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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the the, this is, you know, the names live from berlin. dozens are dead in gaza. city after is really troops open fire and you're a crowd waiting for food. see, i'm not sure. on health ministry says some 700 others were injured in the incidents . but there are conflicting reports of what happens and how the people died. also on our show today vladimir fruits and warns nato over ukraine in his annual address. the russian president, his nuclear weapons, could be used if nato country send troops to assist cubes. warnings of russian interference and mall dove as break away region of transmits true pro russia
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separate, just bear as most count for health cleaning discrimination by moldova, pro western governments plus anti eligibility to flush the legislation in gone, it draws international condemnation, will speak to gone as the 1st open we transgender musician, about the persecution of queer people in her country. the inquiry. richardson, thank you very much for joining us. health officials in golf, as i say, more than a 100 people have been killed after is really soldiers opened fire and you're a crowd waiting for to mandatory in a delivery in gaza city most widely designated as a terrorist. a group runs because a health ministry, and tomas officials, they're say more than 700 others were injured and the incident is really official site. most of those killed a died in a crush to get 8 fonts. they have also acknowledged that as the 8 convoy moved
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further north troops fire warning shots including up people's legs, believing that the crowd gathered around the con voip post a threat to there is more from an israeli government spokesperson on the incident. my understanding desktop is that's a humanitarian aid vehicles and said the gaza strip and were overwhelmed by uh, people attempting to essentially loops to uh, to take that uh, aid from those a trucks and a some points. and we can, you can surely see this and some of the videos that the idea of distributed at some points the trucks are overwhelmed and the people driving the trucks, which are garza and uh, goals and civilian drive is uh, plowed into um, the crowds of people i've got across to dw is tanya kramer insurance one, tanya,
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at this point we have conflicting reports about what has happened. so let's be clear about what we do and don't know at this point. can you tell us, 1st of all, what we can say for sure. i mean, as you said, there are conflicting reports and or, you know, the words devastating seems being described, but i witness to why service there. um, so what we know is that this 8 convoy moved from the color of trucks move from the south of the goals and strip to the northern gulf, a strip of your understanding post a check point there on the way. and then what i witnesses are saying is that uh, once the age conway was moving dead, the trucks arrived on the other side that a lot of people, when they're obviously and, and that there were shots fired from the is really military that caused people to
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panic. also the drive is to panic and then to turn a turn around and also run a people over a closing is done, pete, so to speak. this is what i witness was headset and that of course the casualties that have been reported by the ministry of thoughts then goals. and now the is where the military has released ariel footage from this area. this is to close the road a going from this house to the north, and they're saying that we're actually 2 incidents that there was a stun pete in the, in the 1st place that a lot of people were actually trying to get to the age. and we're trying and this cause to panic and that also truck drivers. then we're turning round and people were run over. and then there was a 2nd incident where they put out in the statement, but also a talking to reporters and a briefing this afternoon saying that some soldiers supposed to struck and, and that they were responding uh with life fire. but they also said this incident
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is still under review. so basically, what do we have to remind ourselves is also that, you know, in the post, as we heard of from the 8 organizations and from the united nations help desk spread the situation. that's nice. and you can see that how many people were trying to congregate around these trucks trying to get to the goods on, on these trucks. it organizations warning of this extremely dire situation because it is not reaching the northern part of cause of so did, you could see the crowds in that footage we were just looking at released by the idea of joe biden. he says the u. s. is checking reports about what has happened, but we already know what, what this might mean for efforts toward a cease fire as well. there is obviously concerned that this might impact those and negotiation, these mediation efforts that are going on between indirectly between homos and
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israel mediated by katara in egypt and also the us and of you've been hearing a do you as president dubai? and he said that address is still trying to determine what actually happened exactly in this incident. but he was also asked whether this was whether he thinks it would impact those negotiations where there was some cautious optimism that, you know, there might be some kind of breakthrough depending on what sources you believe. and he said, you know, that a know, it will probably come to k to come to take those negotiations. no, of course what we are looking at is on the one hand of course uh theres hoping is route. that is where the hostages that are still being held and garza would be released and such a hosted steel. an exchange for posting in prison is that would be also potentially longer ceasefire. but also, there is of course, hope for publishing and presidents,
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what they need to much more a coming in a respite from the war as well for, for these few days. but it's very important to stress that of course, you, many terminated, would also go in if you know those in negotiation would be a successful at the end. tanya kramer reporting for us from jerusalem. thank you so much as ever. a russian president vladimir putin has more into nato countries. they risk a nuclear war if they sent troops to ukraine. he made the threat, as he delivered his annual state of the nation, addressed the head of an election in which he's the only serious candidates. if one went on to say he'd be stationing more soldiers and rushes west close to new nato members, finland and sweden vladimir puts in his given his annual states of the union address just 2 weeks before the presidential election. despite the pricing though, meaningful position via the announce social reforms under $10000000000.00 euro
