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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 29, 2024 4:00pm-4:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from the land, the rushes apply them, they have to sit in one's night. so the ukraine and his annual states of the nation address to send him a new key of lessons could be used. if plato countries send troops to ukraine, cues as the west of trying to destroy russia from, with, in, also coming out warnings of russian interference in mole. dave is break away region of trends. miss trees pro russia set protests. the are all seen, most goes to health that claiming discrimination by the pro western government and the come us run health ministry and gaza says more than a 100 people have been killed. while wasting humanitarian age. they say the death
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toll from nearly 5 months sufficing has now passed the see 1000 the new group is making and welcome to the program. lot of men posted in has warnings, nice whole countries. they risk nuclear will if they send troops to ukraine. the russian leader has been delivering his annual states of the nation address 2 weeks ahead of the presidential election that he is expected to win. little to no opposition stands in his way post and told russians, and his speech that he'd be stationing most soldiers and rushes west close to noon . they say members, finland and sweden. persons nuclear warning came off to from says president, refused to rule out the possibility that next western nations could send troops to ukraine. and this was laser rejected by the us and gemini,
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is some of was person had to say, i knew those are the consequences when you might, they should eventually understand that we also have weight bonsfield. and they know it's just sitting now myself, feeling weapons that can hit targets on their territory. but are you doing everything that the waste is coming out to? and now what they threaten the world with it can result in a conflict with the use of nuclear waste in us going to zip and bay for the destruction of civilization. i'm not sure when you're searching and civil is that's jade mcclain is the next best on russian politics and foreign policy with the department of all studies at kings college london. she told me what stood out to her most in person's address to deposit the address the eye to christ. nato was his confidence bordering on well, i hope would be she brisk, but which i am afraid. i tread is probably quite well placed is confidence in
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dismissing the you any, no, just the us. but any efforts that diplomacy is just political, fostering his insistence that rusher is facing somehow and come to colonial rule against the west. and just just general confidence about the possible field, which of course is slightly rose tinted given he's not mentioning the enormous loss is enough to have code. but somebody who just recently called back from don't boss, i'm currently in keys. unfortunately, the situation at the front is very, but for those of us who would like to see you, craig, when, and a lot of his confidence, i'm afraid, actually didn't feel quite as misplaced as, as obviously good with pretend said that russia strategic nuclear forces are in a state of full readiness and he mentioned new generation hypersonic weapons. so you mentioned his self confidence to what extent does all of this take things to the next level of trust?
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i didn't think it does take you to the next level upfront. i think we're still on the level of, you know, rhetorical braggadocio or she will, and we get to lots of that from russia. this is, as you referred to you, and your 1st question, this is, this is nobody's fast radio, in terms of russians, nuclear frets, when russia, if russia what to push its nuclear weapons into an actual station readiness for use . there were many, many signals that would come and you know, many west and governments would be aware of that. so we have to be careful to separate what region says, which is obviously aimed at based a domestic audience. drawing up support for war that has gone on well today, 2 years longer than originally planned. and of course, frightening the west and in particular sending a message to those de escalation, this in particular, in washington dc, who understandably have a very great fear of nuclear escalation. he's playing on the stairs, but in person dismissed washington's recent claims that russia was considering
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pushing nuclear weapons into space. he said that they will, unsubstantiated allegations, he describes of his ravings. how would you assess that? i'm not really in a position to assess the, the rushes crusty in space, but i do find it. 1 when she hears him to dismiss anybody after 5 to one minute, officer on yeah, or slow off the wise and the origins of cuban reese, i find it quite take care of him to dismiss anything. can you videos and say, is ravings. alright, well we'll have to leave it there, but thank you so much for that analysis. james mickland from kings college loans and thanks for speaking to us right now, ukraine is warning against quote, destructive external interference in moldova is break away region of transmits true of this comes off to pro russia set persists the all small scope, full protection is the same over truly used by separate tests in east and ukraine a decade ago. the self proclaimed republic as
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a tiny sliver of land located between ukraine and we'll do that. they were both soviet republics. no trans mystery of broke away from mo, data during the collapse of the soviet union in the 1990s, people who identify as russian and many of them hold russian citizenship make up the sizable minority and transmits true intentions have been rising. ever since russia's invasion of ukraine of 1st and nearly 2 decades officials meeting for where special congress and trends and histories capital to rascal the pro russian separatist. asking moscow to protect the break away region from what they call this right from old over. the move has many more buildings concerned. you're still in a mighty baby, it's really dangerous. what's happening and to rascal that's like if they're declaring war moldova model. many words, the kremlin backed officials or waiting another push to join russia in 2006 more
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than 9 and 10 transmit dream voters back to similar call. but the referenda woodson recognize international, the entrance mystery to remain part of multiple brushes influence in the break away region is undeniable. as this rush is a presence both militarily and financially for one, it's a special pension, still fronts news transport, but it also supplies gas to the region to the kremlin, says it considers protecting transmit strains the top priority, while of choosing western powers of interfering and modelled as internal affairs, nothing put down data is troubling to trying to mold the republic into lead through a 2nd ukraine country to the mood of the majority of the modelling population. watch and in general apartments without thinking about the consequences of this for the country. and for the region on the whole, not russia's invasion of neighboring ukraine has fuel fears that mold over could be next, especially as the countries precedent. my assent do, has been pushing to join the you meeting with ukrainian president and all pena san
