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tv   Its in the Air  Deutsche Welle  February 29, 2024 7:15pm-8:01pm CET

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school and safe hopeful message in a country overshadowed by the proximity of its neighbour russia. and that is your news update now as our thank you so much for watching the and reaching out to the special hot spots in germany. d. w. travel extremely where we live in a well surrounded by a class of gases and want to make up the onsite must be
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a shielding us from the deadly vacuum of space. and these lands on teeming with life. insects seats, poland, and bacteria. floats in the atmosphere. similar to the tank tom, the drink with ocean currants, the tiny organisms dancing in the wind, a cold arrow plank into several decades. arrow biology is focused on these organisms. the, it's a branch of biology that's long been under appreciated. right. biology is starting to move months of life in the atmosphere, whether the time the organisms in a cloud, the rain drop or in the cost of a desert, wind. learning about these and born organisms is becoming increasingly relevant things to concerns about bio diversity health and the climate. understanding how they influence on lives and the global animal and plant wealth is increasing the
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importance swelling all around us is a valuable and still launch going. this theory is ecology, is to be a for the discoveries just waiting to be discovered, the one that i placed on the, to the one to, to receive up here. you have the feeling you're far away from everything that's presented to them. but that's exactly the point we want to find out if there's life at this altitude and what type of music all of you there can when you have a book in there circling the subject on the wind is blowing at about 20 kilometers per hour on. so a particle travel is a remarkable tony kilometers per hour to sounds like you to minutes. let's click on see that one. yeah, i'm a to at the institute of chemistry oakland mall fell in central. france wants to
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learn more about micro organisms in the atmosphere. today he's on this time it's up to predict them as an altitude of almost 1500 meters. you setting up time? tom trump set the observatory traps on essentially vacuum cleaners. the capture the dice, select the tiny apple and travelers. when p i'm a to looks into the skies. he knows that anything bought empty. the atmosphere around us is bustling with life. to skate on it unless 5th, you understood now almost everything in the atmosphere comes from the earth surface . okay. and so the mirror image of the ground. best of it. oh so not unless it's all very dynamic to do that. it's moving. it makes things so mean on the day of today wins. sweep over all of a surfaces staring apple types of particles that's lifeless and living
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there and feasible to the naked eye. but it constantly around us. these particles float up to 5000 meters high and reflect the different type of tests on the ground . the the aerosols, brian's about forests. they can contain leaf dust, poland, moans, and the bacteria, the pseudo volume. so phone, imagine the cubic center when it's windy mixed together to form a clinical footprints of this forest, which spreads across the whole land device on a phone while some of the disabilities. as the over a meadow, there might be cross clippings, small insects, and minuscule traces of sheets for over a highway. a cloud might form of tie of particles,
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oil in the droplets and fine dust. high altitude winds mix the air results, and transport them far away. the this into mixing happens continuously as it does a variety of life forms in the arrow painting of sweat to long body and currents. the place data boucher and manuela paula shay welk at the national research institute of agriculture, food and environment in the plan. in west and fronds collecting samples from based on the line structure positions in the middle of the fields. it's essentially a joint insect vacuum cleaner. there's a strong acid from the trap. the position in uh, was made through it though, if it,
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by exact ammonia in a good 12 meters high that on or 40 feet to be exact as well because it's an english model. it was metal in this, at the depth to lay. we don't want to use it to catch insects that fly 2 meters above the ground. i'm like rather oregon is that we went into the air goes and travel greater. it isn't the point, they don't send it on that. it is a long since that that reveals more about the arrow pointing of the whole region for your website on this keyboard. let's here the little some of the items on wednesday who is very good. do the they're all even lifeline because he wrote this . it's been nice weather amount of will take it to the land, the insane. so the laundry is don't in isms an arrow painted. and they can stay in the for a few hours or several days and float up to 1500 meters, depending on their size and the wind speed. the trap socks and everything. the
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policies by agricultural scientists use the results to warn the fall most of crowds of a fade. so the past, the trap operates. oh yeah, around the clock of the atlanta. this is really a lot to get to because it's a sunny day. you pull it out, i mean, i'm m as in a said ok, another one is hiding last because, you know, run another a beat leave a fit the beatles and flies, bonds. even spite is a tremendous variety of species play a role in the visible aerial by swelling above us. the gum dung medium uh just as the account my cells and algae and smell presentations in the c cubic meter of air above our heads. it contains so many different organisms of that, that includes support on your call and bacteria preventive,