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before low for us as health care system. but the more and ukraine still dominates. earlier this week, the french president emanuel mackerel refused to rule out the west, sending troops to train, prompting a stop warning from boots in the minneapolis one second. so when you my day showed, eventually understand that we also have weight bonsfield and they know it's just sitting now myself, feeling weapons that can hit targets on their territory. a pretty doing everything that the waste is coming up. you know what they threaten the world with. it can result in a conflict with the use of nuclear waste in us good idea. and they for the destruction of civilization. i'm not sure, but when you're searching and civil is that some of the nato countries including lift to a new product, the french position. but the german chancellor or left charles was rejected. and the idea of direct nato involvement in the war and ukraine not to east of nato is
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not, and will not be party to the war. that remains the case. we do not want to rush as war against ukraine was to become a war between russia and nato and feel we agree on this was all allies. this also means no german participation in the war and with no sign of any laptop in the war and boots, in heading for a quarter of a century and power relations between russia and the west are likely to remain tens for the foreseeable future. let's go to dw as eastern europe, editor roland gon franco for more romano putting here a threatening the west of that deeper involvement could mean a global nuclear war. how seriously should we take these very serious claims or do you think this is just put in trying to rally his domestic audience as well? i think we should take everything that comes from blogging and polluting seriously,
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especially when it comes to flats like today. um, on the other hand, there is no immediate threat to a nuclear conflict between russia and nato. so what he was saying is just be careful of what you do. but he's been saying this before. the russian position is like the former president, the executive has been threatening that nearly just every couple of weeks. why it's important it's, it's important because this signal came from a chrome, the suggestion. this is something new or i should probably didn't expect it. but i think most important is signaling or frightening uh, the west with a new gravel. there are some pressed and brushing authorities are trying to stop the bus from helping ukraine. and this, this intimidation, it works to a certain extent because there are certain certain types of weapons like long range missiles, the device is not ready to deliver. so it sounds like using fish and does indeed raise the stakes for the west as it considers how much support to continue
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providing ukraine. well, it's really hard to tell if it, if it truly, it rate raises the stakes. i'm, i'm skeptical about it because it's not really knew what he has been 10 saying. um, what is new is the suggestion of my chromebook? this is present the chromebook. this is a feel as a go question of the moment. nobody's talking about sending troops to ukraine in the near future. so under conditions remain, as they are on this will, the will be probably no need for the western countries to do that, but they might change if your grades thoughts losing. um, anyway, the stakes are relatively high as well. um at this moment anyway, because russia is waging a conventional with an open them and there's not going to stop and this was the signal by president put in. so it's no one is talking about about this seriously at this point. why did we then hear german chancellor, olaf schultz, there i go out of his way to make it very clear that no german troops would participate in fighting a new crane as well. um,
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the oldest reason is because brandon, my grand brought the top uh salt, had to respond. there is an unofficial rivalry between germany and france in europe as to major economic and military power was um, sold, sholtes had to respond, but she's not the only one. i just remember the prison by the end of the united states also has to rule out several times sending troops to your brain. so why shoulds and bite and do this, and i'll be your pin partition as well. uh because um this is dangerous and gentle salt have to set it up as well. so many times. so nobody wants a direct confrontation between russia and nato. so everybody's very, very careful. but that's why and, and some experts also believed that a sholtes remarks might have something to do with the coming elections in germany and in europe to the european parliament and some original elections in germany. and um this, this uh idea or shoulds, no troops. this, of course, resonates with parts of german public, not only in germany,
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but in other parts of europe in the world. so nobody wants these war to escalate and some experts believe that this could be an attempt to buy solves also to maybe use it in the future elections election campaign because he's policies not doing well in the polls. well thank you so much for for providing that context for us. that is our eastern europe editor run and culture ranko and ukraine is warning against quote, destructive external interference in moldova as break we've region of transmit trail does. after pro russia staff protest there, i small scout for quote protection. the self proclaimed for public is a tiny sliver of land located between ukraine and mold over it broke away from mold over during the collapse of the soviet union in the early 19 ninety's. and most of the territory is russian speaking, and many old russian citizenship to tensions between mazda of and russia have been rising. ever since moscow launched its full scale invasion of ukraine terrace,