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do set. you was worried all of a safe today, thanks to the but avery of the ukrainian sold days. and we are very grateful to them. the attention though, also costs and concern in washington. good afternoon, given russia's increasingly aggressive and destabilizing role in europe, we are watching rushes, actions, and trends. nice through it. in a broader situation, they're very closely just one of several western voices warning, the rushes, trying to to stabilize the region even further. their trip abo is a freelance to unless they've just returned from a visit to trends in history. i asked him if transmits trends are worried about pro russian separatists who are now often most go for help. i will say there are concerns. they're actually quite happy and keen to gain support from must go up. as you rightfully said, about half of the population holds washer and citizenship on the streets of the
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russ full. you can give russian speakers in 99 percent of the cases. so people are very keen and they look up to must go for what they want and what the cold protection from mold the interference inter business. and what i say business means the economics. okay. now we know that russel already has a small military presence and trends in history a. how likely is it but more russian troops and will be sent to as well. it's highly unlikely and not because it's a matter of will. but this is a matter of geography logistics. at the moment, both devices allowed and lock country and frozen. this route is an enclave within a land lock on the street. the board that would ukraine was shop between trust me. the and ukraine was shot. i believe 3 months into the wall. so the only access into the same place is through moved over at the moment unless rushed up last to evade. we'll go back to the airport or somehow through the black sea through a desktop,
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which means they would actually have to pick this up. i don't see how they can send more russian troops into transmission or into most of the, at the moment. trend listener because i've been reporting that is a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and new lawmakers have been sworn into pakistan solomon since the 1st time the national assembly has met since an election 3 weeks ago. that was marked by allegations as the rigging, the new government is facing an economic crisis. and security can sense a permanent position politician has been killed in the central african nation of chad. the country state prosecutor says, yeah, yeah, the low died on wednesday during him an army assault on his policies had courses. there's been unrest and tried ahead of a presidential election set for may and june. a 2 day public transport strike is taking place and a number of german cities, including here in the capital violin was of looks off the job well tense,
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collective bargaining talks take place as a pay and conditions to me has been hit by a series of transportation strikes and recent weeks the house officials in garza say more than 100 people have been killed off to is really soldiers fired on a crowd waiting for a humanitarian, a delivery and goes to see the how most run goes. the health ministry says move and 700 others were injured in the incident. israel is ready. officials have acknowledge the troops did open fire, leaving the crowd pose the threats. the health ministry says the death told since the status of the war has now tops as the see 1000 w's tonya claim on his injuries. when gave me this update on the incident and very devastating scenes that bird just described by the eye witness list, but also conflicting reports on what happened, especially when it comes to the timeline. now we understand that was an age conway
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conway of, of goods coming from the south to the north on the coast road. that's along, you know, the, the coastline of casa, going into a news and gauze are passing a, a sort of check point there of the is really military, no eye witness. and a set in device service that you know, and you, you could also see it on uh, footage that was released by the it's really military that hundreds of people seem to approach those trucks. so trying to get a to this, a trying to get to the food a to the goods that is on these are on the trucks. now i would say there was shooting and balls and the people were in panic running. also the trucks were trying to get away and there was a panic that happening, and that's why the house ministry in garza said that over a 100 people were killed and several 100 interested in this incident. now the idea
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of has a different account of, of what has happened. and can you remind us what these really military is saying about that? it's, yeah, they're saying basically in the statement they're released early on. they say also this, the incident is still under investigation. there we're saying that in the 1st incident, and that's why they're released as footage, as they say is, you know, their people were swimming towards these trucks and there was a panic. there was a stampede of basically and then they're talking about another incident that happened not far away from the area where they say that the military responded was nice. i as they felt threatened. so the incident is still under investigation. we also heard from a government's books person, he put uh, you know, the a numbers that the house ministry, and garza put out the in question and he described it as a tragedy. but of course,
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we should not forget and we have been hearing from 8 organization, some of the united nations in the past days. especially warning of this extremely dire situation is especially in northern gauze, but because they have difficulties to read scholars and you see on these pictures and coming out to a desperately a people are trying to get the need, tanya claim and jerusalem. tanya, thank you very much. for the update, this is a reminder of our top story for you. russian president vladimir person has one's nato countries. they risk nuclear will if they send troops to ukraine and his annual states of the nation address, bruce and also said russia would station more troops in the west, in response to nato and lodging, to include finland and sleep. after that, you are up to date and that so we have time for coming up next out documentary series look sort of bobby's for the modern era,
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those film stuff and instagram influenza. i'm a new lieutenant. thanks so much for watching t w. the usa innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to whole lot of crime would probably be secure, subscribed to this channel every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a good the.


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