that runs through the city and we picked up 100000 losses. so it is an issue and all this stuff ends out in the nature. we get the micro plastic. we get cups all over the place. saturday morning, the cd looks like fresh. so this will be a significant impact on, on i'm micro plastic, but also the general picture of how the city looks. 25 machines scheduled throughout the city center. now take back the custom made cups for reuse that then transported to this cleaning facility. about $40003.00 usable takeaway cups. a currently in circulation. officials say it will take time for the system to pay for itself. but the benefits of west city council hopes to scale it up significantly.
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basically those can be expanded to all kind of of take away. this can be the piece of box. this can be the, the box you have your car in. it can be the beer bottles, it can be pretty much anything that will go into a trash can. the scheme is set to run for 3 years before undergoing a review. more than 40 cafe, some balls have already signed up building on other return schemes. we've done it with with plastic bottles and that works a superbly and you never see a plastic bubble are lying around because you know, people have incentive in, in taking it and, and getting whatever amount of money you can get from it. and but creating that and, and creating a new habit for people in terms of to go cups. and i think that's going to be challenging. but so many introducing another deposit system is not a problem. on the contrary, the things that the people should get used to that we have to take care and we'd
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have to move out. so to, to these machines, especially in a good one, and if everyone plays the apart, it's sure to be successful. that's also the message over the next report from right to in uganda. as we know, the was oceans of choking on plastic, but looks like even more polluted, less. victoria is a serious risk of degrading partly due to pull west management, bought lots of people walking hard to turn things around once a month or something that takes it die to such a waste to disability and doherty's low. yeah, and these critics don't tough to dave to deep plastic flux to us to this office like victoria of because we guess fresh with a leak is kind of crush. don't they? oh and when i days and they don't do the some plastics on this fishing,
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it's which i don't no longer being used by the fish. i mean, how something relieves under you're going to insure for like victoria, so he and most of you, somebody from what's to us for almost 3 years now. he's been driving for a local, been a vision that seems to clean up the lake. they pulled out a bundle and fishing 8 or goes to minutes, which had been years for the dave as the project is a day when i enter the i don't and there was web me with a fishing net. yeah, that's the worst thing that goes. and i use my knife, which i'm always on the crate, the cut over, they say, you know, totally clean up the water. they also retrieve waste from the show that's covered in this the condition. the main men to most of them gets help from volume t as each month. they get tons of plastic. i'm going to land face over to him, but started the initiative. he's been organizing ridge like clean up c o 4. yes.
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he's program. you can the junior ranges seems to return to the lake. it's not just state the plastic and other what's the lake? victoria mainly comes from the canals. hope you're getting discovery to accomplish, especially been met, people come out the team of the junior ranges, lexia 3 times a week. we do what do i say it picks it up to make? we do uh, what about the channels that you did that is that on the lake and nicholas it is the only shows of liquid dirtier because of it, it was the we have the able to connect with about $10.00 or less these uh, within the least amount of, uh, what does it, but we the big got you we, we, we can, we are able to, we can afford it. as of as much as $50.00 in less than plastic. the 2 most of tries to go to these as many residents as possible to take to the clean up on the canal. so we try to be able to do
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a cheap i'm the community by you mean what you're trying to do uh, through these community activities, cleanup activities. and whenever you're going to commit to re engage with the community, do so try to get them involved. and then uh it could them about the negative impact it has to their communities and their neighborhoods or those leaving the as it kind of starting to realize that it's healthy and be to for the environment. let's just to waste think to the water. if you solve the for the site, which are meant for that for the free and convenient for a family on the, for fish, the or the for all of activity to exactly will take for the next. so far know it's enough. people have to can move just to help protect make victoria clean. water is critical for the survival. those are leave on the lake. i sent in your comes from me to fishes and those 1st time how important is these fees? i don't 100 low phone daisy but the way i knew i loved this you'll and
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just to up so that i've heard of other people's life and his group wants to continue the project that will continue to catch him. young people in the process which will allow the diving team to keep growing. i know for a story from south africa, the mind to recoil a change of thinking shocks are often vilified and feed, but they actually play a key role in the ocean ecosystem. those rights sandra, south africa's long coast line, is home to 100. so shock species. the country has been a thrill blaze when it comes to studying and protecting these. and dentists creatures and next reports will take a deep dive into the topic of shock conservation. as migrating blue socks of frequent visitors to the coast of south africa. poseida shy shops and gully
