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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news life from balance rushes vladimir fuson ones night, so the ukraine and his annual sights of the nation address, bruce, and hints, nuclear weapons, could be in dismay. so countries send troops to ukraine. he accuses the west trying to destroy russia from within. both are coming up on the program, the warnings of russian interference in moldova is, break away region of trans mysterious pro. russia separate says the off must go to health, claiming discrimination by the pro western government. and phase of russian med
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ligand's toilet and as well as the keys must go in full traipsing, the massive following this process that it disrupting poland and straining ties with neighboring ukraine. the i'm on you can just mckinnon. welcome to the program. by them, it person has one's nato countries. they risk nuclear will if they send troops to ukraine. the russian lead has been delivering his annual states of the nation, addressed 2 weeks ahead of a presidential election that he is expected to win. little to no position stands in his way. person told russians in his speech that he would be stationing most soldiers in rushes west close to new nato members, finland and sweden. person's nuclear warning comes off the front says president refused to rule out the possible, say,
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of western nations sending fruits the crime. this was lisa rejected by the us and germany. here's some of what post and said you. those are the consequences when you, when they should eventually understand that we also have weight bonsfield and they know it's just sitting now myself, feeling weapons that can hit targets on their territory. but are you doing everything that the waste is coming up? you know what they threaten the world with. it can result in a conflict with the use of nuclear waste in us good idea. and they for the destruction of civilization. i'm not sure. but when you're searching and civil is that's already a bureau chief, your air chateau has been following coaching speech, and i d. w has been reporting from lot via since it was forced to close its office in russia 2 years ago. welcome uri. um, what's your reaction to what we just heard from booth and what? what message is he sending to europe in the west? well, anya, what we've just heard from the national president was that could be
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a threats to the west address to the nato countries. to that allegedly wants to destroy russia, put in respondents to the you said it's through the words of the russian of french french president who didn't throw out the idea of native sol just in ukraine, which was rejected by the s into germany. but to put in fighting for that to the consequences of such a move could be tragic for those who would defense. so just to recreate you also come into to on the who murder says that the rational allegedly wants to station nuclear weapons in space, which she called fake news. and that could use the americans of spreading them, getting through the selection campaign. as of the reason. now, given russia's recent military gains in ukraine, did he say anything more about the war as well? but it has once again, given the kind of job history lesson with ease of view of the war, according to put in russia, is defending itself from may to. we've had that several times. it's not nothing you're putting the thanks to the people and also for supporting the use of all
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policy new granted, once again very sharply attacked to the best them congress that allegedly once rustic before rush, i said, would continue to follow it's of war aims in this context put in also talk to both of the arms industry in russia, which is running at full speed as this means if it's an end to the war, is obviously not to be expected any time soon. now presidential elections a just 2 weeks away now in russia. fuson is the only viable candidates. what did you have to say to russians about this upcoming boat or yes, so this was a pretense 19 for speech to the nation. and it was a political speech just as one with expect shortly before the election from a petition. the only difference being that there is no real demographic collection could be expected and drops. so putting focused on many internal successes of issues surprised among other things. so the stability of the russian economy,
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which hasn't collapsed under wisdom sanctions, it should be said that most russians don't actually live in poverty, bought the sanctions on going to have a long term impact whether evaluation, industry, by parts of less than aircraft are running out or into the same way of short than just uh, allegedly managing uh, food prices have also increased that also put in the haven't mentioned at, but the put in has promised many social guarantees and deductibles, clearly spend the election comparing the rest of it. okay, so we know that person will remain president. is it popular? is it possible to, to gauge how popular he really still is with the russian people? a well look according to the independent blue vada center, which is pretty reliable. and by the way of classified does it for an agent in russia. so according to nevada, put things personal popularity is 65 percent. 80 percent of russians are generally satisfied with opinions, policies, which certainly includes the big one you grant that are very and various reasons
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for this popularity. i think the most part, the reason is that the russians see no alternative. the political field and russia has been cleared off the 24. he has a 14 impala and many older people in the office to thank him for a circus debility of this account with the ninety's. and of course, we must meet under estimate of the power off again that which does everything it can to make russians believe that tasha would have been attacked by nettle and must therefore now defend itself. what these people don't. conceit as atrocity is not completely isolated, at least in europe, and the natural is right on putting this door step, so to speak off, cuz you're entering goes to be the, there's a lot that's what i wanted to avoid, but that's exactly what she got. you're ready. thank you so much for that analysis . that's the dental use rica. barry, bureau chase, you're a professor now is we just had that person's veiled nucleus for us. came off the president and my new and my call from the ne to member suggested it might eventually be necessary for allies to consider the
