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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news life from the russians. let them in person one's night. so the train and his annual sights of the nation address suits in him. nuclear weapons could be used if nice have countries said prince to ukraine, uses the west, trying to destroy russia from within. we'll say coming up on the program warnings of russian interference in moldova is break away region of trends. this trio pro russia separatists. the often most go for health slaving discrimination by the pro western government and the whole month run health ministry, and garza says more than a 100 people have been killed while waiting for somebody to terry an aid. they say
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the death toll for maybe 5 months sufficing, because now costs 30000 the new kids making and welcome to the program flooding. the person has one to 92 countries. they risk nuclear war if they send troops to ukraine. the russian leader has been delivering his annual states of the nation address 2 weeks ahead of a presidential election, but he is expected to win missile to know a position stands in his way. we who send told russians in his speech that he'd be stationing most soldiers in russians west close to new, nice home members, finland and sweden, now cushions, nukes, a warning came off to francis president, had refused to rule out the possibility of western nations sending troops to ukraine, this was laced so rejected by the us in germany is some of what pollution have to
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say on you. those are the consequence of when you, when they should eventually understand that we also have weapons and they know it's really tight. just city now myself in weapons that can heat targets on their territory. but are you doing everything that the waste is coming up to now what they threaten the world with? it can result in a conflict with the use of nuclear waste in some good idea and they for the destruction of civilization. i'm not sure if the when you're searching and see if it is, that's milestone reagan, peer or chief uri. refresh his reaction to the russian president's speech and the message the person was sending to your on the west. we've just heard from the national president was that could be a threats to the west addressed to the nato countries to that allegedly wants to destroy russia. put in respondents to thank you said it's to the parts of the russian of french french president who didn't throw out to the idea of native sol just in ukraine,
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which was rejected by the as into germany. but to put in the pricing for that to the consequences of such a move could be tragic for those who would defense. so just to recreate the also comment on the whomever says that the rational allegedly wants to station nuclear weapons in space, which she called fake news. and they could use the americans or spreading them, getting through the selection campaign, asked if the reason. now, given russia's recent military gains in ukraine, did he say anything more about the war? well, but it has once again, given that kind of job history lesson with ease of view of the war, according to put in russia, is defending itself from may tool. we've had to that several times. it's not nothing you put into the bank that the people invested for supporting feasible policy ukraine and once again very sharply attacked to the best them congress that allegedly want russia before. ross, i said, would continue to follow it's of war aids in this context, put, and also talked about the arms industry in russia,
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which is running at full speed as this means if it's an end to the war, is obviously not to be expected any time soon. now presidential elections just 2 weeks away now in russia, fuson is the only viable candidates. what did you have to say to russians about this upcoming boat or yes, so this was a pretense 19 for speech to the nation. and it was a political speech just as one would expect shortly before the election from a petition. the only difference being is that there is no real democratic election to be expected in russia. so putting focused on many internal successes of issues surprised among other things. so the stability of the russian economy, which hasn't collapsed on the rest of the sections, it should be said that most russians don't actually live in poverty, bought the sanctions on going to have a long term impact, wasn't evaluation industry by parts of less than the aircraft all running out or in the same way i short interest, all allegedly managing food prices have also increased the debt. also put in the
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haven't mentioned at but to put in has promised many social guarantees and deductibles, clearly spend the election comparing the rest of it a t w's ranking purity theory. russia says that now ukraine is warning against quote, destructive external interference. in moldova is break away region of trends in history. you this of the pro russia step process, but also most go full protection, is the same overture, or used by separatists in east and ukraine a decade ago. now, the self proclaimed republic of trends. this trio is a tiny sliver of land located between ukraine and mold over they were both soviet republics, crowns of history. it broke away from all the during the collapse of the soviet union in the late 19 nineties. now, people identifying as russian, many of them hold a russian citizenship, make up a sizable minority in trends this trip attention to have been rising. ever since
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russia's invasion of ukraine, of 1st in nearly 2 decades officials meeting for a rare special congress entrance in history is capital to rascal the pro russian separatist. asking moscow to protect the break away region from what they call the threat from october. the move has many more buildings concerned. you're still in a mighty city, it's really dangerous. what's happening and to rascal that's like if they're declaring war moldova model. many words the kremlin backed officials are weighing another push to join russia in 2006 more than 9 and 10 transmit dream voters back to similar call. but the referendum wouldn't recognize internationally and trends. mystery of remain part of montalvo versus influence in the break away region is undeniable. assistant, russia is a presence both militarily and financially. one, it's a special pensions to trance news trends, but it also supplies gas to the region to the kremlin, says it considers protecting transmit streams. the top priority,
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while of choosing western powers of interfering and motel. this internal affairs, nothing whatever. need to tell them to trying to mold the republic into literally a 2nd to ukraine. con, to right to the mood of the majority of the modelling population. and in general apartments, we without thinking about the consequences of this for the country and for the region on the whole rush, its invasion of neighboring ukraine has fuel fears that mold over could be next, especially as a countries precedent. my ascent do has been pushing to join the you meeting with ukrainian president and all pena san do set you was worried of a safe today thanks to the but a very of the ukrainian sold days. and we are very grateful to them. the attention, though, also costs and concern in washington. good afternoon, given russia's increasingly aggressive and destabilizing role in europe, we are watching rushes, actions and trends. nice through it. in