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called the capital of trans main street, on the surface all appears calm. this despite appeals from officials here for protection from russia. meanwhile, in the mode of and capital, there's nervousness still new material to. i'm afraid that the will will start to see it to get a little diverse, a weak country from the point of view is the military. we have no resources and i, we probably will receive help from other countries. but i don't think it will help us at all because when not even in the european union down there. sure. sure what that is for the authorities in transmission area, approximately deciding the faithful dog park by addressing cogent and the state duma with the request to be accepted into russia. and if you put anything called
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this, in fact, is a declaration of war against the republic of montalvan as he did as most of the republic. i'm a little i mean rush, our president vladimir putin made no mention of transfer history yet in his annual state of the nation address. however, his foreign ministry, spokes person did comment on speculation, russia was planning to antics the territory inside moldova. nothing whatever may through stubborn need trying to turn to republican to literally a 2nd ukraine country to the most of the majority of them will build on population . and in general, what apparently without thinking about the consequences of this for the country and for the region as a whole. so, but nato insists russia is madeline. the. what's the phone was actually thought the pressure is using overly was of influence at its disposal to stop the european pulse of the republicans mold over it. is obvious from trends history is a form of pressure on moldova to come on the what exactly it is
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a political declaration to inflame the pre electro climate to know the speaking at a summit of leaders from south eastern europe, the mold open president tried to reassure her fellow citizens and called for solidarity with neighboring ukraine. the ladies safe to the ukraine needs to be supported. ukraine is keeping us to date the school and safe. hopeful message in a country overshadowed by the proximity of its neighbour, russia, mission, barbers of freelance and journalists are joining us now from the small dover mesa. i hear you've just gained access to transmit street and you've been there until just this morning. what did people there tell you about about how they're feeling about this situation to the people interest of the street to express their feelings of hold up until this morning up until the speech from moscow. they were quite
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excited about yesterday's vote and they feel as they cool, isaac will say, quote, harassed and oppressed by the regime in case you know, and this is due to the economics of taxation reforms imposed by case like you should know. so basically every transmission business now has to be wp to moldova, the thing they haven't done for the past 3 decades. so this is basically the route of this problem, if you will. also, they feel like they have been neglected, like you should know. and the russian identity is not protected enough or not sustained enough in moldova, and are their concerns from a mold opens about this appeal from pro russian separate tests to moscow. and of course, everyone here in case you know that i spoke with throughout the day express their concern, express the worries of that the possible succession from 1st missed ya. a possible
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declaration of independence or to join rochelle, or to ask for protection from russia as they voted yesterday could flare up the tension. now you have to remember the transmission areas and the more buildings for in the early ninety's in the very short but intense that emotionally deeply wounded conflict appeared in 19911992 when both sites font and that's one. trust me. see all of the appear as a self proclaimed republic. so this village generation remembers that in another generation who grew up in the shuttle of that war. so obviously everyone is worried not to mention the fact that they see what's happening and you crate in the neighboring country. and the fuel that russia is getting closer and closer to patients with every day, every declaration, with every intent of protecting as they say, the russian identity model. so in your view, what are the chances of a larger regional conflict here as well short term,
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i don't think what happened yesterday and the russell could ignite the war if you asked me. that's because logistics is very hard. russia at the moment can not send more troops into moldova already, to transfer these to a better sense. so it's nice to has a board with ukraine that's been shot since month to month 3 of the war. and also the only way to gain access is through the airport. they gauge in some sort of special operation, but the more buildings have already has the claim on for a couple of cool attends to next year. so at the moment we cannot, i'd like i cannot see myself a possibility of escalating into a full sledge war bump at the same time. you have to remember that interest and east. yeah. you have almost 2000 russian troops of the so called peacekeepers walk there. and we'll talk about doesn't have a argument that's well prepared,
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low train to face even a smoke on pigeon over russian troops at the moment. and that could ultimately explain it wrong. also we see you bring up with these preference preferred method of engaging in this war and you crate these through me styles and drones and that's the full list of things or to model voc lesser very little to no air defense system . at the moment, we're shut barbara in molto before us. thank you so much for that update. i can bring you up to speed with some other stories making headlines around the world . allies of alexi in of, on the say, russian authorities are blocking their efforts to bury him. the opposition leader died in prison on february 16th and his funeral is set for friday. of all the supporters as a funeral directors have received threats and but they cannot hire a hearse to transport his body. of the u. s. supreme court has agreed to decide whether donald trump is immune from prosecution. it is