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pulling ground troops to ukraine. now that idea was quickly shut down by other western leaders, including the german chancellor, off shorts and a new video message. so that's again 6 to l. a and a concerns among drum and votes. as of any direct involvement in the will of the not to east of nato is not and will not be party to the war. that remains the case . we do not want to rush as war against ukraine was to become a war between russia and nato. and feel we agree on this was own all allies. this also means no german participation in the war. most people to put it bluntly as the german chancellor will not be sending any members of the german forces to ukraine. all soldiers can count on that. and you too can come to him, dolphins easy, shut off, and supplant, as they don't use political correspondent hands explain to us why the drum and
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trump is emphasizing so vehemently and repeatedly that german soldiers will not be deployed a new crime as well. a just think about the prospect of german soldiers on the eastern front fighting russian troops. it's a memory from the 2nd world war, which ended in disaster for germany and for the hold of europe. it's something that sent shivers down many, many backs here in germany. so what the chancellor really was trying to do is to reach you reassure his right as to reassure the german population that this traumatic prospect is not going to be realized under his chancellor's ship. he was, in fact, speaking to the german public mold and to his allies move into fry of a front as president, a monument of my call. at the same time, one has to see that a tron. so that shows is very clear about germany operating in the conflict and
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ukraine within the context of alliances within the context of the nato alliance and the gym. the will continue to play its part to give a lot of money to ukraine and also to the probably true and frankly to nato countries such as we have to guide you. so it's an address to the driven public. it's a, an attempt to set a red line at the same time. it's not really a withdrawal from the natural alliance from durham inside dw political correspondent, hands from thank you so much i. so now ukraine is warning against, quote, destructive external interference in mold davis. break away region of trends. mystery and now this off to pro russia separatists, the off most go full protection. it's the same movie, truly used by separatists in east and ukraine. a decade ago of
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a self proclaimed republic of trends. mystery, it is a tiny sliver of land. the co located between ukraine and mold, though though they were both soviet republics from history broke away from moldova during the collapse of the soviet union. in the early 19 nineties of people identifying as russian, many of them hold russians, citizenship do, make up a sizable minority in trends and history intentions have been rising, ever since russia's invasion of the price of 1st in nearly 2 decades officials meeting for a rear special congress entrance in history is capital to rascal. the pro russian separate says the asking must go to protect it, break away region from what they call the threat from old dover. the move has many more buildings concerned. you're still in a mighty city. it's really dangerous. what's happening and harass, pull their declaring war in moldova model, many words the kremlin backed officials are waiting another push to join russia in
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2006 more than 9 and 10 transmits during voters back to similar call. but the referenda wasn't recognized into naturally intrinsic mystery of remain part of montalvo versus influence in the break away region is undeniable. assistant, russia is a presence both militarily and financially. one, it's a special pensions, 2 fronts, news transport, but it also supplies gas to the region to the kremlin, says it considers protecting transmit strains the top priority, while of choosing western powers of interfering and motel. this internal affairs, it's not the need to, is tumbling to trying to mold the republic into literally a 2nd to ukraine. con, to rate, to the mood of the majority of the model in population e, y, and in general apartments, the without thinking about the consequences of this for the country and for the region on the whole bottom. russia's invasion of neighboring ukraine has fuel fears that mold over could be next, especially as the countries precedent my ascent do, has been pushing to join the you meeting with ukrainian president and all pena san
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do set you was worried face today. thanks to the but avery of the ukrainian sold days and we are very grateful to them. the attention though, also causing concern in washington. good afternoon, given russia's increasingly aggressive and destabilizing role in europe, we are watching rushes actions and trans needs through in a broader situation. they're very closely just one of several western voices warning. the rush is trying to, to stabilize the region even further or to barbara, who is a freelance journalist who joins us now from just outside juvenile, the capital of mold though the welcome to you much. i know that you have gains access to transmit tray. you were there until this morning, i believe. so tell us on trends. mystery is concerned about this appeal from pro russian set purchase to moscow. i will say they're concerned. they're
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actually quite happy and keen to gain support from most folks. uh, as you rightfully said, about half of the population holds washing citizenship on the streets of the russ full. you can give russian speakers in 99 percent of the cases. so people are very keen and they look up to must go for what they want and what the cold protection from, move the interference inter business. and what i say business means the economics. okay. now we know that russel already has a small military presence and trends in history a. how likely is it that more russian troops and will be sent to as well? it's highly unlikely and not because it's a matter of will. but this is a matter of geography logistics. at the moment, mobile devices allowed and lock country and frozen this route is an enclave within a land lock on the street. the border with ukraine was shot between trust me. the
