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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 29, 2024 11:00am-11:31am CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from bell in could a little known corner of europe, be russia's next land, grab pro russia separatists and transmits trip off to you and for how the breakaway region in moldova claims its on the scripts. but also i got them also coming up phone call and was moving closer to an accident, a national security. all that would bring the territory closer in line with mainland china active as fit it will walton for all sampled free speech. ad fed trial protection plus the dominates of indian politics for half
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a century. but now the congress policy is struggling to come from behind as leader roll gun the leads and opposition coalition. ahead of this use helix. the i'm good. how about is welcome to the program. ukraine is warning against quote, destructive external interference and mold overs breakaway regional transmits trip this off the pro russia set produced that off must come full protection the same over to abused by separate test and eastern ukraine. a decade ago. the self proclaimed republic, off transmit strip is a tiny sliver of land located between ukraine and mulled over which were both soviet republics, tradesmen strat broke away from old, over doing the collapse of the soviet union in the early 19 ninety's people
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identifying as russian many of them holding russian citizenship make up a sizable minority interest in the strip. tensions have been rising ever since. russia's invasion of ukraine, the of thurston, nearly 2 decades officials meeting for a rear special congress entrance in history is capital to rascal the pro russian separatist. asking moscow to protect the break away region from what they call the threat from adobe. the move has many more buildings concerned as to what it might be. it's really dangerous, what's happening into rascal there declaring war in moldova. many words, the kremlin backed officials or waiting another push to join russia in 2006 more than 9 and 10 transmit dream voters back to similar call. but the referenda, woodson recognize international, the entrance and history of remain part of motel the bushes influence in the break away region is undeniable. as this means rush is
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a presence both militarily and financially one. it's a special pensions click on some these transfer, but it also supplies gas to the region to the kremlin, says it considers protecting transmit streams. the top priority, while of choosing west and powers of interfering, and motel was internal affairs. nothing put down data is tumbling to trying to mold the republic into literally a seconds. ukraine, quanta rate to the mood of the majority of the modelling population. and in general apartments, we without thinking about the consequences of this for the country and for the region on the whole rush, it's invasion of neighboring ukraine has fuel fears up model that could be next, especially as a country's precedent. my ascent do has been pushing to join the you meeting with ukrainian president and all pena san do, said she was worried. not all the way safe today. thanks to the but a very of the ukrainian soul days. and we are very grateful to them. the attention, though, also costs and concern in washington. good afternoon,
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given russia's increasingly aggressive and destabilizing role in europe, we are watching rushes, actions, and trends. nice through it. in a broader situation, they're very closely just one of several western voices warning. the rush is trying to to stabilize the region even further. suggestions, chess, a basin analyst who specializes in the relations between moldova and ukraine, early on by austin, how concerned he is over this appeal by trans mystery to russia? to be honest, i'm not very concerned because as we've already heard, also just before there has been this call for and referendum already in 2006 there has been uh, the decision to want to join the russian federation about the criminal so far hasn't even recognized trends and the strip now within the current jewel political
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situation, we cannot rule out anything but um, i would follow what the president said. i'm a little bi safe at the moment now is russian president vladimir putin is due to address the nation today. ahead of elections in 2 weeks. do you expect him to react to the requests for help from a full transmission? as she might mention it, i don't think that he will announce anything drastic. it's simply for logistical reasons. there is no possibility that i can see at the moment, that's the russian army, but interfere the situation on the ground as it might change over the next couple of weeks, march present, and then an opportunity for that. the moment i don't see that there is a highly likelihood that something on the ground can help me. now, how much real support for russia is that among the general population of trends,
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mr. as well, there is, of course, a ties to the language through the history, the sentiments, but especially also through russian propaganda that it's a broadcast it's uh through media into that part of mold over. um, i would say that some, there is certainly a desire to not be a part of, uh what some maybe is is no longer the russian world. however, if we look at the, for instance, economical data, we see that over the past decade, we have had a development where the transmission economy is exporting more into the european union than it is for the russian federation. you will see a, a changing environment with the necessity for generating electricity