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a victory for him as it delays his trial on charges that he conspire to overturn the 2020 election. drunk lawyers argue he shouldn't be prosecuted for actions taken while he was president a and a permanent office issue. politician has been killed in the central african nation of chad. the country state prosecutor says yeah, zillow died on wednesday during an army assault on his parties. headquarters. there's been on rest and shot ahead of a presidential election set for may. and june had gone as new anti l g. b 22 plus legislation has thrown international condemnation with united nations, calling it profoundly disturbing. under the new law of the promotion of l g. b t q plus rights will be punished with up to 5 years in prison. same sex relations are already a legal and gonna, and activists have described the new want as another set back for human rights. as somebody who knows about the difficulties of life and gone to for queer people is
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musician and activists. maxine angel o poco also known as angel maxine, she has gone as a 1st openly transgender musician and she things about l g. the teacher plus rice, the very pleased to welcome her into the studio. here for more. thank you so much for joining us. now. how did you feel when you heard the results that the parliament had passed this legislation? i sailed investigated ellis had broken. i haven't slipped it's it's, it's, it's painful to know that's your life as a human being is being criminalized the life you've always struggled for the life you've always struggled for the if you haven't leave a decent life as any other human being. it's now being criminalized,
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it wasn't very hard for me. and this is one of the topics that you, you think about in your music. i, it's become increasingly political over the years, much of it, voicing anger at the government and gonna keep, could you tell us a little bit more about your work and the risk it puts you out at to make music like this? so my, with us on up to this is to speak for people who cannot speak, and i am the voice of the community. i will say because um, through my phones levels, people have gone through on the fund the struggles that the clear community are going through. and my lyrics and the folks on my live experiences as a trust woman. as a given, you have given you trouble as it made you a target and gone off for the government. yes. that as meeting me, a target's always coming out on them. the option is always coming all to us to i'm not talking them, but i'm just telling them that we as this and we have been here and we have live,
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we do, you don't present. i said we were in the we a here and this is sell a voice and it has puts me in the lot of the danger and gonna now this bill not only criminalizes clear relationships, but it also targets those who are even just supporting l g b t t writes, what do you expect that we might see in gonna, if this bill is indeed signed by the president? if the bill is signed by the presence, they'll be increased in valez in gun. and a lot of people will be that this already vol. is going on in gun already. people are being attacked every day. people i've been beaten every day, the slow months going on every day in gonna and is going to give people the freedom and deliberately, to talk with people because they feel about this free. it's, it's, it's, it's legal and it's ok to abuse anybody you wants because the 3 of us and all the rights have been taken from them. and this is what the deal is see. and you think
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that will happen to just be because it is legal that people will feel that they want to go out and attack a clear people. are you worried about that is not even legal in gonna and people have already already setting people up. so just abuse them to just human list and so block milled into bits that so this is going to same what they are doing. now. why do think that this bill has so much support in gonna what is what is behind these attitudes towards the career community? so we want to say goodnight, it's a religious country and, and growing up we are told that this a month and a woman and the i know or the human bees. but as we go off, we realize that the people who are also out the bus, we all know, given the opportunity to, to, to love and understand this people and affected. so it's, it's, it's, it's, it's very difficult like for people to invest fund. and that's, that's,
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that's this people as this bless you, them love this, show them ok. let's, let's embrace them as human beings as we are. so this is yes, thank you so much for joining us with this message. we really appreciate your taking the time to come into the studio today as angel. maxine, thank you to a so before we go, we have a quick reminder of our top story. the master on health ministry in gaza says more than a 100 people have been killed in a crowd, waiting for an a delivery is rarely official say, most of those killed died and a crush to get aid. but they've also acknowledged that troops fired their weapons, believing that some of the crowd posed a threat even watching the w news coming off next on dw and his africa nigeria faces it's worst economic crisis in a generation. thousands are taking to the streets as inflation skyrockets. the currency slumps and the cost of living becomes unbearable. plus finding an eastern
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congo forces people from their homes and the minimal rich region as un troops to start with a drawing we look at whether new talks could bring peace. any mike, a junior has all that and more after the break. thank you so much for watching and please stay to the
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the, the, the view will tell you we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news african next on dw, the it's in the air,
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the most creatures dancing in the aero biologists are exploring the world. those fairly plaintive. these little ones are dancing with the 1st itself and calling on humans joining in 45 minutes on d, w. the nice to be at the end just to pass the gun any difficult to access an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the
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why is the ice melting? the assignment research in the i c d w the, the best as the the news africa coming up on the program africa's largest economy. nigeria is facing its whereas the comics crisis in a generation. the thousands take to the streets across the country at the inflation skyrockets. the cost of living has become one variable as many nigerians that struggle to make ends meet 301 and some trying to address the hardship to laughter. nigeria and committee and
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