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a broader situation there, a very closely just one of several western voices warning the rushes, trying to to stabilize the region even further. their kids are blue is a freelance journalist who just returned from a visit to trends in his trio. i asked him earlier of trans mr ins, all worried about pro russian separatists. oscar inc most go for help. i was say there are concerns. they're actually quite happy and keen to gain support from must go up. as you rightfully said, about half of the population holds washer and citizenship on the streets of the russ. or you can give russian speakers in 99 percent of the cases. so people are very keen and they look up to must go for what they want and what the cold protection from, move the interference inter business. and what i say business means the economics. okay. now we know that russel already has a small military presence and trends in history
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a. how likely is it but more russian troops and will be sent to as well. it's highly unlikely and not because it's a matter of will. but this is a matter of geography logistics. at the moment, both devices alone and lock country and frozen this route is an enclave within a land lock on the street. the board that would ukraine was shop between trust me. the and ukraine was shot. i believe 3 months into the wall. so the only access into the same place is through moved over at the moment unless rushed up last to evade. we'll go back to the airport or somehow through the black sea through a desktop, which means they would actually have to pick this up. i don't see how they can send more russian troops into transmission oring to move over the at the moment. that was done with my trip out there reporting from all data. we're going to take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world and a permanent opposition politician has been killed in the central african nation of
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chad. the countries of state prosecute test says yeah, yeah, a dealer died on wednesday during an army a sold on his policies, had courses as being on rest and tried ahead of a presidential election set for may in june. and then the u. s. a cluster of fost moving walled sizes scorched communities in an area known as the texas panhandle. one blaze being cool, the smoke house creek fire is grown into one of the largest in state history. no injuries have been reported, but there off is the fly. it could spread the or the health ministry in garza, which is controlled by some us, says the death toll since the status of the war has now talked. so she 1000 people . the ministry says more than 100 people were killed on thursday while they were wasting for humanitarian aid. in gauze the city, many of the wounded were rushed to hospital. israel's ami said it is checking reports. the soldiers opened fire on the crowd is really is continuing to press its
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military campaign against hum us which committed the october the 7th terror attacks against israel. last month you and the top court ordered israel to take provision role measures to prevent acts of genocide and gaza. since then the been growing cools and some countries to holt lessons exports to is room for almost 5 months. it's really troops of buffalo, palestinian militants across the gaza strip. the war has taken a heavy toe on civilians in the territory, leading to international accusations. this is rose not doing enough to prevent civilian harm until high profile calls for arms exports to israel to stop. how many times have you heard the must plumbing to lead us on for a minute or 100 will say to many people are being killed by them by the head. this is too much on the top is not proportional. well,
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if you believe that many people are being killed, maybe you should provide less arms. israel is one of the world's leading arms producers. but it's also dependent on imports from abroad, especially from the u. s. and germany. according to the style comb, international piece, research ins to choose 67 percent of as well as the imports of major weapons came from the us. from 2013 to 2020 to 28 percent from germany, and 5 percent from italy. the us does not publish details on its military a to israel, but media reports they use has supplied tens of thousands of weapons since the october 7th terrorist attack, including bunker, boasting bombs and precision guided munitions. in 2022 germany approved the sale of 32300000 euros worth of defense equipment to israel. that figure rose 10 fold and
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20232300 26500000 euros. most of the permits for granted after october 7th, and included portable on 2 tank weapons and ammunition make concerns. that's applying weapons for the war. and guys may violate international humanitarian law. easily on spain, say they uphold to o arms exports to israel. and to mid february, of course, in the netherlands, ordered the dutch government to block exports the f 35 spicer jet parts to israel, following the case, bro, bye human rights groups. israel has rejected calls for an arms embargo saying it's fighting the war and guns that in self defense, in accordance with international law, a marina muran, as a defense on the list with the will studies department at kings college london. she told us earlier how our, how of pull back in for an weapon shipments could effect as well as military do understand and israel a case that it has always been reliant on external. specifically,
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usually us support. the united states has been supporting israel economically. and militarily, since the creation of the state of israel in 1948, meaning that the us has spent about 300000000000 in the entire period. providing israel was arms and economic help. however, arms have been a major part of it. therefore, any withdrawal from this, how from this aid from the united states especially, would mean that israel will lose its defensive capacity in the united states, has pledged to ensure that israel can defend itself. and this is, of course, in the foreign policy interest in the region for the united states. that was marina moran from king's college london. and with that you are up to date coming up next business looks at the west. competition with china's soul of the power industry say
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around so that if you can, i'm on youtube mckinnon. i'll be back at the top of the hour. international headlines by keep for watching dw, the, the race as long begun. later when we look back, we recognized at all, that's the moment when everything changed. it's all about tillman and in the age of artificial intelligence, in 5 years is going to literally be china. the us who will control the technology that will shape the future of humanity. we may only find.


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