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but also small insect spider is like daily basis and it is on say design. you took down the organisms right, the wins like flying, compet the and gives them a chance to be nourished, to reproduce. and to so find the we've known about the existence of aero pine tone for nearly 200 years. which is
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naturalist charles darwin noted in his journal during his expedition to the galapagos in 18. 35 the spiders were entangled in the ship's rigging many miles from shaw or, and in the 2nd half of the 19th century, french scientist louis past due proved through a series of experiments. the particles were continuously suspended in the, at he called them, organized coal puzzles, as to is remembered, is one of the fathers of modern micro biology. tobacco allows it strikes meningitis around that time. scientists discover diseases could be caused by such and bacteria. a new branch of science was born aero biology. scientists began comparing measurements in the same amount of at $55000.00 bacteria were found in the bustling, dilute valley in paris. but any $7600.00 were found among the trees in a box. in the swiss alps the hotel even advertised with assign the claimed only
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$25.00 bacteria. the then it was the work of legendary pilot charles lindbergh. in the 19 searches, he attached n a d c, defiance to his plane, and then flew over the icy landscapes of northern canada, collecting a variety of fungal, expose, poland, and micro l. g. the samples supported the pieces that living things can survive long distance and travel at high altitudes. but in the years that followed arrow biology descended into obscurity and the organism suspended in the somewhat forgotten the vincent satellite imagery we kindled in france during the late 20th century, scientists discovered unbelievable amounts of suspended micro organisms the
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she was feel free to push the also on the way down to when you blow the dust off a piece of furniture, you see that it's carried away with the air flow. it's like that it's the same in the atmosphere. now. the mass of these particles is so small that once airborne, they stay there and follow the as oh, i see, yes, feel, oh, cool. now find small to lack researchers the inter continental transport of desert task. he says roughly 2000000000 tons of sewing or dust rise from the laundries deserts every year and circulate in the atmosphere. these gigantic tasks around swift scene via satellite images in the 19 ages. aero biologists spend realized the true extent of circulating aero pine tone.
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no, but certainly i met you on, you know, i don't know just contains not only mineral matter, but in some cases also living organic material to and give you micro organisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi, meals as soon as the test is keeps out, it carries this array of living micro organisms to completely new places, and this, which will be the, it's easy for a bacterium, fungal spa, all virus to attach to a tiny speck of dust and take flight. the dead winds does upgrades of sand blasting of tiny granules of clay on impact tons of dust and micro organisms. a sucked into boom and columns, reaching a height of 3 to 4 kilometers. hold up a wall street and we can track this dusk over long distances. also the supers you
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satellite images can help visualize the formation of such a cloud over this. the hard as that within several hours. the cloud grows and starts moving to the area. i will say don't, don't, i'll fast forward. there's hope you're telling me what goes set to goal semester pursue days later, you can see these huge dust mass is reaching the atlantic ocean. he of us with a few days later, they're already over western france. it will cuz they'll likely to send over the british ios or even scandinavia a propulsion was showing us coordinated that's where the conditions, high and low pressure areas, boom and cold and current. either both the task booms in or blow them away. they foam at highways, but circle the, the
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columbia test, a task cloud can cross the atlantic within a week the, the atmosphere is a true transpose of like the book to the jail. no matter contains chemical elements. and in some instances, nutrients, the touch police desert does transports help balance eco systems on the earth surface. this increases the sofas or the tail the tiny organisms, an arrow pointing tone, travel incredibly long distance is that high altitudes. but how do they travel? and how do they affect the ground? the countless micro organisms eventually touch down somewhere on us of
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the body. the immediate cause, a manual is in catalonia and researching what is known as micro bill deposition and its connections to climate change. he's working on a major study of micro organisms in the atmosphere and almost with a key science by his research is in the spanish baronies by the you see the just see the coming from out of the 2 dimensions of the metal. we're at an altitude of over 2000 meters, where there's little interference from local air pollution. i'm using pizza. we
