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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  February 29, 2024 2:15pm-2:31pm CET

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to london with that you are up to date coming up next business looks at the west. competition with china's solar power industry say around so that if you can, i'm on you cooper, mckinnon. i'll be back at the top of the, our international headlines by keep for watching dw, the, the race as long begun later, when we look back, we recognized at all, that's the moment when everything changed. it's all about tillman and in the age of artificial intelligence. in 5 years, it's going to literally be china, the us or who will control the technology that will shape the future of humanity. we may only find out, you know what the farms and and malign uses as
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a weapon against democracy or when it is too small. it's new world z a i race stuff to march 16th on dw the yeah. i think we couldn't call her self, but us, you know, so there's has to be a little bit about us. the another when we're starting now with the rocket, the demo. but let me get to the point where it's nothing special and you move to play metal. no matter you agenda. i think that's ultimately the big goal and he just pulled it to the future
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of method. my opinion belongs to the women, the loud guitars, aggressive baselines and guttural vocals. heavy metal is tough music for tough guy who head bang and drink beer. heavy metal is for real men. men who go at each other in the march. and the women. they have no place here. for tuesday. the metal scene has long since opened up and become more diverse. women now play important roles in the middle community. that's fans and as musicians we went to germany biggest
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heavy metal festival to take a closer look. in the 1st bucket, open air festival took place in 1990 with just 800 visitors and 6 pounds. what began as an idea to combat rural boredom, developed into one of the biggest metal festivals in the world, attracting more than $80000.00 visitors within just a few years. in 1991 band with a female lead singer took to the stage here acts on the band from cute, came back again and again in the following years. a few years later, they were joined by middle icon, the whole parish who performed if not can for the 1st time in 1993. yes, the learned that many women maybe a handful, but for me was quite natural. so i was one of the band. i was the singer and i
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didn't even realize it myself. i felt so comfortable and i was always treated very, very nicely. and it's a 100 heavy metal emerged out of hard rock in the 1970s, with fans like deep purple, led zeppelin and black sabbath. the scene was clearly male dominated. this had a lot to do with the perception of roles. metal has always been seen as hard, aggressive and loud. not exactly the stereotypical female characteristics. and yet women were there right from the start. the james dawson, who founded the us, found covered in 1969 is considered one of the 1st occultism in the black, massive staged by a woman who described herself as a witch. that was hard stuff at
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a time when the hippies were still celebrating peace and flower power. one of the 1st middletown susan members were only women was girls founded in 1978. they have to put up with a lot of sexist comments. critics, toward their outcomes apart, their career only really took off when the late motorhead front, ma'am, let me kill mr. stood up for them. the great, the people treat them like 2nd cost passes because of the goals. it's really disgusting. the school are still around. they were and still are frequent guest fucking open air and their friends with festival boss, tomas, the, and the growth my work for go school for a long time. go school, which is actually a go band. so i mean they'll punch you in the face. don't worry,
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i care whether it's sung by guy or lady, or it doesn't matter. a toe or from a guy. jensen has never differentiated between men and women in his work. what counts for him is what people can do. and so the buck and crew is just as diverse as the festivals line their phone. so as a 4 piece of female thrash, metal band before formed in brazil and 2010 novo so can mean edgy or angry. and particularly the bands aggressive appearance initially surprised people in their home country. yes of course there was a list of um price, you know like one of the things that the people think that the all the brazilian women's are always make it because it's a scan of all the like. so you see, i don't get the people because there's like faces with these 4 women don't fulfill those cliches. so nervous as beginnings were pretty difficult,
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but they persevered. i think everything that he knew we faces some challenge. we know that the math though it's more male thing, you know, i particularly never pay a station so much. i was just once to do what i loved for what i dream, you know, and it was surrounding by persons that it was helping and supporting me. those ducks keep people that was talking like bad things. i was not be they should i say i don't care, i don't care. i have to listen. the critic stop to be bad or of course the grove. but i say like everything is possible. i feel metal musicians are not a forwarded those freedoms everywhere in other regions of the world, they have to fear for their lives because of their passion for metal. the
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conservatives largely muslim majority countries in the middle east. many middle towns, male and female, are like, have to play underground, loved and on is considered comparatively tolerance towards heavy metal. still, the scene is viewed with suspicion. the last may i see, is the founder of the all female metal band slave to silence. it took the guitar is more than a year to find all the musicians for her band. and then the women had to assert themselves. in certain cases, some guys would think that we're not good enough. or are they willing to take us seriously? or maybe we're not physically cases going to play these instruments, some people outside of the month and wouldn't understand the sort of music. and they would curse us. they think that we're bad. this is not lazy like to them,
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playing by the women of slave to sirens. now live in several countries. the last mile c, however, has remained and let and on at least the band from there, the yeah, i think we can color sales, but us, you know, so there's has to be a little bit about us. self confidence is an important element for female metal bands burning, which is featuring women musicians from switzerland and the netherlands. not only have plenty of fat. they also have a lot of fun playing music. oh, it's just fun. you know, it was fun to be with, with all girls. girls just want to have fun. you know? yeah. so it's, it's the cliche that's it's, it's sometimes nice to be with all girls, you know. and, and that was the id to,
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to started. bones have fun, they could have you mental and that's, that's just the start. and with the ease of like me, the way i am or they don't, i'm not going to get to make over or anything. i'm not going to change my outfit either, and i don't think it's important to give this trip to the young girls if you like it to do it, but don't do it for others. if you do, then do it for yourself. if you feel comfortable, your items will work for you. a little heads are like one big family. everyone is welcome, regardless of gender can open air reflects the diversity of the see what unites people is the love of music. fucking is considered a particularly peaceful festival as this will need the business fancy and we've never been grad touched or anything else. as you get off of the screen and everything and shelter everywhere. there's no metal which came to go to on the test
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of a site. it's just like one big family here on that's nice on the button touch screen . of course, upon media. yeah, i should have never, i had a problem with it. never had the feeling that i was being picked on there actually . all reason nice and frankie all the time met them all. that's been going on. if you're just, even if you're at the front of the stage, it should dancing or pull going a machine. you're always helps up with something. i've never had a bad experience. i really have to say happy middle seems to have the magical power to bring people together. there even studies indicating that metal music can have a common and positive effect on the psyche. the metal can give emotional support and make you strong. i grew up with it and also just like the only music i can really become when i listen to it, it doesn't,
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it doesn't matter how, how heavy it is, or how, how to
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enter the complex zones with the best in here as the munich security conference i sent to you in security, i'm confident providing the politicians. alexa, so how's the world reach the dangerous inflection point? my guess is we cover the 2nd live experience of the highest levels in the us. nancy pelosi. well, who's comes with the next? don't freedom of price increase critical journalists under surveillance, i'm guessing buried in jewel suits or even much like the lease reports or your those kind of us according to reports is without board is it's clear who's responsible. the sole goal trying of policy. you have like
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a media businessman. politics focused on here in 60 minutes on dw, the get ready for an exciting. i've been trying to look surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a one to start doing either from port yet please go to the spot on the on expected side to side. the
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the here at the munich security conference has plenty of in the security and conflict to worry the politicians the next. but. so has the world reached a dangerous inflection point? my guess is we have becky's of experience with the highest political levels in the us. she's california congress, woman and former speaker of the house of representatives, nancy pelosi and gaza, the us as one that israel has killed 5 to many palestinians, but is jerusalem listening. how will funding for ukraine, clear that kind of block in the us congress. and this presence of 5 and really too
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old to run for a 2nd time.


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