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and ukraine was shot, i believe, 3 months into the wall. so the only access into the same place is through moved over at the moment unless rushed up last to evade. we'll go back to the airport or somehow through the black sea through a desktop, which means they would actually have to take this off. i don't see how they can send more russian troops into transmission oring to move over the at the moment. okay, so that will for now be no more russian troops likely to be fed into a trends and it's true. i wanted to ask, i mean if that were a put the, the possibility would that then have knock on effect on the conflict. and you say, of course, i mean anything that happens at the moment in ukraine or in, um, i'm sorry, there's a bit of noise if anything that happens at the moment, not only on the front,
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but of the legion itself. and that's because it was nice of, you know, on bed ever since the war in the early ninety's, there's a huge, i mean, nation people, cold, combustible, the largest, the rush of holes in eastern europe. we talk about russian citizens, half of multiple this population. so obviously there are security implications for everyone, including for romania because at the same time a lot of moved over the romanian passports. and romania is a native country as your old know. so definitely huge implications at the moment for anything that happens interesting or to a large extent in moldova, much above the, in moldova, thank you so much, much of this stuff. nice thing inside the now farmers have been protesting for weeks against a policies in countries across europe. and some of the biggest process have been imposed on west palm is also angry about cheapest food imports from neighboring
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ukraine of the issue has been straining relations between the 2 countries which have been placed upon those since rusher invaders. ukraine. publish authorities have even accused russia of influencing the fall of the protests. the w is christine mcguire is in poland and has this report we're in 3, it's cool, but it's sky 6 speaking, how much is outside of also people from this region like to think of it as your biggest fortune mateusz diversity is family has been growing. apples here for a century who we get all the different overboard variety of apples like gala golden, delicious, or something that businesses test these days. and mateusz is unhappy about e u roles aimed as addressing climate change and the cheaper agricultural impulse from ukraine that are coming into the polish market. nicholas case, i don't mean, is it polish pharma speaking for myself?
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but it comes to the green d a in the oldest book, received the actions of the european officials. i'm certainly concerned and could even say more then concerned with the body and was number of uses. and the, these issues has been growing in poland. it's seen from is blocked traffic from ukraine at the board is and this week they staged this big demonstration in warsaw by so we went up our main point of this to try and stop the import of food products from ukraine. this is the 1st and the most important point. unfortunately, the government doesn't want to talk to us. that's why we came to or so we want to show the power of the polish farmers because the farming community has been mobilizing online materials on facebook. groups with other farm is in his region and beyond. but the government says it is on into it as a possible russian infiltration in the process through social media. there's some trick on those. uh,
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i'm sure that protein and his people are reactive in europe and they take advantage of such protests so long as it's enough to take your phone and start reading comments from the federal home ex. i'll facebook onto facebook, even on my own phone. see how many comments i made to the phone by the fake account, some of the cs in sort of months, interest sites gone. the independent observe is also concerned with russian propaganda doesn't. our conscious pulling quoted is, they are, is phrasing our novices, our social media, our public discussions and public debate, looking into it. radical statements statements with play with our emotions. well thursdays are investigating some anti ukraine and pro russia smoking, set up and spotted, and recent demonstrations. but tell you save those on not. yesterday, the farm is not there. no, i didn't post it on. you certainly know polish pharma who cares, as i believe,
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is it over that they're going here benjamin will make do you mind said directly attached to that ukraine and support team i think we on this push it out and you know, uh okay, not just did i own a patina poland has been one of the few cranes biggest back is in the us. but the issue with the farm is, is causing tensions between keys and also, or not the dummies corresponding christine mundell, who felt that report for us told us more about the suspected russian influence on the farm is demonstrations. old ortiz here in poland or convince that russian trolls has infiltrated social media feeding. this information to, to farm is, as the official told me, the deputy agricultural industry. they've observed your allstate accounts on the platforms, facebook, and it's these accounts are disseminating as sort of conspiracy theories. uh,
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this information specifically targeted at farm is who are protesting. there has been some incidents at demonstrations. one in particular is being investigated with a fall, but had a post on his track to explicitly encouraging the russian president vladimir putin to finish ukraine. this res, along i hit in poland, that particular incidents and other related ones are being investigated. so there is absolutely no doubt on the part of polish ortiz fast russian influence has made its way into these protests. hence, some of the extreme is views that some form is expressing at these demonstrations of a c, w corresponding christine one dwaa are pushing for more. so we're going to take a look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and in the us, a cluster foss moving wild fires a scorch communities in an area known as the texas panhandle. at one blaze being