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want to capture micro organisms that's right in the atmosphere, and travel from continent to cutting it gas in the office. instead of going through them done a lot more so than i do. we're going to do this on we gathered rainwater in a collector for one week and the sample includes micro organisms and small particles request. we collect these in a filter and bring it to the land and i don't know one of them which, which, which the most part people us get the most i can hear. you can see the particle. so like, you know, what's the best part of the water is clear again, because all the particles got stuck in our filter and was talking to a lot of people are sort of that because there are organic particles like bacteria . if one guy, poland was on the but also in organic ones like clay silicates can minerals that come from far away is almost because he's been in front of them with us. what are
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some of those think us well here and could be just from africa, for example, the thought which was transported them yet my sphere, which has been, was washed out by the rain and the light. that's what we're capturing here. the water is probably running. there are thousands of millions of micro organisms in this building immediately means it's gonna be unit in griffin. these these continuous deliveries of micro organisms are a natural process that if a cod threw out us history once the particles lined again, the tiny travelers have a significant impact on ecosystems. some bacteria and help boost pond to growth by attaching to them and pulling nitrogen from the others, penetrate the soil and recycled data organic manta viruses and microscopic moans, regulate animal, and plant life. so me through. and these will stick when they'll gain
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when these micro organisms land in. they can colonize new habitat and we, when she spends an excellent dispersal system for bacteria that i'm the, allowing them to colonize the entire planet. they're small, reactive biological entities that land in a distant planet is whatever and create new life even be another salary of somebody that'll be the media. cast them i, yours team started micro organisms in rain want to the is and with the help of whether data trace the arrow pine cones, pathways the scientists were able to show which region ocean all continent, the streams of arrow pointing to them came from and they discovered some remarkable patents of the in the summer arrow plant on tends to be local. it rises from the farmlands of spain and northern europe. above the city is
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rivers and lakes. but in the winter, the major streams of arrow pine till him come primarily from the atlantic ocean bacteria and viruses cross the ocean within 3 days and to send over the mountains, already had left the middle resort that it was going to be you. i might, you better when we analyze the initial results of storm savior and joan, we noticed trends that recur annually. this was an amazing discovery. how is it possible that the same micro organisms appear at the same time every year? i see those up, but it's gonna be moving. we know they travel over the sea or emerge from the nature. here are some plants growing the spring of this growing the summer months and the cycles are mirrored in the atmosphere, so used to speak last time. you know, quarter and, and i'm with of the streams of arrow pine cones a not some random mix of species drifting with no rhyme or reason. the microbial masses that rise and settle at their own cycles and seasons just like bands,
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flowers and bumblebee. the but given that it is the transpose of life, the atmosphere kind of also poses a threat among the multitude of microbes circling the skies a some to um say that humans can microscopic ero pint on. make us sick. the, on the flip flop. need. yes. most of the people used to talk about my as medic, ex relations when it came to airborne diseases or prevention was impossible. back then, the method of transmission wasn't really unknown because that meant that all human afflictions, but generally attributed to the environment. you know, some of the, the failed to submit this on this old notion of a noxious atmosphere that makes people sick,
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has some truth to it. we now know that all microbes and viruses floating in the at which can infect humans, animals, and plants, but flu and foot and mouth disease can spread from bomb to bomb. with the help of the wind over several kilometers. a dad condition is can release legionella which causes potentially fatal pneumonia. the many fungal spawns that enter the atmosphere before settling in the soil. a microscopic taking time, bombs, the be something you visited, the visual, put those in a symbol. there are some pretty dangerous pathogenic fun guy the, to the hospitals are mindful of this because when soil in sand and move during construction workers and their adverse wins, this is ask for deal of sports and other harmful molds can enter clinics and cause
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epidemic. oh no, no need for you. what is it to them? you don't need to be sees of the genus as forgiveness are found everywhere. you're including in the atmosphere acute or if they appear in large amount. they're dangerous to him. you know, compromise, i think, gross, the degree of what we need to manage the science has shown pathogens, can spread of a medium distances. droplet infection of a very short distance is of up to one meter, such as the influenza virus or the virus that causes cobit 19 is also being proven . the font that isn't solid evidence to show that transmission happens over a long distances of several 100 kilometers. the reason for them to those few pathogens dangerous to humans can travel very long
