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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news life from the top republican in the us senate is to step down a 2 year old mitch mcconnell says he'll hand over to a new party leader later this year, declaring that his time for a new generation to take also on the program, like said the valet, as the widow rebukes flooding their foods and you're not all nice tells that you are the and probably the russian president is 8, not the monster who was answer for what he's done to russia. ukraine on to her husband the
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i'm feel welcome to the program. one of the most popular lawmakers in the united states. mitch mcconnell has announced that he's to step down as republican leader of the us senate. in november. the 82 year old is the longest southern southern leader in history and added that he would send out the senate which ends in 2027 lawmakers from both process reacting to history for this kind of evasion. he's recently been facing health issues is a bit of a speech. so as i've been thinking about when i would deliver some news to the center, i always imagined a moment when i had total clarity and page about the sunset of my work. and what i'm certain of help preserve the ideals. i also strongly believe
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that day arrived. good. well, i'll bureau chief in washington a, this poll told me more about that mcdonald's decision was, you know, for those closely following him. it's this decision actually doesn't come as a surprise, as mr. mcconnell really facing serious health issues. i'm sure that many of all of yours remember the episode. so he momentarily froze in front of the media. for example, however, this definitely is not the sole reason the voice announcement to step down at the end of this year from his leadership role. he is also facing increasing resistance . rufus, in his rank, is actually due to his push for continued military assistance to ukraine. he's one of those. we strongly advocates hold the process of a for an april that includes over $60000000000.00 in 8 for ukraine. so as you say,
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you're stepping down this kind of minority leader the end of november. how is that like you to change the republican party rove as a his departure from this leadership role, the g o p, the republican policy will lose kind of an old school politician who follows his principles rather than blindly supporting donald trump. and this is particularly interesting because mcconnell worked really closely with mr. trump and he was the president of the united states. for example, in a pointing conservative judges. they broke uh when a trump refused to acknowledge president biden's victory. and over the, during the re 6 a capital a take, you know, it, it is important to be aware that soon there will be a few of accomplishments left who share kind of his vision may call us vision that
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america has global leadership role is essential. also for the country's own developing, because nicole is not the only policy makers stepping down because they don't longer wish to be associated with the trumpet party. so this of course pays the way for those who are willing to prioritize. trump's desires over their own political principles. thanks, dr. e. this is poll. what dw washington bureau chief is of russian or physician? leave it like saying the valet who died in prison this month, so his funeral will be held in moscow on friday. original authorities having reacted to the owners, but within the valley is the widow julia who has a much that's the face of russia's in bottles. opposition movement says she hopes the gathering will be peaceful space to the european parliament. she won't have games negotiating with the russian president julian of, on the,
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spoke to the deputies in strasburg, less than 2 weeks after russian prison authorities announced her husband's death. once again, she accused of letting me put 10 and then put sports into my husband. i like see nobody on here so there's, i think steve was tortured for 3 years. she was star in the tar needs tone, so collado from the outside world and denied visits, phone calls and then even the letters. and then they go to like say, nova on the was considered rushes, most prominent critic vladimir putin. as a politician, he was popular with voters and exposed corruption at the highest levels in russia. he was then barred from politics, imprisoned, and even poisoned. his final months were spent in
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a penal colony in the arctic circle, organizing novelle naya shared her fears for her husband's upcoming burial. and i'm not sure yet. where is it? it will be peaceful or with the police view, or as those who have come to say good bye to my husband. noble. no, you also spoke about russia's invasion in ukraine. now in its 3rd year, the world rushed to ukraine's aid. she said, but now it's at a stalemate war. there is much exhaustion, much blot, march, disappointment, and fortune has gone nowhere. ever seeing this already being used, reference money, sanctions, nothing is working. us and the board has happens. every one good to use to the work here and there are people start to see, well, we'll have to come to an agreement was put in any way of
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n. as in she insisted that the russian president be brought to justice. what's in my eyes for full board? she has done these in my country for didn't much us there for what she has done to a neighboring peaceful country. and fortune must ask for ever since she has done so . alex see alex, but to hold vladimir putin accountable. she said the west needs a new tool box not quite ready to go. if you really want to defeat porton, you have to be con, become an invite or you are, you have to stop being boring, novelle. now your speech gave the e u deputies much to ponder. at a time when russia's power is again being felt in europe. moscow bureau chief, usually rash, etc, has been operating from riga since dw was banned from russia. he told us more about
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that speech. well, you know, the novel, i did everything that i believe her husband alex save would have done as she gave an emotional speech and not to short lots to long, very exact in her choice of words, sometimes very direct when she pressed the blame cuz it asked the president for the death of her husband. and of course it was also a political speech field of just 2 things before the presidential election in russia. the wife also rushes best known a position to pull. the patient is taken to youtube's biggest page. you couldn't imagine the best of a better campaign to appear in, so i knew a position of thought to if it's a warrant for one, if the speech wasn't given in russia but outside the country and does that. so the problem wanted to talk about the impact celia recessive task in the middle east. and how much later is mohammed has accused israel of deliberately stopping people in the north of gaza and said he's medicine group. he's ready to continue to fight
