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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 1, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, don't the news live from bill in more than a 100 palestinians reported killed in gaza as chaos breaks out around in a cardboard. how much is blaming? is there any truthful opening fire as cruise as crowds viewed for foods is, are all says, most of the dead with trampled into stumpy. exactly what happens, remains unclear. also coming up show down at the border. us president joe biden, and his republican rival donald trump. poles had to texas on the same day as immigration heats up as an election issue. and by the way, a pretence ends nato, a warning in his annual address, the russian president, hans as
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a nuclear response. if the alliance decides to send troops to ukraine, the i'm told me on that people welcome to the program alarming unacceptable. a nightmare. just some of the international reactions to a deadly incident in gaza, which all scores of people die in a chaotic scramble for food. though they are conflicting reports of what exactly happened, how much health officials a more than a 100 people were killed off days. ready soldiers opened fire on a crowd near an aid, conroy is ready. officials, a most of the dad were trampled in a stampede mall in this report. these ariel images have been released by israel's military. it says the show by the stadiums in garza city,
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running towards it trucks in the early hours of thursday morning presenting in the day, at least i'm beat it for $45.00 for you m up. i'm bush, the a trucks bringing that con void to a halt. as you can see, in this video, the tags that were there to secure the condo boy sees the goes on to being trampled and cautiously tries to disperse the mob with a few warning shots. it wins that hundreds became thousands and things got out out of and the tank commander decided to retreat to avoid harm to the cells of gauze that were there. these real defense forces operate according to the rules of engagement and the international know id. if the strike was conducted towards the 8 can avoid the how much trend health ministry and gaza has presented
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a different version of events, saying more than 100 civilians was shot dead by is really troops. while waiting for aid eye witnesses said that some drug drivers tried to escape the is really fire causing deaths and injuries. and some of the wounded said they were headed by. is there any gunshots? so either by the, by, on, by, after they stop shooting, we went back to get our aide. by the time i got flower and some canned goods and took it down from the truck they shot at us. if you want to get us a this way, then you might as well not bring anything. the us says it's trying to stablish exactly what happened and that the incident underscores the need to expand the supply of humanitarian aid into gaza. 2 things are clear. one, just in the aerial footage, you can look at that and, and right away conclude the situation is incredibly desperate. and that tells you that we need to do more to get him out of turn system. so uh,
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and then the 2nd thing is that too many palestinians died today, as has been through far too many days since october 7th. and so that's why we continue to push for a temporary cease fire agreement. president joe biden has warned that it could complicate the negotiations under way between israel and how much to reach a temporary hold in the fighting that they've had the different versions of the events. and guys, here's jerusalem based journalist, somebody. so i'll go with more on this to the i think maybe the important part is actually the fact that the israel of defense forces and they admitted opening a fire at the crowd. they said that there was a tank and soldiers that opened fire at the palestinians. they were unarmed, if they would have been armed with, i've heard about it. so we're talking about opening fire a towards a group of other students. and they say that the distance between this force and
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these palestinians was tens of meters. so they weren't that close. nevertheless, the idea of said that they posed a threat as so these, the soldiers were talking about the around 4 o'clock a, it was dark, it was the night conditions. they felt that they were under a thread. they opened the fire and they. busy they claim that they only have been but a when we go to a she for hospital, we see that the numbers, of course, are my share higher. so i think if you would want to investigate, you would have to go to she far and, and the see how many were wounded from the, from that the shoot the over to the u. s. now where the debate over immigration is shaping up to be a major issue in this year's presidential election, this after
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a recent search and unauthorized crossings at the us mexico border on thursday, president joe biden and his presumptive opponents. former president donald trump made competing trips to the border and texas. trump met with republican governor greg i bought in the city of eagle pass, which has become the central of a state lead crackdown on unauthorized immigrants. some 400 kilometers away, present bite and met with border officials in the city of brownsville. now the doing trips come as the bite in the ministration has been pushing for immigration reform, but the bill has been blocked by house republicans, in part due to pressure from trump not something bite and addressed in remarks just moments ago. so here's what i would say to mr. trump should have find a policy issue said of tell the members of congress to block this other station join me or i'll join you in telling the congress to pass this by products in border security bill. we can do it together, you know, and i know it's a toughest,
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most efficient, most effective for security builders countries ever seen. so instead of playing policy trivia, she why don't we just get together and get it done. that's good, not to correspond. and benjamin alvarez group i was standing by for us in brownsville, texas benjamin. the border issue has been a liability for president bite, and now he's going on the offensive. what's he doing to improve his reputation on enforcing? border security. steve's going on the offensive, but for many people here in brownsville, that we spoke to this trip is coming to le. let's remember, this was the 2nd trip to the southern border since president bind took office. the 1st one was in el paso, in texas, in january of last year, and some people that we spoke to 2 days that that this is just a photo opportunity for him. others, it told us that it's important for him to show that more support is needed and that's also what we heard in the speech. we just heard there a small segment of the part where he directly addressed donald trump address. the
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republicans is saying that this needs to have bi partisan support not playing politics. and he said the border patrol and some of his leaders. he met them today . and secretary and your cost was also here and he said that they need more support, not just financial support, but also for the border communities here. but some were wondering why he came to brownsville and not to e go positive to all the communities in arizona, for example, that a seeing a higher increase of migrant it right now and an eagle pass. you also cited it. we had donald a donald trump, former president, donald trump, a talking point and saying that he has not been as hard on the border as donald trump was when he was president. speaking of trump, he's also on the board or in ego passed texas doing his own event. is that some kind of coincidence with the timing to donald trump analysis trip to texas before the white house stayed worldwide as official sat and with the press?