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distance is the husband deals at the corona virus was studied in the laboratory for its vulnerability, and it turned out it's very sensitive to alex to yeah, of course, does uv radiation and dryness, quickly kill and render a virus harmless when it's suspended in the air outside optimal vital truth. if i didn't think of it, the atmosphere is even more dangerous, but viruses than insects. only one in a 1000000 microbes survives. it's trying to see the box, google cool and hold on to the activity, but there's a large numbers of bacteria and seemingly with some pathogens are not get a cause for concern because they're mostly dead. the only most we're talking about traces of genetic material. so spiral bacterial, a parasitic, but not live viruses. this is one box, the lives of people, the men say look you, it's very rare for individual viruses or bacteria to make you sick. a lot. it takes
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a substantial viral load to become infected because luckily i bodies have strong defense and most likely to always low level who they follow. so log ins, immune systems vigilant napa, the last most infectious diseases today transmitted via a different kind of and pomp way through our planes. passengers on board spread micro organisms all over the planet. in spring time, poland takes its ton on this giant and carousel pollen grains produce themselves. they often travel far and wide and reproduce with the female gummy of other trees. this is beneficial to many living beings. the
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little med johnny, the poland grains can break, releasing irritants that make poland allergy is a widespread problem of the at the university of little in france, you called all visa and now the usual on studying poland, they've captured from the yeah, they're examining whether poland grains breakup more easily when they encounter air pollutants in the sky. over the far, let me adjust this the live. what else did they put on the x to is this this poland has truly exploded on the national to credit. they know this is
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the sample from the books. poland sees to the credit will cause that's where you can float the pole in this crack. so just to pay for what is what is a subset. so not long that it's deflated. the, their protective membrane is really shredded. if they how long they should get this the one for the next week i see it's near, we see the broken pole in which lost its original reproductive function. you can also see the release of the small particles, civil, which are dangerous for people with asthma and stuff like walker's. it's immeasurable because all to become friends. of course, not all pollen greens in the atmosphere are shown here. just to mall. our job is to count them difficulty. what's the percentage of damaged, grand designing splendor they harmful to how it's curious cuz they seem to the to, for us on the dates,
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the researchers want to better understand what happens between a pollen grain and a pollutant in the atmosphere. so that recreating this interaction in the power train, the poland is intentionally damaged when, if it's a free on a boss from a confidence interval, rules are fallen, must suffer. this is the revenge of people with allergies. if i start with a stream of ozone that's pulled in that arrives here and then i dropped the fallen into i looked into this makes the ozone molecules reacted with the surface of the fallen gram, but that's with interest to me in this experimental ethics styles. logic off of bundles and movie it was on. sometimes we talk about good and bad always on the ozone in the upper atmosphere protects us from certain ultraviolet rays, if you and does, therefore in good substitute, he would now find out like ground level. oh, so it's in the lower layers of air where we live with is a pollutant location exposing we'll put in and uh now expose the poland to a slightly higher dose of ozone. it's equivalent to
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a peak exposure that happens in the summer time when there's a lot of air pollution as the bodies he subjects the polluted fall into a series of tasks. a name tact, pollen grain cannot end uh longs. it's too large and is stopped by on nasal has. however, if the grain breaks it releases, ponts, it goes containing allergenic proteins. these can enter the broan, killed tubes and triggered outages. so asthma the researchers are subjecting the pollen to the kinds of stress may experience out in the wild. one example these rain, which typically causes the grains to explode. those poland, it's purposefully polluted in the lab rupture more easily and want to unhealthy. poland. now the issue out especially is how much of the poland is damaged the the want you to introduce followed by
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a mechanical shock test, pulling it sweat, dumped by the wind. can collide with buildings and windshields, especially incentives, and then what happens? you cannot visa sends healthy and polluted poland, crashing against the surface in a pond to go measuring device. then he calculates the number of grains that have been ruptured. a lot to lot 40 show their their found that air pollution. we can see the pollen grain since making it prone to rupture. poly today is more likely to trigger asthma attacks is because it breaks more easily in the atmosphere a present to suggest the scene measurement. we definitely don't pretend that a fix our footprint on a micro scale future clark or uh, i think our human activities have altered and polluted everything, even on the small scale. so what do we use as a shadow? actually on the dr goals that cling onto all that not released from human