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shocks a native to its count forest. these brown seaweeds are home to more than 200 shots species. the shock x bud ryan daily regularly monitors their activities to conserve shocks. we need to know where they go, where they spend time. so we are tagging the shock if the gods where they go and identify critical habitat for them so that we can improve protection for these critical areas. he and his team fit the shots with acoustic transmitters, so they can track them a procedure. the shocks barely noticed to double once they've been tagged. the transmitter in midland, ultrasonic pulse for 6 years. and the last couple of years of tags over a 100 trucks representing about 10 or 12 different species. many of the shocks off
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endangered. and we hope to find out more about the way that guy specifically i've been multiple years. we have to identify critical areas within over a $150.00 receive is a mood along the sea budget to detect the signals from the tech shocks. whenever one of them swims by the receiver records, the id number, the signal ranges up to one kilometer. the acoustic receivers are regularly brought onto dry land, so the doctor, they've loved to can be evaluated. we have to work with big naturally a top collaborate is to share data on a receipt is so all of the data we clicked on these receive is it said within a network. and then we able to figure out where these shots have been, where they're standing the time, so that we can prioritize the conservation of the the program can only work so
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long as there's broad support for shock conservation efforts. from an early age. humans are afraid of these ocean print, it is no shock. populations can only survive if public attitudes to them change and that requires raising awareness by changing the mind states, i believe that i am changing the world one step at a time, a one kid at a time. for me, 5, a group of 49 is and i'm changing the minds. it's one child, even if it's going to be families and teaching them, watch all the same fulton, we're at 80 making such a big difference. the media tends to report on sharks mainly when they have been attacks on humans. at the shock education center in cape town, children can learn about the valuable role they play in marine ecosystems and get up close with shock, eggs, and even teeth. those extra time of this picked up on how they
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actually know and that they're not actually thing just to us that we actually endangered them by polluting and by catching conservationists have also equipped in under what a camera with bait. so they can also observe smaller shy of sharks that to look into killed forest off the coastline it to lose the amount of hiding, allowing the researches to gain useful insights into ocean by diversity. the collected data is analyzed using a program the team developed to help them assess their findings. we've taken some open source machine learning software and trained it on hundreds of images and sharks and fish and all of the species that we come across here and phosphate and so that we can use it for detecting these bases in
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videos in the future. their research has already proved highly constructive. these already moved public acceptance of shock, conservation, and conservation areas. now make up 5 percent of south africa's ocean's environmental. this would like to see that area increase further in order to protect marine ecosystems. what majestic creatures. and that brings us to the end of today's show. great to have you along. i'm crystal, langston lake goes see you next time by piece on to all of you. if you've got any idea about how we can all look upto environment, do get in touch, we'd love to hear from you and don't forget to check us out on all social media platforms. do i am central at the homes that we know do funding go from complex, right? to a new gun to the
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the, the just real power. that's also climate friendly and it's being supplied in the north of germany. the world's largest high temperature storage facility is being built, their edits, court deal storage unit. that's converting wind power into a heat that large companies need to fuel their business is made in germany in 30 minutes on the w. a lifelong relationship that nobody chooses for themselves. siblings,
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they help see challenges. what role do they play in our development? siblings? love rivalry in the 75 minutes on d w, the this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools, farms and destroy lives. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression today? history? we need to talk about here the stories, shadows of german colonialism. jackie is changing 6 years ago. he said he
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can't get any was to, but it does. guardians of truth. this time, excel gen liz, turned in dar, meets the voices of a free turkey alter as the ad one had to flee into exile. i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish governments all sort of tammy calls of some kids, but really it's a crime is addressed and the path of trying to take some sponsibility for his action. what about freedom of to print and freedom of expression? got ease of truth, dots march, 2nd on d, w. the,
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this is the, the news live from ballad, usually on of, on a of slams russian president vladimir putin, in a speech to the european union's parliament, the widow of a position later like say in a volley calls to teen a bloody monster as boots and must be made to answer for what he has done to a country. it's a neighboring new crime. and to how also coming off almost to see if it is male honey or says the grove, it's showing flexibility impulse for the israel over the goal is a whole bunch of ones. a mazda is still ready to.


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