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and also the gas supply that comes from the russian federation due to a full scale invasion in the ukraine. so there are ties, there are sentiments, but the overall environment is changing and we should also pay attention to the best interest for the vienna. thank you very much. thank you. the health industry in gaza, which is controlled by how boss says that this coal, since the strength of the war has no top. so 2000 people, it says some 70000 others have been wounded. last month, the u. n's top court ordered israel to take provisional measures to prevent acts of genocide in gaza. and since then, the have been growing calls in some countries to hold the weapons exports to as well. the un has said, countries supplying almost as well could be complicit in violations of international for almost 5 months. it's really troops of buckled palestinian
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militants across the gaza strip. the war has taken a heavy toe on civilians in the territory, leading to international accusations. this is rose not doing enough to prevent civilian harm until high profile calls for arms exports to israel to stop. how many times have you hurt the must plumbing and leave this on for a minute or 100 will say to many people are being killed by them by the head. this is too much on the top is not proportional. well, if you believe that too many people are being killed, maybe you should provide less arms. israel is one of the world's eating arms producers. but it's also dependent on the imports from abroad, especially from the u. s. and germany. according to the style comb,
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international piece, research institute, 67 percent of as well as the imports of major weapons came from the us from 2013 to 2020 to 28 percent from germany and 5 percent from italy. the us does not publish details on its military a to israel, but media reports they use has supplied tens of thousands of weapons since the october 7th terrorist attack, including bunker, boasting bombs and precision guided munitions. in 2022 germany approved the sale of 32300000 euros worth of defense equipment to israel. that figure rose 10 fold and 20232300 26500000 euros. most of the permits for granted after october 7th, and included portable on 2 tank weapons and ammunition that make concerns that's applying weapons for the war. and guys may violate international humanitarian law. easily on spain say they have halted or arms exports to israel. citizens in mid
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february, acor's in the netherlands, ordered the dutch government to block exports the f 35 spicer jet parts to israel, following the case bro, by human rights groups. israel has rejected calls for an arms embargo saying it's fighting the war and guns in self defense guns in accordance with international law . maureen, and there are on this a defense on the list with the both studies department at kings college london. and she told us earlier, how a po box in for an weapons shipments could effect as well as military. what would have to understand is that you throw a case that it has always been reliant on external specifically is that you asked support the united states has been supporting israel economically and militarily, since the creation of the state of israel in 1948. meaning that the u. s. has spend about 300000000000 in the entire period. providing israel was arms
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and economic help. however, arms have been a major part of it. therefore, any withdrawal from this, how from this aid from the united states especially, would mean that israel will lose its defensive capacity in the united states, has pledged to ensure that each row can defend itself. and this is of course, in the foreign policy interest in the region for the united states. now the us is strong, spend about the opposite sense to israel. then for example, would you frame get, why is that as well then reason for that could be is security reason because east row is getting very advanced high technology, whereas ukraine is getting older technologies that is not critical to us national security. therefore, those contracts might not be as transparent. however,
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in some cases we do get to know what each row gaps because israel is always a 1st to get their hands on. a more advanced military technology amongst us, or middle eastern countries such as solid uribe, were also purchasing military equipment from the united states. so the lack of transparency in this domain might increase the chances that the adversary's of israel cannot prepare in advance for a specific type of weapon. and the as a reason why the political is actually given the fact that israel has been criticized even prior to the october 7th attacks. and when it comes to the use of military force, so that there is a political component of that as well. let's, let's talk more about how mazda is getting its weapons. it says it's still firing rockets and is really targets where these walk is coming from store file. so the supply would still functioning as well. is there a difference?