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activities. so deposit goals are released from com traffic by an oxide is inc. and manganese particles are released through industrial processes. scientists such as beginning to understand the significance of arrow plant on to of the systems and its inhabitants and all the while humans continue to pollute the must be a new book. we do compete you for us, you know, tomorrow we burn lots of fossil fuels for transportation. proceed. do it for industry to, to discuss the, the food, a sofa sort of, to ality for twice today. large buyers can be seen from space, for example, that also or functional. this is all new, see on us, you know, manage all the forest fires or a common phenomenon triggered by global warming or issue of walk you mentioned to, to see call these fires, release gases and particles into the atmosphere. the sky is above us,
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inhospitable. we're essentially burning down our planet tests. we burn coal oil and would the residential areas and daily activities generate huge amounts of particles and gas is such as carbon dioxide, me say, and nitrogen oxides or the atmosphere is composition is radically changing. and that impacts aero plant on major and currents even at risk. and then the system that most of the atmosphere ex circulation includes several car doors or flo highways and that are influenced by low and high pressure areas. typical names, they determine the movement of air currents and does a didn't get any dentist blossom is if i don't know it's ok. we now know that this
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circulation can be changed by climate change the month of july the next day. and it has to be in certain winds and currents that have been stable for hundreds or thousands of years can change the tendonitis wouldn't impact ecosystem for and how organisms or distribution plant that effect though it was like, was the stainless or least the knowledge of arrow biology is progressing new research questions that constantly explode. scientists as long as him that micro organisms were passive during that journey through the atmosphere. the theory was that they effectively entered a sort of high donation by doing that time until returning to the ground mounted, it appears. some do manage to remain active, a walk and they do in such a hostile surroundings. that's one of the questions p. i'm a to is exploring on the pleated on, you know, val, now was all the menu system,
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all know the new as of the cloudy weather today is great for cloud sampling. it's not yet freezing, but it almost feels like it. you said, don't call me it says this is a nice big cloud that will give us lots of samples on us. come on in the of the, at all. no thunder nailed us that we were installing a droplet separator. it's essentially a cloud vacuum cleaner that we can use to collect the particle of these little cloud droplets better suspended in the air. to do that, then you guys also also know the push them against the surface so that they trickle down. because then we can position a bio underneath and collect them all the party collected on the 2nd floor for this . and else pounds of floating water systems, the covers some 67 percent of the surface. for arrow paint on clouts off an
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oasis, there is someone so if want to as well as food banks to prom debris in the water droplets. and when it rains, the arrow pumped on, get a ride back down to the ground. so i'm going to visit my specific the vehicle. so then i want to know how it bacteria lives in such a cloud. and i know you have huge amounts of droplets here, and there's roughly one bacterium, and every 10000 over him is that curia may be isolated from each other. do they interact with each other? and if so, how long? what does it like for them to be all alone? and are they all alone? or all the all gathered in one droplet and the surrounding space is bigger than we think it's in the office going to cost it also. so i'll come on a, i want to know how this life sustains itself because that's exactly what it does, that it's just about to up to 50 percent of bacteria in a cloud can be alive. they spend $3.00 to $10.00 days suspended in that,
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which means there's plenty of time for something to happen. like old living things thanks area are constantly making different proteins to cling to adults to bond, to go to protect themselves from uv radiation or to produce digestive enzymes, researches looking a townhome to, to detect these tiny traces of life. a dirty phone. it shows on you as an adult, a new uh, as even some bacteria continue living in cloud. so you know, they absorb nutrients like carbon and nitrogen and sutrene that you see or do you also as a released c o 2 when they expire, the more that also molecules like sugars to better stick to surface. and she'll 1st don't, shep occlusal to the deluxe. hopefully i'll see, you know, there are many possible interactions on somebody pointed out between the micro organism and its environment, the water droplets. let's do, let's do the,