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cooled, the smoke house creak via has grown into one of the largest in the state's history . no injuries have been reported, but they're all fears. the fire could spread further. gone as parliament has post a new m c l g p t to little a coalition of religious leaders sponsor the bill which would punish the promotion of eligibility to rights with up to 5 years in prison. the bill does still need to be approved by the president. those were, it's a 2 day public sound support strikes is taking place and the number of gem instead to use, including here in the capital balance work has have works of the job well tense, collective bargaining talks take place, the pay and conditions. gemini has been hit by a series of transportation strikes and recent weeks. thailand's health minister says the country plans to ban recreational marijuana used by the end of the year thailand became the 1st south east asian nation to elaborate, critic recreational kind of us use 2 years ago since then. also received have been
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trying to rein in searching consumption in thailand. officials do plan to continue allowing medicinal use and israel's defense minister you of golan has called for a draft. lo, that would force ultra orthodox jews to serve in the military. they so far been exempt from compulsory service, some ultra orthodox jews, blocks roads earlier this week and protested the proposal. and mister salon said the who in gaza needs israel is no other choice. now the health ministry in gaza, which is controlled by hamas, says the death toll since the start of the will has now talked. so i see 1000 people authorities say thousands of people were killed on friday is a wasted for 8. and the goal is to see the is randy military says it is checking reports on the incidents last month. the u. n's talk, court ordered israel to take provisional measures to prevent acts of genocide and
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gaza since then, that's been growing pools and some countries to hold the weapons x boats to israel . u. n. a said that countries supplying the israel could be complicit in violations of international law. for almost 5 months is rarely troops of buckled palestinian militants across the gaza strip. the war has taken a heavy toe on civilians in the territory, leading to international accusations. this israel's not doing enough to prevent civilian harm until high profile calls for arms exports to israel to stop. how many times have you hurt the must plumbing to lead us on for a minute to a 100? we'll say too many people are being killed by them. by the head. this is too much on the top is not proportional. well, if you believe that too many people are being killed,
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maybe you should provide less arms. israel is one of the world's eating arms producers, but it's also dependent on imports from abroad, especially from the u. s. and germany. according to the style comb, international piece, research institute, 67 percent of as well as the imports of major weapons came from the us from 2013 to 2020 to 28 percent from germany and 5 percent from italy. the us does not publish details on its military a to israel, but media reports they use has supplied tens of thousands of weapons since the october 7th terrorist attack, including bunker busting bombs and precision guided munitions. in 2022 germany approved the sale of 32300000 euros worth of defense equipment to israel. that figure rose 10 fold and 20232300 26500000 euros. most of the permits
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for granted after october, 7th, and included portable on to tank weapons and ammunition make concerns. that's applying weapons for the war in guns. a may violate international humanitarian law . easily on spain say they have halted or arms exports to israel. and in mid february, a course in the netherlands ordered the dutch government to block exports of f. 35 spicer jet parts to israel, following the case bro bye to human rights groups. israel has rejected calls for an arms embargo saying it's fighting the war in guns, but in self defense, as in accordance with international law. marina moran as a defense on the list for the war studies department at kings college london. he told us, oh yeah, how i'll pull back in for an weapons shipments could effect as well as military. or what we have to understand is that you throw a case that it has always been reliant on external specifically,
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usually us support. the united states has been supporting israel economically and militarily, since the creation of the state of israel in 1948. meaning that the us have spent about 300000000000 in the entire period, providing israel was arms and economic help. however, arms have been a major part of it, therefore, and you withdrawal from this how, from this aid from the united states especially, was mean that east rel will lose its defensive capacity. and the united states has pledged to ensure that each row can defend itself, and this is, of course, in the foreign policy interest in the region for the united states. it's marie number on that from king's college. london is a quick reminder for you of our top story today. russian president vladimir person has 192 countries. they risk nuclear war if they send troops to ukraine and his
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annual space of the nation address groups and also said mosca would station troops in the west, in response to ne toes in order to kicks back. and with that, you are up to date, focus on the ear is up. next i money keeps and again, and thanks for watching the
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freedom of price increase critical journalists under surveillance. i'm guessing buried in jewel suits or even much like police reports or your those kind of us according to reports, is with that board is it's clear who's responsible. the so go try involve of policy . you have like the media business menu focus on here. the next on d w e l lifelong relationship
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is that nobody chooses for themselves. siblings, they help see and challenge us. what role do they play in our development? siblings? love, rivalry. in 45 minutes on d, w, the comes out to the highlights you every week in your inbox, subscribe. now this shadows, these pod costs and videos shed light on the donkey street. devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools,
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farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today, the screen. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the, the hello and welcome to focus on europe with me. live show attacks on press. freedom are increasing globally more than 100 journalists have lost their lives since january 2023. most of them in war zones like gaza and ukraine, journalists are also a fulton murdered after reporting about corruption, organized crime or state sponsored terrorism. you.


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