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secretary also said that it's not easy getting a trip like this, it quickly into the schedule of the president, but this is a split screen that many were waiting for and also for administration officials seeing both of them at the board or at the same time with governor, i would meeting with trump not meeting with fighting here in bronze when that also shows that the risk that the risk right now, not just in washington, but also here on the boat on how to address this increase of a regular migration. we had some of the supporters that were also waiting for the motorcade of president fine in front of the airport, saying that he has been it tough on migration. but the problem is that republicans have not helped him to get the parties and support that. the bottom administration is looking for, but it is not pointed into both deal by and, and donald trump went to the sultan, voted today, and just give us a bit more on what these people are saying that the residents of the texans are saying about just a general issue because they're the ones who witness these these crossings 1st and
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that's right. and they witnesses all year long, and they say that many people that just, that just come and go for a photo opportunity and they say they will see any big difference regardless if they're republicans or democrats. some of them all of these n d o that came to show the support for migrants for asylum seekers who come into the us said they could even recycle their post cards that they held up. could recycle them from the previous administration, from this administration, and even here, well, we aren't at the boat defense. you can see behind me that there is a part still under construction. and it shows also how the administration have taking several approaches, some parts of the border will. what from the obama times of us will be trumped up and all of us from the time of of job i, i did over the course when and benjamin alvarez goober for us in brownsville, texas. thank you. now here is a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world to protest as a, as occupied a forest outside the german capital, the land to block the expansion of
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a tesla factory. the u. s. company wants to boost production to a 1000000 electric vehicles a year environmental activist, one the one to protect the local woodland and drinking water supplies the editor in chief of the independent russian newspaper. novi, cuz he had, has been detained and signed in moscow. the papers said sir gates sokolov has been accused of discrediting russia's military circle of took charge of the paper in september 2023. when his predecessor was named a for an agent by the washing authorities, allies of alexi and yvonne e se washington stories blocking the efforts to bury him. the opposition leader died in prison on february 16 and his funeral is set for later today and of on the supporters say funeral directors have received threats and the cons even high us to transport his body. splashing president vladimir putin has won nato countries at
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the risk nuclear war. if they sent troops to ukraine, he made the threat during his annual stage of the nation address, who's in went on to say, he'd be stationing more soldiers in russia's west, which is close to new nasal members. finland and sweden. excuse me, the issue for you, for that to me, a puts in has given his annual state of the union address just 2 weeks before the presidential election, despite facing no meaningful opposition, yet he announced social reform under 10000000000 euro eva. hullo for us as health care system. but the board and ukraine still dominates. earlier this week, the french president emanuel mackerel refused to roll out the west, sending troops to train, prompting a stop warning from boots in the minneapolis one second. so when you, when they should eventually understand that we also have way for them. and they know it's just sitting now myself,
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feeling weapons that can hit targets on their territory. but are you doing everything that the waste is coming up and now what they threaten the world with? it can result in a conflict with the use of nuclear waste in us going to zip and bay for the destruction of civilization. i'm not sure when you're searching and civil is that some of the nato countries including lift to a new product, the french position. but the german chancellor or left charles has rejected any idea of direct nato involvement in the war and ukraine. not to east of nato is not and will not be party to the will. that remains the case. we do not want to rush as war against ukraine was to become a war between russia and nato and feel we agree on this with all allies. this also means no german participation in the will and with no sign of any laptop in the wall and boots, in heading for a quarter of
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a century and power relations between russia and the west are likely to remain tens for the foreseeable future. the land with a success story from snow east scandinavia scientist in no way and boost at the number of rat optic foxes effects of climate change had left the endangered species struggling to find enough to eat in the wild. the population was down to our on 40 with feeding stations and not lifted the count to more than 500. without the program, the animals could have been facing extinction. researchers are still wanting. it's too early to know if the species is saved. the. and with that, you are up to date of next, the magazine business takes a closer look at why the west is so desperate to compete with china's soul in that
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sector and told me a lot of books. thanks for watching dw, the fast fashion as an environmental 9, a clothing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded. fashion, watch now on youtube. interfaces green. the green revolution.


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