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this is for a mass together, a weapons form, and there are reports, of course the passable law has been support, things come off when it comes to getting their weapons. there are smuggling roots and, and presumably it's a tunnel network and the connection to each trip is still functioning. so that's how mosse can gap their weapons. now since a conflict has started that it has become more difficult. however, what we have to remember as well that an important source of weapons for how much is the israel and military itself. the new york times has reported that some of us managed to plunder certain israel with military bases. and how much can also use unexploded ordnance in ga, sorry, in order to build their own missiles and rockets. and this is a concerning factor given a how much israel is firing into gaza. and the fact that 10 percent of the ordinance fired fails to explode. never on the afternoons college
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a london. thank you very much. i took a look on some other news making headlines. israel's defense ministers, you have got on task goal for a draft little that would force also both adults and choose to serve in the military. they have so far been exempt from compulsory service. some also orthodox jews, blocked roads earlier this week in protest. the proposal is the government said the war and gaza at least as well, with no other choice in the us. a cluster, a fast moving law firm as a score communities in an area known as the texas kind of handled. one blaze being called a smoke house creek 5 has grown into one of the largest in the states history. no injuries have been reported, but their office, the 5 could spread or in gone of the pol them and has passed a new empty eligibility to low. a coalition of religious leaders sponsor the bill
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which would punish the promotion of great rights with up to 5 years in prison. the bill still needs to be approved by the president. thailand's health minister says the country plans to bend recreational mario wanna use by the end of the year, thailand became the 1st southeast asian nation to allow recreational cannabis use 2 years ago since then. authorities, i've been trying to rein in search and consumption in thailand. officials plan to continue allowing medicinal use in hong kong legislators preparing to posit controversial security. and all of that has been criticized for its effect on human rights that all has long been demanded by china. a central government debating which has increasingly asserted in society on the island providence of hong kong. in recent years, massive street protests and area just stopped the government from implementing the low known as optical 23. but within that many opposition activists in jail or in
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exile, it's expected to pass through parliament easily. the new little would be part of pumpkins, mini constitution, which is separate from that of the chinese mainland. article $23.00 requires hong kong to suppress dissent and frets to the government. it contains broad provisions against treason, insurrection, espionage, destructive activities, endangering, national security and external interference. schumann wise advocates and west and official said dramatically on the minds fair trial rights and even a diplomatic activity at the moment that changed everything. july 1st, 1997 when britain handed over hong kong to china, which promised to respect the principle of one country to systems. that meant that hong connors could enjoy many of the democratic freedoms they'd had under british rule. under hong kong it's own mini constitution. but in 2003,
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beijing tried to introduce security laws under article 23 of that mini constitution . hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in protest, and the proposal was withdrawn. in 2014, a civil disobedience movement arose, pushing for more democratic government. organizers feared that the police might track down and everyone has to stay. highly alert. riley has been peaceful, but now to your guys and plastic bullets have been transferred to the government headquarters. the us soon after the police forcefully cleared protest camps and the government did not relent. setting the stage for future classes with democracy activists. 5 years later, another series of widespread protests sparked by a proposal to extradite criminal suspects. the mainland china was met with a harsh police response. no one is upgrade. more and more angry.
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you never know what the government will put on there. and i'm just worried about the cold. rather than answering the protesters, demands the following year, beijing impose the new national security law, the defined many anti government efforts as the session and subversion and assigned live sentences for many of those so called crimes. that was it for many of hong kong. as pro democracy activists, dozens of opposition leaders were arrested, along with journalists and ordinary citizens. others went into exile. independent media was silenced, phasing signal that it had fully taken over in 2022. when g as in ping arrived in hong kong to swear, and john lee as the territories chief executive or the ceremony happened on july 1st 25 years to the day after the british hand over on service, lee has said that the new security legislation is
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a priority and with the opposition vanquished, he's likely to get his wish. last spoke to doctor eric live from the george stone center for aging law in washington, dc and the austin with effects this new security. lo will have on human rights and on call to this nation is a 2 or 2 little consultation paper as provide on lots of vague terms and have a lack of traditional saved gospel, free expressions, free association and free peace or assembly in hong kong school. sure, there's no clear definition of what national security is except use in mainland china is 1st and mainland chinese version of national security, which is covers everything in our, the likes and the fix terms and the lack of protections of human rights through independence courts in this the consultation also be for us that have gone from the one to extend its power to controls the society and to control information and,
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and take off and most vicious, rather than providing a safe platform for free speech and free information pro. so what does that mean now for the opposition in hong kong? most of the opposition forces have, have either be criminalized or in excel. they are still a must try or against for the 7 pro democracy at the 1st in hong kong and the media, tyco, jimmy ly, as well as the, to the independent media, out as a suit pending for trial or for the verdict of the trial against free press for free speech, and most of the secret society organizations and trade unions, critical of the government has either disbanded or criminalized. and so it's new, additional national security legislation. indeed, the small show an urgency of the need for the government to save got their own security,