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. and a ton of ice bridge, he went on to say that the group, which has been why the designated a terrorist organization was showing the flexibility in negotiations. it's a hobby, a cold on palestinians too much to jerusalem's acts a mosque on the 1st day of rom about next week. israel has said that it will allow limited practice bandwidth security restrictions that there are concerns that mr. how do use chrome could set the stage for possible clashing, so many so called as a journalist in israel, and he told me more about the cx 5 deal currently being negotiated. we know that there is a kind of an outline of a, an agreement which basically talks about a 6 weeks of the ceasefire. we know that the idea is that this fire cease fire will begin ahead of the muslim holy month for all of my mother. and a in this is cease fire. we're talking about the release of about
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a 40 is really hostages, and the in return it's, it's not clear yet whether they would be a 300 or 400 or any other number in between of the listing and prisoners that would be released. but every now and then we hear other statements that are being made, such as the nathan yahoo is saying that he would demand that some of the palestinian prisoners who live in the west bank would be expelled to being released . how must opposing it. so definitely the various sticking points. one of them is also the, the math of how much that a garza's would be allowed to go to the north. at least some of them would be able to go to the north of the gaza strip. so i may still call in joseph will take a look at some of the stores making headlines around the well, some stuff in israel, where the defense going to start you off go on, says cold for a drafting table that would force ultra orthodox jews to so in the military,
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i've so far being exempt from compulsory service, some ultra orthodox to block 2 roads this week and protests of the proposal is to go on, said the boy in gauze and lucy's round the other choice. the land has begun, the pulling peacekeepers answered the democratic republic of congo contrast that has demanded the withdrawal. this 5 concerns over surgeon conflict in the peace keepers have been stationed in the country for 25 years. but the government accuses him of failing to protect civilians gone, his parliament has passed and u. n t l g b t q. and the coalition of religious lead to sponsor the bill which will punish the promotion of l g. b t q writes, with up to 5 years in prison, bill still needs to be approved by the president l. 317 people have been killed in a bus crashing northwest and honduras an empty bus. returning from dropping off migrants that big glass amount of board collided with another vehicle on
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a mountainous road with a dozen people were injured. massages in front, the body has been found in the still searching for 2 people fed missing in the english channel. and us to invest statement said some 100 nation people were rescued while attempting. the treacherous crossing from france to britain a south korea as well as the 12 largest economy and home to industrial johns like shown die on samsung, known for manufacturing a wide variety of industrial and consumer products. but as one think, the country hasn't been making enough off, and that's baby's soft career now has the lowest boss right in the world. not has the government worried. the numbers are dire. south korea's birth rate has been dropping for years. now it's fall into a record low utilities have some notes for send us one of these. the number of newborns in 2023 was 230000, which is a decrease by 7.7 percent from
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a year earlier. the total for till it through rate was recorded at point $72.00 again down from last year. the reason is obvious. south korea is the most expensive country in the world to raise a child and a work life balance valued in many western countries is virtually unheard of as this office work or a father of to know is to well, to say that it's serious, i need to make time for taking care of my children, but that's difficult when you're working. so i think the government and the companies need to corporate and help parents spend time with their children and have a good family to come over there for the sole government is trying to make having kits more appealing. parents get $22000.00 a year for a baby born in 2024, and there are plans to expand paid paternal leave to 18 months. still many in the country doubt they can balance to career and having children with autism scale, there will be a situation where my child is sick and they need to leave the office to take care
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of it. but under the current environment, women can't just leave the office to take care of the kids. as this could be disruptive to their work from the it would be good if the government provided financial support as women could face financial difficulty is due to career break. after giving birth it seems clear the government will have to step in sooner rather than later. so typically any countries birth rate has to be just above to, to keep the population study in south korea, population number. so dropping fast, i didn't, didn't dangerous. the country's economic viability. just done to remind you of our top story is that this, our mitch mcconnell has an onset. he'll step down as the, the of the republicans in the us senate, 82 year old said it was time for a new generations to take julia and not home. now, a widow of russian opposition leader, i explained the following has told me your pin polymers for the president's president must be held to account for what he has done to the russia, ukraine,
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and to have a nice say of deeds. i believe doug felt with the look at the special and often difficult relationship between simplex the, the ice cold at the end of the public. i knew an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the climate research in the ice, the tasks march 3rd on dw, the .


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