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the incredible diversity of bacteria and phone guy in p. i'm a toes experiments, reflects micro bills life in the pounds, but life in yeah is not easy. experts now believe that the atmosphere is not a habitat in the conventional sense. all happens to be. it remains a transit station, a tiny organisms the some years ago. an astonishing discovery caused quietest among arrow biologists,
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a bacterium known to be abundant in nature, ending clowns was set to be capable of producing right. bio precipitation was coined to describe the rain making bacteria. a stunning revelation for people in the field of arrow biology, meteorology, and agricultural science. as a most all day in southern france, cindy morris is researching the curious ability of these bacteria. its name sued them on us so we can get the student loans to re engage and live on the surface of clothes some clothes, disease the whole. okay, me nowadays, generally i can talk to the little experiment to show you what this bacteria does
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to prolong pro fair. are they pumped cindy morris spray the outer leaves of these wild glasses with a solution containing the bacteria the leaves in the middle. when not, then the plant was placed in a freezer at a temperature of minus 6 degrees for a few minutes. all was good. you can see the plum tissue limits, the bacteria has 1st and then dried out, take this a shape, but the tissue without the bacteria isn't 1st as all the pseudo minus the ring guy ben's bonds by freezing them a gene in the bacterium makes a protein that can create ice crystals, it uses the crystals to destroy the palm samples and feed on them as
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it's believed the when found in counts these ice nucleation actors, bacteria speed up the formation of ice crystals which are essential for precipitation. it works in a test tube, at least from on say so on, on the coupon on barco shows that everyone knows you come prepared, the ice cube trays for a policy at the last minute because it takes time. okay, you need an excessive rates. it's a for used falls. so calculus shows key dose at to inside this choose you have a suspension that was bacteria. if the speed these 2 to minus 3 for malta testers, i'll show you what happens when i add some of it. is it just builds. darrow, we'll just call the tube, the low, low display stereo. the
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way as you can see, it's really the how does this phenomenon walk in the outside? well, is it possible for ice nucleation active bacteria to rise into the app from plants make contact with a cloud? and to activate this gene to phone range from the fire? precipitation seems promising. scientists are gaining a better understanding of how the founded sacraments. they are connected through
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the rain cycle and micro organisms like suit amount us the ring gay on that they measure heat. sushi, a measurement suggest that they can drive requirements rainy cycles, depend that rain today will affect the rain full of the future, cost through interaction, natural, raw swing and then class will be at the lawn. alt, i'm micro organisms are using 5 y and they say it's most about the amount of right . yeah, these 2 top, the frequency of rain deposits are like quantity to pick you told me so that's like whole space and then more frequent rainfall with the help of plans that provide the right bacteria to the atmosphere. cindy morris is part of an international team of researchers who are imagining a new form of agriculture. they envision growing fond species in special fields designed to encourage the growth of ice nucleation active bacteria is perhaps
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one day. the special arrow pent on organisms could even find droughts in certain areas. that's just one idea of how we could transform the world. if we pay more attention to these mysterious organisms in the yeah, the
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the, to the points, strong opinions, clear positions, and some national perspective. with the nato alliance expanding into the high north and premises presidents mount cause thing, he can't rule outstanding ground troops. crane with get pulled into direct conflict with russia. find out on to the point, to the point. being 30 minutes on d w. the
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kid is changing 6 years ago. he said he can't get any was to, but it does guardians of truth. this time excelled in this, chimed in. dar meets the voices of a free turkey alter as the ad one had to flee into exile. i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish governments. all sort of tammy cools. of some kids, but really it's a crime is addressed and the path of trying to take his phone civility for his action. what about freedom of the price and freedom of expression? guardians of tree tops, march 2nd on the w. the
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you want to know the names coming to live from berlin, dozens or dead in gaza city after it is rarely troops open fire and you're a crowd waiting for food. because the health ministry says some 700 other people were injured in the incident. but there are conflicting reports of what happened and how people died. also coming up on the show, vladimir putin warrens made over ukraine in his annual address, the russian president, his nuclear weapons, could be used if nato countries send troops to ukraine, plus anti eligibility to plus legislation and gone. it draws international condemnation. we'll hear from don is the 1st openly trans.


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