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but rather it is an instrument to expend. definitely people control in the home phone society. do you think this is just the 1st step? oh, well, one of many steps engaging, tightening its grip on hong kong, even more this will be, this will be a completion of c team pings idea all over the state national security to be implemented in hong kong, the called government consultation on this local national security legislation a made clear that they will adopt a mainland id off national security in the home calls come on law system. and this is a way to comb 1st home costs legal system with mainland chinese ones. dr. eric live at from the washington d. c. thank you very much. thank you. and to india, now we have voters will go to the polls soon, in a general election set to take place between april and may prime and
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a send the rand remotely and his be j. p. policy riding a wave of popularity. i don't currently on an old time high. the only other big national policy congress is struggling to find its way in an election race that many experts believe is already decided that need a roll gun. david is travelling, the vast nation from east to west, trying to mobilize must support following to election defeats to movie the w correspondence, many of our child. dre reports from a live god. with she joined the campaign trail. loud slogans beat you out. a song on an excited crowd in the city of opposition leader who's on the is here to bring back with us for his congress body . the basement. now for that family, why is this country and go into so much hatred? and the reason for finding some hatred in india is in justice over pull, people suffer from injustice comp 24 hours
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a day. and the aisle di and the good is important for going to be the city isn't the state of the with the for these are you which has a bigger population then rosie. you be also has the most fundamental areas in india and is currently formerly in the hands of the ruling fuzzy of prime minister. and that means a movie. the b g, b, ya drop on. yeah, i get off this journey is about fighting in just as a in this country below the b j. p is dividing. people are available in the name of religion, those right times they learn on their god. com go to that long gone. the knows what i think he lost his quantity wency and you be in the last national election. despite the fact that he's from india most prominent political family which has given the country 3 prime minister. gandhi is trying to use this cross country chip, cause yacht in him,
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be to engage with ball for these new allies. and to reconnect with the people of the marches being undertaken at the time when the alliance of all position parties led by the congress formed just last year, beginning to show, correct. you will be reading the 5. do you have pulled out with other alliance members? caught up in the fall setting disagreements, many observers showed in you be feel that the congress body won't be able to do it on the tight. one of them if journalists gauzy for us. emma, who has been covering local politics for 15 years, congress. gov lewis point this is called is the lowest point that we go to, the timing of the march is wrong. they should have organize it much sooner to gain more. but it, it goes aboard up to where they go. you know, they have nothing to lose. okay. what the margins doing is to divide the support of their own body. what goes up and the congress is weak lining and implementing. it's on the go strategies, i can have the proper planning key which and congress liter jeremy's who
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travels with always on the disagree. he attributes, his body's losses to something else. the reason why mister movies has been, you know, successful really scary movies. do you know what it takes a moment and i think most of those on this is the only particularly the the goal is bod, usually pretty. the body that's really taking the be just being a dog donation to come feet that his body is depending heavily on his political allies. you know, you know, i live everybody with nobody. good satisfied, 100 percent of the time. or you give some, you know, you'll get some, you'll compromise living man for now. the got the seems to be striking the right court with the relative to the you on a barely but it congress will do well with, especially in this alliance to defeat the b, j. b. and what is kind of hard work pays off or congress that following, because for now it's getting strategy going this last the last 2 national elections
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badly. this time it wants to present a united opposition to the government. keeping this alliance intact until the elections. we'd be the who's on the biggest challenge before we go, it looks like something out of a james bond movie or from the i am in serious if you're a little younger, the united arab emirates has hosted the wells 1st. a jet, sued rice. it's part of his foot on that packs and just around the opposite of course, happen on do buys haul box. no, there is no digital trickery involved here. these dead suits have mobile is probably the most sports cos and can reach speeds of up to 130 kilometers. that sounds dangerous and guess what it is that was in a crash during the race bought the pilot gave rescue is thumbs up very quickly.
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the so it looks like fun. that's it. from me, the steam sent out a cup us mckennon. we'll have, it wasn't as update for you at the top of the next up depot india exploring climate friendly solutions for cities from northern india to south america gab office. thanks the the, the,
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and then made utopia 70 years ago, the knowles, i mean, since you have tons of guy was conceived and constructed to be sustainable, logical by swiss architect nicole b. c. today, his utopia needs to be balanced with the needs of improving population. is it possible to present one, adapting to reality eco,
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india next on dw freedom of price, increase critical journalists under surveillance. i'm guessing buried in jewel suits or even much like the lease reports or your those kind of us according to reports is with that board is it's clear who's responsible. the so called tribal policy, you have like a media business man are focused on here in 60 minutes on dw, the nice be at the end of the patrick, i need an expedition ventures onto places that no one has the why is the ice melting more rapidly?
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than in the ice fields and past the from psycho vic shows that guns wriggles who narrow lanes to tiny yellow afterwards, the icon is denny metro. the buses, the railways, there is no dos of public transport in the city of dennis. hello and welcome. i'm saw that got the body and you are watching equally and usually our choice of child support is based on comfort convenience, cost on time. but do we do like, how do our choices impact the planet? let's find out.


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